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If you or a loved one were sexually abused as a minor by a member of the Catholic Church, you do not have to suffer in silence. Many state legislators across the country recently passed laws opening new windows of opportunity for sexual abuse survivors. These new laws may mean you have a second chance to pursue justice against your abuser and the Catholic Church for your abuse.

Catholic Church Sexual abuse

For decades, members of the Catholic clergy sexually abused innocent children under their care, exploiting the innocence and trust of children. Instead of helping victims of abuse or reporting crimes to the police, claims indicate the Catholic Church covered the tracks of sexual predators. In many cases, the Catholic Church dismissed sexual abuse claims entirely. In many cases, the Catholic Church actively fought against the passing of laws that would allow older survivors of child sex abuse to pursue legal action against the Church.
However, due to the hard work of advocates and sexual abuse survivors, some Catholic dioceses released the names priests credibly accused of sexual abuse. Finally, many who suffered at the hands of abusive priests, deacons, and nuns have a chance to hold the Catholic Church accountable for their negligence in protecting children and pursue justice for past crimes.
At AVA Law Group, Inc., we understand the trauma and fear that sexual abuse victims experience on a daily basis. We work closely with sexual abuse survivors to support them and advocate on their behalf so they can focus on the healing process.


If you have been the victim of sexual abuse or a loved one has been sexually abused by a member of the Catholic clergy, contact AVA Law Group, Inc. today. Through our network of continual communication, concerned representatives, and aggressive lawyers, we go the extra mile to ensure your peace of mind. Sign up today for your free case evaluation and to start taking steps towards justice and healing.


Allegations of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church first surfaced in the United States, but it quickly turned into a global issue as survivors in Ireland, Italy, Australia, and elsewhere stepped forward.
According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, 16,787 people in the U.S. alone have come forward saying they were sexually abused by priests as a minor between 1950 and 2012. This number could be far higher, as the number did not include survivors who came forward in 2003, and many cases of abuse, especially in religious institutions, go unreported.
Testimonies from abuse survivors within the Catholic Church say reports of abuse are treated horribly by Church hierarchy. Victims who report abuse to Church leaders often get dismissed, since the Church sets impossible, vague standards to determine which cases are "credible" or not.
Even if an abuse report gets acknowledged, Church officials have been found to silence the reports through transferring accused priests to new parishes, where they were free to abuse more children. In many cases, the Catholic clergy failed to report abuse allegations to local authorities, taking the power upon themselves to validate or dismiss claims. For this reason, hundreds of predator priests walked free without any consequences for their crimes.


According to the list of confirmed sexual predators in the Catholic Church, Catholic clergy sexual abusers hold all levels of positions and titles. Clergy credibly accused of abuse held roles including the following:
Staff Member
Other people affiliated with the Catholic Church


According to's the list of confirmed sexual predators in the Catholic Church, Catholic clergy sexual abusers hold all levels of positions and titles. Clergy credibly accused of abuse held roles including the following:
Staff Member
Other people affiliated with the Catholic Church


Due to the tireless work of advocates and abuse survivors coming forward and sharing their stories, the media and U.S. law enforcement agencies have started to realize the seriousness of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. In fact, in response to the public's overwhelming push for the Catholic Church to respond and hold themselves accountable for perpetuating sexual abuse, many Catholic dioceses in the U.S. have released massive lists containing the names of priests credibly accused for sexual abuse.
In one of the largest list reveals in the US, in February 2019 the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn released the names of over 100 priests and other clergy members credibly accused of sexually abusing a child. The list covers allegations spanning decades and includes the names of priests who served in many of the Catholic schools and parishes neighboring the diocese. The diocese, one of the largest in the nation, covers the entirety of Brooklyn and Queens within its zone. This section contains over a million people who identify with Catholicism, all impacted by the Church's shocking reveal.
While cases of sexual abuse have come up in the past, the massive release of names and cases shocked the nation. Other Dioceses across the U.S. released similar disclosures following the Brooklyn list, including Pennsylvania, Texas, Louisiana, etc. The number of names on each state's disclosures usually traipses upwards of hundreds of names. Types of religious roles held and blatantly abused by these child sex abusers include Catholic priests, nuns, deacons, bishops, etc. These men and women violated Church member's trust and deliberately used their religious status to victimize impressionable youth. The Brooklyn diocese's list covers the 166-year existence of the diocese, and other diocese's lists cover even more years.
However, many child sex abuse advocates and survivors fear the lists Catholic dioceses release could be incomplete or too carefully curated. Since the Catholic Church took so long to release these lists, supporters and advocates worry that names may be intentionally missing or that information about the explicit, detailed natures of the accusations remain absent from the list. Additional innocents' stories could be swept under the rug from the lack of information or from victims being afraid or too traumatized to report their story.


Search through's comprehensive list of predator priests below. Information covered in the list includes accused priests' first and last names, date ordained, title, and diocese.
Last NameFirst NameDate OrdainedTitleDiocese
AbayaRubin< 1977PLos Angeles, CA
AbdonAndrew1945BSanta Fe, NM
AbercrombieLeonard A.1946PDenver, CO
AbeywickremaLionel Augustine1951PSanta Fe, NM
AbinatePhillip?PMonterey, CA
AbramsJohn L.1951PBrooklyn, NY
AbruzzeseJoseph A.1990PProvidence, RI
AceboJeffrey1986POakland, CA
AckersonFrancis1946PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
AcostaJorgeBSt. Petersburg, FL
AcresJohn H.1983PBoston, MA
AdamsAlvin J.1967PPittsburgh, PA
AdamsAnthony1940PAlbany, NY
AdamsArchie H.1955PMadison, WI
AdamsBenedict1957PDetroit, MI
AdamsCletus1941PRapid City, SD
AdamsJames R.1963PPittsburgh, PA
AdamskyRaymond J.1958PMilwaukee, WI
AdamsonThomas1958PWinona, MN
AertsDaniel C.1977PGrand Rapids, MI
AgerFay W.1979POgdensburg, NY
AgnesSisterNSan Antonio, TX
AgostinoJoseph V.1983PBrooklyn, NY
Agudelo CanoAlexander DarioSHarrisburg, PA
Aguilar-RiveraNicolas1970PLos Angeles, CA
AgustinHonesto1982PReno, NV
AhearnThomas Kieran1964PBridgeport, CT
AhernRichard J.1954PRichmond, VA
AhumadaArturoDLos Angeles, CA
AkuzieBennetPBrooklyn, NY
AlbalaaPierre1995PLos Angeles, CA
AlbaughWilliam Steven1996DBaltimore, MD
Albeke (Albecke)Henry A.1973PBridgeport, CT
AlbertBrotherBBoston, MA
AlbinoJohn C.1990PNew York, NY
AlbrechtG.R. Keith1977PCincinnati, OH
AlbrechtsonDennisDSeattle, WA
AlcamoRobert1980PNewark, NJ
AlexBrotherBSanta Fe, NM
AlexanderJoseph J.1973BOwensboro, KY
AlexanderMarc R.1985PHonolulu, HI
Alexis-du-Sacre-CoeurSisterNPortland, ME
AlfordDonald PaschalBNorwich, CT
AllardJohn C.1975PProvidence, RI
AllenFrancis (Scotty) IISHarrisburg, PA
AllenJohn G.1970PHarrisburg, PA
AllenMichael E.1971PEvansville, IN
AllenPeter A.1971PRockville Centre, NY
AllenRichard J.1970PSt. Petersburg, FL
AllgaierRobert1998POmaha, NE
AllisonWilliam G.1948 ?PMonterey, CA
AllysonLeo1934PManchester, NH
AlmaguerSantiago< 1975PEl Paso, TX
Alonso (Alonzo)Jose1968PPaterson, NJ
Altamirano TorresSebastian1979PLos Angeles, CA
AltavillaPhilip A1992PScranton, PA
AltermattCletus1934PNew Ulm, MN
AltermattGregory M.1976PHartford, CT
AlthoffDonald1982PLittle Rock, AR
Altstock / AlstockEdward D.1959PPortland, OR
AlvarezCurtiss1976PMadison, WI
AlvestefferEugene F.1965PGrand Rapids, MI
AlzugarayJoseph F.1967PLos Angeles, CA
AmsdenThomas J.1968PIndianapolis, IN
AmyMichael J.1978PErie, PA
AndersenAndrew Christian1982POrange, CA
AndersonAlexander R.1975PSt. Louis, MO
AndersonDavid E.1969PLos Angeles, CA
AndersonJohn C.1959PPeoria, IL
AndersonJoseph K.1954PLas Cruces, NM
AndersonRogerPLos Angeles, CA
AndertThomas1975PSt. Cloud, MN
AndreSisterNNewark, NJ
AndriesJohn Wesley1996PAlexandria, LA
AngelLawrence A.BChicago, IL
AngeliJoseph1942PBoston, MA
AngeloGirard F.1955PScranton, PA
AnglimThomas M.1954PVenice, FL
AntekeierCharles1962PGrand Rapids, MI
AnthonyAbrahamPFargo, ND
AnthonySister JosephNLouisville, KY
AntonucciAntonio F.BWorcester, MA
AntusRoland1962PDuluth, MN
ApplebyRussell Gerald1966PSt. Petersburg, FL
AptE. Everett< 1950PSioux City, IA
ApuraRomannilo (Nilo)1975PTrenton, NJ
ArakalFrancisPStockton, CA
ArandaSofronio A. (Pon)1963POrange, CA
ArandiaArnulfo1980PMiami, FL
ArataHenri1960PPortland, OR
ArbogastPaul M.1955PCovington, KY
ArceneauxJules M.1990PLafayette, LA
ArchambaultPaul J.2005PSpringfield, MA
ArchuletaMarvin1970PSanta Fe, NM
ArdolfEdward1964PNew Ulm, MN
AresBrion T.1987PWorcester, MA
ArgencourtRogerBManchester, NH
AriasAndreas< 1936PLos Angeles, CA
ArimondJames L.1965PMilwaukee, WI
ArizaLepnardo E.SSalt Lake City, UT
ArkfeldRichard M.1962POmaha, NE
ArkoRichard A.1990PCleveland, OH
ArmstrongJames L.1977PPittsburgh, PA
ArmstrongPeter Gomez1954PSan Francisco, CA
ArnouePeter ClaverPMadison, WI
ArsenaultDavid1981PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
ArthurSisterNLouisville, KY
ArulSusai1957PLafayette, LA
ArzubeJuan (Bp.)1954PLos Angeles, CA
AshwellG. Barry1969PSeattle, WA
AstrucRene1954PFairbanks, AK
AtenMichael J.1977PGallup, NM
AthertonGregoryBOrange, CA
AtwaterJohn T.1963PBoston, MA
AtwoodRonald J.1969PColumbus, OH
AubePaul L.1970PManchester, NH
AubutCharles E.1941PBoston, MA
AudibertJohn L.1967PPortland, ME
AugustynThaddeus A.1944PSuperior, WI
AurelioJohn R1966PBuffalo, NY
AustinEdmundPLos Angeles, CA
AuthenriethWilliam1962PBrooklyn, NY
AuthierCharles1950PManchester, NH
AvallonePaul1950PNew Orleans, LA
AvantJamesPBaltimore, MD
AveryEdward V.1970PPhiladelphia, PA
AvilaJose Maria B.1930PFall River, MA
AvilesJose "Joe"1990PSan Antonio, TX
AxerEnglebert M.1939PSeattle, WA
AxtonJerome J.1983PBiloxi, MS
AyalaSaul1971PSan Bernardino, CA
AylwardJames W.1964PSan Francisco, CA
AyresWilliam G.1999PPhiladelphia, PA
Azzarone, Jr.Daniel M.1978PProvidence, RI
BabiloniaDelfin?PLos Angeles, CA
BabisDaniel G.1948PRockville Centre, NY
BacaMichael aka Miguel1953PGallup, NM
BacaPaul M1949PSanta Fe, NM
BaccellieriJoseph A.1966PPortland, OR
BachFrancis1962PHarrisburg, PA
BacigalupoLeonard1930PBoston, MA
BackousTimothy (Fr Timo)1986PSt. Cloud, MN
BagertMatthew1997PDallas, TX
BagleyJohn J.1960PWorcester, MA
BaglioJoseph L1944PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
BaierDonald1975PVenice, FL
BaileyGeorge F.1963PCleveland, OH
BailotEugene1937PBoston, MA
BairdLawrence J.1969POrange, CA
BaisiLindaNNew York, NY
BakerGerald H.1983POwensboro, KY
BakerMichael Stephen1974PLos Angeles, CA
BakerStephen PBSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
BalakFrederick R.PLos Angeles, CA
BalbinVictorPLos Angeles, CA
BalcomGary E.1972PBoston, MA
Balczeniuk/BalzceniukMark G.1983PScranton, PA
BaldenUnknownPSioux Falls, SD
BalestrieriEdward1959PTrenton, NJ
BalfeJoseph A.1927PHelena, MT
BallBruce E.1978PLa Crosse, WI
BallEdward Lawrence1966PSan Bernardino, CA
BalsJerry1973DCleveland, OH
BaltazarCarmelo Melchior1960PBoise, ID
BalthazarNorman G.1963PSt. Petersburg, FL
BanachEdwin1941PRockford, IL
BanachHenry S.1948PWorcester, MA
Banaszek (Bonaszek)Stanley F.1970PBridgeport, CT
BandihoSolomonPPhoenix, AZ
BandleRonald J.1968PMilwaukee, WI
BankoJohn M.1972PMetuchen, NJ
BannerRussell J.1967PCleveland, OH
Baquedano-PechTheodore?PSan Francisco, CA
Barajas AriasLuis Jesus?PHarrisburg, PA
BaraniewiczJoseph M.1957PSalt Lake City, UT
BaranowskiAlexander Sylvester1955PChicago, IL
BarberJoseph P.?PCamden, NJ
BarcoRoberto1983PSan Bernardino, CA
BarfieldDaniel Ramsey1967PLas Cruces, NM
BarlettaMichael G.1966DErie, PA
BarmasseKevin P.1982PLos Angeles, CA
BarnesMichael Lowell1975PBaltimore, MD
BarnesRobert W.1980PNorwich, CT
BarneyH. Stanley1975PFall River, MA
BarrFrederick L.1976PBoston, MA
BarrPhilip R.1948PPhiladelphia, PA
BarrettJohn F.1959PJoliet, IL
BarrettPatrick J.1959PGaylord, MI
BarrettRobert E.1963PBoston, MA
BarryJames1951PHelena, MT
BarryMichael O.1979PSt. Louis, MO
BarryRichard J.1978PBoston, MA
BarryThomas Patrick1939PDenver, CO
BarszczBenedict P1990PBuffalo, NY
BartholomewCarl2000PVenice, FL
BartlesCharles Arnold1965PFairbanks, AK
BartlettLee F.1972PWorcester, MA
BartnikowskiRaymond B.1963PCleveland, OH
BartzRichard Barry1974PChicago, IL
BaruchJohn S.1930PAllentown, PA
BaskettJohn C.1945PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
BassFrancis E.1948PDavenport, IA
BassoSettimo (or Septimo)1941PBoston, MA
BastyJohn1908PNew Orleans, LA
BatistaJorge1983PNewark, NJ
BatoonRoberto1973PHonolulu, HI
BattagliolaAlberto (Orlando)1963PMonterey, CA
BaudJohn B.1932PFairbanks, AK
BaudoneLouis1959PGrand Rapids, MI
BauerCarl E.1963PWheeling-Charleston, WV
BauerJohn1963PLos Angeles, CA
BauerJohn M.1973PPittsburgh, PA
BauernfeindThomas J.1963PBaltimore, MD
BautistaGaspar1975PLos Angeles, CA
BayersSydney H.1937PBoston, MA
BayleyThomas S.1949PSyracuse, NY
BazGeorge?PGallup, NM
BazalarJuanPNew York, NY
BealeRobert P.1970PBoston, MA
BeanDonald A.1963PSanta Fe, NM
Beans, Sr.PatDFairbanks, AK
BeasShamaun1994PGrand Rapids, MI
BeattyJohn1950PSan Diego, CA
BeaudetGeorge1975PPortland, ME
BeaudetGerardPManchester, NH
BeaudetSylvioPManchester, NH
BeaulacRobertBWorcester, MA
BeaulieuGuyBManchester, NH
BeauregardGerald?PSpringfield, MA
BeauregardThomas J.1951PToledo, OH
BeauvaisLeon F.1961PBoston, MA
BeaverNelson1976PToledo, OH
BeaverReinard1956PSpokane, WA
BeazleyFrancis1940PCorpus Christi, TX
BeckJames W.1969PMilwaukee, WI
BeckerDennis E.1962PNew Ulm, MN
BeckerDonald E.1971PGreen Bay, WI
BeckerDonald W.1968PBuffalo, NY
BeckerFranklyn W.1964PMilwaukee, WI
BeckerRobert Charles1965PChicago, IL
BeckerRonald1973PTrenton, NJ
BeckstromRobert EBChicago, IL
BedoyaHugo1956PBrooklyn, NY
BeebeCharles1970PPeoria, IL
BeemanJames W.1953PHarrisburg, PA
BeeverCarlton J.1974PIndianapolis, IN
BegnaudStanley1958PLafayette, LA
BehanHugh1964PJefferson City, MO
BehanJames J.1973PPhiladelphia, PA
BehnkeThomas1948PDallas, TX
Beine (James)James A. (Mar)1967PSt. Louis, MO
BelenGermain1950PIndianapolis, IN
BellJoseph1961PSan Bernardino, CA
BellinatoHector1935PColumbus, OH
BeltrameaEphrem/Ephraim1961PGallup, NM
BeltranGerardo1982PSacramento, CA
BemunugeProsperPDenver, CO
BenchJohn F.1964PCharleston, SC
BenderClaude J.1955PCamden, NJ
BenderJoseph J.1957PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
BenderThomas J.1961PAllentown, PA
BendilloNicholas PaulBMobile, AL
BendixenArthur1976POrlando, FL
BenedettoJames T.1970PNewark, NJ
BenedictJames1939PNew Orleans, LA
BenestadThomas J.1970PAllentown, PA
BenhamFrancis A.1963PWashington, DC
BenhamMichael C.1976PMilwaukee, WI
BenishRobertBFairbanks, AK
BenjaminHarry S.1968PDetroit, MI
BennettAndreBSt. Cloud, MN
BennettJoseph R.1966PChicago, IL
BennettJoseph R. (Y)1953PYoungstown, OH
BennettRichard L.1972PJoliet, IL
BennettThomas M.1957PColumbus, OH
BensonGustavo1972PSan Bernardino, CA
BentleyDavid G.1974PAlbany, NY
BentonJames F.1973PLincoln, NE
BerbenaChristopher1980PLos Angeles, CA
BergeurJohn X.1945PNewark, NJ
BerginJames J.1961PRockville Centre, NY
BerkoMatthew1962PSt. Petersburg, FL
BernabePolienato1966PSt. Petersburg, FL
BernardAndre M.1973PWorcester, MA
BernardJohn P.1962PCamden, NJ
BernasElwood1984PSteubenville, OH
BerningJohn B.1934PCincinnati, OH
BerthiaumeGary D.1968PDetroit, MI
BerthiaumeGeorge A.1945PSpringfield, MA
BertholdGeorge C.1963PBoston, MA
BertkeMarleneNCovington, KY
BertolucciJohn Patrick1965PAlbany, NY
BerubeAlbert< 1960PFall River, MA
BerubeJohnPBaton Rouge, LA
BerubeLouis F.1947PPortland, ME
BerumenMatthias A.1986PLos Angeles, CA
BettencourtThomas1976PSan Jose, CA
BeutnerEdward F.1965PSuperior, WI
BevanThomas R.1963PBaltimore, MD
BevilacquaAnthony (Cardinal)1949PPittsburgh, PA
BeyerBaldwin (Martin)1953PMilwaukee, WI
Bhaskar GodugunuruVijaya "Vijay"PPensacola-Tallahassee, FL
BialkowskiDavid W1988PBuffalo, NY
BiermanEarl1957PCovington, KY
BiesingerRobert J1956PBuffalo, NY
BietighoferAlfred J.1965PBridgeport, CT
BigelinCharles1915PPortland, ME
BiggersClarence1950PAtlanta, GA
BikMichael1993PSt. Cloud, MN
BillanteSalvatoreBSan Francisco, CA
BillerHarold N.1970PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
BinderJeromeBPittsburgh, PA
BiondoGael N.NDetroit, MI
BirchmeyerRobert J.1973PSyracuse, NY
BirminghamJoseph E.1960PBoston, MA
BischoffWilliam Norbert1947PPortland, OR
BismonteHonesto Bayranta1954PLos Angeles, CA
Bissonette (Bissonnette)Bernard W.1958PNorwich, CT
BistrickyFrederick J.1965PMilwaukee, WI
BjorklundBrian1966PDetroit, MI
BlackwellMaurice J.1974PBaltimore, MD
BlackwellWilliam Leroy1957PIndianapolis, IN
BlanchardAlbert J.1966PSpringfield, MA
BlanchardJody P.1983PLafayette, LA
BlanchardKirby1953PDuluth, MN
BlancoMarioPSacramento, CA
BlandFelixBSt. Louis, MO
BlankenshipJohn P.1963PRichmond, VA
BlanpiedRobert D.1948PWichita, KS
BlaszczynskiR. Henry1941PCamden, NJ
BlazekEugene E.1976PHonolulu, HI
BlizardDavid L.1974PWorcester, MA
BlongDelbert1952PPueblo, CO
BlumOrville1962PAmarillo, TX
BlumeJames R.1980PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
BlumeyerRobert1956PSt. Cloud, MN
BoardwayAlphonse1967PLansing, MI
BoberMarjan L.1963PCamden, NJ
BocciarelliJohn "Giovanni"1945PBoston, MA
BockholdEdward Theodore1920PIndianapolis, IN
BodenschatzPeter1933PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
BodziakCharles1967PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
BoganRobert F.1958PSyracuse, NY
BoganinaSisterNSioux Falls, SD
