Last Name | First Name | Date Ordained | Title | Diocese |
Abaya | Rubin | < 1977 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Abdon | Andrew | 1945 | B | Santa Fe, NM |
Abercrombie | Leonard A. | 1946 | P | Denver, CO |
Abeywickrema | Lionel Augustine | 1951 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Abinate | Phillip | ? | P | Monterey, CA |
Abrams | John L. | 1951 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Abruzzese | Joseph A. | 1990 | P | Providence, RI |
Acebo | Jeffrey | 1986 | P | Oakland, CA |
Ackerson | Francis | 1946 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Acosta | Jorge | B | St. Petersburg, FL | |
Acres | John H. | 1983 | P | Boston, MA |
Adams | Alvin J. | 1967 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Adams | Anthony | 1940 | P | Albany, NY |
Adams | Archie H. | 1955 | P | Madison, WI |
Adams | Benedict | 1957 | P | Detroit, MI |
Adams | Cletus | 1941 | P | Rapid City, SD |
Adams | James R. | 1963 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Adamsky | Raymond J. | 1958 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Adamson | Thomas | 1958 | P | Winona, MN |
Aerts | Daniel C. | 1977 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
Ager | Fay W. | 1979 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Agnes | Sister | N | San Antonio, TX | |
Agostino | Joseph V. | 1983 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Agudelo Cano | Alexander Dario | S | Harrisburg, PA | |
Aguilar-Rivera | Nicolas | 1970 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Agustin | Honesto | 1982 | P | Reno, NV |
Ahearn | Thomas Kieran | 1964 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Ahern | Richard J. | 1954 | P | Richmond, VA |
Ahumada | Arturo | D | Los Angeles, CA | |
Akuzie | Bennet | P | Brooklyn, NY | |
Albalaa | Pierre | 1995 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Albaugh | William Steven | 1996 | D | Baltimore, MD |
Albeke (Albecke) | Henry A. | 1973 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Albert | Brother | B | Boston, MA | |
Albino | John C. | 1990 | P | New York, NY |
Albrecht | G.R. Keith | 1977 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Albrechtson | Dennis | D | Seattle, WA | |
Alcamo | Robert | 1980 | P | Newark, NJ |
Alex | Brother | B | Santa Fe, NM | |
Alexander | Joseph J. | 1973 | B | Owensboro, KY |
Alexander | Marc R. | 1985 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Alexis-du-Sacre-Coeur | Sister | N | Portland, ME | |
Alford | Donald Paschal | B | Norwich, CT | |
Allard | John C. | 1975 | P | Providence, RI |
Allen | Francis (Scotty) II | S | Harrisburg, PA | |
Allen | John G. | 1970 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Allen | Michael E. | 1971 | P | Evansville, IN |
Allen | Peter A. | 1971 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Allen | Richard J. | 1970 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
Allgaier | Robert | 1998 | P | Omaha, NE |
Allison | William G. | 1948 ? | P | Monterey, CA |
Allyson | Leo | 1934 | P | Manchester, NH |
Almageur | Santiago | ? | P | none |
Almaguer | Santiago | < 1975 | P | El Paso, TX |
Alonso (Alonzo) | Jose | 1968 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Altamirano Torres | Sebastian | 1979 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Altavilla | Philip A | 1992 | P | Scranton, PA |
Altermatt | Cletus | 1934 | P | New Ulm, MN |
Altermatt | Gregory M. | 1976 | P | Hartford, CT |
Althoff | Donald | 1982 | P | Little Rock, AR |
Altstock / Alstock | Edward D. | 1959 | P | Portland, OR |
Alvarez | Curtiss | 1976 | P | Madison, WI |
Alvesteffer | Eugene F. | 1965 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
Alzugaray | Joseph F. | 1967 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Amsden | Thomas J. | 1968 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Amy | Michael J. | 1978 | P | Erie, PA |
Andersen | Andrew Christian | 1982 | P | Orange, CA |
Anderson | Alexander R. | 1975 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Anderson | David E. | 1969 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Anderson | John C. | 1959 | P | Peoria, IL |
Anderson | Joseph K. | 1954 | P | Las Cruces, NM |
Anderson | Roger | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Andert | Thomas | 1975 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Andre | Sister | N | Newark, NJ | |
Andries | John Wesley | 1996 | P | Alexandria, LA |
Angel | Lawrence A. | B | Chicago, IL | |
Angeli | Joseph | 1942 | P | Boston, MA |
Angelo | Girard F. | 1955 | P | Scranton, PA |
Anglim | Thomas M. | 1954 | P | Venice, FL |
Antekeier | Charles | 1962 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
Anthony | Abraham | P | Fargo, ND | |
