Groundbreaking documentary Don’t Tell Anyone shares the voices of sexual abuse survivors in Poland as they bravely fight back against their alleged abusers in the Catholic Church. BBC News reports the first-hand accounts of Polish Catholic Church sexual abuse victims featured in the film.
“I didn’t know about things like masturbation and touching. I had no idea about homosexual relations. I didn’t know that an adult could abuse a child,” reported Marek Mielewczyk, a Polish sexual abuse survivor featured in the documentary. Mielewczyk was a 13-year-old alter boy for the Church when a priest sexually abused him and told him not to tell anyone of the abuse: the abuse continued for five years.
The documentary, which was watched 20 million times in the digital release’s first week, addresses how several Polish sexual abuse survivors not only overcame the fear of speaking out against their Church, but against part of what Poles consider their cultural identity: their Catholic affiliation.
To read the full story on BBC News, click on the link below:
The crippling impact of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy has devastated lives across the globe. In the United States, sexual abuse advocates and attorneys are working tirelessly to fight on behalf of Catholic Church sexual abuse survivors across the nation, and their efforts are paying off. State legislators are beginning to realize the need for less inflexible and archaic statute of limitations on sexual abuse, and many have already changed or completely removed their state’s statute of limitations for sexual abuse cases. These recent changes may mean you have a second chance to fight back against the Catholic Church for silencing your abuse and hiding your abuser.
To find out if you can file a lawsuit against the Catholic Church and may be entitled to legal compensation, contact AVA Law Group today for your free, no obligation case evaluation: we fight for your right to justice and healing!