BogdanLeonard Adolph1960PChicago, IL
BohlRonald William1980PLouisville, KY
BohlingerKenneth1976PLafayette, IN
BohrerJohn D.1978PCamden, NJ
BoisselleAime1959PManchester, NH
BoivinPhillip J.< 1920PPortland, ME
BokulichDominic (Br LeopoldBNew York, NY
BolandJohn1975PGallup, NM
BolducPaul J.1960PBoston, MA
BolenJohn P.1926PHarrisburg, PA
BolestaMichael C.1989PPhiladelphia, PA
BoleyRobert1975PLos Angeles, CA
BolgerAnthony1969PSanta Rosa, CA
BollichRonald W.1964PBeaumont, TX
BollmerJacob1968PAtlanta, GA
BoltonDonald1952PErie, PA
BoltzHenry A.1920PPortland, ME
BombardierWilfred (Wilfrid) F.1943PManchester, NH
BonacciLouis A.1973PBaltimore, MD
BonafedJoseph E.1992PGreensburg, PA
BondRobert?PLos Angeles, CA
BonebreakDennisBChicago, IL
BonelliVincent1956PNewark, NJ
BongersHerman1939PDavenport, IA
Bonilla MargaritoLuis A.2000PAllentown, PA
BoninDavid L.PRochester, NY
BonnJohn L.PDavenport, IA
BonnerJoseph P.1953PScranton, PA
BonzagniJohn J.1980PSpringfield, MA
BoothJames T.1946PSan Diego, CA
BordencaCharles1955PBirmingham, AL
BormanRonald1992PLouisville, KY
BornbachRaymond H.1941PLa Crosse, WI
BoryczEdmund S.1968PDetroit, MI
BoschettoLaurenceBNew York, NY
BossaBarry F.1981PBoston, MA
Bostwick, IIIJohn R.1969PHarrisburg, PA
BottyPaulBCleveland, OH
BouchardDenis G.2000PYoungstown, OH
BoucheDennis1945PGreen Bay, WI
BoucherAnthony1955PAlbany, NY
BoucherClarence R.1940PBoston, MA
BoucherRichard Roy1960PAtlanta, GA
BoudreauPaul T.1955PSpringfield, MA
BoudreauxClaude P.1955PNew Orleans, LA
BoulangerAlbert L.1962PManchester, NH
BoulangerMaurice R.PManchester, NH
BoulangerRaymond A.1951PBoston, MA
Boulanger (Br. Leonard)Xavier LeonardBBoston, MA
BouldenGarry1977PSpokane, WA
BouletNorman J.1969PFall River, MA
BoumeisterAlphonsus< 1915PHonolulu, HI
BourassaStanley C.1955PCrookston, MN
BourgeoisJ.M.1924PLafayette, LA
BourqueReal (Ray)1954PBoston, MA
BoutonJohn C.1949PNewark, NJ
BoweJohn F.1973PPhiladelphia, PA
BowenDonald J.1964PFall River, MA
BowenRoger A.1931PSyracuse, NY
BowerRobert F.1959PErie, PA
BowlesRichard J.1961PSt. Augustine, FL
BowlingRobert A.1954PLouisville, KY
BowmanRobert Peter1955PChicago, IL
BowskiEugene R.1977PWheeling-Charleston, WV
BoxelaarGeorge?PNew York, NY
BoxleitnerJ Jerome1956PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
BoyceThomas1966PJackson, MS
BoydJohn?PManchester, NH
BoydRichard (Rick)1979PCrookston, MN
BoyeaDavid J.1973PGreen Bay, WI
BoyerGerald F.< 1960PLansing, MI
BoyerLeland1949PLos Angeles, CA
BoylanDennis A.1974PAmarillo, TX
BoylanMartin M.1980PScranton, PA
BoyleEdward< 1960PSacramento, CA
BoyleEdward C1950PSeattle, WA
BoyleFrancis V.1955PNew York, NY
BoyleJohn J.1956PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
Boyle (in Seattle)Edmund J.1944PSeattle, WA
BradelFrederick R.1947PHarrisburg, PA
BradleyCharles V.1968PPaterson, NJ
BradleyH. Cornell1969PPhiladelphia, PA
BradleyJohn "Jack" A.1954PFresno, CA
BradleyJoseph1944PHarrisburg, PA
BradleyTheodore F. Xavier1958PSpokane, WA
BradunasErnest P "Br. Ernan"BLouisville, KY
BradyJohn Joseph?PNew York, NY
BradyMartin D. or A.1956PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
BradyPatrick?PNew Orleans, LA
BradyThomas F.1959PBrooklyn, NY
BradyTimothyBNew York, NY
BradyVincent1967PSacramento, CA
BragueRobert J1970PScranton, PA
BraleyJames E.1975PBoston, MA
BranconnierGerard L.1978PWorcester, MA
Bransfield (Bp)Michael J.1971PPhiladelphia, PA
BrassardRonald E.1974PProvidence, RI
BrathJohn A.1968PSpringfield-Cape Girardeau, MO
BraunDavid Francis1954PChicago, IL
BraunEugenePReno, NV
BravoRoberto1998 ?PSan Francisco, CA
BrazauskasPius1930PPortland, OR
BreauxLesterDLafayette, LA
BredemannGeorge V.1983PPhoenix, AZ
BreenChristopher1960PYakima, WA
BreenVincent Ignatius1936POakland, CA
BrenkleJohn J.1958PSanta Rosa, CA
BrennanCathal1952PPortland, OR
BrennanEdward C.1963PBrooklyn, NY
BrennanFrancis T1954PScranton, PA
BrennanGeorge1987PVenice, FL
BrennanJames J.1989PPhiladelphia, PA
BrennanJohn Lawrence1932PLos Angeles, CA
BrennanJoseph J.1945PCamden, NJ
BrennanMichaelPSt. Cloud, MN
BrennanRobert L.1964PPhiladelphia, PA
BrennanTimothy J.1978PPaterson, NJ
BrennanWilliam B.1953PDetroit, MI
BreslawskiWilliam G.1979PRockville Centre, NY
BresslerWilliam Cody?PSalt Lake City, UT
BretonPhilippe1936PBoston, MA
BrettLaurence F. X.1962PBridgeport, CT
Breuning/BrueningWalter A.1954PPeoria, IL
BrewerMichael E.1986PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
BreyLawrence S.1953PSt. Cloud, MN
Briceno (Brecino)Joseph Cervantez1981PPhoenix, AZ
BrickleyJohn J.1935PDubuque, IA
BrickmanDonald P.1981PCleveland, OH
BridgetteSisterNSan Diego, CA
BrigandiPaul A.1954PSyracuse, NY
BrighamKenneth M.1961PChicago, IL
BrignacGeorge1976DNew Orleans, LA
BrinkerBrian J.1988PRockville Centre, NY
BrinkmanTerence P.1973PGalveston-Houston, TX
BrinkmannFrederick C.1975PBaltimore, MD
BrissonPaschal (James)BSt. Cloud, MN
BrizzolaraAndrew1976PBoston, MA
BroderickJohn W.1989PAlbany, NY
BroderickMichael J.PDavenport, IA
BrodersonDonald Eugene1968POakland, CA
BrodnickJoseph F.1969PCleveland, OH
BrookeGeoffrey A.2015PJefferson City, MO
BrooksRobert C.1961PArlington, VA
BrosmerThomas J.1969PColumbus, OH
BroughanLeonard W.1955PPhiladelphia, PA
BrouillardLouis1948PDuluth, MN
BrouilletteRobertBChicago, IL
BroussardFelix David1993PLafayette, LA
BroussardGeorge1962PJackson, MS
BroussardMark A.1986PLake Charles, LA
BrousseauLouisBSanta Fe, NM
BrownJohn J.1948PGreat Falls-Billings, MT
BrownJohn T.1948PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
BrownJoseph?BMobile, AL
BrownLawrenceBLos Angeles, CA
BrownLawrence (Larry) D.1970PWheeling-Charleston, WV
BrownRichard T.1980PDallas, TX
BrownRobert A.1939PSteubenville, OH
BrownRobert L.1957PRockville Centre, NY
BrownSylvester F.1956PWinona, MN
Brown (Bp)Tod D.1963PFresno, CA
Brown, Jr.Wayland Yoder1977PSavannah, GA
BrowneJoseph Aloysius1956PCovington, KY
BrowneStanley Thomas1981PGreen Bay, WI
BrucknerRonald L.1965PSanta Fe, NM
BruecknerJohn E.1940PPittsburgh, PA
BrueningAllen F.1951PCleveland, OH
BrueschereDaveBNew Orleans, LA
BruggerCraig F.1973PPhiladelphia, PA
BrugmanBernard1943PDavenport, IA
BrunnerThomas J.1974PCincinnati, OH
BrunoFrancis "Frank" D.1974PTrenton, NJ
BruskyDavid1952PReno, NV
BryceVincent W.1957PGrand Rapids, MI
BrzyskiJames J.1977PPhiladelphia, PA
BucaroMichael1980PSan Bernardino, CA
BuccaSalvatore F.1976PWashington, DC
BuchananRobert1968PSan Diego, CA
BucherMelvin1961PPortland, OR
BuchetteAnthony L.1957PBoston, MA
BuckDaniel Peter1971PChicago, IL
BuckleyGordon1953PNew Ulm, MN
BuckleyJoseph F.1932PHartford, CT
BuckleyMichael Daniel1955PLos Angeles, CA
BuckleyRamon Jerome1977PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
BuckmanFranklin1963POrange, CA
BucknerChristopher1980PArlington, VA
BucksonJohn R.1992POmaha, NE
BucoloJoseph1954PScranton, PA
BuczynaAndrew L.1987PJoliet, IL
BuczynaJoseph1936PGary, IN
BudzynskiDaniel A.1956PMilwaukee, WI
BuecheGary1970PDetroit, MI
BuescherDavid G.1971PJefferson City, MO
BuescherMichael J.1979PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
BuggeGerard (Gerald)1969PBaltimore, MD
Bukoski, IIIJoseph1979PHonolulu, HI
BulgerAlbion F.1956PManchester, NH
BullmanRudolph "Rudy" Carl2000PHelena, MT
BullockMyron F.1953PBoston, MA
BunnJames F.1964PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
BuntelRichard A.1971PBoston, MA
BuongirnoRichard T.1984PNorwich, CT
BurStanislaus1950PGrand Rapids, MI
BurbachMarrBSanta Fe, NM
BurchiantiLeo1964PPittsburgh, PA
BurekMarcinSTrenton, NJ
BurgThomas R.1964PCleveland, OH
BurgessRobertBBoston, MA
BurkeAndrewPPueblo, CO
BurkeEdmund F.1944PChicago, IL
BurkeEdward Thomas1956PSan Jose, CA
Burke (Rockville Ctr)William Michael1946PRockville Centre, NY
Burke (St. Petersburgh, FL)William Michael1993BSt. Petersburg, FL
BurkhardtHarold J.1947PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
BurkholderRobert N.1947PDetroit, MI
BurnettJames1968PJoliet, IL
BurnsEugene Patrick1955PChicago, IL
BurnsGerald J.1950PScranton, PA
BurnsJames M.1962PGallup, NM
BurnsLeo A.1947PScranton, PA
BurnsMichael J.1973PTrenton, NJ
BurnsPeter A.1986PMilwaukee, WI
BurnsRobert M.1975PYoungstown, OH
BurrThomas W.1961PRochester, NY
BurrillIgnatius M.1937PCleveland, OH
BurrisFrancis1937PSpokane, WA
BursonJames1963PBuffalo, NY
BurtchaellJames T.1960PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
BurtonC. Jeffries1967PCharlotte, NC
BuscaSalvatore L.1955PNorwich, CT
BuserJames1970PMilwaukee, WI
BushEdward E.1957PPeoria, IL
BusmanHenryBSioux Falls, SD
BussmanJohn J.1980PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
ButlerJohn R.1957PRockville Centre, NY
ButlerRichard Edmund1949PTucson, AZ
ButlerRichard J.1962PBoston, MA
ButlerWilliam L.1960PBoston, MA
ButoriHarry1952PHelena, MT
ButzCrispin1950PGallup, NM
BuzanowskiDonald J.1968PGreen Bay, WI
ByrdFreddie1988POwensboro, KY
ByrneEamonn< 1953PChicago, IL
ByrneHarry J.1945PNew York, NY
ByrneJoseph F.1969PBoston, MA
ByrneWilliam T.1952PTucson, AZ
ByrnsJoseph P.1969PBrooklyn, NY
ByromEdSLos Angeles, CA
BzdyraStephen H.1979PHartford, CT
CaboangHonorato (Henry)1960PLos Angeles, CA
CabotSamuel CharlesBLos Angeles, CA
CabralKenneth J.1950POakland, CA
Cadavid ArroyaveRoberto Antonio1988PBrooklyn, NY
CadwalladerGeorge B.1992PPhiladelphia, PA
CaffoeLynn Richard1971PLos Angeles, CA
CahillRaymond J.1947PPhiladelphia, PA
CahillWilliam B.1946PPortland, ME
CainGervase1957PArlington, VA
CainThomas J.1945PDetroit, MI
CairnsJames1969PLos Angeles, CA
CalabreseDaniel A.1987PNew York, NY
CalamariPaul1980PNew Orleans, LA
CalhounErnest Dale1968PBeaumont, TX
CalhounJames R.1955PBelleville, IL
CalicottJohn Walter1974PChicago, IL
CalimariJosephPMiami, FL
CallaghanGeorge J.1956 ?PBoston, MA
CallahanBrian F.X.1965PBrooklyn, NY
CallahanRaymond1963PWashington, DC
CallanFrancis W1946PPortland, OR
CallananPatrick J.1952 ?PTucson, AZ
Calle PerezSergio1998PAtlanta, GA
CamachoAntonioPStockton, CA
CambiairePierre Celestin1898PNew Orleans, LA
CambronLouis1976PIndianapolis, IN
CamelliaMotherNHelena, MT
CampanalongaMichael G.1962PNewark, NJ
CampanlongaMichael1962PNewark, NJ
CampbellAlvin L.1952PSpringfield, IL
CampbellAndrew S.1981PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
CampbellHugh P.1961PPhiladelphia, PA
CampbellJames D.1972PProvidence, RI
CampbellJohn J. (Jack)1950PSt. Louis, MO
CampbellJohn Robert (1958PSt. Louis, MO
CampbellMichael A.1979PSt. Louis, MO
CampbellStuart B.1930PMonterey, CA
CampobelloMark A.1991PRockford, IL
CannonJohn A.1948PPhiladelphia, PA
CanoJuan2015PLos Angeles, CA
CanuAnthony< 1956PSt. Cloud, MN
CaparellaAlan E.1966PBoston, MA
CaparelliRobert N.1964PScranton, PA
CapatoJustin J.1980PPaterson, NJ
CapellupoFrank J.1975PBrooklyn, NY
CapparelliJohn M.1980 ?PNewark, NJ
CapparelliRobert1964PScranton, PA
CapuaNicholas J.1956PBrooklyn, NY
CarelliRichard J.1953PWorcester, MA
CarewMichael John1946PBoston, MA
CareyCleve W.1960PLos Angeles, CA
CareyDennis G.1998PNorwich, CT
CareyJames A.1936PNewark, NJ
CarignanWilfred LaurentSDenver, CO
CarleyEdward B.1948PWilmington, DE
CarmanAlbert1945PDubuque, IA
CarneJoseph D.1971PMarquette, MI
CarneyJohn J.1963PBaltimore, MD
CarneyMarvin A., Jr.DLouisville, KY
CarneyMichael L.PWorcester, MA
CaronAnthony R.1935PNorwich, CT
CaronAntonin R. (Tony)1969PPortland, ME
CarpentierRobert A.1967PProvidence, RI
CarrCharles T.1980PBridgeport, CT
CarrCornelius1951PNew York, NY
CarrMichael T.BChicago, IL
CarrWilliam1941PWheeling-Charleston, WV
CarreraFranciscoPMiami, FL
CarricoJoseph E.1967PLouisville, KY
CarrierHerve G.1947PPortland, ME
CarrierPaul1977PBridgeport, CT
Carriere(Laurian) David1963PLos Angeles, CA
CarriereHenry G.1946PCrookston, MN
CarriganFrederick A.1961PPortland, ME
CarrollDouglas1973PBaltimore, MD
CarrollFrancis C.BChicago, IL
CarrollJohn P.1953PBoston, MA
CarrollThomas M.1971PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
Carroll (in Calif.)Michael J.1967PLos Angeles, CA
Carroll (in New York)Michael A.1985PRockville Centre, NY
Carroll (in Wisconsin)Michael R.1970PGreen Bay, WI
CarsonDavid L.1984PNew York, NY
CarstenBrian1970PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
CarterDaniel E.1979PSan Francisco, CA
Cartier, Jr.Frederick J.1963PBoston, MA
Carvajal HernandezRaul?PLos Angeles, CA
CasaleAlbertBSeattle, WA
CaseyEdward J.1960PLos Angeles, CA
CaseyJohn J.1984PMetuchen, NJ
CaseyJohn Joseph1932PLos Angeles, CA
CaseyLiam1962PAlbany, NY
CaseyMichael Joseph?PLos Angeles, CA
CaseyWilliam Claude1969PKnoxville, TN
Casey, Jr.Daniel W.1975PSyracuse, NY
CashmanJoseph C.1960PWinona, MN
CashmanMichael J.1975PMetuchen, NJ
Casimano (Casamino)Santino1975POrange, CA
CaskeyJohn Lloyd1982PSt. Cloud, MN
CasonAlbert H.1962PRochester, NY
CasperBernard1955PRochester, NY
CasperThomas P.1956PLouisville, KY
CassettaCharles< 1970PMiami, FL
CassidyTerry1984PPeoria, IL
CassidyWalter Edward1942PSanta Fe, NM
CassityKenneth Josephn/aSAtlanta, GA
CastaldoJohn J.1987PBridgeport, CT
CastanoJuan Carlos1988 ?PCharleston, SC
CastellaniPaul A.1996PPhiladelphia, PA
CastellanosRicardo1970PMiami, FL
CastelucciRobert J.1964PPittsburgh, PA
CasterWilliam Patrick1954PLouisville, KY
CastilloAlejandro Jose /Alex1981PSan Bernardino, CA
CastilloAlexander Q.2011POakland, CA
CastilloRichard "Rick"1983PPensacola-Tallahassee, FL
CastilloRolando1994PMiami, FL
CastroWillebaldo?PLos Angeles, CA
CasulaJohnBSt. Petersburg, FL
CatulloPasquale R.1963PPhiladelphia, PA
CautelaMauro J.1974PPittsburgh, PA
CavalliVincent V.1948PLos Angeles, CA
CavellLawrence A.1989PHouma-Thibodaux, LA
CaverzanGuido1950PBoston, MA
CawleyThomas F.1957PKansas City, KS
CawleyWilliam M.1973PGreat Falls-Billings, MT
CawlingsNeil< 1980PAlbany, NY
Cecelia (Cecilia)MotherNHelena, MT
CeglarStanislaus?PNew Orleans, LA
CelesteCharles R.1980PAlbany, NY
CenizaHermy Dave O.PFresno, CA
CepedaRaymond F.1979Pnone
CernichJoseph D.1983PSpringfield, IL
ChabakRobert H.1972PNewark, NJ
ChaissonJohn C.1966PBoston, MA
ChalifourGerard (Gerald) F.1952PManchester, NH
ChambersGerard W.1934PPhiladelphia, PA
ChambersLeonard R.1965PSpringfield-Cape Girardeau, MO
ChampagneDennis1971PSeattle, WA
ChaneyJohn B.BNewark, NJ
ChapmanFrancisBSioux Falls, SD
ChapmanMichael A.1982PPhiladelphia, PA
ChappellArthur B.1969PPhiladelphia, PA
CharestEdmund P.1960PBoston, MA
CharlandMichael1971PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
CharlandPeter1972PRockville Centre, NY
CharlesSisterNLouisville, KY
CharltonJeffrey James1983PIndianapolis, IN
CharronCharles J.PSanta Fe, NM
CharvetLouis1945PPortland, OR
ChaseGeoffrey1959PProvidence, RI
ChaseTerrence R.1984PGary, IN
ChasseGerard J. (Jerry)1971 ?PRockville Centre, NY
ChateauvertVictor Lucien1973PDuluth, MN
ChattCharles J.1964PPittsburgh, PA
ChavarinJosePSan Diego, CA
ChavezAlbert1947PSanta Fe, NM
ChavezJohnny Lee1976PSanta Fe, NM
ChavezRonaldo MitchellDBrownsville, TX
ChaviraMarcos CapistranBMonterey, CA
CheplicPeter A.1972PNewark, NJ
CherryAthanasius C.1968PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
Cherup, Jr.Michael A.1981PPensacola-Tallahassee, FL
ChetockJames Joseph1993Pnone
Chleboski, Jr.Thomas C.1987PWashington, DC
ChlopeckiRobert1974PBelleville, IL
ChludzinskiDennis C.1976PErie, PA
ChmuraThomas M.1982BChicago, IL
CholewaGregory1976PSioux Falls, SD
ChongDamien (Patrick)BLos Angeles, CA
ChristensenWilliam Anthony1973PSt. Louis, MO
ChristianNorman H.1961PSt. Louis, MO
Chu CongJoseph1948PWorcester, MA
ChumikGeraldBLos Angeles, CA
ChungRichard1982PPueblo, CO
CiangettiPaul P.1942PCovington, KY
CichanowiczCharles1980PGallup, NM
CiganovichMark1966PEvansville, IN
CigrandNicholas< 1960PDubuque, IA
CikovicCharles Michael1986PVenice, FL
CimmarrustiMario1956PLos Angeles, CA
CinelDino1966PNew Orleans, LA
CinesiJoseph1980PMiami, FL
CingleMartin A1973PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
Cipolla/CipolaAnthony J.1972PPittsburgh, PA
CiufoliBonaventure M.< 1951PErie, PA
Claire(unknown)NBurlington, VT
ClapsaddleHarlan B.1977PRockford, IL
ClarahanEugene F.1952PWilmington, DE
ClarkDaniel C.1980PLouisville, KY
ClarkDavid J.1954PGallup, NM
ClarkEmanuel W.1961PPortland, OR
ClarkHenry A1931 ?PSanta Fe, NM
ClarkJames A.1947POakland, CA
ClarkJames W.1984PGreensburg, PA
ClarkJoseph M.BNew York, NY
ClarkRobert1984PNew Ulm, MN
ClarkThomas R.1962PLouisville, KY
ClarkeHugh1950PCorpus Christi, TX
ClauderJ. (Joseph) Gibbs1973PMadison, WI
ClaudineMarieNNew Orleans, LA
ClaussJoseph L.1956PEvansville, IN
ClavellDidacus (Didachus)BStockton, CA
ClaverPeterBProvidence, RI
ClayChristopher R.1998PScranton, PA
ClearyDonald M.1971POmaha, NE
ClearyEdward James1940PNashville, TN
ClementiInnocente1949PSt. Petersburg, FL
ClementsGerald P.1970PCamden, NJ
ClemonsDelma1966POwensboro, KY
ClerxTheophilus "Theo"1957PSan Antonio, TX
ClickPatrick R.1971SNew Orleans, LA
CloganPaul1999PAustin, TX
ClohessyKevin1985PJefferson City, MO
CloonanPaul I.1954PRochester, NY
CloseJohn A.1969PPhiladelphia, PA
CloutierEdmond G.1946PSan Francisco, CA
CloutierWilliam J.1975PChicago, IL
CoakleyRobert "Br. Edmund"BNewark, NJ
CobbAlan S.BChicago, IL
CochraneRichard J.1972PPhiladelphia, PA
CocioCarlos1981PTucson, AZ
CocozzaDennis E.1975PNewark, NJ
CodyJ. GeorgePPeoria, IL
CodyMichael J1958PSeattle, WA
CoenCharles P.1968PNew York, NY
CofenasRobert G.1973PAllentown, PA
CoffieldJohn V.1941POrange, CA
Coggiola-MowerOctavio A.PSanta Fe, NM
ColbertRichard1969POmaha, NE
ColeKevin1952PLouisville, KY
ColeRaymond L.1972PMetuchen, NJ
ColellaDavid L.1957PVictoria, TX
ColemanChristopher Lee1994PBrooklyn, NY
ColemanDennis E.1970PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
ColemanJoseph K.1981PBoston, MA
ColemanWalter Phillip1959PBridgeport, CT
CollearyPatrick J.1974PPhoenix, AZ
ColleryJames1948PNew Orleans, LA
CollettiJoseph A.1971PLafayette, IN
CollinsDaniel J.1958PChicago, IL
CollinsDonald CecilBChicago, IL
CollinsEdwin1954PPalm Beach, FL
CollinsJames J.1964PPhiladelphia, PA
CollinsJames P.1979PBrooklyn, NY
CollinsJeremiah J.1939PBoston, MA
CollinsJudeBJefferson City, MO
Collins (in Fresno)James1939 ?PFresno, CA
CollovaS. Joseph1976PMilwaukee, WI
ColosimoEugene J.1943PLos Angeles, CA
ColosimoFelix R.1965PSyracuse, NY
ColstonLeonard1980PDuluth, MN
ColucciBennett1957PDenver, CO
ComtoisRoger M.1955PNorwich, CT
CondonEugene L.1956PCharleston, SC
CondonEugene LaurenceBChicago, IL
CondonLouis1948PPeoria, IL
CondonThomas1942PMonterey, CA
CondronPatrick Anthony1976PWheeling-Charleston, WV
CongroBasil Peter1978PRockville Centre, NY
ConlinRobert P.1956PBuffalo, NY
ConlonTimothy C.1979PFargo, ND
ConmyAnthony P.1953PScranton, PA
ConnPaul Joseph1985PSeattle, WA
ConnellDavid1969PAllentown, PA
ConnellJohn K.1965PBoston, MA
ConnellyJames E.1943PBoston, MA
ConnellyNorman T.1965PCamden, NJ
Connelly (Connolly)BerardBSpokane, WA
ConnollyFinian1941PGallup, NM