Anthony | Sister Joseph | N | Louisville, KY | |
Antonucci | Antonio F. | B | Worcester, MA | |
Antus | Roland | 1962 | P | Duluth, MN |
Appleby | Russell Gerald | 1966 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
Apt | E. Everett | < 1950 | P | Sioux City, IA |
Apura | Romannilo (Nilo) | 1975 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Arakal | Francis | P | Stockton, CA | |
Aranda | Sofronio A. (Pon) | 1963 | P | Orange, CA |
Arandia | Arnulfo | 1980 | P | Miami, FL |
Arata | Henri | 1960 | P | Portland, OR |
Arbogast | Paul M. | 1955 | P | Covington, KY |
Arceneaux | Jules M. | 1990 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Archambault | Paul J. | 2005 | P | Springfield, MA |
Archuleta | Marvin | 1970 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Ardolf | Edward | 1964 | P | New Ulm, MN |
Ares | Brion T. | 1987 | P | Worcester, MA |
Argencourt | Roger | B | Manchester, NH | |
Arias | Andreas | < 1936 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Arimond | James L. | 1965 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Ariza | Lepnardo E. | S | Salt Lake City, UT | |
Arkfeld | Richard M. | 1962 | P | Omaha, NE |
Arko | Richard A. | 1990 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Armstrong | James L. | 1977 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Armstrong | Peter Gomez | 1954 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Arnoue | Peter Claver | P | Madison, WI | |
Arsenault | David | 1981 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Arthur | Sister | N | Louisville, KY | |
Arul | Susai | 1957 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Arzube | Juan (Bp.) | 1954 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Ashwell | G. Barry | 1969 | P | Seattle, WA |
Astruc | Rene | 1954 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Aten | Michael J. | 1977 | P | Gallup, NM |
Atherton | Gregory | B | Orange, CA | |
Atwater | John T. | 1963 | P | Boston, MA |
Atwood | Ronald J. | 1969 | P | Columbus, OH |
Aube | Paul L. | 1970 | P | Manchester, NH |
Aubut | Charles E. | 1941 | P | Boston, MA |
Audibert | John L. | 1967 | P | Portland, ME |
Augustyn | Thaddeus A. | 1944 | P | Superior, WI |
Aurelio | John R | 1966 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Austin | Edmund | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Authenrieth | William | 1962 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Authier | Charles | 1950 | P | Manchester, NH |
Avallone | Paul | 1950 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Avant | James | P | Baltimore, MD | |
Avery | Edward V. | 1970 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Avila | Jose Maria B. | 1930 | P | Fall River, MA |
Aviles | Jose "Joe" | 1990 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Axer | Englebert M. | 1939 | P | Seattle, WA |
Axton | Jerome J. | 1983 | P | Biloxi, MS |
Ayala | Saul | 1971 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Aylward | James W. | 1964 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Ayres | William G. | 1999 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Azzarone, Jr. | Daniel M. | 1978 | P | Providence, RI |
Babilonia | Delfin | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Babis | Daniel G. | 1948 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Baca | Michael aka Miguel | 1953 | P | Gallup, NM |
Baca | Paul M | 1949 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Baccellieri | Joseph A. | 1966 | P | Portland, OR |
Bach | Francis | 1962 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Bacigalupo | Leonard | 1930 | P | Boston, MA |
Backous | Timothy (Fr Timo) | 1986 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Bagert | Matthew | 1997 | P | Dallas, TX |
Bagley | John J. | 1960 | P | Worcester, MA |
Baglio | Joseph L | 1944 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Baier | Donald | 1975 | P | Venice, FL |
Bailey | George F. | 1963 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Bailot | Eugene | 1937 | P | Boston, MA |
Baird | Lawrence J. | 1969 | P | Orange, CA |
Baisi | Linda | N | New York, NY | |
Baker | Gerald H. | 1983 | P | Owensboro, KY |
Baker | Michael Stephen | 1974 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Baker | Stephen P | B | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN | |
Balak | Frederick R. | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Balbin | Victor | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Balcom | Gary E. | 1972 | P | Boston, MA |
Balczeniuk/Balzceniuk | Mark G. | 1983 | P | Scranton, PA |
Balden | Unknown | P | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Balestrieri | Edward | 1959 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Balfe | Joseph A. | 1927 | P | Helena, MT |
