There is every reason to believe companies Abbot and Mead Johnson know the risks with baby formula but don’t warn the public. Their negligence is reprehensible. Hold them accountable! You may be entitled to a cash settlement for your and your baby’s suffering by contacting the NEC baby formula lawyers at AVA Law Group and filing a claim.
Our personal injury attorneys are renowned across the United States for fighting aggressively for clients and successfully recovering compensation to help them heal from their physical injuries and emotional trauma.
To learn more about how AVA Law Group can help you with your legal needs, call us today at
800-777-4141 or email
We work diligently to take the hassle out of the process of filing a product liability lawsuit and you never talk to an automated response service. Like with most product liability cases, you only have so much time to file suit. If you are researching your case online before contacting us, be careful because the statute of limitations differs from state to state.
If you think your son or daughter was harmed by baby formula, you owe it to them and yourself to call or email us today. We Represent People Against the Powerful.
Please remember, AVA Group has world class lawyers, but we are not doctors! Please consult with a trained medical professional if you are concerned about the health of your baby.