ConnollyIsaacBSt. Cloud, MN
ConnollyJohn F.1964PAlbany, NY
ConnollyPaul1956PFall River, MA
ConnollyThomas E.1963PPortland, OR
ConnorCharles LeonardBSan Jose, CA
ConnorJohn P.1962PCamden, NJ
ConnorsRichard1969PManchester, NH
ConradJohn F.1963PGreen Bay, WI
ConradSylvester A.1952PDavenport, IA
ConroyJ. Peter1971PBuffalo, NY
ConroyMichael F.DPhiladelphia, PA
ConsidineThomas1966PRockford, IL
ConstantAlfred< 1945PManchester, NH
ConteDenis A.1975PBoston, MA
ContiJoseph1967POgdensburg, NY
Conti (Helinski)Anthony (Tony) J.1976PDetroit, MI
ConvertJules1940PFairbanks, AK
ConwayNeil P.1963PCleveland, OH
ConwayPatrick J1934PSeattle, WA
ConwayThomas A.1957PSuperior, WI
CookLouis G.1958PWinona, MN
CookOzias Bailey< 1940PLos Angeles, CA
CookeKevin1978PBirmingham, AL
CooleyGeorge1976PCincinnati, OH
CoonanJames J.1965PPhiladelphia, PA
CoonanJoseph A.1989PWorcester, MA
CooneyArthur1976PDetroit, MI
CooperDamian Lawrence1986PRockville Centre, NY
CooperDonald J.1963PErie, PA
CooperRonald C.1983PCincinnati, OH
CooperThomas T.1955PSt. Louis, MO
CoppingerJohn W.1972PNew York, NY
CoppolaPaul R.1951PBuffalo, NY
CorbeilRalph1935PPortland, ME
CorbeseroEugene D.1962PMetuchen, NJ
CorbettThomas1965PRochester, NY
CorbinAndre Anthony1961PRaleigh, NC
CorbinoThomas A.1972PJoliet, IL
Cordova HernandezJorge Washington1981PTucson, AZ
Coria GonzalesHector2011PSacramento, CA
CoricaEugene S.1960Pnone
CorkeryPaul F1923PSpokane, WA
CorneliusJohn1975PSeattle, WA
CornelyFrancis P.1949PWilmington, DE
CorpuzLeon Q.1965PSanta Fe, NM
CorralAndres S.PLos Angeles, CA
CorrentiJoseph1972PLittle Rock, AR
CorrigalRobert F.1959PFairbanks, AK
CorriganEdmundBChicago, IL
CorriveauRonald E.1971PManchester, NH
CorryJohn1952PRapid City, SD
CortesAntonio1996PMonterey, CA
CortezAugusto2003PBrooklyn, NY
CosgroveJohn V.1955PLos Angeles, CA
CossetteRaymond1955PDuluth, MN
CostaEugene E.1976PSpringfield, IL
CostelloBernard B.1963PPittsburgh, PA
CostelloJohn M.1984PRochester, NY
CostiganGeorge A.1974BPhiladelphia, PA
CoteAaron Joseph1986PWashington, DC
CoteJoseph A.PManchester, NH
CoteRoland P.1971PManchester, NH
CotterJames H1950PBuffalo, NY
CotterJohn M.1960PBoston, MA
CotterPatrick J.1957PLos Angeles, CA
CoughlinJohn A.1934PSpokane, WA
CoughlinKenneth (Ken) F.1990PLansing, MI
CoughlinPaul E.1966PPortland, ME
CoughlinRichard T.1953PBoston, MA
CourcyLeo1962PSanta Fe, NM
CourtneyEdward C. (Chris)BSeattle, WA
CouryPhilip J.1971PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
CousineauR. David1972PLos Angeles, CA
Coutinho (Continuho)Absalom1972PPaterson, NJ
CoutuJoseph1981PGallup, NM
CovarrubiasRaul R.1983PBoise, ID
CovasPeter1957PSan Bernardino, CA
CoveneyJames B.1964PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
CowleyLeonard P1938PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
CoxBrian M.1968PBaltimore, MD
CoxHarold T.< 1956PBrooklyn, NY
CoyleCharles G. (Charley)1965PBoston, MA
CoyleFinbarr (Barry)1958PSanta Fe, NM
CoyleJames M.1983POrlando, FL
CoyleJerome1959PSioux City, IA
CoyneJoseph B.1945PWashington, DC
CraigRichard T.1988PMarquette, MI
CraigRobert1974PChicago, IL
CraigWalter G J1923PSpringfield-Cape Girardeau, MO
CramerDonald W.2001PHarrisburg, PA
CramerWilliam N.1977PPaterson, NJ
CrandallThomas Anthony1981PPensacola-Tallahassee, FL
CrayKevin E.1949PErie, PA
CreagerRobert J.1954PPeoria, IL
CreaghThomas P.1967PLouisville, KY
CreasonHubert (Hugh) E.1958PSt. Louis, MO
CreedC. Patrick1951PLouisville, KY
CreelJamesDPortland, OR
CreightonGerard E.1951PBoston, MA
CreminsDaniel J.< 1965PLos Angeles, CA
CrespinGeorge E.1962POakland, CA
CrespoArturo1994PNewark, NJ
CreteMarcelBPortland, ME
CrewsEdward?PMonterey, CA
CrewsJohn S.1971PSanta Rosa, CA
CrispRobert R.1975PDallas, TX
CristanchoFernando1985PBaltimore, MD
CristanchoJorge1978PAtlanta, GA
CrokeBro. PatrickBSeattle, WA
CrokeEdmund W.1928PBoston, MA
CroninJames PatrickNLouisville, KY
CroninJohn P.1957PFall River, MA
CroninMichael1964PAlbany, NY
CroninSean1973PLos Angeles, CA
CroninThomas1969PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
CrookDavid G.1981PBelleville, IL
CrosbyDonald J.1963PSyracuse, NY
CrosbySr. DoloresNSeattle, WA
CrosbyThomas Carroll1948PChicago, IL
CrossCharles V.1960PBirmingham, AL
CrouseWilliam S.1959PNewark, NJ
CroweThomasPManchester, NH
CrowleyJohn David1954PPittsburgh, PA
CrowleyStephen1955PHartford, CT
CrowleyTimothy M.1976PLansing, MI
Crowley, Jr.Joseph I.1980DBoston, MA
CrozierJohn1949PPortland, ME
CrucesAngel1961PLos Angeles, CA
CrumThomas J.1975PYoungstown, OH
CrynesJ. Peter1967PScranton, PA
CsaszarJames1999PColumbus, OH
CsikPaul?PNew Orleans, LA
CudeStephen D.1969POklahoma City, OK
CudemoNicholas V.1963PPhiladelphia, PA
CuelloGustavo DeJesusPTyler, TX
CuevasJose Luis1974PLos Angeles, CA
CullenRobert B.1958PBaltimore, MD
CullenThomas J.1952PMobile, AL
CullenWilliam J.1965PBoston, MA
CumerlatoEugenio (Eugene)BBoston, MA
CummingsWilliam J.1968PBoston, MA
CunhaArthur Manuel1984PSan Francisco, CA
CunninghamChristopher1989PLos Angeles, CA
CunninghamJohn P.1954PYoungstown, OH
CurranAnthony1972PAlbany, NY
CurranGerald X.1947PYoungstown, OH
CurranJohn J.1927PPortland, ME
CurranJohn William1957PChicago, IL
CurranThomas M.1970PBoston, MA
CurryJames1949PNorwich, CT
CurrySamuel Thomas1970PIndianapolis, IN
CurtisGeorgeBLafayette, LA
CurtisWilliam D.1947PWinona, MN
CusanoLindaNHartford, CT
CustodioNarcisco MarquezDDallas, TX
CustodioSidney J.POakland, CA
CutandaFernandoBManchester, NH
CuthbertBrotherBBoston, MA
CyrArmand< 1949PPortland, ME
CyrLeonBManchester, NH
CzajkaNorman J.1961PChicago, IL
CzarniewiczGloriaNRockville Centre, NY
D'AllesandroPatrick1980PHarrisburg, PA
D'AmicoMichael H.1964PCamden, NJ
D'AmoraEdito1980PSan Diego, CA
D'AndreaEdward R.1973PRockville Centre, NY
D'AngeloJoseph1979 ?PProvidence, RI
D'AngeloPatrick J.1983PDetroit, MI
D'AngeloRocco Charles1956PMiami, FL
D'ArgenioHerbert1959PNew York, NY
da SilvaOwen< 1936PSan Bernardino, CA
DabbeneBernard1966PSan Francisco, CA
DacalRosendo F.DPittsburgh, PA
DagwellJohn H.BNewark, NJ
DagwellRobert1954PLittle Rock, AR
DahlheimerCosmas (Cosmos)1936PSt. Cloud, MN
DahmenVernon?PMobile, AL
DaleoPaul1977PWilmington, DE
DaleyWallace J.1955PLos Angeles, CA
DaltonFrank LukeBDetroit, MI
DalyG. Matthew1955PErie, PA
DalyJohn Joseph1951PSan Diego, CA
DalyManus1965PJefferson City, MO
DalyMichael J.1975PDetroit, MI
DalyPatrick?PMonterey, CA
DalyRobert F.1967PBoston, MA
DamascoNelsonPSan Diego, CA
DamianiJosephDSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
DanielsSister AgnesNBoston, MA
DanielsonHarold1966PSan Francisco, CA
DanilakJohn1961PBaltimore, MD
DankoVincent1959PSteubenville, OH
DanksArthur J.1943PGreen Bay, WI
DannerBrian J.1995PSioux City, IA
DaschbachRichard1964PChicago, IL
DaubertFrancis J.1938PHonolulu, HI
DavichGeorge F.1962PSalt Lake City, UT
DavidowichGlenn Michael1989Pnone
DavidsonCarl1964PNew Orleans, LA
DaviesJoseph A.19433PBaltimore, MD
DavilaJohnny1984PSan Antonio, TX
DavisCharles J.1962PCamden, NJ
DavisUnknownPPortland, OR
DavisWilliam Floyd1956PNashville, TN
DawberStephen F.1969PBoston, MA
DawsonJohn H.1967PLos Angeles, CA
DawsonWilliam F.1954PDavenport, IA
DaylorAnnNIndianapolis, IN
de Alba CamposLuis Javier1983PDetroit, MI
De DomenicoDominic1966PAnchorage, AK
De DominicisDaniel< 1951PSan Bernardino, CA
De FranciscoLuis EugenePSan Diego, CA
De LazzerDorino1959PDenver, CO
de OteroRoberto A.1977PHonolulu, HI
de Paul GalatineMadelineNLouisville, KY
DeadyJohn P.1939PLos Angeles, CA
DeakinRichard1985PBaltimore, MD
DeanAlfred A.1989PBaltimore, MD
DeanJoseph1945PSavannah, GA
DeAngelisAnthony A.1935PProvidence, RI
DeAngelisJohn B.1944PJefferson City, MO
DearingCharles F.1955PLouisville, KY
DeBerardinisFidelis (Francis)BBoston, MA
DeChantRonDTucson, AZ
DeChicoPhilip1974PHarrisburg, PA
DeCockRobert1996PMadison, WI
DeCostaGeorge1964PHonolulu, HI
DeCourseyOrville1931PDavenport, IA
DederaPhillip J.1972PJoliet, IL
DeeGarrett Neal1964PSpringfield, IL
DeeryAlbert Vincent1921PIndianapolis, IN
DeForeDonaldBLos Angeles, CA
DefriasHadmels R.1999PNewark, NJ
Degen/DeganJoseph A.1956POgdensburg, NY
DegnanJohn F.1951PJefferson City, MO
DeGraffJean Marie2004 ?PBridgeport, CT
DeGrandRobert1980PSpringfield, IL
DeGuireCharles M.1934PSt. Louis, MO
DeJongheHarold J.1957PLos Angeles, CA
DelahuntyRichard1965POrange, CA
DelamereFrank P.BSeattle, WA
DeLandRobert, Jr.1973PSaginaw, MI
DelaneJohn1919PHelena, MT
DelaneyDan1960s ?PAustin, TX
DelaneyHermanPPortland, ME
DelaneyUnknownPHelena, MT
DelgadoAlexander (Alejandro)SFall River, MA
DelgadoRodolfo1982PSacramento, CA
DeLisleHarold F.< 1967PLos Angeles, CA
DellamalvaDennis1975PGreensburg, PA
Delli CarpiniJohn J.1976PPhiladelphia, PA
DeLorenzoVincent1965PLansing, MI
DeLucaFrancis G.1958PWilmington, DE
DeLucaStephen J1965PBridgeport, CT
DeMatteisStephenBNorwich, CT
DemblowskiCharles1943PPittsburgh, PA
DeMelloArthur T.1962PFall River, MA
DemersNormand J.1958PProvidence, RI
DempseyMichael J.1958PBrooklyn, NY
DempseyThomas F.1955PLa Crosse, WI
DempsterDouglas W.1962PWilmington, DE
DemsherFerdinand B.1946PPittsburgh, PA
DennehyFrancis X.1950PPaterson, NJ
DennehyThomas1958PMiami, FL
DennerleinArno1969PJoliet, IL
DennisBrotherBManchester, NH
DensmoreRobert J.1961PManchester, NH
DePaoliEdward M.1970PPhiladelphia, PA
DeppHarold Charles1959PDetroit, MI
DeragowskiEugene1948PSpringfield-Cape Girardeau, MO
DeReaPhilip1968PWashington, DC
DericksJohn Henry1941PPaterson, NJ
DeRoeckWalter George1971PChicago, IL
DeShanJoseph Michael1987PBridgeport, CT
DesiletsDonald A.1952PSpringfield, MA
DesiletsPaul M.1963PBoston, MA
DesrosiersAlfred R.1961PProvidence, RI
DesRosiersN. Wilfred1955PLafayette, LA
DeSutterGilbert J.1954PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
DetwilerRussel WilliamDFort Worth, TX
DevaneyJamesPLos Angeles, CA
DeVenneyTimothy1993PDubuque, IA
DeVensterCornelius1933PSt. Cloud, MN
DeverGerard V.1971PBoston, MA
DevineyRaymond L.1959PScranton, PA
DeVitaThomas F.1978PRockville Centre, NY
DevlinChester J.1971PWorcester, MA
DevlinMichael H.1968PSpringfield, MA
DevlinRaymond A.1955PSalt Lake City, UT
DeweyCharles F.1939PBoston, MA
DeweyDenman1956PBuffalo, NY
DewireJohn J.1946PBoston, MA
DeyoPaul A.1976PDavenport, IA
DezurickGeraldPPortland, OR
Di PasqualeRalph1956PAlbany, NY
Di PeriJoseph B.1956PLos Angeles, CA
DiamondMartin J.1930PDavenport, IA
DiamondWilfred J.1938PLas Cruces, NM
DiamondWilliam L.1942PLos Angeles, CA
Diaz JimenezEnrique1977PBrooklyn, NY
DicerboAlmerico1946PAlbany, NY
DickersonDonald J.1980PNew Orleans, LA
DickmanRonald W.1971PNashville, TN
DiederichDominic Aloysius1917PChicago, IL
DiestaArwyn N.1978PLos Angeles, CA
DiGregorioJoseph L.1966PPhiladelphia, PA
DillaFrancis Emil1953PChicago, IL
DillardRussell L.1978PWashington, DC
DiMaggioJoseph F.1955PAlbany, NY
DimierM.A. (Augustine)< 1930PHelena, MT
DimitroffDonaldBBaltimore, MD
DimmerlingHarold Joseph1940PSt. Cloud, MN
DimmickUnknownPHelena, MT
DinanPaul F.1937PJoliet, IL
DinyaPatrick JosephPSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
DiogoLouis M.1946PProvidence, RI
DionFrederick G.1953PSpringfield, MA
DiPeriJoseph1956PNewark, NJ
DiskinMyles Eric1975PPittsburgh, PA
DittaAngelo J.1986PRockville Centre, NY
DittmarFrederickPLos Angeles, CA
DoanMichael Son Trong2000PLos Angeles, CA
DobbinsDanBLos Angeles, CA
DoberEdward J.1976PLos Angeles, CA
DobrowolskiDavid V.1969PErie, PA
DoddRobert1964PSpringfield, IL
DoeJane< 1951NBurlington, VT
DoeJohnPLa Crosse, WI
DoergerStanley D.1958PCincinnati, OH
DohenyBernard L.PSpringfield, MA
DohertyMark C.DBoston, MA
DohertyMartin< 1960PPortland, OR
DohertyNeil1969PMiami, FL
DohertyPaul J.1995PWorcester, MA
DohertyRoger?PLos Angeles, CA
DohertyRoger?PLos Angeles, CA
Doherty (Dougherty)John B.1939PLos Angeles, CA
DolakMark1979PMetuchen, NJ
DolanJames E.1925PLos Angeles, CA
DolanJason R.PPittsburgh, PA
DolanRichard D.PPhiladelphia, PA
DolanSean1966PYakima, WA
DolanTimothy1983PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
DollingerRobert J.1954PLouisville, KY
DombrowskiRonald J.1972PSaginaw, MI
DominguezJesus1983PSan Bernardino, CA
DominicFrancisBLouisville, KY
DominicYusaf1974PNewark, NJ
DonahueMary CamillaNLouisville, KY
DonahueWilliamBSeattle, WA
DonatRobert J.1966PSan Bernardino, CA
DonderoJoseph1946PSan Jose, CA
DonelanEdward Francis1956PSanta Fe, NM
DongorLowe B.2010PWorcester, MA
DonnellyGeorgeBBoston, MA
DonnellyMartin M.PPortland, OR
DonnellyThomas D.1961PBoston, MA
DonofrioMichael J.1976PPhiladelphia, PA
DonohueJohn J.1973PNewark, NJ
DonohueNorman E.1939PFairbanks, AK
DonovanJohn H.1927PSyracuse, NY
DonovanJohn T.1944PMilwaukee, WI
DonovanPearse P.1945 ?POakland, CA
DonovanWilliam D.1961PBridgeport, CT
DooleyJerome1956PSeattle, WA
DooleyJoseph C.1941PPortland, ME
DooleyR. Joseph1960PWashington, DC
DoranJohn P.1945PTucson, AZ
DorityJohn Francis1967PBoston, MA
DornLouis E.1972PJefferson City, MO
DorschRichard J.1970PPittsburgh, PA
DorseyDonald J.1955PScranton, PA
DorseyReneBLafayette, LA
DorseyRonald1956PBoston, MA
DoucetteMichael L.1975PPortland, ME
DoughertyJohn C.1945PPhiladelphia, PA
DoughertyRaymond E.1944PHarrisburg, PA
DoughertyStephen Tarleton2003PCorpus Christi, TX
DoughertyWilliam J.1969PPhiladelphia, PA
DouglasLouis E.1958PAlbany, NY
DoveThomas J.1961PLos Angeles, CA
DowdFrancisPLos Angeles, CA
DowdKarl E.1960PManchester, NH
DowdWilliam J.1967PNewark, NJ
DowdyJames H.1969PBaltimore, MD
DowlingPhilip J.1956PPhiladelphia, PA
DowneyAlvin T.1970PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
DowneyDenis P.1936PManchester, NH
DowneyKevin J.1982PSpringfield, IL
DownsJames1970PPittsburgh, PA
DoxieDonald F.1952PSan Diego, CA
DoyleBrendan1963PJefferson City, MO
DoyleDominic W.1950PSpokane, WA
DoyleMichael< 1950PToledo, OH
DoylePatrick A.1975PIndianapolis, IN
DoyleRobert Walter< 1951PHartford, CT
DoyleThomas J.1974PNorwich, CT
Doyle, IIIAndrew P.1976PMilwaukee, WI
DoyonDominique1933PPortland, ME
DrakeRoy A.1963PNew York, NY
Drake, Jr.Carl E.1964PMilitary Services, US
DrankaEugene< 1960PSpringfield, MA
DrelichRobertBWilmington, DE
DreyerHenry J.1930PWilmington, DE
DrinanDaniel Michael1977PAustin, TX
DriscollMichael1941PSpringfield, IL
Driscoll, C.SS.R.Joseph H.1922PHarrisburg, PA
DrugganDennisPGreat Falls-Billings, MT
DuaneThomas E.1938PWinona, MN
DubeDonald V.1961PSpringfield, MA
DubreuilPatrickPManchester, NH
DucoteJerome1954PNew Orleans, LA
DucoteJerome1954PNew Orleans, LA
Dudley (Bp.)Paul V.1951PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
Dudzinski, Jr.Edward F.1978PWilmington, DE
DuenasJaime (James)1950PNew York, NY
DuesdiekerRobert W.1980PJefferson City, MO
DuesterhausMichael R.1991PArlington, VA
DuffinThomasBLos Angeles, CA
DuffyFrancis1943PPortland, OR
DuffyPatrickBSeattle, WA
DuffyPhilip1945PSeattle, WA
DuffyThomas F.1933PNewark, NJ
DuffyWilliam J.1931PBoston, MA
DufordRobert O.1906POgdensburg, NY
DuFourDonald J.BLos Angeles, CA
Dugal, IIIWilliam1976PJoliet, IL
DugganAlbert Joseph1932PLos Angeles, CA
DugganDennis D.1980PDetroit, MI
DugganJeremiah C.1955PChicago, IL
DugganJohn H.1957PBaltimore, MD
DugganKevin P.1987PMetuchen, NJ
DugganThomas1947PJefferson City, MO
DuheThomas P.1978PBaton Rouge, LA
DukartNorman J.1967PBismarck, ND
DukeFrederick H.1942PBaltimore, MD
DummerDonald1964PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
DumontGregoirePManchester, NH
DuMouchelRaymond1956PCharleston, SC
DunkelHenry N.1945PDubuque, IA
DunnJamesPBurlington, VT
DunnJames ClaverBChicago, IL
DunnJohn A.1960PBoston, MA
DunnLouis Ward1947PProvidence, RI
DunneGerald M.1977PWilmington, DE
DunneJoseph?PLos Angeles, CA
DunneKevinBSan Bernardino, CA
DunnePeter J.1954PPhiladelphia, PA
DuplessiusDonaldPLos Angeles, CA
DupontGuy Bernard1968PYoungstown, OH
Dupre (Bp.)Thomas L.1959PSpringfield, MA
DupreeDaniel T.1984PMemphis, TN
DuranJuan Carlos1996PMemphis, TN
DurandDonald A.1958PPortland, OR
DuranteErnest A.PPhiladelphia, PA
DurkinCharles1955PSan Francisco, CA
DurkinThomas J.1964PPhiladelphia, PA
DurrEdmund J.1965PSyracuse, NY
DusoldAugust1905PGreen Bay, WI
DussaultJoseph H.PBurlington, VT
DutelGilbert1970PLafayette, LA
DuvalEdouard J.1946PManchester, NH
DuvelsdorfPeter L.1958PRockville Centre, NY
DuxJames M.1948PPhiladelphia, PA
DvorakFranklin1970POmaha, NE
DvorakGerald1979PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
DwyerGeorgeBSeattle, WA
DwyerLeo V.1932PBoston, MA
DwyerVincent1961PMonterey, CA
DykeGeorge M1946PTucson, AZ
DzermejkoDavid F.1974PPittsburgh, PA
DzurkoJohn J.1932PScranton, PA
EagearRobert1928PSpringfield, IL
EagearRobert1928PSpringfield, IL
EagenI. Brent1956PSan Diego, CA
EaglesonDonald W.1985POakland, CA
EberhardyWilliam1977PGreen Bay, WI
EcclestonJohn W.1955PSt. Cloud, MN
EckermannCharles H.1956PSyracuse, NY
EckrothRichard1952PSt. Cloud, MN
EdelinRichard A.1979PGalveston-Houston, TX
EderDonald1960PLafayette, IN
EdwardsJohn Douglas1961PAtlanta, GA
EdwardsLawrence A.1939PDetroit, MI
EffingerWilliam J.1960PMilwaukee, WI
EggerlingMilton1954PAustin, TX
EggletonChristopher T.1988PMiami, FL
EhrmanWilliam J.1922PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
EichenbergerTom1976PMilwaukee, WI
EichhoffPaul1970PTulsa, OK
EidenschinkJohn1941PSt. Cloud, MN
EilertEdward J.1964PNewark, NJ
ElanjimannilSebastian C.1983PLos Angeles, CA
ElderJohn1941PLouisville, KY
EliscardJean-Level1990PTrenton, NJ
ElizondoVirgilio1963PSan Antonio, TX
EllifritzMichael1967PColumbus, OH
EllinghausenJude T.1958PDetroit, MI
EllisHalBSan Francisco, CA
EmalaWalterPMemphis, TN
Embrich (Emrich)Daniel K.BDavenport, IA
EmerineDaniel1941PLouisville, KY
EmersonRichard A.1978POrlando, FL
EmmertRoger1962PColumbus, OH
EmoEugene G.1961PRochester, NY
EmonNeil J.1967PSt. Cloud, MN
EmrichJack F.1998PIndianapolis, IN
EncinasAndrew Gabriel1990PLos Angeles, CA
EndalGeorge S.1932PFairbanks, AK
EngbersJohn Anthony Mary1949PLafayette, LA
EngbersThomas J.1967PMiami, FL
EngelRonald1977PMilwaukee, WI
EngelhardtCharles F.1977PPhiladelphia, PA
EngelsFrancis (Frank)1962PPeoria, IL
EnglertWilfred "Fred" L.1986PEvansville, IN
EnglishThomas Patrick1927PLos Angeles, CA
EnnisJames E.1950PLa Crosse, WI
EnseyEric1995PScranton, PA
EordoghAndrew (Andras) M.1958PFairbanks, AK
EppersonMarkBLos Angeles, CA
EremitoAnthony Joseph1967PNew York, NY
EricksenThomas Edward1973PSuperior, WI
EricksonRyan2000PSuperior, WI
ErmlichFerdinand1962PAlbany, NY
ErnsdorffHarold H1943PBaker, OR
ErnstDavid A.1954PNewark, NJ
EscalaRafael1957PMiami, FL
EscalanteRonald S.1995PArlington, VA
EscobedoArmando1964PBrownsville, TX
EspitiaDavid1994PSan Angelo, TX
EspositoAnthony1959PNew Orleans, LA
EspositoAnthony Michael1956PYoungstown, OH
EspositoLuigi1964PBaltimore, MD
EspositoRalph J.1967PPittsburgh, PA
EsquibelJohn L1966PSanta Fe, NM
EsquivelJuan CarlosSMonterey, CA
EsquivelMiguel1982PSan Angelo, TX