Ball | Bruce E. | 1978 | P | La Crosse, WI |
Ball | Edward Lawrence | 1966 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Bals | Jerry | 1973 | D | Cleveland, OH |
Baltazar | Carmelo Melchior | 1960 | P | Boise, ID |
Balthazar | Norman G. | 1963 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
Banach | Edwin | 1941 | P | Rockford, IL |
Banach | Henry S. | 1948 | P | Worcester, MA |
Banaszek (Bonaszek) | Stanley F. | 1970 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Bandiho | Solomon | P | Phoenix, AZ | |
Bandle | Ronald J. | 1968 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Banko | John M. | 1972 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Banner | Russell J. | 1967 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Baquedano-Pech | Theodore | ? | P | San Francisco, CA |
Barajas Arias | Luis Jesus | ? | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Baraniewicz | Joseph M. | 1957 | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Baranowski | Alexander Sylvester | 1955 | P | Chicago, IL |
Barber | Joseph P. | ? | P | Camden, NJ |
Barco | Roberto | 1983 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Barfield | Daniel Ramsey | 1967 | P | Las Cruces, NM |
Barletta | Michael G. | 1966 | D | Erie, PA |
Barmasse | Kevin P. | 1982 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Barnes | Michael Lowell | 1975 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Barnes | Robert W. | 1980 | P | Norwich, CT |
Barney | H. Stanley | 1975 | P | Fall River, MA |
Barr | Frederick L. | 1976 | P | Boston, MA |
Barr | Philip R. | 1948 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Barrett | John F. | 1959 | P | Joliet, IL |
Barrett | Patrick J. | 1959 | P | Gaylord, MI |
Barrett | Robert E. | 1963 | P | Boston, MA |
Barry | James | 1951 | P | Helena, MT |
Barry | Michael O. | 1979 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Barry | Richard J. | 1978 | P | Boston, MA |
Barry | Thomas Patrick | 1939 | P | Denver, CO |
Barszcz | Benedict P | 1990 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Bartholomew | Carl | 2000 | P | Venice, FL |
Bartles | Charles Arnold | 1965 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Bartlett | Lee F. | 1972 | P | Worcester, MA |
Bartnikowski | Raymond B. | 1963 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Bartz | Richard Barry | 1974 | P | Chicago, IL |
Baruch | John S. | 1930 | P | Allentown, PA |
Baskett | John C. | 1945 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Bass | Francis E. | 1948 | P | Davenport, IA |
Basso | Settimo (or Septimo) | 1941 | P | Boston, MA |
Basty | John | 1908 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Batista | Jorge | 1983 | P | Newark, NJ |
Batoon | Roberto | 1973 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Battagliola | Alberto (Orlando) | 1963 | P | Monterey, CA |
Baud | John B. | 1932 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Baudone | Louis | 1959 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
Bauer | Carl E. | 1963 | P | Wheeling-Charleston, WV |
Bauer | John | 1963 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Bauer | John M. | 1973 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Bauernfeind | Thomas J. | 1963 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Bautista | Gaspar | 1975 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Bayers | Sydney H. | 1937 | P | Boston, MA |
Bayley | Thomas S. | 1949 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Baz | George | ? | P | Gallup, NM |
Bazalar | Juan | P | New York, NY | |
Beale | Robert P. | 1970 | P | Boston, MA |
Bean | Donald A. | 1963 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Beans, Sr. | Pat | D | Fairbanks, AK | |
Beas | Shamaun | 1994 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
Beatty | John | 1950 | P | San Diego, CA |
Beaudet | George | 1975 | P | Portland, ME |
Beaudet | Gerard | P | Manchester, NH | |
Beaudet | Sylvio | P | Manchester, NH | |
Beaulac | Robert | B | Worcester, MA | |
Beaulieu | Guy | B | Manchester, NH | |
Beauregard | Gerald | ? | P | Springfield, MA |
Beauregard | Thomas J. | 1951 | P | Toledo, OH |
Beauvais | Leon F. | 1961 | P | Boston, MA |
Beaver | Nelson | 1976 | P | Toledo, OH |
Beaver | Reinard | 1956 | P | Spokane, WA |
Beazley | Francis | 1940 | P | Corpus Christi, TX |
Beck | James W. | 1969 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Becker | Dennis E. | 1962 | P | New Ulm, MN |
Becker | Donald E. | 1971 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Becker | Donald W. | 1968 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Becker | Franklyn W. | 1964 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Becker | Robert Charles | 1965 | P | Chicago, IL |