EsserGilbert F., c.pp.s.1924PLafayette, IN
EstadtHarry1932PCleveland, OH
EstradaDomingo Gonzales1972PSan Angelo, TX
Estrada ArangoJose Joaquin1997PBaker, OR
EthierRaymond J.1985PAlbany, NY
EtienneClifton Raymond1979BSan Bernardino, CA
EtzelGeorge A.1942PMilwaukee, WI
EucharisticaMaryNPortland, OR
EvansTimothy1994PMobile, AL
Evans (in Colo)Timothy Joseph1993PDenver, CO
Evans (in Mobile, AL)Timothy Wayne1994PMobile, AL
EvattThomas A.1976PCharleston, SC
EvelynSisterNFairbanks, AK
EvrardDonald J.1956PIndianapolis, IN
Evrit/EvrittRichard C.1973PYoungstown, OH
EwingBruce O.1974PLouisville, KY
FabbriMario1931PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
FafinskiDonald S1966PBuffalo, NY
FaganJoseph P.1937PNewark, NJ
Fagione (Faggioni)Ernest1947PNew Orleans, LA
FahyMurty M.1958PStockton, CA
FaillaAnthony J.1956PBrooklyn, NY
FairbairnFrank E.1969PBoston, MA
FalerJustin1945PNew Orleans, LA
FalettiStephen L.1983PJefferson City, MO
FallerGeorge1918PSpringfield, IL
FallertFrancis1952PFairbanks, AK
FallonJohn J.1955POgdensburg, NY
FalveyArthur A.< 1930PSacramento, CA
FalveyMark A.1928PLos Angeles, CA
FalveySinon F.1945POrange, CA
FarabaughClint1955PLos Angeles, CA
FarabaughKenneth1963PBaltimore, MD
FaraciDouglas F1969PBuffalo, NY
FarchetteRonald J.1969POgdensburg, NY
FariaCarl1988PMonterey, CA
FarinoMichael1969PNew Orleans, LA
FarlandDavid M.1974PSpringfield, MA
FarmerDonald G.1963PLos Angeles, CA
FarrellGeorge A.1996PMetuchen, NJ
FarrellNolanBBoston, MA
FarrellWilliam J.1947PMilwaukee, WI
FarrellWilliam Patrick1965PChicago, IL
FarringtonWilliam C.BSan Jose, CA
FarrisDaniel L.1967PSanta Fe, NM
FarrisJohn V.1949PLos Angeles, CA
FarryJames F.1946PScranton, PA
FarwellRichard B.1981PCharlotte, NC
FassbinderRichard Wayne1953PChicago, IL
FatoohCharles George1985BLos Angeles, CA
FaucherW. Thomas1971PBoise, ID
FaueGerald1951PLos Angeles, CA
FavreauBruce T.1980POgdensburg, NY
FayRobert D.1967PBoston, MA
FeddersWilliam J.1968PLexington, KY
FedericiMartin J.1966PBridgeport, CT
FedorJames F.1973PScranton, PA
FeehanVincent1977PNew Orleans, LA
FeelyTheodore1958PRockford, IL
FeeneyJohn Patrick1952PGreen Bay, WI
FeeneyLeonard1941PSeattle, WA
FeeneyThomas J.1937PDavenport, IA
FeeserWilliam "Bill"1977PSacramento, CA
FeitenJohn Richard1948PWinona, MN
FeldhausThomas F.1976PCincinnati, OH
FeldkampAngelo J.1968PGreen Bay, WI
FeltmanPhilip S.1966PToledo, OH
FeltmanThomas2001PFargo, ND
FeltzJoseph F.1979PPittsburgh, PA
FeminelliJohn J.1987PCorpus Christi, TX
FemminineoJoseph P.1958PDetroit, MI
FendinCharlesPNew Orleans, LA
FenertyMartinBEl Paso, TX
FennessyKeith1984PNew York, NY
FeretFrancis S.1962PPhiladelphia, PA
FergusonAlphonsus< 1941PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
FergusonGeorge1956PHelena, MT
FergusonIvan1970PHartford, CT
FernandesMark E.2004PPhiladelphia, PA
FernandesStephen A.1976PFall River, MA
FernandezFedericoPSan Antonio, TX
FernandezManuel1952PTrenton, NJ
FernandezMiguel A.1950PMiami, FL
FernandoArthur (Arturo) N.PLos Angeles, CA
FernandoWalter1973PLos Angeles, CA
FeroneJohn1983PCincinnati, OH
FerraldoRalph N.1970PScranton, PA
FerranteLeonard A.1964PCleveland, OH
Ferrara (Ferrar)Philip (Angelus)1990PScranton, PA
Ferrario (Bp)Joseph1951PHonolulu, HI
FerraroRomano J.1960PBrooklyn, NY
FerreiraJoseph A.1959POakland, CA
Ferreti (Ferretti)A. J. (Fr. Freddy)1942PBoise, ID
FerroRobert A.1973PBrooklyn, NY
FerroSalvatore A.BChicago, IL
FerryJohn F.1957PProvidence, RI
FertalJoseph (Joe)1959PSan Bernardino, CA
FessardGerald B.1972PLos Angeles, CA
FeteJoseph N.1974PColumbus, OH
FialaJohn M.1984POmaha, NE
FichtnerRobert C.1955PBoston, MA
FigurelleElwood F.1963PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
FilbinAmbrose R.1939PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
FinanJames Aubrey1959PWashington, DC
FinchJoseph1958POmaha, NE
FineganPaul J.1970PBoston, MA
FingerWilliam E.1962PBrooklyn, NY
FingerleFred G1963PBuffalo, NY
FinkFelix C.1919PAllentown, PA
FinnertyWilliam A.1955PKansas City, KS
FinochiettoArnold1936PEl Paso, TX
FischerJohn H.1964PJefferson City, MO
FischerLowell E.1954PJoliet, IL
Fischer, Jr.Charles1990PFargo, ND
FisetLouis PhilippePPortland, ME
FisetteKevin R.1981PProvidence, RI
FisherPaul1995PHarrisburg, PA
FisherRobert J.1980PToledo, OH
Fisher (Fischer)Judith R.NSt. Louis, MO
Fitz-HenryEdward1985PMonterey, CA
FitzgeraldAlfred J.1966PSt. Louis, MO
FitzgeraldHoward E.1978PDes Moines, IA
FitzgeraldJ. Vincent1950PSioux Falls, SD
FitzgeraldJohn D.1933PChicago, IL
FitzgeraldJohn P. (Jack)1974PPittsburgh, PA
FitzgeraldMatthew1968PRockville Centre, NY
FitzgeraldMichael C.1978PDubuque, IA
FitzharrisJoseph L.1962PChicago, IL
FitzmauriceTerence1963PChicago, IL
FitzpatrickJames J.1954PLos Angeles, CA
FitzpatrickJohn F.1964PAlbany, NY
FitzpatrickRobert1973PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
FitzpatrickThomas Q.1976PLos Angeles, CA
FitzsimmonsEugeneBSan Antonio, TX
FlahertyRobert "Bob"n/aBBaltimore, MD
FlanaganAustin E.1966PScranton, PA
FlanaganBernard A.1982PAllentown, PA
FlanaganJohn1941PNewark, NJ
FlanaganMichael T.1961PDallas, TX
FlanneryJoseph D.1953PScranton, PA
FlanneryPatrick?PLos Angeles, CA
FlavinMalachyBPaterson, NJ
FleckDavid1975PEvansville, IN
FleckensteinDavid< 1977PSeattle, WA
FlemingMarkPManchester, NH
FlemingMartin J.1898PScranton, PA
FlemmingFrancis J.1961PCamden, NJ
FlemmingJames1986PMiami, FL
FlemmingNeil (brother of James)1958PVenice, FL
FletcherWilliam J.1944 ?PBridgeport, CT
FlickingerDon D.1964PSan Jose, CA
FlohrGregory1963PGreensburg, PA
FloodJ. Michael1968PPhiladelphia, PA
FloodJoseph E.1949PSpringfield, MA
FloresAlejandro (Alex)2009PJoliet, IL
FloresMiguel1994PFresno, CA
Florez (Flores)Laurence (Lawrence)1959PPhoenix, AZ
FlosiJames Vincent1971PChicago, IL
FlynnFrank1967PPalm Beach, FL
FlynnHerman Francis1929PSan Diego, CA
FlynnJohn A.1952PSan Antonio, TX
FlynnVincent Stephen?PLos Angeles, CA
Flynn, Jr.John H.1955PBoston, MA
FlyntJames M.1985PMilwaukee, WI
FoisyLeonard R.1957PDetroit, MI
FoleyGeorge1963PLos Angeles, CA
FoleyGerald K. (Jerry)1961PCrookston, MN
FoleyJ. Patrick1973PSacramento, CA
FoleyJames D.1960PBoston, MA
FoleyJames J.1978PBoston, MA
FoleyRobert?POrange, CA
FoleyStephen C.1967PHartford, CT
FondriestJames M.1972PYoungstown, OH
FontenotBryan1981PNew Orleans, LA
FontenotRonald Lane< 1970PLafayette, LA
ForandJoseph Clarence W.1945PSpringfield, MA
ForcelleJoseph Thomas1980PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
FordFrancis (John)1951PPortland, OR
FordJames H.1973PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
FordJames Michael1966PLos Angeles, CA
FordRichard J.1960PAllentown, PA
FordThomas CuthbertBNewark, NJ
ForishStephen T1972PAllentown, PA
FormanBruce1974PSt. Louis, MO
FormichelliErnestDYoungstown, OH
FormusaSalvatore1935PJoliet, IL
ForresterJohn C. (Fidelis)1954PDavenport, IA
ForryThomas P.1966PBoston, MA
ForsterAlbert J.1926PDubuque, IA
ForsytheJames A.1983PKansas City, KS
FortierRoger Armand1980PManchester, NH
FortnerDouglas F.1970PCovington, KY
FosterMichael Smith1980PBoston, MA
FosterRobert L.DOklahoma City, OK
FountainDennis1981PSanta Fe, NM
FournierRoger E.1970PManchester, NH
FowlerJohnBBoston, MA
FoxDonal1966PPaterson, NJ
FoxFrancisBFairbanks, AK
FoxFrederick1952PDuluth, MN
FoxJohn P.1927PFairbanks, AK
FoxhovenChristopher2004PSteubenville, OH
FoyleDermot< 1952PSeattle, WA
FragaBento R.1956PFall River, MA
France-KellyKenneth1981PColumbus, OH
FrancisGeorge J.1937POakland, CA
FranciscoAlexander1979PHouma-Thibodaux, LA
FrancoPaul?PSalt Lake City, UT
FrankClement1934PPortland, OR
FrankFatherPBismarck, ND
FranklinEdward L.1962POgdensburg, NY
FranklinJonathan W.1956PNew Orleans, LA
FranzenRay1940PSpringfield, IL
FraserMichael B.1975PNew Orleans, LA
FraticJoseph P.1964PBoston, MA
FrazierMichaelDRockford, IL
FrazierRichard1996PCovington, KY
FreddrickMaryNPortland, OR
FrederickJames1959PJoliet, IL
FredetteJoseph A.1957PWorcester, MA
FreemanMichael R1972PBuffalo, NY
FreitasRobert E.1972POakland, CA
FrenchMichael1964PSan Diego, CA
FreyPaulBSioux Falls, SD
FreyRoss S.1974PBoston, MA
FreymuthMichael A.1979PSt. Louis, MO
FriedmanDaniel L.1972PBelleville, IL
FrielJoseph P1957PBuffalo, NY
FrielMark M1963PBuffalo, NY
FrieseRobert D.1978PChicago, IL
FrigaultEdward Francis1949PNorwich, CT
FrigoCamillus1955PGreen Bay, WI
FritschEdward J.1965PCovington, KY
FrobasVictor1965PWheeling-Charleston, WV
FroehlichMark J.1969PSteubenville, OH
FrolickJeanne ClareNPortland, OR
FromholzerFrancis (Frank) J.1958PAllentown, PA
FronczakDennis A.1975PBuffalo, NY
FrostEdmundBSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
FrostJames I. J.1976PBrooklyn, NY
FrostPeter J.1970PBoston, MA
FugeeMichael C.1994PNewark, NJ
FugoloJoseph1967PBoston, MA
FuhrmannNicholas1954PLittle Rock, AR
FuncheonGerald1965PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
FunkeJames A.1974PSt. Louis, MO
FurchesStephenBEl Paso, TX
FurdekJohn M.1984PMilwaukee, WI
FurfaroFrancis J.1941PSyracuse, NY
FurjanicGregory P.?PErie, PA
FurmanskiLeonard A.1959PPhiladelphia, PA
FurtadoStephen R.1973PFall River, MA
FuscoAlbin D.1961PNew York, NY
FushekDale J.1978PPhoenix, AZ
FusoniJoseph A.1960PBoston, MA
GaborekJoseph1971PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
GabrielBenjaminPFresno, CA
GabriniSisterNSioux Falls, SD
GadekLawrence1955PNewark, NJ
GaetaDavid R.1980PSalt Lake City, UT
GaffneyJames F.1985PAllentown, PA
GaffneyThomas J.1950PNew York, NY
GagePhilip S.1969PAtlanta, GA
GaghanRobert W.1954PPhiladelphia, PA
GagneJ. DelphinePManchester, NH
GagnonJean-Paul1982PWorcester, MA
GagnonLaurenceDProvidence, RI
GaioniDominic T.1967PLos Angeles, CA
GaiterChester E.1976PSt. Louis, MO
GaldonRichard1959PNewark, NJ
GaleRobert V.1968PBoston, MA
GalganskiJoseph1942PYoungstown, OH
GalindoRudolph1954PSan Diego, CA
GalipeauDenis1961PNorwich, CT
GalkoJoseph D.1980PAllentown, PA
GallAdolphe J.1921PSavannah, GA
GallSylvester L.1938PSt. Cloud, MN
GallagherBrian1952PBoston, MA
GallagherEdward F.1946PScranton, PA
GallagherFrancis J.1973PPhiladelphia, PA
GallagherGeorge Michael1928PLos Angeles, CA
GallagherHenry1941PYoungstown, OH
GallagherJohn Donald< 1950PLouisville, KY
GallagherJohn J.1945PBoston, MA
GallagherJohn P.< 1945PYoungstown, OH
GallagherJoseph J.1963PPhiladelphia, PA
GallagherJoseph P.1973PPhiladelphia, PA
GallagherLuke V.1915PSyracuse, NY
GallagherRoger P.1954PWashington, DC
Gallagher (in Baltimore)Joseph1955PBaltimore, MD
GallantAlfred F.1962PNew York, NY
GallantJohn P.1960PNew York, NY
GallantReneBHelena, MT
GallatinJoseph G.1997PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
GallegosJoseph Anthony1963PSanta Fe, NM
GallenJohn J.1963PToledo, OH
GallensteinStephen1976PLexington, KY
GalliRobert W.< 1948PSanta Fe, NM
GalliganDamianBNew York, NY
GalloVincent1960PBrooklyn, NY
Gallo EspinozaManuel1998PNewark, NJ
GalvanLucas A.1980PPueblo, CO
GamelRobert1990PFresno, CA
Gamez-AlfonsoRigoberto1995PChicago, IL
GanaStanley M.1970PPhiladelphia, PA
GanahlJames A.1956PSan Diego, CA
GandaraRobertBNew Orleans, LA
GandrauJames H.1958PSeattle, WA
GanleyThomas P.1985PMetuchen, NJ
GansmannKenneth John1935PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
GansterEdward G.1971PAllentown, PA
GanterJoseph M.1922PPittsburgh, PA
GarandFrederickPToledo, OH
GarayJesusPLos Angeles, CA
GarciaAngel2000DAlbany, NY
GarciaArmand D.2005PPhiladelphia, PA
GarciaChristobalPLos Angeles, CA
GarciaEmilio1957POrlando, FL
GarciaFrancisco JavierPSacramento, CA
GarciaHectorDSanta Fe, NM
GarciaJesus Hernando1984PCorpus Christi, TX
GarciaLorenzo1997PSavannah, GA
GarciaLouis Aloysius1963PFresno, CA
GarciaLuisSMonterey, CA
GarciaOtto L.1973PBrooklyn, NY
GarciaPeter E.1966PLos Angeles, CA
GarciaRamonPLos Angeles, CA
GarciaRichard Francis1958PLos Angeles, CA
GarciaRolando G.1986PMiami, FL
GarciaRuben Idalio1972PBoise, ID
GarciaSamuel1967PLas Cruces, NM
GarciaSergio E.1994PLos Angeles, CA
Garcia-RubioErnesto1963PMiami, FL
GardinerRichard F.1968PWilmington, DE
GardingWilliam Nicholas1982PSt. Cloud, MN
GardipeeThomas J.BMilwaukee, WI
GardnerStephen JustinBChicago, IL
GardunoAnthony Martinez1990PSan Bernardino, CA
GarrityStephen M.1970PPhiladelphia, PA
GarryMichael M.< 1939PTrenton, NJ
GarstkaBernard A.1948PSyracuse, NY
GarthwaiteThomas1955PLa Crosse, WI
GarzaJesus P.1979PChicago, IL
GasparMark S.1998PPhiladelphia, PA
GatesJamesBSpokane, WA
GatineauOscarPSpringfield, MA
GaudinRene1957PFall River, MA
GaudioRobert1974PRochester, NY
GaudreauJames E.1969PBoston, MA
GaughanJames M.1974POmaha, NE
GauschJoseph P.1945PPhiladelphia, PA
GautheGilbert1972PLafayette, LA
GauthierLawrenceBSpringfield, MA
GauthierMark1969PManchester, NH
GauthierRaoul1933PSt. Cloud, MN
GauvinPaul L.BPortland, ME
GaviganEugene A.?PSavannah, GA
GavinJohn L.1948PSt. Louis, MO
GawronskiChester J.1976PErie, PA
GaynorJames1960PRockford, IL
GaynorLawrence1941PEl Paso, TX
GeertsTheodore Anthony1946 ?PDavenport, IA
GeigerJohn A.1957PColumbus, OH
GeigerWilliam1954PToledo, OH
GeimerBernard1950PGreen Bay, WI
GeimerRichardBKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
GeisLouis J.1939PHelena, MT
Gelineau (BP)Louis E.1953PBurlington, VT
GenereuxMarcel1939PManchester, NH
GeneviveFrank M.1983PAlbany, NY
GenizerJohn A.1967PPittsburgh, PA
GentileGennaro1971PNew York, NY
GenuarioWilliam A.1956PBridgeport, CT
GeoghanJohn J1962PBoston, MA
GeorgeThomas1979PAlbany, NY
GergJoseph1965PBaltimore, MD
Gertrude MarieSisterNNew Orleans, LA
GhastinKennethBBoston, MA
GhilardiMassimoPPortland, OR
GhioJohn J.1980PSt. Louis, MO
GiandeloneJohn Maurice1978PPhoenix, AZ
GianniniNormaNMilwaukee, WI
GibbneyMichael L.1975PJoliet, IL
GibbsLawrence (Larry) M.1973PJoliet, IL
GibeaultLeonardBMilwaukee, WI
GiblinWilliam1959PNewark, NJ
GibneyRobert G.1954PNewark, NJ
GibsonRobert J1958PScranton, PA
GiellaAugustine1950PNewark, NJ
GielowCharlesPPhoenix, AZ
GieranowskiWilliam1949PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
GieslerLinus T.1941PLouisville, KY
GilRudi1978PSan Bernardino, CA
GilardiRonald Sam1988PSalina, KS
GilbertAldeo1943PLafayette, LA
GilbertLeoPManchester, NH
GildeaJames J1957PBridgeport, CT
GilgallonJoseph G.1959PScranton, PA
GilibertiFrancis A.1970PPhiladelphia, PA
GillEdward Bryan1941POmaha, NE
GillJoseph C.1959PRapid City, SD
GillJoseph C. (Mobile)?PMobile, AL
GillPaul1966PSan Diego, CA
GillenA. M .D.1926PHelena, MT
GillespieFrancis T.1959PAllentown, PA
GillespieJerome F.1982PBoston, MA
GillespieJohn E.1953PPhiladelphia, PA
GillespieThomas1964PSt. Cloud, MN
GillespieThomas M.1968PBoston, MA
GilletteRandal (James R.)1971PBoston, MA
GilletteTheodore M.1978POgdensburg, NY
GilligJohn1957PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
GilmourEdward1945PAlbany, NY
GilpinJosephSBoston, MA
GilsdorfDaniel C.1960PGreen Bay, WI
GinderCharles Richard1940PPittsburgh, PA
GinnCharles, Jr.DPhiladelphia, PA
GintyDenis1927PLos Angeles, CA
GiordanoJohn C.1967PMetuchen, NJ
GirardSteven P.1975PBaltimore, MD
GirardinAntonio M.1937PPortland, ME
GishJeanNLouisville, KY
Giuliani/GuilianiRichard J1968PAllentown, PA
GiulianoAnthony J.1984PNew York, NY
GiveyDavid W.1971PPhiladelphia, PA
GlapionLloydDNew Orleans, LA
GlasgowThomas Gaspard1969PNew Orleans, LA
GlattsJoseph M.1966PPhiladelphia, PA
GleasonJohn L.1946PNew Ulm, MN
GleesonPatrick1943PSanta Rosa, CA
GleissnerLeopold1952PDetroit, MI
GlennonThomas1979POmaha, NE
GloeklerHerbert G.1949PErie, PA
GluchRobert A.1964PTucson, AZ
GlynnThomas1938PHartford, CT
GodinJames M.1979PMilwaukee, WI
GoekeJohn ""Jack""1959PCovington, KY
GolobichJohn1948PDuluth, MN
GoltzWilliam A.1950PDubuque, IA
GomezFrancisco1950PSalt Lake City, UT
Gomez MacouzetMaximiliano1946PSan Bernardino, CA
Gomez SantosGustavo2002PYakima, WA
GondekAlbert J.1966PWilmington, DE
GonieaRalph1963PDuluth, MN
GonsalvesJames RonaldDHonolulu, HI
GonzalesAnthony Hernandez1957PGalveston-Houston, TX
GonzalezRonald1987 ?DDallas, TX
Gonzalez RiosJuan JoseSPortland, OR
Gonzalez-AbreuHector1979PMiami, FL
GoodmanNorman D.1960PPeoria, IL
Goodman, Jr.Julian B.1966PRichmond, VA
GoodrichJohn Maloy1943PPortland, OR
GoodwinJustin L.1942PCharleston, SC
GopaulPaul A.1952PSt. Cloud, MN
GordonLawrenceBNew York, NY
Gorecki/GoreckyJoseph1959PBridgeport, CT
GorhamPeter Paul1953PPortland, ME
GormanBede1944PProvidence, RI
GormanDonald L.1954PSyracuse, NY
GormanRichard1982PNew York, NY
GormleyJohn1959PRochester, NY
GormlyCharles J.1935PCrookston, MN
GortonTimothy J.1982PProvidence, RI
GoryczkaStanislaus1923PSt. Cloud, MN
GoschkeHarold J.1948PSteubenville, OH
GottaPaul2006PHartford, CT
GottschalkMatthew1953PMilwaukee, WI
GouldJames C.1974PBuffalo, NY
GouldWilliam R.1965PBoise, ID
GourleyMarshall1982PDenver, CO
GovoniLouis J.1972PBoston, MA
GraaffJoseph A.1955PYakima, WA
GrabowskiRobert?PMobile, AL
GradyJames Patrick1977PSt. Louis, MO
GradyRichard J.1947PBridgeport, CT
GraehlerKenneth1963PEvansville, IN
GrafGary1984PChicago, IL
GrafHarold P.1968PPhoenix, AZ
GraffDonald< 1964PHonolulu, HI
GraffEdward R.1955PAllentown, PA
GraffPeter M.1941PDubuque, IA
GrahamDaniel M.1970PBoston, MA
GrahamJames G.1966PPittsburgh, PA
GrahamJohn?PHartford, CT
GrahamThomas1960PSt. Louis, MO
GrahamWilliam C1976PDuluth, MN
GramkeeDavid N.1966PRochester, NY
GrammondMaurice R.1950PPortland, OR
GranadinoDavid F.1981PLos Angeles, CA
GrandpreLouis E.1961PDetroit, MI
GranstrandCharles P.1966PNewark, NJ
GrantRichard N.1968PWilmington, DE
GrantRobert J.1993 ?PHartford, CT
GrassDonald C.1961PGary, IN
GrattanBernard V.1975PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
GravesAlfred C.1967PSpringfield, MA
GrayDennisPToledo, OH
GrayRobert A.1988PSan Jose, CA
GrayRobert B.1957PLouisville, KY
GraySherman W.1970PBridgeport, CT
GrearJames1970PLafayette, IN
GreenGerard Leo1956PBuffalo, NY
GreenWilliam S.POakland, CA
GreeneDonal?PJefferson City, MO
GreeneWilliam T.PNew York, NY
Greensburg Priest#1?PGreensburg, PA
GreenwellGeorge R.1942PLouisville, KY
GreenwellJames M.?PSalt Lake City, UT
GreenwellPaul J1928PSanta Fe, NM
GregBrotherBSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
GregoirePaul L.1955PManchester, NH
GregoryJeffreyBLansing, MI
GregovichLawrence E.1972PSpringfield-Cape Girardeau, MO
GreifHarold J.1940PFairbanks, AK
GresockThomas G1985PBuffalo, NY
GriegoSabine1964PSanta Fe, NM
GriemanGerald1979PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
GriffinGus (August?)PMiami, FL
GriffinJoseph A.1927PScranton, PA
GriffithJamesBLouisville, KY
GrillPhilip L.1943PLos Angeles, CA
GrimesJames1942 ?PLos Angeles, CA
GroleauPaul E.1969PManchester, NH
GromalaRoman S.1950PNorwich, CT
GronowskiRonald V.1969PGaylord, MI
GrooverHenry B.1992PSavannah, GA
GrossRichard1962PNew Ulm, MN
GrosserClarence (Rudolph)1935PDetroit, MI
GrovesWilliam1980PPueblo, CO
GruberMark F. X.1982PGreensburg, PA