Becker | Ronald | 1973 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Beckstrom | Robert E | B | Chicago, IL | |
Bedoya | Hugo | 1956 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Beebe | Charles | 1970 | P | Peoria, IL |
Beeman | James W. | 1953 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Beever | Carlton J. | 1974 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Begnaud | Stanley | 1958 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Behan | Hugh | 1964 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Behan | James J. | 1973 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Behnke | Thomas | 1948 | P | Dallas, TX |
Beine (James) | James A. (Mar) | 1967 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Belen | Germain | 1950 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Bell | Joseph | 1961 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Bellinato | Hector | 1935 | P | Columbus, OH |
Beltramea | Ephrem/Ephraim | 1961 | P | Gallup, NM |
Beltran | Gerardo | 1982 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Bemunuge | Prosper | P | Denver, CO | |
Bench | John F. | 1964 | P | Charleston, SC |
Bender | Claude J. | 1955 | P | Camden, NJ |
Bender | Joseph J. | 1957 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Bender | Thomas J. | 1961 | P | Allentown, PA |
Bendillo | Nicholas Paul | B | Mobile, AL | |
Bendixen | Arthur | 1976 | P | Orlando, FL |
Benedetto | James T. | 1970 | P | Newark, NJ |
Benedict | James | 1939 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Benestad | Thomas J. | 1970 | P | Allentown, PA |
Benham | Francis A. | 1963 | P | Washington, DC |
Benham | Michael C. | 1976 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Benish | Robert | B | Fairbanks, AK | |
Benjamin | Harry S. | 1968 | P | Detroit, MI |
Bennett | Andre | B | St. Cloud, MN | |
Bennett | Joseph R. | 1966 | P | Chicago, IL |
Bennett | Joseph R. (Y) | 1953 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Bennett | Richard L. | 1972 | P | Joliet, IL |
Bennett | Thomas M. | 1957 | P | Columbus, OH |
Benson | Gustavo | 1972 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Bentley | David G. | 1974 | P | Albany, NY |
Benton | James F. | 1973 | P | Lincoln, NE |
Berbena | Christopher | 1980 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Bergeur | John X. | 1945 | P | Newark, NJ |
Bergin | James J. | 1961 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Berko | Matthew | 1962 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
Bernabe | Polienato | 1966 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
Bernard | Andre M. | 1973 | P | Worcester, MA |
Bernard | John P. | 1962 | P | Camden, NJ |
Bernas | Elwood | 1984 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Berning | John B. | 1934 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Berthiaume | Gary D. | 1968 | P | Detroit, MI |
Berthiaume | George A. | 1945 | P | Springfield, MA |
Berthold | George C. | 1963 | P | Boston, MA |
Bertke | Marlene | N | Covington, KY | |
Bertolucci | John Patrick | 1965 | P | Albany, NY |
Berube | Albert | < 1960 | P | Fall River, MA |
Berube | John | P | Baton Rouge, LA | |
Berube | Louis F. | 1947 | P | Portland, ME |
Berumen | Matthias A. | 1986 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Bettencourt | Thomas | 1976 | P | San Jose, CA |
Beutner | Edward F. | 1965 | P | Superior, WI |
Bevan | Thomas R. | 1963 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Bevilacqua | Anthony (Cardinal) | 1949 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Beyer | Baldwin (Martin) | 1953 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Bhaskar Godugunuru | Vijaya "Vijay" | P | Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL | |
Bialkowski | David W | 1988 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Bierman | Earl | 1957 | P | Covington, KY |
Biesinger | Robert J | 1956 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Bietighofer | Alfred J. | 1965 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Bigelin | Charles | 1915 | P | Portland, ME |
Biggers | Clarence | 1950 | P | Atlanta, GA |
Bik | Michael | 1993 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Billante | Salvatore | B | San Francisco, CA | |
Biller | Harold N. | 1970 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Binder | Jerome | B | Pittsburgh, PA | |
Biondo | Gael N. | N | Detroit, MI | |
Birchmeyer | Robert J. | 1973 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Birmingham | Joseph E. | 1960 | P | Boston, MA |
Bischoff | William Norbert | 1947 | P | Portland, OR |
Bismonte | Honesto Bayranta | 1954 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Bissonette (Bissonnette) | Bernard W. | 1958 | P | Norwich, CT |
Bistricky | Frederick J. | 1965 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Bjorklund | Brian | 1966 | P | Detroit, MI |
Blackwell | Maurice J. | 1974 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Blackwell | William Leroy | 1957 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Blanchard | Albert J. | 1966 | P | Springfield, MA |
Blanchard | Jody P. | 1983 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Blanchard | Kirby | 1953 | P | Duluth, MN |
Blanco | Mario | P | Sacramento, CA | |
Bland | Felix | B | St. Louis, MO | |
Blankenship | John P. | 1963 | P | Richmond, VA |
Blanpied | Robert D. | 1948 | P | Wichita, KS |
Blaszczynski | R. Henry | 1941 | P | Camden, NJ |
Blazek | Eugene E. | 1976 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Blizard | David L. | 1974 | P | Worcester, MA |
Blong | Delbert | 1952 | P | Pueblo, CO |
Blum | Orville | 1962 | P | Amarillo, TX |
Blume | James R. | 1980 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Blumeyer | Robert | 1956 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Boardway | Alphonse | 1967 | P | Lansing, MI |
Bober | Marjan L. | 1963 | P | Camden, NJ |
Bocciarelli | John "Giovanni" | 1945 | P | Boston, MA |
Bockhold | Edward Theodore | 1920 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Bodenschatz | Peter | 1933 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Bodziak | Charles | 1967 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Bogan | Robert F. | 1958 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Boganina | Sister | N | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Bogdan | Leonard Adolph | 1960 | P | Chicago, IL |
Bohl | Ronald William | 1980 | P | Louisville, KY |
Bohlinger | Kenneth | 1976 | P | Lafayette, IN |
Bohrer | John D. | 1978 | P | Camden, NJ |
Boisselle | Aime | 1959 | P | Manchester, NH |
Boivin | Phillip J. | < 1920 | P | Portland, ME |
Bokulich | Dominic (Br Leopold | B | New York, NY | |
Boland | John | 1975 | P | Gallup, NM |
Bolduc | Paul J. | 1960 | P | Boston, MA |
Bolen | John P. | 1926 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Bolesta | Michael C. | 1989 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Boley | Robert | 1975 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Bolger | Anthony | 1969 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Bollich | Ronald W. | 1964 | P | Beaumont, TX |
Bollmer | Jacob | 1968 | P | Atlanta, GA |
Bolton | Donald | 1952 | P | Erie, PA |
Boltz | Henry A. | 1920 | P | Portland, ME |
Bombardier | Wilfred (Wilfrid) F. | 1943 | P | Manchester, NH |
Bonacci | Louis A. | 1973 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Bonafed | Joseph E. | 1992 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Bond | Robert | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Bonebreak | Dennis | B | Chicago, IL | |
Bonelli | Vincent | 1956 | P | Newark, NJ |
Bongers | Herman | 1939 | P | Davenport, IA |
Bonilla Margarito | Luis A. | 2000 | P | Allentown, PA |
Bonin | David L. | P | Rochester, NY | |
Bonn | John L. | P | Davenport, IA | |
Bonner | Joseph P. | 1953 | P | Scranton, PA |
Bonzagni | John J. | 1980 | P | Springfield, MA |
Booth | James T. | 1946 | P | San Diego, CA |
Bordenca | Charles | 1955 | P | Birmingham, AL |
Borman | Ronald | 1992 | P | Louisville, KY |
Bornbach | Raymond H. | 1941 | P | La Crosse, WI |
Borycz | Edmund S. | 1968 | P | Detroit, MI |
Boschetto | Laurence | B | New York, NY | |
Bossa | Barry F. | 1981 | P | Boston, MA |
Bostwick, III | John R. | 1969 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Botty | Paul | B | Cleveland, OH | |
Bouchard | Denis G. | 2000 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Bouche | Dennis | 1945 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Boucher | Anthony | 1955 | P | Albany, NY |
Boucher | Clarence R. | 1940 | P | Boston, MA |
Boucher | Richard Roy | 1960 | P | Atlanta, GA |
Boudreau | Paul T. | 1955 | P | Springfield, MA |
Boudreaux | Claude P. | 1955 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Boulanger | Albert L. | 1962 | P | Manchester, NH |
Boulanger | Maurice R. | P | Manchester, NH | |
Boulanger | Raymond A. | 1951 | P | Boston, MA |
Boulanger (Br. Leonard) | Xavier Leonard | B | Boston, MA | |
Boulden | Garry | 1977 | P | Spokane, WA |
Boulet | Norman J. | 1969 | P | Fall River, MA |
Boumeister | Alphonsus | < 1915 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Bourassa | Stanley C. | 1955 | P | Crookston, MN |
Bourgeois | J.M. | 1924 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Bourque | Real (Ray) | 1954 | P | Boston, MA |
Bouton | John C. | 1949 | P | Newark, NJ |