GrummThomas J.1975PPhiladelphia, PA
GrundhausRoger1966PCrookston, MN
Guarin-SosaJulio CesarPStockton, CA
GubserPaul L.1967PYoungstown, OH
GuerraCharlesPGalveston-Houston, TX
GuerreroGabrielPSt. Cloud, MN
GuerreroJessie or JesseDAmarillo, TX
GuerreroJoaquin< 1960PMiami, FL
GuerreroMatteo (Mateo)BLos Angeles, CA
GuerriniRoderic M.1963PLos Angeles, CA
GuetterMichael1941PNew Ulm, MN
GuglielmoAlan1968PNewark, NJ
GugliottaKevin A.1996PNewark, NJ
GuichardAlvaro1969PMiami, FL
GuidryDale Anthony1982PAmarillo, TX
GuidryMichael S.1971PLafayette, LA
GuillenJuan1974PTucson, AZ
GuilloryKerryn/aBEl Paso, TX
GuimaraesElias Francisco1993PPalm Beach, FL
GuineyJohn E.1947PBoston, MA
GuliGerard J.1956PRochester, NY
GulleyAnthony David1956PAlbany, NY
GummersbachJames L.1954PSt. Louis, MO
GunstGeorge A.1950PLos Angeles, CA
GustafsonGilbert J.1977PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
GuthCharles B.1924PGreensburg, PA
GuthrieFrederick L.1962PManchester, NH
GuthrieMilton J.1957PMemphis, TN
GutierrezJavier R.1983PJuneau, AK
Gutierrez-CervantesJoseph (Jesse)BOakland, CA
GuyderThomas F.1940PSyracuse, NY
GuzielekLadislaus1924PAlbany, NY
GuzmanCarlosDPaterson, NJ
GuzmanFernando Noe?PGalveston-Houston, TX
GuzmanVincentePLos Angeles, CA
Guzman-ChavezErasto1979 ?PPortland, OR
GyanEric1986PBaton Rouge, LA
HaasJoseph1959PMilwaukee, WI
HaasPaul Frederick1959PNashville, TN
HaberthierJohn1948PDodge City, KS
HackettJohn JosephPLos Angeles, CA
HackettThomas E.1943PDavenport, IA
HackmanDonaldDHarrisburg, PA
HaddicanBernard1960PJackson, MS
HaegelinWilliam M.1976PKansas City, KS
HaenEdmund H.1940PMilwaukee, WI
HaenerRobert W.1957PDetroit, MI
HaganAlvin Marie (Sister)NNew Orleans, LA
HaganArthur J.1933PBoston, MA
HaganDavid I.1966PPhiladelphia, PA
HaganJames Craig1974PChicago, IL
HaganJames E.1956PLouisville, KY
HagemanClement A.1930PCorpus Christi, TX
HagenbachClinton Vincent1961PLos Angeles, CA
HagerJoseph1934PHarrisburg, PA
HahnJude Clarence Francis1958PMadison, WI
HaightMark1976PAlbany, NY
HajdukJohn P1976PBuffalo, NY
HalleeRenald C.PPortland, ME
HallerJames W.1962PManchester, NH
HalseyLawrence M.BPortland, OR
HambrockEugeneBSt. Cloud, MN
HamiltonKenneth1982PNew Orleans, LA
HamiltonWilliamPPortland, OR
HammerJohn E.1979PYoungstown, OH
HammondJoseph T.1931PScranton, PA
HammondRobert W.1967PRochester, NY
HandsMichael R.1993PRockville Centre, NY
HanelCharles T.1983PMilwaukee, WI
HaneyThomas Ronald1958PHarrisburg, PA
HanleyBernard Brian1958PLos Angeles, CA
HanleyJames T.1962PPaterson, NJ
HanlonJames Bernard1981PFort Worth, TX
HanlonJohn R.1955PBoston, MA
HannanRogersBWheeling-Charleston, WV
HanneyJames V.BAlbany, NY
HannonPatrick A.1949PSanta Rosa, CA
HannonRobert E.1954PErie, PA
HanrahanMichael F.1971PColumbus, OH
HansenUnknownPPortland, OR
HanserDavid J.1958PMilwaukee, WI
HaranMichael Joseph1945PLos Angeles, CA
HarbertWilliam1962PPeoria, IL
HardinRoy T.1964PCamden, NJ
HardmanJohn?PMobile, AL
HardyPaschal1956PLos Angeles, CA
HargadonJames E.1955PLouisville, KY
HargreavesHenry G.1947PFairbanks, AK
HarkinsThomas M.1971PCamden, NJ
Harman/HarmonCharles1954PLos Angeles, CA
HarnessH. Robert1982PDavenport, IA
HarneyPeter P.1953PWilmington, DE
HarnishLionel A.1954PGaylord, MI
HaroldBrotherBNew Orleans, LA
HaroldJames?PSavannah, GA
HarringtonDaniel B.1932PHelena, MT
HarringtonJohn1945PNew York, NY
HarringtonJohn1948PPortland, OR
HarringtonMichael J1942PBuffalo, NY
Harrington (Bp)Timothy J.1946PWorcester, MA
HarrisBernard A.PHelena, MT
HarrisBrennan1969PIndianapolis, IN
HarrisJames M.1948PPortland, OR
HarrisJohn E.1984PPortland, ME
HarrisKenneth L.< 1943PSteubenville, OH
HarrisL. Yates1977PMiami, FL
HarrisMichael A.1972POrange, CA
HarrisSteven1980PPhiladelphia, PA
HarrisWallace A.1972PNew York, NY
HarrisonArthur1956PSan Jose, CA
HarrisonRobert1964PNew York, NY
HarroldJohn F.1973PSyracuse, NY
HarshamEllis N.1968PCincinnati, OH
Hart (Bp)Joseph1956PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
HarteAl F.1964PRockford, IL
HartelEdward T.1962PWashington, DC
HartigJulian1926PGallup, NM
HartlingCharles W.1979PNewark, NJ
HartmanBernard JosephBPittsburgh, PA
HartmanDonald1950PMarquette, MI
HartmanRichard A.PLos Angeles, CA
HartmanRobert J.1947PHelena, MT
HartwigLawrence1967PGrand Rapids, MI
HartzGerald1959PSioux City, IA
HarveyJohn X.1957PWilmington, DE
HasenbergAloysius J.1949PMarquette, MI
HaskinsEdward?PMonterey, CA
HasselbachKenneth C.1966PRockville Centre, NY
HatchRichard H.1954PWinona, MN
HatrelThomasPFairbanks, AK
HatrickBrian M.1979PBuffalo, NY
HattalaFerdinand A.1934PSyracuse, NY
HauPhan Huu< 1978PSeattle, WA
HausfeldBruce1962PLas Cruces, NM
HavelThomas E.1963PLos Angeles, CA
HavensJames A.1979PMobile, AL
HaveyJoseph1971PSpringfield, IL
HavilandWilliam T.1962PHarrisburg, PA
HawkesBenjamin1950PLos Angeles, CA
HayJames B.PEl Paso, TX
HaydenRobert E. "Paul"BColumbus, OH
HayesJ. Ernest/Ernest J.1961PSan Bernardino, CA
HayesJames C.1965PSyracuse, NY
HayesJames P1929PBuffalo, NY
HayesJoseph B.1946PBaker, OR
HaynesMark J.1985PPhiladelphia, PA
HaysMichael1976PSeattle, WA
HazelRobert L.1966PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
HazenDavid1956PBaker, OR
HazzouriAlex J1957PScranton, PA
HealyPatrick J.1986PErie, PA
HealyTerrence?PLansing, MI
HeaneyJohn P.1953PSan Francisco, CA
HeatherGeraldBLos Angeles, CA
HeathwoodJohn LaurenceBRochester, NY
HebertDonald J.1981PSyracuse, NY
HebertLloyd P.1957PLafayette, LA
HebertRaymond P.1952PNew Orleans, LA
Hebert, Jr.Paul L.1959PNorwich, CT
HechenbergerGerald1996PBelleville, IL
HeckDonald Henry1963PSt. Louis, MO
HeckelJohn F.1944PWilmington, DE
HeckerLawrence1958PNew Orleans, LA
HedermanKevin F.1975PSt. Louis, MO
HefferanJohn Edward1956PChicago, IL
HeidCharles W.1936PScranton, PA
HeilNorman L.1963PCincinnati, OH
HeimWilliam J.< 1968PAlbany, NY
HeimannDavid1958PColumbus, OH
HeinesTimothy J.1994PDallas, TX
HeitzerLouis J. (Joseph)1942PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
HeizmanLeo J.1969PSyracuse, NY
HellmerMichael D.1970PSteubenville, OH
HelowiczMarion Francis1974PBaltimore, MD
HemmerleRaymond Joseph1967PLouisville, KY
HemstreetJohn1964PToledo, OH
HenaoLuis E.1974PNew Orleans, LA
HendersonThomasPPortland, ME
HendricksKenneth Bernard1986?PCincinnati, OH
HendricksLouis J1963PBuffalo, NY
HennJoseph John1978PPhoenix, AZ
HennesseyJames?PYoungstown, OH
HennessyLinus< 1949PBuffalo, NY
HennessyPaul KevinBNew York, NY
HennessyWilliam ABBoston, MA
HenrichRudolph M.1933PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
HenriettaMotherNHelena, MT
HenriquesEdwardPLos Angeles, CA
HenryBrotherBManchester, NH
HenryJames T.1964PPhiladelphia, PA
HenryJoseph?POmaha, NE
HenryJoseph M /J Michael1933PHonolulu, HI
HenryPatrick1981POmaha, NE
HenryRichard Allen1972PLos Angeles, CA
HensleyGilbert Leroy1962BChicago, IL
HensonJerome M.1977PSacramento, CA
Herber, C.PP.S.John1968PHarrisburg, PA
HerbergerRoy1968PBuffalo, NY
HerbstHarold1941PMilwaukee, WI
HerdegenAnthony G.1946PFresno, CA
HerekDaniel P.1971POmaha, NE
HeretickJoseph S.1947PGreat Falls-Billings, MT
HermannsMel W.1964PMilwaukee, WI
HermleyHarold1957PWilmington, DE
HermleyRobert J.1955PPhiladelphia, PA
HermsenRalph1954PGreen Bay, WI
HernandezAlfred1955PLos Angeles, CA
HernandezGabriel2008DFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
HernandezLarry1978PSan Antonio, TX
HernandezRamon1959 ?PSt. Petersburg, FL
HernandezStephen C.1982PLos Angeles, CA
Hernandez-TovarFrancisco1980PSacramento, CA
HerpJoseph T.1973PLouisville, KY
HerpinL. Michael1966PLafayette, LA
HerreraHenry1942PFort Worth, TX
HerreraHernando1998PFall River, MA
HerreraRosendo1996PAmarillo, TX
HeschJohn1982PRichmond, VA
HessEdwardPSioux Falls, SD
HessJohn P.1983PSt. Louis, MO
HeustisJerome "Jerry"BNewark, NJ
HewittAndrewBNewark, NJ
HewittGregoryDSeattle, WA
HeydensDonald J.1970PGrand Rapids, MI
HeymenRichard1956PGreen Bay, WI
HeyndricksEugene P.1981PNewark, NJ
HickeyGerald J.1963PBoston, MA
HiddingThomas J.1986PSt. Petersburg, FL
HigginsJ Grant1956PBuffalo, NY
HigginsMichael1964PSan Diego, CA
HigginsPhillipPFall River, MA
HightowerPaul?PBoston, MA
HilandGeorge H.1958PPeoria, IL
HilaryAntony Muthu1970PManchester, NH
HildebrandWilliam CharlesBPittsburgh, PA
HillErnest Justin1951PPortland, ME
HillPatrick J.1968PLos Angeles, CA
HillRobert E.1957PYoungstown, OH
HillenDaniel B.1969PHelena, MT
HinesJoseph P.1945PDavenport, IA
HinojosaJuan FranciscoDChicago, IL
HoJoseph Hiepvan1975POmaha, NE
HobtPhillip1992PDes Moines, IA
HoderJames Allen1975PChicago, IL
HodikRudolph J.1924PGreen Bay, WI
HoefgenFrancis F.1979PSt. Cloud, MN
HoefgenRaymond J.1963PMarquette, MI
HoehlJohn1963PPittsburgh, PA
HoffmanGerard J.1973PPhiladelphia, PA
HoffmanLouis E.1943PColumbus, OH
HoffmannEmmett1953PGreat Falls-Billings, MT
HoffmannPhilip A.1964PGreen Bay, WI
HoganFrancis T1946PBuffalo, NY
HoganG. Stuart1924PRochester, NY
HoganLeroy Jerome1957PGreen Bay, WI
HoganMichael J.1984PChicago, IL
HoganMichael P.1956PChicago, IL
HohmannOthmar (Leo)1931PSt. Cloud, MN
HolbelSylvester J.1928PBuffalo, NY
HoldWilliam B.1977PSacramento, CA
HoldrenJohn C.1971PRockford, IL
HolihanDaniel Mark1957PChicago, IL
HolihanEdgar M.1943PSyracuse, NY
HolleyDavid A.1958PWorcester, MA
HollingerWilliam1946PLos Angeles, CA
HolmesEdward AnthonyBBoston, MA
HolmesJohn "Jack"1969PSteubenville, OH
HolsenbachJames BarronBBoston, MA
HolteyGary Michael1984PSan Diego, CA
HoltzJames A.1974PGaylord, MI
HoltzLouis J.1958PCovington, KY
HomerP. Lawrence1959PScranton, PA
HoncKathleen FrancisNOrlando, FL
Honhart/HonartMark A.1980PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
HooverWilliam Reece1955PFort Worth, TX
HopfGeorge S.1949PMilwaukee, WI
HopkinsJames Francis1968PCamden, NJ
HopkinsJames P. or F.1900PErie, PA
HopkinsRobert F.1948PBaltimore, MD
HoppThomas R.1966PCincinnati, OH
HoppeSylvester J.1946PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
HopwoodFrederick J.1951PCharleston, SC
HoranRaymond1968PAtlanta, GA
HornStephen R.1973PGalveston-Houston, TX
HorneThomas Barry< 1939PChicago, IL
HornickJ. Michael1969PAnchorage, AK
HorvathBertrand W.1970POrange, CA
HostRichard1974PGrand Rapids, MI
HotardHoward1955PNew Orleans, LA
HouckRichard L.1965PSan Diego, CA
HoughWilliam F.1963PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
HouleWilfred1975PManchester, NH
HoulihanJames AlvarezBChicago, IL
HouseknechtLeo J.1968PAllentown, PA
HoustonJoseph F.1964PScranton, PA
HovanecGeorge T.1929PCleveland, OH
HowardFrancesNLouisville, KY
HowardRichard L.1977DSaginaw, MI
HowellGerard "Jerry"1964PNew Orleans, LA
HowellRobert (Rapelyea)DBoise, ID
HowellRodney1965PAmarillo, TX
HowerPhilip A.SHarrisburg, PA
HowitzRegisBPhiladelphia, PA
HowlettJohn1947PFort Worth, TX
HowlinCarroll1961PJoliet, IL
HoyDaniel J.1948PPhiladelphia, PA
HrdlickaRobert C.1977PLincoln, NE
Hubbard (Bp).Howard J.1963PAlbany, NY
HuberJohn J.1968PPittsburgh, PA
HuckJoseph1969PMiami, FL
HuckemeyerEdwardDBrooklyn, NY
HudakFrancis1955PHarrisburg, PA
HudockBarry M.1996PErie, PA
HudsonCharles1962PNewark, NJ
HudsonFrancis "Frank" X.1974PCamden, NJ
HuelsJohn1976PMetuchen, NJ
HuerresAgustiPSan Angelo, TX
HuertaOrestes M.PDodge City, KS
HuffDennisBSanta Fe, NM
HuffEdward G.1973PPittsburgh, PA
HughesPatrick J.1953PSan Diego, CA
HughesWilliam J.1982PDallas, TX
HulkoJoseph D.1967PAllentown, PA
HullerErnest Karl1954PSpringfield, MA
HummellJohn F.1965PPhiladelphia, PA
HumphreyEdgar P.1935PSyracuse, NY
HunekeRobert D.1969PRockville Centre, NY
HuntJohn1969POgdensburg, NY
HuntMichael A.1939PLos Angeles, CA
HuntRobert1954PColumbus, OH
HuppenbauerWalter Edward1957PChicago, IL
HurleyJames P.1940PPortland, OR
HurleyJohn F.1945PSpokane, WA
HurleyJohn J.1928PLos Angeles, CA
HurleyMichael F.1943PNew Orleans, LA
HurleyPaul William1970PBoston, MA
HurleyRichardBLos Angeles, CA
HurtadoJosePPhoenix, AZ
HuskeLeonard1956PChicago, IL
HutchinsonJamesPBoston, MA
HutsonJames1982DColumbus, OH
HutzlerJames1980PAmarillo, TX
HyderRaymond L.1929PBoston, MA
HylandRaymond A.1947PNew York, NY
IannarellaJames M.1996PPhiladelphia, PA
IdziakStanley Dominic1962PBuffalo, NY
IgleEdward A.1974PCamden, NJ
Iguabita-RodriguezKelvin E1999PBoston, MA
ImmingDavid "Dave"1965POklahoma City, OK
IngallsFred D1974PBuffalo, NY
IngelsGregory G.1974PSan Francisco, CA
InghilterraVincent1972PTrenton, NJ
InmanLeonard1961PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
InzeoLawrence C.1978PNew York, NY
InzerilloPeter J.1970PWorcester, MA
IpolitoPascal D.1970PBuffalo, NY
IrwinCharles B.BChicago, IL
IrwinWilliam E.1964PWilmington, DE
IsaiasTheodore1961PSanta Fe, NM
IschayMatthew A.1975PCleveland, OH
IsgroSalvatore "Sam"1962PNew Orleans, LA
IshakHurmiz RiskoDDetroit, MI
IzquierdoWilliam1958PHartford, CT
JablonowskiAnthony1970PCheyenne, WY
JablonowskiJames N.1968PMilwaukee, WI
JablonskiJoseph1976PSan Bernardino, CA
JacklinRichard E.1984PJoliet, IL
JacksonJames A.1948PHonolulu, HI
JacobsGary A.1971PMarquette, MI
JacobsPhilip J.1974PColumbus, OH
JacobsonGary1965PPortland, OR
JacobsonJames E.1959PFairbanks, AK
JacobyJohn O.1953PCleveland, OH
JacquesKenneth1967PPortland, OR
JacquesRaymond1948PSt. Cloud, MN
JaegerDavid Peter1969PSeattle, WA
JaimeJosePPortland, OR
JakesIgnatius J.BFairbanks, AK
JalbertNorman R.1963PWorcester, MA
JamesJosephPLos Angeles, CA
JamesMelvin P.1975PLos Angeles, CA
JanakHubert Joseph1941PSan Antonio, TX
JangamJohnPTulsa, OK
JannettaAlfred L.1967PManchester, NH
JanowskiStanley1966PPhiladelphia, PA
JansonisAlphonse B. (Mike)1945PBoston, MA
JanssenJames M.1948PDavenport, IA
JaramilloLuis1976PLos Angeles, CA
JasinskiFlorian A1957PBuffalo, NY
JasinskiGerald C1968PBuffalo, NY
JayawardenePantaleone?PSeattle, WA
JayawardeneTilak A.1972PLos Angeles, CA
JeanRaymond J.1957PNorwich, CT
JeffersRobert A.1954PNew York, NY
JendrysikMark1985PJoliet, IL
JenikJohn Joseph1970PNew York, NY
JennessJoseph Roy1956PSpringfield, MA
JensenLarry1988PBridgeport, CT
JerchaJulian1950PGary, IN
JergeJoseph W.1951PErie, PA
JeromeVincentBNewark, NJ
JeselnickStephen E.1977PErie, PA
JesselliKenneth A.1984PNew York, NY
JetteDonat M.1918PNorwich, CT
JeubRichard H.1966PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
JeyapaulJoseph Palanivel1982PCrookston, MN
JeziorskiLouis1931PGary, IN
JiangXiu Hui (Joseph)2010PSt. Louis, MO
JimenezEdgardo Arrunataegui1983POrange, CA
JimenezManuelSMonterey, CA
JimenezManuelSMonterey, CA
Jimenez-PelayoEmmanuelPLos Angeles, CA
JoanSisterNHelena, MT
Joan MarieSisterNMiami, FL
JobThomas1970PChicago, IL
JochemHarold1930PJoliet, IL
JoffeWilliam I.1957PRockford, IL
JohnBrotherBBoston, MA
JohnSisterNSioux Falls, SD
JohnsonDavid (Dave) E.1984PLos Angeles, CA
JohnsonEarlBKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
JohnsonHarold J.1949PBoston, MA
JohnsonRichard E.1960PDallas, TX
JohnsonRichard G.1947PBoston, MA
JohnsonWalter E.1953PRockford, IL
JohnstonJames1954 ?PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
JohnstonRobert F.1962PSt. Louis, MO
JohnstonThomas1986PDetroit, MI
JonesAugustine K.1953PChicago, IL
JonesEdward T.2003PPensacola-Tallahassee, FL
JonesRichard1973PAlbany, NY
JonesRichard G.1963PPhiladelphia, PA
JonesWilliam E.1960PAllentown, PA
JordanJohn E.1935PChicago, IL
JosephJean Ronald1993PVenice, FL
JosephWilliam T.1966PPhiladelphia, PA
JostDennis RaymondSSan Bernardino, CA
JovePedroPMiami, FL
JoyalGerald F.PManchester, NH
JoyceDonald J.1958PBoston, MA
JoyceEdward1940PPittsburgh, PA
JuarezAnthonyBLos Angeles, CA
JuarezMartin1981PKansas City, KS
JuarezRobert Jesus1980PLos Angeles, CA
JuddRichard1964PTucson, AZ
JuddRichard P1964PBuffalo, NY
JungquistEdward W.1980PErie, PA
JupinAlan D.1962PAlbany, NY
JuranMichael P.1976PBuffalo, NY
JustiMarvin1958PPittsburgh, PA
JuttonDavid J.1966PSyracuse, NY
KabatPaul1958PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
KaczmarczykBernard J.1957PPittsburgh, PA
KainStephenPLos Angeles, CA
KaiserFerdinand L.1937PWinona, MN
KallalScott J.2011PKansas City, KS
KalterRaymond C.1930PDavenport, IA
KammererRichard1980PRockville Centre, NY
KampaDennis C.1968PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
KanchongPeter S1968PBoston, MA
KaneCharles R.1954PBoston, MA
KaneFrancis J.1953PPortland, ME
KaneJames J.1944PScranton, PA
KaneThomas A.1969PWorcester, MA
KantnerWilliam R.1975PMemphis, TN
KapounRobert1964PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
KarabinJoseph D.1974PPittsburgh, PA
KarathWilliam "Bill"1971PPortland, OR
KardasThaddeus (Ted) J.1970PWorcester, MA
KaretaGregory1956PMonterey, CA
KareyArthur M.1943PDetroit, MI
KarowDominic "John Walter"BBoston, MA
KastnerEdwin1951PBelleville, IL
KaszynskiRobert S.1960PFall River, MA
KatarskisWalter (Vaclovas)1942PCincinnati, OH
KatherineSisterNSioux Falls, SD
KaucheckKenneth1976PDetroit, MI
KavanaghCharles M.1963PNew York, NY
KavanaughPhilip1973PLos Angeles, CA
KavungalGeorge< 1978PGary, IN
KaydaKevin L.2013PHarrisburg, PA
KealyG.A. Gerard AloysiusBSeattle, WA
KealyRobert Louis1972PChicago, IL
KeanJoseph H.1964PAllentown, PA
KeaneJohn F.1969PBoston, MA
KeanePatrick1973PNew Orleans, LA
KeaneTimothy1950PColumbus, OH
KearneyChristopher1968PLos Angeles, CA
KeatingMichael Jerome2002PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
KeatingThomas F.1966PSyracuse, NY
KeefeDennis A.1989PBoston, MA
KeeganAustin Peter1962PSan Francisco, CA
KeeganJohnn/aBPittsburgh, PA
KeehanJohn James1967PChicago, IL
KeelingPaul M.1975PBuffalo, NY
KeenanBernard J.1948PBoston, MA
KeenanDonald J.1943PBoston, MA
KeeneyJohnPLos Angeles, CA
KeilAnthony A.?PMobile, AL
KeithJohn Charles1956PSan Diego, CA
KelleherCornelius1956PDuluth, MN
KelleherMichael Joseph1953PCharlotte, NC
KellerBrian1973PBrooklyn, NY
KellerDominic (Joseph)1931PSt. Cloud, MN
KellerJohn T.1974PGalveston-Houston, TX
KelleyArnold E.1956PBoston, MA
KelleyDavid J.1974PCincinnati, OH
KelleyEdward T.1968PBoston, MA
KelleyMichael (Micheal) H.1985PIndianapolis, IN
KelleyRobert E1968PWorcester, MA
KelleyThomas C.1967PErie, PA
KelleyTimothy J1978PBuffalo, NY
KellyJames1942PSt. Cloud, MN
KellyJames E.1957PAlbany, NY
KellyJohnBSt. Cloud, MN
KellyJohn P.1962PCamden, NJ
KellyMatthew H.1942PLos Angeles, CA
KellyMichael E.1973PStockton, CA
KellyMichael Emmet1971PSanta Rosa, CA
KellyMichael J.1953POmaha, NE
KellyPatrick M.1950PLos Angeles, CA
KellyRobert J.1974PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
KellyThomas F. (Y)1947PYoungstown, OH
KellyThomas Francis1962PChicago, IL
KellyTimothy1961PNew York, NY
KellyVernonPSpringfield, MA
Kelly, Jr.C. Richard1970PDetroit, MI
Kelly, Jr.Eugene WalterPRichmond, VA
KeltyLeo A.1960PTrenton, NJ
KempDennis W.1973PSeattle, WA
KempThomasDSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
KempThomas L1952PBuffalo, NY
KemperJames A.1942PSanta Fe, NM
KenkelLeonard A.1960PDes Moines, IA