Bowe | John F. | 1973 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Bowen | Donald J. | 1964 | P | Fall River, MA |
Bowen | Roger A. | 1931 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Bower | Robert F. | 1959 | P | Erie, PA |
Bowles | Richard J. | 1961 | P | St. Augustine, FL |
Bowling | Robert A. | 1954 | P | Louisville, KY |
Bowman | Robert Peter | 1955 | P | Chicago, IL |
Bowski | Eugene R. | 1977 | P | Wheeling-Charleston, WV |
Boxelaar | George | ? | P | New York, NY |
Boxleitner | J Jerome | 1956 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Boyce | Thomas | 1966 | P | Jackson, MS |
Boyd | John | ? | P | Manchester, NH |
Boyd | Richard (Rick) | 1979 | P | Crookston, MN |
Boyea | David J. | 1973 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Boyer | Gerald F. | < 1960 | P | Lansing, MI |
Boyer | Leland | 1949 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Boylan | Dennis A. | 1974 | P | Amarillo, TX |
Boylan | Martin M. | 1980 | P | Scranton, PA |
Boyle | Edward | < 1960 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Boyle | Edward C | 1950 | P | Seattle, WA |
Boyle | Francis V. | 1955 | P | New York, NY |
Boyle | John J. | 1956 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Boyle (in Seattle) | Edmund J. | 1944 | P | Seattle, WA |
Bradel | Frederick R. | 1947 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Bradley | Charles V. | 1968 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Bradley | H. Cornell | 1969 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Bradley | John "Jack" A. | 1954 | P | Fresno, CA |
Bradley | Joseph | 1944 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Bradley | Theodore F. Xavier | 1958 | P | Spokane, WA |
Bradunas | Ernest P "Br. Ernan" | B | Louisville, KY | |
Brady | John Joseph | ? | P | New York, NY |
Brady | Martin D. or A. | 1956 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Brady | Patrick | ? | P | New Orleans, LA |
Brady | Thomas F. | 1959 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Brady | Timothy | B | New York, NY | |
Brady | Vincent | 1967 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Brague | Robert J | 1970 | P | Scranton, PA |
Braley | James E. | 1975 | P | Boston, MA |
Branconnier | Gerard L. | 1978 | P | Worcester, MA |
Bransfield (Bp) | Michael J. | 1971 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Brassard | Ronald E. | 1974 | P | Providence, RI |
Brath | John A. | 1968 | P | Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO |
Braun | David Francis | 1954 | P | Chicago, IL |
Braun | Eugene | P | Reno, NV | |
Bravo | Roberto | 1998 ? | P | San Francisco, CA |
Brazauskas | Pius | 1930 | P | Portland, OR |
Breaux | Lester | D | Lafayette, LA | |
Bredemann | George V. | 1983 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Breen | Christopher | 1960 | P | Yakima, WA |
Breen | Vincent Ignatius | 1936 | P | Oakland, CA |
Brenkle | John J. | 1958 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Brennan | Cathal | 1952 | P | Portland, OR |
Brennan | Edward C. | 1963 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Brennan | Francis T | 1954 | P | Scranton, PA |
Brennan | George | 1987 | P | Venice, FL |
Brennan | James J. | 1989 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Brennan | John Lawrence | 1932 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Brennan | Joseph J. | 1945 | P | Camden, NJ |
Brennan | Michael | P | St. Cloud, MN | |
Brennan | Robert L. | 1964 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Brennan | Timothy J. | 1978 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Brennan | William B. | 1953 | P | Detroit, MI |
Breslawski | William G. | 1979 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Bressler | William Cody | ? | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Breton | Philippe | 1936 | P | Boston, MA |
Brett | Laurence F. X. | 1962 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Breuning/Bruening | Walter A. | 1954 | P | Peoria, IL |
Brewer | Michael E. | 1986 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Brey | Lawrence S. | 1953 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Briceno (Brecino) | Joseph Cervantez | 1981 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Brickley | John J. | 1935 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Brickman | Donald P. | 1981 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Bridgette | Sister | N | San Diego, CA | |
Brigandi | Paul A. | 1954 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Brigham | Kenneth M. | 1961 | P | Chicago, IL |
Brignac | George | 1976 | D | New Orleans, LA |