KennedyEdward M.1959PSpringfield, MA
KennedyEdwin A.1951POgdensburg, NY
KennedyJohn M.1935POgdensburg, NY
KennedyJohn T.1936PDavenport, IA
KenneyDaniel J.1963POmaha, NE
KenneyJohn M.1975 ?PLos Angeles, CA
KenneyJoseph F. (W?)1931PBoston, MA
KenningtonJack1959PNew York, NY
KennyMichael Christopher1973PSan Antonio, TX
KensholJoseph W.1973PGrand Rapids, MI
KentBenenNChicago, IL
KeohanEdward M.1959PBoston, MA
KeohaneBartholomew1929PSavannah, GA
KeohaneDaniel C.1952POklahoma City, OK
KeohaneDaniel T.1978PSan Francisco, CA
KeoughJohn J.1952PChicago, IL
KeppelTimothy F.1977PSan Bernardino, CA
KeppelerRichard J1954PBuffalo, NY
KerestusThomas J.1969PAllentown, PA
KerinsSean P.2017PErie, PA
KernJerome (Jerry) C.1966PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
KernanJoseph CBChicago, IL
KerrChristopher1979PSanta Fe, NM
KerresseyRicardo (Richard)BBoston, MA
KerriganJohn P1954PHelena, MT
KerriganWilliam J.1941PDavenport, IA
KershnerJoseph J.1964PMiami, FL
KertzLouis1948PSt. Louis, MO
KetchamGary L.1977PErie, PA
KeyesPhillip C.1958PMilwaukee, WI
KeyrouzeJoseph1950PAlbany, NY
KeysGordon L.1955PPortland, OR
KiariePeter1993PNew York, NY
KickelEdward1922PCleveland, OH
KieferGeorge1932PGreen Bay, WI
KieferWilliamBPittsburgh, PA
KiefferPlacidus1932PDavenport, IA
KieleyEdward X.1925PSyracuse, NY
KiernanPatrick1952PPortland, OR
KiernanWilliam1921PGreen Bay, WI
KiesleStephen1972PSan Francisco, CA
KiffmeyerJames G.1985PCincinnati, OH
KihmPeter J.1981PNew York, NY
KilclineFrank1981PLafayette, IN
KilgourJames1982PNew Orleans, LA
KilleenJohn F.1950PLos Angeles, CA
KilleenSister Mary JosephNLos Angeles, CA
KillianWilliam N.1935 ?PPhiladelphia, PA
KillionDennis1980PWilmington, DE
KimballDonald Wren1969PSanta Rosa, CA
KinaneGerard P.1973PHouma-Thibodaux, LA
KingAnthony S. "Skip"1959PYakima, WA
KingDavid G.1949PYakima, WA
KingThomas F.1964PLos Angeles, CA
KinloughWilliam1943PCorpus Christi, TX
KirchenPaul1929PHelena, MT
KircherJames1963PJackson, MS
KirchmeyerRobert W.1952PBoston, MA
KirschRobert J.1957PSanta Fe, NM
KissaneJoseph Patrick1969PChicago, IL
KitaAugust1960PNew Orleans, LA
KlaersMarvin J.1950PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
KleinGeorge W.1959PChicago, IL
KleinRobert P.1953PCovington, KY
KleinRobert William1956PDuluth, MN
KlemanJames E.1955PCovington, KY
KlikunasBruce J.1972PLos Angeles, CA
KlimekValentine1944PSt. Cloud, MN
KlineJamesBPittsburgh, PA
KlineJohn1949PPhiladelphia, PA
KlisterIrving Frederick1944PSuperior, WI
KloppenborgThomas1991SColorado Springs, CO
KlosterRobert J.1965PSyracuse, NY
KlubertanzKenneth1968 ?PMadison, WI
KmakLeonard Paul1959PChicago, IL
KnappPaul1975PBaltimore, MD
KnappRobert J.1965PBoston, MA
KnechtJoseph1925PSpokane, WA
KnellekenJames1951PSeattle, WA
KnightonMarvin T.1975PMilwaukee, WI
KnoernschildJohn1970POrange, CA
KnotekJohn T.1938PMilwaukee, WI
KnothBernard1977PIndianapolis, IN
KnoxThomas1942PDubuque, IA
KocianTheodore?PBuffalo, NY
KoernerJerome1960PGreen Bay, WI
KoernerRobert S.1937PSan Diego, CA
KoharchikGeorge D.1974PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
KohlbeckFrankSLos Angeles, CA
KohlerPeter D.1968PRockford, IL
KohlerThomas M.1968PPhiladelphia, PA
KohlmanLeonard A.1953PPortland, OR
KohneAmbrose1929PLafayette, IN
KohnenHenry J.1935PSt. Louis, MO
KohnkeJohn1937PLos Angeles, CA
KokocinskiBernard1966PToledo, OH
KolarMichael G.1969PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
KolenkiewiczLouis J.1993PPhiladelphia, PA
KolodziejMichael1970PBaltimore, MD
Koltzenberg/KoltzenburgOtto1981PSpokane, WA
KomarJohn E.1964PNewark, NJ
KonatEdward J.1975PSalt Lake City, UT
KondzielskiThaddeus T.1967PErie, PA
KoonzJohn A.1963PSpringfield, MA
KopczewskiLinus E.1965PBuffalo, NY
KopecBronislaus J.1929PAllentown, PA
KoppalaLeo Charles1994PWinona, MN
KoprowskiJohn1965PGreen Bay, WI
KornackiMatthew J.1973PPhiladelphia, PA
KortinaKevin1970PNewark, NJ
KosJoseph Stanley1966PIndianapolis, IN
KosRudolph (Rudy)1981PDallas, TX
KosakMichaelSSpokane, WA
KossakMichael J.1987PBoston, MA
KostelnickAlbert T.1954PPhiladelphia, PA
KovachWilliam1955PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
KowalczykAdalbert (Albert) J.1938PSan Diego, CA
KowalskiTheodoreSSioux Falls, SD
KownackiRaymond F.1960PBelleville, IL
KoychickGeorge J.1949PHarrisburg, PA
KoziolStanley N.1958PBridgeport, CT
KozonJohn A.1949PNorwich, CT
KrafcikAndrew W.1959PRichmond, VA
KraftWilliam Armstrong1951PSan Diego, CA
Krakovsky (Krakowski)Reginald M.1952PSt. Cloud, MN
KramekRomanPHartford, CT
KramerJohn Stanley1944PIndianapolis, IN
KranchPeter1951PAlbany, NY
KrantzRobert "Bob"1978PSioux Falls, SD
KrasonEdward1958PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
KrautkremerLee D.1966PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
KrawczykHenry R.1978PPittsburgh, PA
KrebsGerard/Gerald1963PErie, PA
KreherAlbert E. "Gene"1965PBelleville, IL
KreisWilliam1904PIndianapolis, IN
KreiserThomas L.1994PNew York, NY
KrejciMichael J.1978PMilwaukee, WI
KremerJoseph C.1969PSt. Cloud, MN
KreuzerEugene T.1952PMilwaukee, WI
KrolMichael Francis1945PAustin, TX
KromenakerGeorge1947PSpringfield, IL
KroughJack L.1975PWinona, MN
Krouse, IVWilliam Earl1973PBaltimore, MD
KrummGustave R. (Gus)1982PLos Angeles, CA
KruseJay L.1991POmaha, NE
KruseJoseph1983PBaltimore, MD
KrusingOswald G.1926PMilwaukee, WI
KrystonEdward L.1974PPittsburgh, PA
Kucan/KuconJerome1951PErie, PA
KucharBryan1993PSt. Louis, MO
KuczynskiEdward P.1977PPhiladelphia, PA
KuderWilliam J.1936PCharlotte, NC
KuffnerPatrick J.2002PMetuchen, NJ
KuhlMorgan J.1993PNew York, NY
KuhlRichardBRockford, IL
KuhlThomDBaltimore, MD
KuhnMichael1997PArlington, VA
KuhnThomas A.1967PCincinnati, OH
KuisleMichael J.1940PWinona, MN
KujawaPatrick R.1995PHouma-Thibodaux, LA
KujawaRichard1950PSt. Cloud, MN
KujovskyThomas J.1957PHarrisburg, PA
KuligFrancis G.1974PScranton, PA
KumarAnujit2002PPittsburgh, PA
KuntzJames F.1977PNewark, NJ
KuntzLawrence< 1928PLouisville, KY
KunzGermain1957?PNew Ulm, MN
KuperRaymond L.1964PEvansville, IN
KurczDonald/John Baptist1953PDetroit, MI
KurilecRobert1968PSan Bernardino, CA
KurlandskiLawrence1942PSan Diego, CA
KurtzRichard James1977PDenver, CO
KuruthukulaugaraJose IgnatiusPTrenton, NJ
KurutzGeorge1944PPittsburgh, PA
KurzMichael1975PPueblo, CO
KurzakJohn1975PSioux City, IA
KurzendoerferMark1981PEvansville, IN
KuzmannRobert J.1985PAllentown, PA
La Rosa-LopezManuel1996PGalveston-Houston, TX
LabakyMansour?PBaton Rouge, LA
LabbeJoseph P.1975PCleveland, OH
LabbeLeoBBoston, MA
LaBelleRalph W.1978PNew York, NY
LabrecheLaurier A.1959PSanta Fe, NM
LabudaKevinSHarrisburg, PA
LacarSylvioPLos Angeles, CA
LaCerraGerard T. "Gerry"1969PMiami, FL
LackieJ.B. (John B.)PSeattle, WA
LaCosseNorbert Paul1952PMarquette, MI
LadamusRobert G.1970PHartford, CT
LadenburgerLouis Wayne1963PSpokane, WA
LadetSisterNNew Orleans, LA
LaeschDennis1996PDetroit, MI
LaferreraJohn J.1973PNewark, NJ
LaferriereRaymond H.1960PManchester, NH
LaFlammeAlbertBManchester, NH
LaForestConrad V.1972PManchester, NH
LaGasseRonald J.1969POakland, CA
LagendaSisterNSioux Falls, SD
LahrMelvin1972PJefferson City, MO
Lake, Sr.JosephDFairbanks, AK
LallyGeorge1968PSan Diego, CA
LaLondeEmile G.1941POgdensburg, NY
LalorMichael1930PLos Angeles, CA
LamSung?PPhoenix, AZ
LambertWilliam1955PRapid City, SD
LammTimothy J.1954PSeattle, WA
LammersHerman J.1932PLouisville, KY
LamotheFrancis1933PManchester, NH
LamotheHarvey1947PManchester, NH
LaMountainMichael V.1976PProvidence, RI
LanctotDexter A.1976PPhiladelphia, PA
LandryClint2011PFairbanks, AK
LandryDavid J.1987PFall River, MA
LandryLeo P.1958PBoston, MA
LandryWesley Michael1948PNew Orleans, LA
LandwermeyerFrancis1966PDallas, TX
LaneBernard J.1960PBoston, MA
LaneC. Vincent1961PSyracuse, NY
LaneJames H.1962PBoston, MA
LaneJohn J.1925PBoston, MA
LaneTimothy R.1995PLos Angeles, CA
LangCordell J.1979PMobile, AL
LangHugh J.1956PPittsburgh, PA
LangJoseph J.1965PCleveland, OH
LanganXavierBBaltimore, MD
LangenfeldNicholas John1926PGreen Bay, WI
LangensteinRichard J.BNew Orleans, LA
LangilleJustin1980PSan Diego, CA
LannonJames V.1931PWashington, DC
LanserJerome E.1958PMilwaukee, WI
LanuevoTarcisio D.1956POakland, CA
LaPanKenneth1952PSt. Cloud, MN
LaPentaCharles1954PSalt Lake City, UT
LaperleLouisBWorcester, MA
LaPierreDavid1969PLos Angeles, CA
LaplanteLaurent1957PPortland, ME
LapointAlfred?PManchester, NH
LaPortaRoss A.1951PBaltimore, MD
LaPradStephen Charles1995PKnoxville, TN
LaraJames C.1957PSt. Petersburg, FL
LaraJames/Jaime1973PBrooklyn, NY
LarcheJames M.1991POgdensburg, NY
LaReauJames "Armand"1961PMilwaukee, WI
LargenteLaurent1959PSan Jose, CA
LargerRaymond E.1977PCincinnati, OH
LarkinAlexander C.1967PSan Jose, CA
LarkinJohn1931PPortland, OR
LarrabeeJoseph E.1980PRochester, NY
LarriviereMarshall R.1963PLafayette, LA
LarsonRobert K.1958PWichita, KS
LasikRonald JustinBChicago, IL
LauWilliam A.1979PSt. Petersburg, FL
LaudweinJames R.1962PFairbanks, AK
LaughlinThomas B.1948PPortland, OR
LauingerRichard1956PDetroit, MI
LauranoAnthony J.1950PBoston, MA
LaurdetteSisterNNew Orleans, LA
LauseRichard L.1977PSt. Louis, MO
LauzonRaymond J.1955PPortland, ME
LaVanKenneth1958PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
LavelleFrancis P.1970PSpringfield, MA
LavelleRaymond E.1957PColumbus, OH
LavigneRichard R.1966PSpringfield, MA
LavinPaul E.1969PWashington, DC
LaVoieVictor C.1971PBoston, MA
LavoyMarvin1955PSpokane, WA
LawbaughJames1966PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
LawlerThomas F.1955PHarrisburg, PA
LawlessFergus1933PLos Angeles, CA
LawlorDavid T.1971PPhiladelphia, PA
LawlorEdward J.1940PMobile, AL
LawrenceJames T.1961PDavenport, IA
LawrenceMichael S.1973PAllentown, PA
LawrenceRalph1916PNew Orleans, LA
LawrenceSisterNHelena, MT
LazarFidelis G.1963PErie, PA
LeachJerome1976PSan Francisco, CA
LearyEdward A.1953PMobile, AL
LearyJohn P.1951PSpokane, WA
LearyTimothy J.1936PSpringfield, MA
LebelMaurice T.1967PFall River, MA
LeBlancDavid E.1961PGrand Rapids, MI
LeBlancEtienne1971PHouma-Thibodaux, LA
LeBlancFrancis William1959 ?PNew Orleans, LA
LeBlancKenneth A.1976PBoston, MA
LeBourgeoisLouis1961PNew Orleans, LA
LeBrunPaul Francis1983PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
LechnerThomas M.?PErie, PA
LeClaireKarl1986PPhoenix, AZ
LeclercMauricePManchester, NH
LeclercqM. Duane1964PPeoria, IL
LedererBrian M.2012PDuluth, MN
LedouxMichael< 1986PManchester, NH
LedwithMiceal aka Michael< 1994PSeattle, WA
LeeJohn Thomas Matthew1993PMilitary Services, US
LeePatrick J.1976PChicago, IL
LeeThomas B.PBaltimore, MD
LeeThomas M.1953PPortland, ME
LeechGeorge T.1956PPittsburgh, PA
LeechPaul Henry1980PProvidence, RI
LeehanCornelius Patrick1948POakland, CA
LefevreFrancis J.1971PBaltimore, MD
LeFevreRobert J.1966PAlbany, NY
LehmanMark Allen1988PPhoenix, AZ
LehmkuhlGerhardt B.1974PSt. Louis, MO
LeifeldGale1954PMilwaukee, WI
LeimbachWilliamBJackson, MS
LeipertJack J.1975PSaginaw, MI
LeisingFrederick D.1971PBuffalo, NY
LeitermannClarence1934PGreen Bay, WI
LelonisRichard M.1971PPittsburgh, PA
LemanskiWilliam E.1974PMilwaukee, WI
LemireEdmundPManchester, NH
LemmonThomas M.DAltoona-Johnstown, PA
LemoineDaniel1979PBaton Rouge, LA
LenczyckiFrederick A.1972PJoliet, IL
LendackyJoseph1945PSt. Cloud, MN
LeneweaverRaymond O.1962PPhiladelphia, PA
LenihanJohn Peter1969POrange, CA
LennonJames W.1965PWinona, MN
LennonJohn W.1955PNew York, NY
LentJames WalterBSpokane, WA
LentzRobert F.1964PBaltimore, MD
LenzFrank M.1969PMarquette, MI
LeonModestoBLos Angeles, CA
LeonardAlbert1980PPittsburgh, PA
LeonardJohn E.PRichmond, VA
LeonardPatrick1996PCharlotte, NC
LePineClement J.1946PMarquette, MI
LepireRoland M.1975PProvidence, RI
LerouxEdward N.1956PAlbany, NY
LeroyBrotherBSioux Falls, SD
LesniakFrancis M.1943PGreensburg, PA
LesniewskiEldred B.1953PMilwaukee, WI
LessardJoseph Marcel1980PPhoenix, AZ
LessardJoseph P.1952PSt. Louis, MO
LetticEdward P.1973PWorcester, MA
LeuJames E.1971PDavenport, IA
LewandowskiCasimir F.1945PPittsburgh, PA
LewandowskiJohn D1954PBuffalo, NY
LewandowskiMichael M.1975PBuffalo, NY
LewisKenneth1991PTulsa, OK
LewkiewiczRichard1968PBrooklyn, NY
LezuchowskiWalter J.1959PDetroit, MI
Liberatore, Jr.Albert M.1989PScranton, PA
LibertyJames L.1957PNorwich, CT
LieberthJoseph J.1968PCleveland, OH
LiggioJohn R.1975PPhiladelphia, PA
Liguori (Ligouri)James A.BNew York, NY
LilesRonan C.1969PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
LillyStephenBSt. Cloud, MN
LimaJose AfonsoPBridgeport, CT
LimogesRobert Marcel1979PLafayette, LA
LinamJesse S.1961PGalveston-Houston, TX
LindThomas1960 ?PSioux Falls, SD
Lind, Jr.John A. (Alfred J.)1960PWilmington, DE
LindenmeyerJames1948PGallup, NM
LindnerJerold W.1976PLos Angeles, CA
LinehanDavid Anthony1956PSeattle, WA
LinnemannEugene G.1980PBelleville, IL
LinssenPaul H.1950PFairbanks, AK
LipinskiVincent A.1987PSanta Fe, NM
LippertAlexander P.1956PSt. Louis, MO
LippoldJohn L.1957PBaltimore, MD
LiretteAlbert1945 ?PManchester, NH
ListonRichard< 1978PToledo, OH
LittleAnthony M.1982PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
LittletonGregory J.1990PMetuchen, NJ
Litz, Jr.Steven J.1965PSyracuse, NY
LlanosTheodore1974PLos Angeles, CA
LlorenteSegundo1934PFairbanks, AK
LockwoodJamesDNew Orleans, LA
LoefflerCharles M.1941PBoston, MA
LoerkeLawrence1923PGreen Bay, WI
LoftusRobert1963PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
LoganWilliam R.1969PRockville Centre, NY
LogripJoseph L.1972PPhiladelphia, PA
LogueRobertDHarrisburg, PA
LombardSamuel J.1946PBoston, MA
LombardiThomas C.1975PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
LommeHubert C1934PSanta Fe, NM
LonerganKevin2014PAllentown, PA
LongArthur J.1955PHarrisburg, PA
LongJohn1961PJefferson City, MO
LongPatricia A.NManchester, NH
LongleyAlfred1939PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
LoofboroughCharlesBLos Angeles, CA
LoomisRichard A.1976PLos Angeles, CA
LopezJorge OrtizBPhoenix, AZ
LopezJoseph< 1963PLos Angeles, CA
LopezLeonidas1985PSalt Lake City, UT
LopezRosarioPLas Cruces, NM
Lopez DurangoJose2011PPaterson, NJ
Lopez LopezFernando2000PLos Angeles, CA
LordJohn "Jack" W.1983POrange, CA
LoreiLouis H.1947PErie, PA
LorentoAnthony1972PBaltimore, MD
LorenzWilliam A.1961PSyracuse, NY
LorenzoniLarry1951PLos Angeles, CA
LoskarnGeorge B.1965PBaltimore, MD
LottRichard E./EdwardBPaterson, NJ
LottRobert V.1965PNew York, NY
LottRoger R.1954BNashville, TN
LouisMartin J.1966PCleveland, OH
LovellLawrence Joseph (LJ)1951PLos Angeles, CA
LowLawrence1955PSeattle, WA
LowerRichard T.1971PManchester, NH
LowneyEmmett F1949PHelena, MT
LoydFrederick A.1970PColumbus, OH
LoyolaMotherNHelena, MT
LozanoCarlos1993PSan Antonio, TX
LucasC. Neil1967PToledo, OH
LucasEricBJefferson City, MO
LucasTheodore1984PCleveland, OH
LuceRamon1995PHouma-Thibodaux, LA
LuchiRobert1957PColumbus, OH
LucioJustin Joseph1972PDallas, TX
LuckDavid H.1987PHarrisburg, PA
LuckayThomas J.1965PCleveland, OH
Lucy MarieSisterNSioux Falls, SD
LuczakRalph1958PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
LuddyFrancis E.1967PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
LudwigAugustineBSpokane, WA
LugowskiJohn1976PSyracuse, NY
LuizGary M.1977POakland, CA
LukaRonald John1963PSt. Petersburg, FL
LukacRaymond1954PGreensburg, PA
LukasikJohnPPittsburgh, PA
LukeMaryNPortland, OR
Lukes (Lucas)Duane W.1957POmaha, NE
LumWilliam D.1969PRochester, NY
LunaMiguel1982PEl Paso, TX
LundowskiJoseph C.DFairbanks, AK
LupoWilliam L.1965PChicago, IL
LuquePeter H.1962PSan Bernardino, CA
LutgenHenry M1947PSt. Cloud, MN
LutzFrederick J.1973PSpringfield-Cape Girardeau, MO
LuzziSalvatore P.1962PErie, PA
LynchBernard< 1971PNew York, NY
LynchDamion Jacques1991PCharlotte, NC
LynchLaurence Michael1960PIndianapolis, IN
LynchPatrick J.1959PDallas, TX
LynchRichard D.1963PErie, PA
LynchRichard P.1941PLas Cruces, NM
LynchWilliam J.1934PSyracuse, NY
LynnClive1969PSanta Fe, NM
LyonsDenis1958PLos Angeles, CA
LyonsFrederick J.1952PAlexandria, LA
LyonsJohn F.1946PYoungstown, OH
LyonsJohn P.1955PBoston, MA
LyonsThomas W.1948PWashington, DC
MabonThomas K.1957PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
MacangaJoseph E.1986PPhiladelphia, PA
MacArthurBruce Duncan1953PSioux Falls, SD
MacGuinnessJames L.1912PBoston, MA
MachBernard M (Corky)1964PBuffalo, NY
MaciasJuanBLos Angeles, CA
MackanPatrick1958PLouisville, KY
MackiewiczLeonard J.1957PWilmington, DE
MacNaughtonJohn1946 ?PPortland, OR
MacPhersonDavid M.1967 ?PCovington, KY
MacPhersonWalter E.1955PBelleville, IL
MacRaeGordon J.1982PManchester, NH
MacSweeneyEugene1927PLos Angeles, CA
MacSweeneyPatrick J.?PWheeling-Charleston, WV
MadajJohn A.1939PScranton, PA
MadayNorbert J.1964PChicago, IL
MaddenMichael K.1970PBurlington, VT
MaddenPaul1970PJackson, MS
MadiganGregoryBSt. Cloud, MN
MadoreEdward C. "Ted"1973PSyracuse, NY
MadridAlfonso1950PEl Paso, TX
MadridSaul1985PPhoenix, AZ
Madrid (also Madred?)Jaime1968PEl Paso, TX
MaffeiJoseph1958PNew York, NY
MagaldiPhilip A.1960PProvidence, RI
MageeFinian (Robert)BRockville Centre, NY
MageePatrick Francis1970PTrenton, NJ
MagelJohn E.1960PLouisville, KY
MagnusE. Neil1963PBaltimore, MD
MaguireFelix H.1950PHartford, CT
MaguireJoseph< 1955PSanta Fe, NM
MaguireJoseph T.1973PManchester, NH
MaguireThomas H.1976PBoston, MA
MahanPaul J.1968PBoston, MA
MaherDaniel J.1962PAlbany, NY
MaherRobert J.1937PHarrisburg, PA
MahonGerald1971PWinona, MN
MahoneyDaniel Joseph1952PHarrisburg, PA
MahoneyJohn E1964PRockville Centre, NY
MahoneyRobert1967PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
Mahony (Bp)Roger1962PLos Angeles, CA
MaiersBrennan1963PSt. Cloud, MN
MaioDaniel C.1966PPueblo, CO
MaioEugene A.1960 ?PLos Angeles, CA
MaioneFrancis T.1965PNewark, NJ
MajerusHarry1942PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
MakoLouis1962PScranton, PA
MakowskiMark J.1987PDuluth, MN
MalawyMichael D.1981PDetroit, MI
MalboeufRonald1965PSpringfield, MA
MaleeKevin J.1978PGreat Falls-Billings, MT
MalickiJan1973PMiami, FL
MallmanEgon1929PPortland, OR
MalloyJoseph J.1970PBridgeport, CT
MalloyRobert Patrick1983PSanta Fe, NM
MaloneDonald T.1960PNew York, NY
MaloneEmmet1947PSan Antonio, TX
MaloneyEdward J.1955PChicago, IL
MaloneyFrancis F.1959PPalm Beach, FL
MaloneyJohn P.1964PPittsburgh, PA
MaloneyThomas W.1967PPeoria, IL
MaloneyWilliam F.1959 ?PBoston, MA
MalschDavid J.1967PSuperior, WI
MalzoneJohn D.1955PJoliet, IL
MancusoJoseph A.1970PAlbany, NY
MandevilleLucien1935PPortland, ME
Mangen (Mangan)Daniel J.1980PCleveland, OH
ManginiCharles M.1968PBrooklyn, NY
MannHubertPManchester, NH
MannettaAndrew1983PHonolulu, HI
Manning(Thomas) Gregory1944PDuluth, MN
ManningC. (Charles) Robert1997PColorado Springs, CO
ManningPaul F.1967PBoston, MA
ManspeakerTerryDHartford, CT
ManuppellaAnthony J.1976PCamden, NJ
ManvilleAlexander1953 ?POrange, CA