Brinker | Brian J. | 1988 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Brinkman | Terence P. | 1973 | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Brinkmann | Frederick C. | 1975 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Brisson | Paschal (James) | B | St. Cloud, MN | |
Brizzolara | Andrew | 1976 | P | Boston, MA |
Broderick | John W. | 1989 | P | Albany, NY |
Broderick | Michael J. | P | Davenport, IA | |
Broderson | Donald Eugene | 1968 | P | Oakland, CA |
Brodnick | Joseph F. | 1969 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Brooke | Geoffrey A. | 2015 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Brooks | Robert C. | 1961 | P | Arlington, VA |
Brosmer | Thomas J. | 1969 | P | Columbus, OH |
Broughan | Leonard W. | 1955 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Brouillard | Louis | 1948 | P | Duluth, MN |
Brouillette | Robert | B | Chicago, IL | |
Broussard | Felix David | 1993 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Broussard | George | 1962 | P | Jackson, MS |
Broussard | Mark A. | 1986 | P | Lake Charles, LA |
Brousseau | Louis | B | Santa Fe, NM | |
Brown | John J. | 1948 | P | Great Falls-Billings, MT |
Brown | John T. | 1948 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Brown | Joseph | ? | B | Mobile, AL |
Brown | Lawrence | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Brown | Lawrence (Larry) D. | 1970 | P | Wheeling-Charleston, WV |
Brown | Richard T. | 1980 | P | Dallas, TX |
Brown | Robert A. | 1939 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Brown | Robert L. | 1957 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Brown | Sylvester F. | 1956 | P | Winona, MN |
Brown (Bp) | Tod D. | 1963 | P | Fresno, CA |
Brown, Jr. | Wayland Yoder | 1977 | P | Savannah, GA |
Browne | Joseph Aloysius | 1956 | P | Covington, KY |
Browne | Stanley Thomas | 1981 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Bruckner | Ronald L. | 1965 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Brueckner | John E. | 1940 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Bruening | Allen F. | 1951 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Brueschere | Dave | B | New Orleans, LA | |
Brugger | Craig F. | 1973 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Brugman | Bernard | 1943 | P | Davenport, IA |
Brunner | Thomas J. | 1974 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Bruno | Francis "Frank" D. | 1974 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Brusky | David | 1952 | P | Reno, NV |
Bryce | Vincent W. | 1957 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
Brzyski | James J. | 1977 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Bucaro | Michael | 1980 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Bucca | Salvatore F. | 1976 | P | Washington, DC |
Buchanan | Robert | 1968 | P | San Diego, CA |
Bucher | Melvin | 1961 | P | Portland, OR |
Buchette | Anthony L. | 1957 | P | Boston, MA |
Buck | Daniel Peter | 1971 | P | Chicago, IL |
Buckley | Gordon | 1953 | P | New Ulm, MN |
Buckley | Joseph F. | 1932 | P | Hartford, CT |
Buckley | Michael Daniel | 1955 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Buckley | Ramon Jerome | 1977 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Buckman | Franklin | 1963 | P | Orange, CA |
Buckner | Christopher | 1980 | P | Arlington, VA |
Buckson | John R. | 1992 | P | Omaha, NE |
Bucolo | Joseph | 1954 | P | Scranton, PA |
Buczyna | Andrew L. | 1987 | P | Joliet, IL |
Buczyna | Joseph | 1936 | P | Gary, IN |
Budzynski | Daniel A. | 1956 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Bueche | Gary | 1970 | P | Detroit, MI |
Buescher | David G. | 1971 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Buescher | Michael J. | 1979 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Bugge | Gerard (Gerald) | 1969 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Bukoski, III | Joseph | 1979 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Bulger | Albion F. | 1956 | P | Manchester, NH |
Bullman | Rudolph "Rudy" Carl | 2000 | P | Helena, MT |
Bullock | Myron F. | 1953 | P | Boston, MA |
Bunn | James F. | 1964 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Buntel | Richard A. | 1971 | P | Boston, MA |
Buongirno | Richard T. | 1984 | P | Norwich, CT |
Bur | Stanislaus | 1950 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
Burbach | Marr | B | Santa Fe, NM | |
Burchianti | Leo | 1964 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Burek | Marcin | S | Trenton, NJ | |
Burg | Thomas R. | 1964 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Burgess | Robert | B | Boston, MA | |
Burke | Andrew | P | Pueblo, CO | |
Burke | Edmund F. | 1944 | P | Chicago, IL |
Burke | Edward Thomas | 1956 | P | San Jose, CA |