ManyCharles S.1974PNorwich, CT
ManzioneArthurDNew York, NY
ManzoFernando L.1983PTucson, AZ
ManzoFrancis J.1962PBrooklyn, NY
MarambaManuel Perez?PEl Paso, TX
MarcantonioRobert A.1967PProvidence, RI
MarcinekHenry J.1956PGreensburg, PA
MarciulionisBenedict J.1943PGaylord, MI
MarcotteDavid J.2014PIndianapolis, IN
MardagaRonald1980PBaltimore, MD
MarforiAntonio F1978PSt. Cloud, MN
MargandPaul1985PLincoln, NE
MarianoAngel Crisostomo1992PSan Jose, CA
MarieEvaNLouisville, KY
MarieGenevieveNPortland, OR
MarierEdward1988PSpokane, WA
MarinMiguel1978PEl Paso, TX
MarinoVincent1983PNorwich, CT
MarinucciSteven J.1974PPhiladelphia, PA
MarionSisterNHelena, MT
Marion JudeSisterNFairbanks, AK
Mark(unknown)BLos Angeles, CA
MarkeyFrancis Xavier1952PNew Ulm, MN
MarksWilliam Joseph1936PNew Ulm, MN
MarmoTheodore1965PSeattle, WA
MarottaRobert1963PNewark, NJ
MarrerRobert F.1950PSteubenville, OH
MarrokalDonald P.1958PYoungstown, OH
MarronMichael Victor1930PSan Diego, CA
MarronPeter Joseph1936PSan Diego, CA
MarshJohn1958PSeattle, WA
MarshallThomas R.1959PLos Angeles, CA
MarshallWilliam Hodgson (Hod1951PGalveston-Houston, TX
MarsicekRobert (Bob)1968PSacramento, CA
MarsicoGuy D.1973PHarrisburg, PA
MartellDennis L.1976PDetroit, MI
MartinAustin?PSavannah, GA
MartinDaniel J1943PErie, PA
MartinJames Aloysius< 1934PLos Angeles, CA
MartinJohn1918PLansing, MI
MartinJohn F.PPueblo, CO
MartinJon C.1965PBoston, MA
MartinKenneth J.1989PWilmington, DE
MartinKenneth L.1977PNewark, NJ
MartinPatrick H.1937PNew York, NY
MartinRoger M.1951POgdensburg, NY
Martin MarieSisterNNew Orleans, LA
Martin, M.I.C.M.Joseph M.BWorcester, MA
Martin/PeraltaPhilip1979PSanta Fe, NM
MartinezArmando1961PSanta Fe, NM
MartinezCharles1980PSanta Fe, NM
MartinezErnestBLos Angeles, CA
MartinezLuis (Louis)PSanta Fe, NM
MartinezRobert Lee1979PSanta Fe, NM
MartinezRoger L.1976PSanta Fe, NM
MartinezRuben D.1968PLos Angeles, CA
MartinezSamuel F.BNew Orleans, LA
Martinez, Jr.Frank R.1982PDavenport, IA
MartiniRichard M.1980PLos Angeles, CA
MartinkoskyJoseph A.1957PSteubenville, OH
MartinsNilo C.PPhiladelphia, PA
MartlockLoville N1963PBuffalo, NY
MartoneJames A.DSpringfield, MA
Mary AndrewSisterNNew York, NY
Mary AnnePatriciaNPortland, OR
Mary AsiaSisterNFairbanks, AK
Mary ClaudineSisterNProvidence, RI
Mary JaneSisterNPeoria, IL
Mary Jane (in Louisville)SisterNLouisville, KY
Mary JoanneSisterNFairbanks, AK
Mary MarkSisterNBoston, MA
Mary OmerSisterNNew Orleans, LA
Mary RosaliaSisterNFairbanks, AK
MaryanskiFabian1971PBuffalo, NY
MascardoEditho1983PStockton, CA
MaskellA. Joseph1965PBaltimore, MD
MaslarWilliam J.1956PAllentown, PA
MasonJames E.1967PLa Crosse, WI
MassarellaFrancis (Frank) A.1941PCincinnati, OH
MassaroGabriel1966PRockville Centre, NY
MassieDaniel J.1980PMilwaukee, WI
MastersAndrew?PNew Orleans, LA
MataconisRichard (Philip?)1965PAlbany, NY
MateoLeonardo1959PLos Angeles, CA
MateosFrancisco1958PLos Angeles, CA
MathewsAbrahamPTyler, TX
MathewsPhilip A.1967PCamden, NJ
MathisJoseph L.1922PAllentown, PA
MatsonMark N.1976PDenver, CO
MatteRichard O.1964PBoston, MA
MatticeGeorge F.1964PSyracuse, NY
MattinglyJulius MartinBBoston, MA
MatusakMichael W.1975PGreensburg, PA
MaungJohn S.1963PIndianapolis, IN
MaurerArthur R.1947PBaltimore, MD
MaurerEdward L.1969PBrooklyn, NY
MaurizioJoseph D1987PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
MawnBenedict1945PBoston, MA
MaxwellBruce C.1975PDetroit, MI
MayJulius F.BPittsburgh, PA
MayerCharles Patrick1996PLos Angeles, CA
MayerRobert E.1964PChicago, IL
MayhewLeonard Francis1955PAtlanta, GA
MaynardRene?PBuffalo, NY
MazonDiego1960PSanta Fe, NM
MazzaAlbert J.1996DNew York, NY
MazzottaGeorge J.1966PPhiladelphia, PA
McAlindenTerence O.1967PTrenton, NJ
McAndrewsJohn Kevin1949PBoston, MA
McAulayJohn R.1975DNewark, NJ
McAuliffeJames M.1942PScranton, PA
McAvoyMaryNBoston, MA
McBrideDaniel R.1951PCleveland, OH
McBrienKevin Michael1970PJoliet, IL
McCaaFrancis1948PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
McCabeGeorge V.1940PBoston, MA
McCabePatrick Joseph1961PSanta Rosa, CA
McCabeVincent1946PLos Angeles, CA
McCaffertyJoseph F.1961PPhiladelphia, PA
McCaffreyRichard L.1973PFairbanks, AK
McCaffreyVincent1978PChicago, IL
McCallisterCharles E.1971PWheeling-Charleston, WV
McCamleyMartin D.1962PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
McCannWilliam1925PNewark, NJ
McCarrick (Cardinal)Theodore1958PNew York, NY
McCarthyBernard J1947PHelena, MT
McCarthyCharles J.< 1940PRochester, NY
McCarthyDonald P.1959PAlexandria, LA
McCarthyJamesPPortland, OR
McCarthyJohn A.1933PSyracuse, NY
McCarthyMichael J.1965PPhiladelphia, PA
McCarthyRaymond W.1945PFall River, MA
McCarthyScott1974PMonterey, CA
McCarthyThomas1951PSpringfield, MA
McCarthyThomas Bertrand?PYoungstown, OH
McCarthyThomas J1980PBuffalo, NY
McCarthyTimothy1973PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
McCarthyWilliam1963PPaterson, NJ
McCartneyChristopher J.BChicago, IL
McCashinWilliam J.PPittsburgh, PA
McCloryBernard J.1953PColumbus, OH
McCloskeyFrancis A.PCamden, NJ
McCloudHenry J.< 1964PBrooklyn, NY
McColeJohn F.1958PPhiladelphia, PA
McColganCharles P.1964PPhiladelphia, PA
McComiskeyJoseph C.1970PRockville Centre, NY
McConaghyR. Thomas1981PRockville Centre, NY
McConnellThomas C.DKnoxville, TN
McConnellTomBSanta Fe, NM
McConninRobert J.1973PBrooklyn, NY
McCoolJ. William1973PCleveland, OH
McCormackDaniel J.1994PChicago, IL
McCormickAndrew D.1982PPhiladelphia, PA
McCormickJames W1924PHelena, MT
McCormickPeter1970PSan Bernardino, CA
McCormickRichard J.1970PNew York, NY
McCrayGerald?PPortland, OR
McCreanorDavid1975PPensacola-Tallahassee, FL
McCrillisPhilip E.1961PSan Francisco, CA
McCullenJohn1944PToledo, OH
McCutcheonPeter M.1979PWashington, DC
McDanielJohn1955PLittle Rock, AR
McDermottJames1981PAlbany, NY
McDevittJames J.1997PAlbany, NY
McDevittJohn M.1966PWilmington, DE
McDonaghCharles1963PNew York, NY
McDonaldAngus R.1965PFairbanks, AK
McDonaldFinian1962PSt. Cloud, MN
McDonaldForrestPLos Angeles, CA
McDonaldJames T.1953PBoston, MA
McDonaldJohn W,1943PSpokane, WA
McDonaldMichael1958PMonterey, CA
McDonaldPaul E.1964PBoston, MA
McDonaldRobert Joseph1973PChicago, IL
McDonoughDanielBLos Angeles, CA
McDonoughHowardBCleveland, OH
McDonoughJohn Roger< 1965PSt. Louis, MO
McDowellArchibald M.1933PPortland, OR
McElhattonThomas< 1943PLos Angeles, CA
McElliottPatrick1936PDubuque, IA
McElroyHerbert J.1934PBrooklyn, NY
McElroy, Jr.John J.1985PCamden, NJ
McEnanyShawnBPortland, ME
McFaddenGeorge B.1952PSioux City, IA
McGannJohn R. (Bishop)1950PRockville Centre, NY
McGannRichard P.1970PHartford, CT
McGarveyJoseph1950PCamden, NJ
McGeeDominic E.1967PPittsburgh, PA
McGee, Jr.H. Desmond1971PErie, PA
McGeeverJohn J.1968PRockville Centre, NY
McGillHenryPDallas, TX
McGinleyAnthony J.1945PHarrisburg, PA
McGinnMalachy M.1961PSan Diego, CA
McGinnis IIIJames J.1978PPhiladelphia, PA
McGinnityAmbrose1945PGary, IN
McGladeK. PaulBNorwich, CT
McGloinJamesBLos Angeles, CA
McGlynnFrancis E.1954PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
McGoldrickAlbert1978PBridgeport, CT
McGovernHarold J.1970PWilmington, DE
McGovernJoseph A.1979PWilmington, DE
McGovernRobert B.BNew York, NY
McGowanJoseph R. (J.R.)1920PPortland, ME
McGrathEdward P.1969PNorwich, CT
McGrathFrancis1978PBaltimore, MD
McGrathGerald1958POgdensburg, NY
McGrathJohn E.1957PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
McGrathMichael S.1975PSt. Louis, MO
McGrathRichard J.1973PJoliet, IL
McGrathSean John1954PLos Angeles, CA
McGrealJames1948PSeattle, WA
McGuireDonald J.1961PChicago, IL
McGuireJames E.< 1970PPhiladelphia, PA
McGurrinDonald J.1944PBoston, MA
McHaleJames J.1960PAllentown, PA
McHughJoseph1973PTrenton, NJ
McHughPatrick1943PLos Angeles, CA
McHughPaul1970PSpringfield-Cape Girardeau, MO
McInerneyMaurice1959PDenver, CO
McInnisJoseph1941PBoston, MA
McIntyreJames P.1971PCamden, NJ
McIntyreRobert J.1963PProvidence, RI
McIntyreWilliam1943PFairbanks, AK
McKayAnthony1960PLittle Rock, AR
McKeanLouis1947PPortland, OR
McKennaFrancis1927PBuffalo, NY
McKennaMichael1973PGrand Rapids, MI
McKennaThomas1972PPittsburgh, PA
McKenzieJoseph M.1951PPhiladelphia, PA
McKeonBrian A.1977PRockville Centre, NY
McKeonJames T.1928PBoston, MA
McKeonMartin1952PLos Angeles, CA
McKeoneLucien1959PPortland, ME
McKeownEdward Joseph1970PNashville, TN
McLaughlinJohn E.1961PBoston, MA
McLaughlinMichael P.1977PToledo, OH
McLaughlinNeil P.1959PScranton, PA
McLaughlinPaul J.1955PBoston, MA
McLaughlinThomas L.1956PColumbus, OH
McLaughlinWilliam G.1959PDubuque, IA
McLeodJ. William< 1938PPortland, OR
McllvaneDonald W.1952PPittsburgh, PA
McLoughlinEdward1978PVenice, FL
McLoughlinJohn G.1963PBrooklyn, NY
McLoughlinNicholas1966PSt. Petersburg, FL
McLoughlinRichard J.1969PPhiladelphia, PA
McLoughlin (Brother))JohnBBrooklyn, NY
McMahonAlbert1960PPittsburgh, PA
McMahonAloysius J.1953POmaha, NE
McMahonGerard T.1961PBoston, MA
McMahonPatrick Desmond1960PSeattle, WA
McMahonSean1962PAlbany, NY
McMahon, Jr.Benjamin J.1968PBoston, MA
McManusFrancis J.1973PBoston, MA
McManusJohn P.1940PSeattle, WA
McMeelBernard Francis1954PFairbanks, AK
McMenaminNeilBSalt Lake City, UT
McMuldrenJohnBAnchorage, AK
McMullenFrancis1951PManchester, NH
McMylerPatrick1964PJefferson City, MO
McNallyJames P.1980PJefferson City, MO
McNamaraJohn D.1948PSpringfield, MA
McNamaraPatrick Carl1980PSan Diego, CA
McNamaraPatrick H.1962PLos Angeles, CA
McNamaraPeter John1970PChicago, IL
McNamaraThomasPSt. Augustine, FL
McNeelyMaurice G.1958PBismarck, ND
McNeillDouglas A.1970PGallup, NM
McNelisFrancis Joseph1965PAllentown, PA
McNerneyJames R.1982PAlbany, NY
McNicholasEdward J.1954PBrooklyn, NY
McNultyJ. Brendan1974PCleveland, OH
McNultyPatrick< 1974PSan Antonio, TX
McPartlandPaul G.1957PBoston, MA
McQuadeRichard E.1957PBoston, MA
McQuire (McGuire)JosephPFall River, MA
McShaneJames J.1966PBurlington, VT
McShefferyDaniel C.1956PHartford, CT
McSorleyJames P.1946PPortland, OR
McSweeneyJames E.1950PRaleigh, NC
MeaJohnPAlbany, NY
MeadBrian E.1969PBurlington, VT
MeanyThomas L.1955PCorpus Christi, TX
MedaerMark/Marc A.1950PSan Diego, CA
MedeirosHumberto S.1946PBoston, MA
MederFrancisn/aBPittsburgh, PA
MedinaHoracio Daniel1998PNewark, NJ
Medina-CruzJamie1999PAlexandria, LA
MedvitJohn PaulBHonolulu, HI
MeehanAndrew1993PManchester, NH
MeehanBarry1978PProvidence, RI
MeehanJohn T.1964PNew York, NY
MeehanRichard F.1969PSpringfield, MA
MeenanJohn A.1965PSanta Rosa, CA
MeffanRobert V.1953PBoston, MA
MeglioRichard L.1972PProvidence, RI
MeighanJoseph F.1968PScranton, PA
MeinbergCarl H.1914PDavenport, IA
MeinhardtLouisBSt. Louis, MO
MeiringThomas1968PToledo, OH
MeisFinian1964PKansas City, KS
MeisJ. Anthony1972PJoliet, IL
MeisingerJoseph F.< 1940PErie, PA
MeisnerTheodore1957PLouisville, KY
MejiaRicardo1977PSan Diego, CA
Mejia GonzalesJose?PLos Angeles, CA
MelanconRobert L.1962PHouma-Thibodaux, LA
MelanconRonBSt. Cloud, MN
MelendezCarlos?PHouma-Thibodaux, LA
MelfeFrancis P.1954PAlbany, NY
MeliaFenton J.BSpokane, WA
MelodyOwen John1962PMilitary Services, US
MeltonEdward L.1954PRockville Centre, NY
MelvilleRaymond P.1985PPortland, ME
MelzerHoward1958PSan Bernardino, CA
MemoloRocco C.1976PManchester, NH
MenaJose1961PSt. Augustine, FL
MenagerGabriel M.< 1927PFairbanks, AK
MenapaceJames L1963PMarquette, MI
MenardRoland V.1964POgdensburg, NY
MendezJose J.1983PLos Angeles, CA
MendicoaJohn M. (Juan)1967PBoston, MA
MengeJames P.1962PSpringfield, MA
MengonAlbert (Alberto)1966PMonterey, CA
MennaF. Dominic1958PBoston, MA
MepingajiraJosephPSpokane, WA
MercadoIbarra C.?PHarrisburg, PA
MerciecaAnthony1962PMiami, FL
MercureGary J.1974PAlbany, NY
MeredithJohn R.1980POwensboro, KY
MerkelMark K.1992POmaha, NE
MerrellArthur R.1970PPittsburgh, PA
MertensArthur C.1949PSpokane, WA
MessengerWilliam P.1977PLos Angeles, CA
MessierDonald E.1968PFall River, MA
MessierRaymond P.1968PWorcester, MA
MessierRene D1945PGallup, NM
MetzingerAgnesinaNWichita, KS
MeunierLucien J1939PTucson, AZ
MeyerDavidDCovington, KY
MeyerGilbert1942PMonterey, CA
MeyerLouis L.< 1968PLos Angeles, CA
MeyerThomas Gregory1970PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
MeyersJohn F.1983PPhiladelphia, PA
MianiTitian Jim (Athos?)1955PLos Angeles, CA
MicarelliEdmund C.1959PProvidence, RI
MichaelEdwardBBoston, MA
MichaelSister JosephNLouisville, KY
MichaudLawrence Joseph1936PBoston, MA
MichaudLeo James1977PPortland, ME
MichaudRonald N.1973PBaltimore, MD
MicheleRobert1955PPortland, OR
MichellGeorge J.1964PRockville Centre, NY
MickeyRichard L.1988PMemphis, TN
MickusJames J.1972POklahoma City, OK
MiddlecampEric1952PGreen Bay, WI
MieliwockiRichard J.1972PNewark, NJ
MierzwaRonald1976PBuffalo, NY
MiganMatthew (Anthony)BDetroit, MI
MigliazzoFelix1949PMonterey, CA
MihalakJames J.1976PAllentown, PA
MikaJoseph F.1951PMilwaukee, WI
Mike, Jr.John Joseph1975PBaltimore, MD
MikulichJoseph1922 ?PGreat Falls-Billings, MT
MilaneseJohn1974PBurlington, VT
MilbauerFlorian1950PGreen Bay, WI
MilesMatthewBWashington, DC
MilewskiRichard1983PTrenton, NJ
MillarAndrew L.1958PRockville Centre, NY
MillardDaniel F. M.PCamden, NJ
Miller(unknown)PToledo, OH
MillerAlfred J.1964PDetroit, MI
MillerCharles H.1964PSt. Louis, MO
MillerElden Joseph1954PFort Wayne-South Bend, IN
MillerFrancis1949PTucson, AZ
MillerGary M.1972PChicago, IL
MillerGeorge Michael1963PLos Angeles, CA
MillerJames C.1983PRockville Centre, NY
MillerLouis E.1941PLouisville, KY
MillerMichael2001PHartford, CT
MillerMichael J.1987PAlbany, NY
MillerThomas R.1979PPeoria, IL
MillerWilliam1922PNew Orleans, LA
MillsDonald J.1982PPhiladelphia, PA
MillsHenry1988PNew York, NY
MiltzKarl Joseph1974PIndianapolis, IN
MinhVincent1968PPortland, OR
MinogueMichael1981PPhoenix, AZ
MiragliaSalvatore J.1975PRockville Centre, NY
MirandaRayDTucson, AZ
MisercolaChester A.1964PSyracuse, NY
MitchelBede1925PFort Worth, TX
MitchellDarellPYakima, WA
MitchellJames1973 ?PSeattle, WA
MitchellJohn D.1938PLos Angeles, CA
MitchellPeter G.1951PHartford, CT
MiyaresGustavo J.1973PMiami, FL
ModicaJohn B.1945PLexington, KY
Modicowitz (Modicourtz)Edwin1933 ?PBoston, MA
MoegleinJames1970PDetroit, MI
MoffatGerald1956PSeattle, WA
MohanJames J.1959PJefferson City, MO
MohanThomas Joseph1935POrange, CA
MohmJames A.PSt. Cloud, MN
MohsWendellBSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
MollingMark L.1980PMilwaukee, WI
MolloyJoseph W.PPaterson, NJ
MoloneyThomas1943PSan Diego, CA
MolthenVincent1951PLos Angeles, CA
MonaghanJames T.1946PSacramento, CA
MonaghanNicholas Francis1907PCleveland, OH
MonahanHugh F.1968PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
MonahanJoseph R.1962PPhiladelphia, PA
MonahanPaul A.1960PDes Moines, IA
MonizJohn RodriguesBSan Jose, CA
MonroeHaorld1974PIndianapolis, IN
MontagnaPaolino?PSan Diego, CA
MonteAlfred J.1940PLos Angeles, CA
MonteroFrancisco (Fredy)1996PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
MontgomeryMichaelBCincinnati, OH
MontoyaLeonardoSBridgeport, CT
MoodyMichael AndreBLos Angeles, CA
MooneyEdward1949PLittle Rock, AR
MooneyVincent1956PBuffalo, NY
MooreCharles L.1964PMonterey, CA
MooreJoseph P.1971PBridgeport, CT
MoorseDunstan1978PSt. Cloud, MN
MoralesRaymond D.1981PLos Angeles, CA
Morales JordanEmilioDOmaha, NE
Morales VazquezJose2008PBiloxi, MS
MoranEdward M.1976PHartford, CT
MoranRobert E.1969PLafayette, IN
MoreauClarenceBGreat Falls-Billings, MT
MorelAlbert J.BManchester, NH
MorelJohn J.1969PCamden, NJ
MorelRobert1969PNewark, NJ
MorenoJorge1970PSacramento, CA
MorganArthur C.1959PLas Cruces, NM
MorganHarry R.1953PPhoenix, AZ
MorganWilliam H.1950PBoston, MA
MoriartyJohnBSan Francisco, CA
MoriartyPaul J.1948PBoston, MA
MorinGerald/Gerard1942PSeattle, WA
MorrisWilliam J.1914PSyracuse, NY
MorrissetteRobert H.1975PBoston, MA
MorrisseyRobert P.1976PBridgeport, CT
MorrowThomas O.1971PBrooklyn, NY
MorseJohn J.1961PSpokane, WA
MorseJohn J. "Jack"1957PSyracuse, NY
MorvantKenneth1961PLafayette, LA
MoslenerRobert1976PGreensburg, PA
MossGeorge< 1943PSan Jose, CA
MossRobert D.1969PBuffalo, NY
MotherwayThomas F.1969PBoston, MA
MotsayRussell E.1972PScranton, PA
MottJohn D.1956PRockville Centre, NY
MountainHarold B1942PWinona, MN
MountainJoseph1952PWinona, MN
MouserJ. Irvin1965PLouisville, KY
MousleyThomas1976DNewark, NJ
MowatAntonPAtlanta, GA
MravintzRalphBPittsburgh, PA
MrazJohn Stephen1975PAllentown, PA
MueheDennis F.1954PSeattle, WA
MuellerJohn J.1959PCleveland, OH
MuellerJoseph1983PPittsburgh, PA
MuellerWilliam C.BPueblo, CO
MuenchJoseph N.1981PCovington, KY
MuethEdward V.1924PHonolulu, HI
MuhaEdward J.1945PHartford, CT
MulhallFrancis X.1947PBrooklyn, NY
MulhollandJohn H.1965PPhiladelphia, PA
MulicaF. James1967PCleveland, OH
MullenFrankDDetroit, MI
MullenTimothy F.1973PWilmington, DE
MullinDoug2007PSt. Cloud, MN
MullinJay Michael1969PBoston, MA
MullinsLawrence (Larry)1977PJoliet, IL
MulokoziDeusdedit2003PJefferson City, MO
MulryanThomasBSt. Petersburg, FL
MulsoffDonald John1969PChicago, IL
MulvihillDaniel B.1953PWichita, KS
MundyJoseph T.1981PRockville Centre, NY
MunieOrville Lawrence1931 ?PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
MunozAntonioPStockton, CA
Munoz CapetilloOctavio2004PChicago, IL
MurassoJeremiah1979PHartford, CT
MurguiaRalphBLos Angeles, CA
MurnigGuy Anthony1970 ?PSan Francisco, CA
MuroskiLeon T.1960PErie, PA
MurphyAlfred M.1956PBoston, MA
MurphyCharles J.1959PBoston, MA
MurphyClement AdanBChicago, IL
MurphyCornelius K.1945PFairbanks, AK
MurphyDavid C.1963PBoston, MA
MurphyDennis P.1974PRichmond, VA
MurphyEdmundusBErie, PA
MurphyFrancis (Frank) A.1957PAnchorage, AK
MurphyFrancis J.?PLos Angeles, CA
MurphyHowardBRockville Centre, NY
MurphyJames E.1963PFall River, MA
MurphyJames Robert1977PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
MurphyJames William1948PMemphis, TN
MurphyJohn Daniel1968PChicago, IL
MurphyJohn EBChicago, IL
MurphyJohn M.1951PNew Ulm, MN
MurphyJoseph L.1936PLos Angeles, CA
MurphyJoseph P.1988PNorwich, CT
MurphyKenneth B.1946PBoston, MA
MurphyLawrence C.1950PMilwaukee, WI
MurphyNeil J.1957PHarrisburg, PA
MurphyPeter B1955PSioux City, IA
MurphyRobertBSavannah, GA
MurphyThomas IgnatiusBChicago, IL
MurphyTimothy1967PBaltimore, MD
MurrayDaniel J.1973PLos Angeles, CA
MurrayDonaldPRapid City, SD
MurrayEdward Francis1950PLexington, KY
MurrayJames Glenn /J-Glenn1979PBaltimore, MD
MurrayJerome C1949PLincoln, NE
MurrayJohn1960PCheyenne, WY
MurrayJohn J.1947PPhiladelphia, PA
MurrayJohn L.1947PErie, PA
MurrayS.John1956PSavannah, GA
MurrayTimothy J.1977PDetroit, MI
MurthaMichael G.1993PPhiladelphia, PA
MusholtSilas1951PJefferson City, MO
MusinskiDonald T.1962PMilwaukee, WI
MuthStephen J.1982PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
MuzicAnthony J.1963PCleveland, OH
MyersRegis1954PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
MyersWilliam S.1988PSan Francisco, CA
NadalJ. Bart1947PDenver, CO
NadzamJohn B.1950PSteubenville, OH
NamieJames B1954PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
NankoAlexander (Al)1961Pnone
NashJohn C.1975PNorwich, CT
NashMichael Patrick1980PJuneau, AK
NashWilliam T.1915PPortland, OR
NaughtonThomas J.1965PDallas, TX
NaveFrancis1992PAllentown, PA
NavitZachary1994PPhiladelphia, PA
NawnFrancis X.1951PFairbanks, AK
NawnHenry "Harry" J.1955PPhiladelphia, PA
NawrockiLawrencePDetroit, MI
NealenGiles L.1951PErie, PA
NealonDaniel J.1981PCleveland, OH
NearyThomas?PMonterey, CA
NearyThomas E.1954PSyracuse, NY
NedFatherPScranton, PA
NeeKenneth T.1953PRockville Centre, NY
NeesonJoseph1890PLouisville, KY
NeetzChristianBAltoona-Johnstown, PA
NeighborRussell J.PManchester, NH
NeimanWilliam P.PManchester, NH
NelsonFrancis X.1989PBrooklyn, NY
NetterEdmund W.1951PNew York, NY
NeubergerMichael T.1962PMilwaukee, WI
NeurothWilliam J.1963PSioux Falls, SD
NevilleFrancis E.1973PSanta Rosa, CA
NewellJeffrey1990PLos Angeles, CA
NewmanCharles1985PPhiladelphia, PA
NewmanLouis I.1958PRockville Centre, NY
NewmanRobert Victor1981PBaltimore, MD
NewtonJohn Ambrose1932PGallup, NM
NguyenDac1988PHouma-Thibodaux, LA
NguyenDominc1995POrange, CA
NguyenJoseph aka EdwardPMemphis, TN
NguyenPaul1980PSan Bernardino, CA
NguyenVincent The Quang1975PBiloxi, MS
NgwumohaikeAnthony1969PBoston, MA
NhiTran Dinh1971PArlington, VA
NicewiczEdward1962PWorcester, MA
NicholsRichard W.1958PMilwaukee, WI
NicholsStephen J.1986PBurlington, VT
NicholsonJohn1948PDuluth, MN
NicholsonPatrick J. L.1969PMobile, AL
NickasJohn P.1966PNewark, NJ
NickelJames R.1970PFall River, MA
NickersonDavid J.BMilwaukee, WI
NickseJose Pablo1973PMiami, FL
NiebruggeRichardPSpringfield, IL
NienaberLeonard B.1934PLexington, KY
NienstedtJohn C.1974PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
NigliFrancis A.1997POmaha, NE
NikliborcRobert Daniel.1955PSan Diego, CA
NilandJack1976PHonolulu, HI
NixonDominicBJefferson City, MO
NocinskiRudolph StefanBGreen Bay, WI
NocitaMichael Stephen1977PLos Angeles, CA
NoelJames E.1954PHarrisburg, PA
NoiaLeonel C.1973PSan Jose, CA
NolanJames F.1929PScranton, PA
NolanWilliam A.1985PMadison, WI
NolinJohn W.1960PManchester, NH
NorrisFrancis L.1956PWilmington, DE
NouwenRobert L.DMobile, AL
NovakJames M.1957PLansing, MI
NowakJames A.1967PJoliet, IL
NowakMichael E.1997PMilwaukee, WI
NowakRandolph1952PNew York, NY
NoweryC. Richard1968PAustin, TX
NuedlingGeorge A.1948PMilwaukee, WI
NugentFrancis "Frank" E.1956PPaterson, NJ
NunanJeremiah1963PAlbany, NY
NunezJoseph R.1922PSan Bernardino, CA
NurekMarcin2017PPaterson, NJ
NwankwoCyrilPLos Angeles, CA
NwaoguEmeh ""Anthony""1977PDallas, TX
NwogaLaserianPCamden, NJ
NyhanW. James1973PBoston, MA
NysLoren1967PGreen Bay, WI
O'BrienArthur J.1983PWashington, DC
O'BrienEugene J1956PNew York, NY
O'BrienJohnBSpokane, WA
O'BrienJohn A.1964PMilwaukee, WI
O'BrienJohn FrancisBNew York, NY
O'BrienJohn Francis1962PWilmington, DE
O'BrienJohn/Br. Fermilian1975PPittsburgh, PA
O'BrienJoseph C.1942PSpringfield, IL
O'BrienKevinPMiami, FL
O'BrienLawrenceBOakland, CA
O'BrienMichael C.1965PSeattle, WA
O'BrienMichael J.1963PNewark, NJ
O'BrienMichael P1970PSanta Fe, NM
O'BrienThomas1974PDetroit, MI
O'BrienThomas J. (Bishop)1961PPhoenix, AZ
O'BrienThomas J., Msgr1950PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
O'BrienWilliam< 1951PIndianapolis, IN
O'BrienWilliam1925PSeattle, WA
O'BrienWilliam John1973PChicago, IL
O'ByrneJohn F.1961PLos Angeles, CA
O'CarrollCharles W.1922PLos Angeles, CA
O'ConnellKenneth F.1956PNew York, NY
O'ConnellLawrence1930PPittsburgh, PA
O'ConnellMichael W.1983PChicago, IL
O'ConnellVincent A.?PFresno, CA
O'ConnellWilliam C.1950PProvidence, RI
O'Connell (Bp)Anthony J.1963PJefferson City, MO
O'ConnorColman1954PMonterey, CA
O'ConnorCornelius F.1946PSacramento, CA
O'ConnorDonal P.1955PLos Angeles, CA
O'ConnorDonald1964PJoliet, IL
O'ConnorGavin1977PBridgeport, CT
O'ConnorJames1969PAustin, TX
O'ConnorJohn1916PAlbany, NY
O'ConnorJohn J.1960PSan Francisco, CA
O'ConnorJohn JustinBNew York, NY
O'ConnorPatrick J.1985PCleveland, OH
O'ConnorPaul Cornelius1929PFairbanks, AK
O'ConnorRichardPYakima, WA
O'ConnorThomas J.PSpringfield, MA
O'DeaLoren1993PDetroit, MI
O'DeaThomas E.1960PFall River, MA
O'DellJackBChicago, IL
O'DohertyAloysius A1940PPortland, OR
O'DohertyLiam1965POgdensburg, NY
O'DonahueunknownPSeattle, WA
O'DonnellHenry B.1949PSteubenville, OH
O'DonnellPatrick G.1971PSpokane, WA
O'DonnellRobert J1966PHelena, MT
O'DonnellTerence (Terry)1970PSt. Petersburg, FL
O'DonnellThomas M.1960PPittsburgh, PA
O'DonoghueBrendan W.1950PWorcester, MA
O'DonoghueCharlesPTrenton, NJ
O'DonovanRickard J.1949PBoston, MA
O'DowdEamon1959POrlando, FL
O'DwyerPatrick1924PLos Angeles, CA
O'FarrillJuan Ramon1945PMiami, FL
O'FlahertyJohn G.1942PPueblo, CO
O'FlynnPatrickPPortland, OR
O'FrielDaniel F.1961PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
O'GormanThomas1977PChicago, IL
O'GradyJames F.1954PLos Angeles, CA
O'GradyOliver Francis1971PStockton, CA
O'GradyPeter P.1933PSpokane, WA
O'HaraFrank J.1941PSpringfield, IL
O'HearnRichardPSpringfield, MA
O'HerlihyMichael D.1961PNew York, NY
O'KeefeJohn1972PNew York, NY
O'KeeffePatrick J.1959PSan Diego, CA
O'LearyArthur P.1975PBoston, MA
O'LearyMark1985PLos Angeles, CA
O'LearyPatrickPChicago, IL
O'LiddyPatrick Henry1990PDenver, CO
O'LoghlenMartin1961PLos Angeles, CA
O'MalleyJames J.1946PSpokane, WA
O'MalleyThomas F.1930PSpringfield, MA
O'MalleyWilliam P. III1970PPittsburgh, PA
O'NeilLeo J.1956PWorcester, MA
O'NeillJames W.1967PWilmington, DE
O'NeillJohn A.1918PScranton, PA
O'NeillPatrick G.1953PSeattle, WA
O'NeillRobert F.1962PRochester, NY
O'NeillThomas P.1957PSalt Lake City, UT
O'NeillVincent1972PSanta Rosa, CA
O'NeillWilliam V.1931PBoston, MA
O'ReillyBenBBrooklyn, NY
O'ReillyPatrick1906PPortland, OR
O'ReillyUnknownPGreat Falls-Billings, MT
O'RourkeThomas E.1943PLos Angeles, CA
O'RourkeThomas J.1963PBrooklyn, NY
O'ShaughnessyDonald J.1955PChicago, IL
O'SheaPatrick J.1958PSan Francisco, CA
O'SullivanArthurPEl Paso, TX
O'SullivanBrotherBSeattle, WA
O'SullivanEugene M.1960PBoston, MA
O'SullivanJohn J.1950PCamden, NJ
O'SullivanMichael J.1955PSan Antonio, TX
O'SullivanTimothy JosephBNewark, NJ
O'SullivanVincentBSeattle, WA
O'TooleHenry1944PBaltimore, MD
O'ToolePaul L.1967PChicago, IL
ObersinnerJoseph1957PHelena, MT
OcanaManuel C< 1998PSeattle, WA
OchoaFrancisco Xavier1969PSanta Rosa, CA
OchoaJavier?PLos Angeles, CA
OchoaUnknownPEl Paso, TX
OchsGlen1948PGreen Bay, WI
OclooAnthonyPBrooklyn, NY
OhazulumeChristian1996PBoston, MA
OhlemacherRichard N.1955PSt. Cloud, MN
OjedaUriel2007PSacramento, CA
OkonEugene Jack1970PIndianapolis, IN
OkornDusan Anthony1947PHelena, MT
Olarte (Olartez)Mario Arbelaez1994PSalt Lake City, UT
OlingerJulius1931PDubuque, IA
OlivasJose Alfredo1981PEl Paso, TX
OliverJohn A.1952PTucson, AZ
OlivierRobert1957PJackson, MS
OlkowskiBrian KeithSBaltimore, MD
OlowinJan C.1968PErie, PA
Olschaysken/OlschauskenLeo?PGaylord, MI
OlschowskiFridolin1949PGreen Bay, WI
OlszewskiEdward Theodore1960PDetroit, MI
OmariniContardo Angelo1936PNewark, NJ
OmemagaEmmanuel O.1983PSan Diego, CA
OnderkoJohn M.1962PPeoria, IL
OnyiaBasil Chukwuma?PBrownsville, TX
OostermanBernard "Benno"1956PSpokane, WA
OpatKenneth M.1969PSt. Cloud, MN
OphalsDonald J.1961PAlbany, NY
Orellana MendozaSamuel1968PLos Angeles, CA
OrisFabian G.1942PGreensburg, PA
OrlandoRichard J.1947PRochester, NY
OrlandoVincent A.1974PGalveston-Houston, TX
OrmecheaJohn Baptist "J.B."1965PChicago, IL
OrmsbyBasil A1942PBuffalo, NY
OrnowskiGerald J.1962PFairbanks, AK
OrrGarrett1983PWashington, DC
OrsiniJoseph1964PCamden, NJ
Orso-ManzonettaAldo Carlo1950PPortland, OR
OrsolitsNorbert F1965PBuffalo, NY
OrteneauEugene F.1982PNorwich, CT
Ortiz-DietzXavier1977PSan Antonio, TX
OryClauden/aBNew Orleans, LA
OsborneRobert R.1966PSt. Louis, MO
OserDonald J.1953PYoungstown, OH
OsgoodDonald Matthew1955PManchester, NH
OsinskiPeter J.1969PCamden, NJ
OswaldTed1984PSanta Rosa, CA
OteroCornelius T. (Neil)1949PBrooklyn, NY
OuelletteLionel P.1957PBoston, MA
OuelletteRosario E.< 1930sPPortland, ME
OuimetJ. Lawrence1974PNorwich, CT
OursRobert A.1980PSyracuse, NY
OwensJohn1960PBismarck, ND
OwensJoseph1965PChicago, IL
OwensJoseph1971PNorwich, CT
Owens-HowardJ. (James) Robert1974PCharleston, SC
OwinoFelix C.1992PWheeling-Charleston, WV
OzogThaddeus1956PDetroit, MI
PaceJoseph A.1988PSyracuse, NY
PachecoDan (Danilo)BSan Francisco, CA
PachecoGary1974PLos Angeles, CA
PachecoJoseph1957PMonterey, CA
PachecoMario1976PLos Angeles, CA
PadillaRuben MarkBnone
PaduchFrank1989BChicago, IL
PagaczJulian S.1973 ?PBoston, MA
PageRaymond J.1946PWorcester, MA
Pagni, IIIThomas James1977POrlando, FL
PaironRalph W1953PSanta Fe, NM
PaizWilliam1979PFort Worth, TX
PalathingalSimon1972PMilwaukee, WI
PalimattomJose?PPalm Beach, FL
PalkoJohn J.1967PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
PallathuparambilXavier1952PSanta Rosa, CA
PallikunnenEmmanuel1952PChicago, IL
PalmeseAnthony D.1976POmaha, NE
PalmitessaPaul1956PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
PalysDaniel J.1969PBuffalo, NY
PanepintoVincent1967PRochester, NY
PankowskiJoseph?PNew Orleans, LA
PanszaGilbert Albert2000PFort Worth, TX
PantojaEusebio1969PChicago, IL
PaoneErnest C.1957PPittsburgh, PA
PapileJoseph A.1988DBoston, MA
PaquetMichael1978PSt. Cloud, MN
Paquette, Jr.Edward O.1957PBurlington, VT
PaquinRonald H.1973PBoston, MA
ParamoThomas1956PChicago, IL
ParaniukMichael1981PCincinnati, OH
ParedesEdmundo1985PDallas, TX
ParentiRobert J.1972PTrenton, NJ
ParilloJohn R.1970PYoungstown, OH
ParisiFrank J.1985PRockville Centre, NY
ParkAustin N,1955PLafayette, LA
ParkerKenneth R.1965PRaleigh, NC
ParksSteven?PLafayette, LA
ParlangeliAnthonyBMiami, FL
ParmeGeorge J.1948PPittsburgh, PA
ParrakowEdmond A.1968PNew York, NY
ParrottThomas1950PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
ParryBede1983PKansas City-St. Joseph, MO
PascalSisterNFairbanks, AK
PascaleAnthony1958PHonolulu, HI
PaschalThomas?BNorwich, CT
PatejkoGregory (Zbigniew)1953PFargo, ND
PaterDaniel1979PCincinnati, OH
PatilGabriel M.1972PAllentown, PA
Patino-ArangoJuan CarlosSGalveston-Houston, TX
PatnodeJoseph I. (not John)1918PDubuque, IA
PatrickMichael T.1983PPortland, OR
PattersonCharles H.1951PJefferson City, MO
PaturzoLouis S.1973PHartford, CT
PaulHenry A.1941PWilmington, DE
PaulJohn P.1972PPhiladelphia, PA
PaulRaymond1955PHartford, CT
PaulantonioJoseph1945PAtlanta, GA
PaulinGeorge A.1970PBurlington, VT
PaulishW (William) Jeffrey1988PScranton, PA
PauschGeorge W.1931PSanta Fe, NM
PausonRichard1957PPortland, OR
PavlicekEdward1983PSan Antonio, TX
PavlikJames J.1963PSt. Louis, MO
PavlockMartin L1966PBuffalo, NY
PawlaczykAndrew W.1962PErie, PA
PcolkaRaymond1965PBridgeport, CT
PearceJ. Donald1959PNew Orleans, LA
PeaseJoseph M.1961PHarrisburg, PA
PecharichMichael P.1973PLos Angeles, CA
PechulisJustin Paul1958PCharlotte, NC
PeckDaniel P.1965PLos Angeles, CA
PecklersKeith F.1984 ?PNewark, NJ
PecoreDennis A.1982PBaltimore, MD
Pedraza-AriasAlfredo?PRockford, IL
Peebles, Jr.Robert R.1977PDallas, TX
PegueroLawrence1947PGalveston-Houston, TX
PegueroRobert H.1975PLos Angeles, CA
PelaezOscar (Oskar)1994 ?PStockton, CA
PelkingtonRobert P. (Leo)1968PHartford, CT
PellerinAlbertBPortland, ME
PelletierEugene1953PManchester, NH
PelletierLeonard E.1969PBoston, MA
Pellettieri (Pelletieri)Joseph F.1965PLafayette, LA
PeltonMaxwell "Ron"DPhoenix, AZ
PeltzCarl Anthony1977PSteubenville, OH
PenaAmadoSLos Angeles, CA
PenderJohn A.1962PScranton, PA
PennaSylvester1948PPortland, OR
PeraltaCarlos1990PChicago, IL
PerdueJohn1985PSioux City, IA
PereiraAnthony LouiseNLouisville, KY
PereppadanVarghesePBoston, MA
PerezAngel Armando2002PPortland, OR
PerezFrancisco Javier1973PLos Angeles, CA
PerezHenry1973PPhoenix, AZ
Perez TorrezEduardo?PStockton, CA
PerisJohn BPSanta Fe, NM
PerisVincentePSanta Fe, NM
PeroneRocco1949PPortland, OR
PerraultArthur J1964PSanta Fe, NM
PerreaultLouis G.1962PSan Bernardino, CA
PerrettaAndrew T.1975PPaterson, NJ
PerronToussaint J.1959PPeoria, IL
PerryFrancis "Drew" A.1998PRaleigh, NC
PersonJames1979PLos Angeles, CA
PerzanStephen B.1973PPhiladelphia, PA
PeschelRoland A.1960POmaha, NE
PetekiewiczRobertPLas Vegas, NV
PetersDonald R. (A.?)1950PMilwaukee, WI
PetersJohn1944PDubuque, IA
PetersonDennis L.1973PGalveston-Houston, TX
PetersonLeonard1967PPhiladelphia, PA
PetersonLouis P.1974PBelleville, IL
PetitPhilip A.1980PManchester, NH
PetraccaAnthony J.1985PAltoona-Johnstown, PA
PetraitisDonald1964PNorwich, CT
PetrellaRobert Joseph1964PWashington, DC
PetrocelliJohn N.1971PProvidence, RI
PetroskiRonald P.PBrooklyn, NY
PetrusicAnthony1957POmaha, NE
PezzottiMario1959PBoston, MA
PfalzerRoman1947PSanta Fe, NM
PhamJoseph Thang Xuan1985PRichmond, VA
PhanKevinSChicago, IL
PhelanVictor1971PNewark, NJ
PhilipsenMartin H.1942PHelena, MT
PhillipsJamesvows 1970BSt. Cloud, MN
PhillipsJohn1953PAlbany, NY
PhysicianThomas R.1958PDetroit, MI
PiatkowskiJohn A.< 1935PErie, PA
Picardi, Jr.John M.1983PBoston, MA
PichetteDavid A.1967PWheeling-Charleston, WV
PickLouis V.1939PLos Angeles, CA
PickettRobertDOmaha, NE
PierceGeorge R.1959PGreensburg, PA
PierreEugene E.1914PPortland, OR
PiersonJohn1972PMonterey, CA
PilarskiPeter R.1959PPittsburgh, PA
PilarskiRaymond J.1955PGaylord, MI
PilgerJoseph J.1955POwensboro, KY
PillonGordon John1979POrange, CA
PilonJerome1989PPeoria, IL
PimpleAlfred1938PNew Orleans, LA
PinaJoseph D.1972PLos Angeles, CA
Pinal ContellanosJose Anthony1980PSacramento, CA
PinardPaul A.1959PNorwich, CT
PindelPaul E.1951PPittsburgh, PA
PineauJoseph1932PSpokane, WA
PinkoshJoseph1969PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
PinkowskiTerrance1949PPhiladelphia, PA
PinkstonNickolas EugeneSSt. Louis, MO
Pintado HerreraJorge PatricioPNew York, NY
PinterAlexander< 1946PToledo, OH
PipalaEdward1966PNew York, NY
PirrungGeorge1954PTucson, AZ
PisaneschiClareNScranton, PA
PisarcikJohn G.1970PPaterson, NJ
PisikTimothy E.1974PCamden, NJ
PiskulaLouis Francis1975POwensboro, KY
PistoneTony1953BFort Worth, TX
PitcavageWilliam1976PSioux Falls, SD
PitschThomas1941PSeattle, WA
PizzuttiLawrencePAlbany, NY
PlacaAlan J.1970PRockville Centre, NY
PlacaStephen1995PBrooklyn, NY
PlakutCasimir1938PCrookston, MN
PlamondonJames W.1951PFairbanks, AK
PlanteAlbert R.1948POgdensburg, NY
PlaushinMark1989PScranton, PA
Pleimann (Plieman)Bernard ThomasBLos Angeles, CA
PlesetzGerald John1970PLos Angeles, CA
PliauplisChristopher1987PNew York, NY
PlimmerWalter1934PSteubenville, OH
PlocinskiLeonard E.1954PPortland, OR
PlockCharles1973PBrooklyn, NY
PlourdeMichael L.1976PPortland, ME
PlourdeRaymond C.1958PBoston, MA
PlunkettGregory J.1988PPeoria, IL
PoandlRobert1968PWheeling-Charleston, WV
PocheDaniel1978PHouma-Thibodaux, LA
PockDonald P.1958PJoliet, IL
PodsonTed (Theodore)1976PPhiladelphia, PA
PoepperlingWilliam C.< 1953PSt. Louis, MO
PoffEdward1958PJoliet, IL
PohlStephen A.1985PLouisville, KY
PohlenJohn< 1923PSioux Falls, SD
PoirierJohn R.1971PManchester, NH
PoitrasSteven W.1993PBoston, MA
PolchaMichael G.1933PScranton, PA
PolicettiSleeva Raju1987PChicago, IL
PolizziDaniel1969PSan Diego, CA
PollardLeo E.1947PBoston, MA
PommierJames W.1954PBismarck, ND
PonciroliRobert1969POakland, CA
PoolGary W.1982PJefferson City, MO
PooleJames E.1953PFairbanks, AK
PooleWilliam G.1963PLexington, KY
PoonStanislaus1962PLos Angeles, CA
PorteCherylNLafayette, LA
PorterJames R1960PFall River, MA
PorterThomas A.1965PLos Angeles, CA
PoserGregory H.1975PSt. Cloud, MN
PoseyThaddeus1971PSt. Louis, MO
PostRobert1982PNew York, NY
PosterRichard J.1992PDavenport, IA
PotockiCharles1970PSt. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
PoulsonDavid1979PErie, PA
PoussonDonald Raymond1966PLafayette, LA
PovishRobert1990PPhiladelphia, PA
PowderlyJames J.1958PWashington, DC
PowellJohn J.1956PChicago, IL
PowellThomas M.1973PSyracuse, NY
PowerEdmund P.< 1962PBridgeport, CT
PowerJames F.1962PBoston, MA
PowerWalter D.1952PWilmington, DE
PowersMary AnnNLouisville, KY
PowersRichard M.1959POwensboro, KY
PowersRichard T.1963PPhiladelphia, PA
PradoAlfredo1957PSan Antonio, TX
PrattEdward C.1972PAlbany, NY
PrattJames F.X.1986PBridgeport, CT
PraveenJohn2009PRapid City, SD
PrefontaineLouis< 1952PSanta Fe, NM
PremoshisGregory F.1968PGreensburg, PA
PresentiRichard P.1968PSan Francisco, CA
PresleyWilliam F.1956PErie, PA
PriceDoloresNPortland, OR
Priest GPriest GPRockville Centre, NY
Priest KPriest KPRockville Centre, NY
Priest LPriest LPRockville Centre, NY
Priest NPriest NPRockville Centre, NY
Priest QPriest QPRockville Centre, NY
Priest RPriest RPRockville Centre, NY
Priest SPriest SPRockville Centre, NY
Priest UPriest UPRockville Centre, NY
PrimaveraBruno1973PNorwich, CT
PrimeauxDavid1976PLafayette, LA
PrindevilleJames E.POakland, CA
PrinzGerald1968PHouma-Thibodaux, LA
PritchardEdward B.1974PWashington, DC
PritchardJoseph T.1948PSan Jose, CA
PritzlPeter P.1929PHelena, MT
ProchaskiAdam1968PBrooklyn, NY
ProchnowJosephPLos Angeles, CA
ProcopioCharles1956PHarrisburg, PA
ProudAlbert J.1968PSyracuse, NY
ProvostRonald D.1970PWorcester, MA
PrybisRaymond A.1967PBoston, MA
PrzybyloChester J./Czeslaw1976PChicago, IL
PrzybyloWilliam P.1968PHartford, CT
PrzybylskiKonstanty1975PChicago, IL
PucarAugust (Augie)1963PBeaumont, TX
PucciFrancis1957PPittsburgh, PA
PucciJoseph1941PToledo, OH
PudeiCasilda< 1957PSanta Fe, NM
PuelloGeorgeBAlbany, NY
PuertasCristobal de JesusPMiami, FL
PuhlDennis1974PDuluth, MN
PulicareMichael J.1971PScranton, PA
PullmanValerie1965PLafayette, LA
PunnoorSamuel1996PToledo, OH
PurcellPatrick< 1950PLos Angeles, CA
PurcellRobert H.1974PAlbany, NY
PurcellThomas PatrickPTucson, AZ
PurnellTomDOmaha, NE
PusateriSamuel D.1979PPeoria, IL
PutnamGorham Joseph1955PNew Orleans, LA
PuttiAnthonyPKansas City, KS
PuzaPaul G.1975PAllentown, PA
PypersTheophilusPSpokane, WA
QuaidEdward George1911PSyracuse, NY
QuaneRalph1978PDetroit, MI
QuatannensJohn C.1936PLos Angeles, CA
QueenanWilliam J.1960PHonolulu, HI
QuickHarry1962PLafayette, LA
QuickWilliam1934PSeattle, WA
QuiggHarold (Harry) F1960PSeattle, WA
QuigleyDominicBNew York, NY
QuigleyPatrick W.1981PNew York, NY
QuillenBro. Mark/Fr. AndrewBDavenport, IA
QuinlanCelestine1957PLos Angeles, CA
QuinlanNicholas1932PSavannah, GA
QuinnJames A.1967PSyracuse, NY
QuinnJames F.1958PSyracuse, NY
QuinnJohn?PSanta Fe, NM
QuinnLawrence J.1971PNew York, NY
Quiroz ReyesGuido Miguel1944PHarrisburg, PA
RabideauJohn Steven1990PDetroit, MI
RacineLeo1979PSeattle, WA
RadetskiPaul J.1982PGreen Bay, WI
RaeihleDennisBBoston, MA
RaimondoMichael?PNew York, NY
RainforthThomas G1973PPaterson, NJ
RaleighEdmundPPortland, OR
RaleighMichael J.1936PPortland, OR
RamaekersTimothy1982POrange, CA
RamirezAaronDYakima, WA
RamirezHilarioPYakima, WA