Burke (Rockville Ctr) | William Michael | 1946 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Burke (St. Petersburgh, FL) | William Michael | 1993 | B | St. Petersburg, FL |
Burkhardt | Harold J. | 1947 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Burkholder | Robert N. | 1947 | P | Detroit, MI |
Burnett | James | 1968 | P | Joliet, IL |
Burns | Eugene Patrick | 1955 | P | Chicago, IL |
Burns | Gerald J. | 1950 | P | Scranton, PA |
Burns | James M. | 1962 | P | Gallup, NM |
Burns | Leo A. | 1947 | P | Scranton, PA |
Burns | Michael J. | 1973 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Burns | Peter A. | 1986 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Burns | Robert M. | 1975 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Burr | Thomas W. | 1961 | P | Rochester, NY |
Burrill | Ignatius M. | 1937 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Burris | Francis | 1937 | P | Spokane, WA |
Burson | James | 1963 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Burtchaell | James T. | 1960 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Burton | C. Jeffries | 1967 | P | Charlotte, NC |
Busca | Salvatore L. | 1955 | P | Norwich, CT |
Buser | James | 1970 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Bush | Edward E. | 1957 | P | Peoria, IL |
Busman | Henry | B | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Bussman | John J. | 1980 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Butler | John R. | 1957 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Butler | Richard Edmund | 1949 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Butler | Richard J. | 1962 | P | Boston, MA |
Butler | William L. | 1960 | P | Boston, MA |
Butori | Harry | 1952 | P | Helena, MT |
Butz | Crispin | 1950 | P | Gallup, NM |
Buzanowski | Donald J. | 1968 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Byrd | Freddie | 1988 | P | Owensboro, KY |
Byrne | Eamonn | < 1953 | P | Chicago, IL |
Byrne | Harry J. | 1945 | P | New York, NY |
Byrne | Joseph F. | 1969 | P | Boston, MA |
Byrne | William T. | 1952 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Byrns | Joseph P. | 1969 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Byrom | Ed | S | Los Angeles, CA | |
Bzdyra | Stephen H. | 1979 | P | Hartford, CT |
Last | First | Ord | T | Diocese |
Caboang | Honorato (Henry) | 1960 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Cabot | Samuel Charles | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Cabral | Kenneth J. | 1950 | P | Oakland, CA |
Cadavid Arroyave | Roberto Antonio | 1988 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Cadwallader | George B. | 1992 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Caffoe | Lynn Richard | 1971 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Cahill | Raymond J. | 1947 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Cahill | William B. | 1946 | P | Portland, ME |
Cain | Gervase | 1957 | P | Arlington, VA |
Cain | Thomas J. | 1945 | P | Detroit, MI |
Cairns | James | 1969 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Calabrese | Daniel A. | 1987 | P | New York, NY |
Calamari | Paul | 1980 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Calhoun | Ernest Dale | 1968 | P | Beaumont, TX |
Calhoun | James R. | 1955 | P | Belleville, IL |
Calicott | John Walter | 1974 | P | Chicago, IL |
Calimari | Joseph | P | Miami, FL | |
Callaghan | George J. | 1956 ? | P | Boston, MA |
Callahan | Brian F.X. | 1965 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Callahan | Raymond | 1963 | P | Washington, DC |
Callan | Francis W | 1946 | P | Portland, OR |
Callanan | Patrick J. | 1952 ? | P | Tucson, AZ |
Calle Perez | Sergio | 1998 | P | Atlanta, GA |
Camacho | Antonio | P | Stockton, CA | |
Cambiaire | Pierre Celestin | 1898 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Cambron | Louis | 1976 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Camellia | Mother | N | Helena, MT | |
Campanalonga | Michael G. | 1962 | P | Newark, NJ |
Campanlonga | Michael | 1962 | P | Newark, NJ |
Campbell | Alvin L. | 1952 | P | Springfield, IL |
Campbell | Andrew S. | 1981 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Campbell | Hugh P. | 1961 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Campbell | James D. | 1972 | P | Providence, RI |
Campbell | John J. (Jack) | 1950 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Campbell | John Robert ( | 1958 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Campbell | Michael A. | 1979 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Campbell | Stuart B. | 1930 | P | Monterey, CA |
Campobello | Mark A. | 1991 | P | Rockford, IL |
Cannon | John A. | 1948 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Cano | Juan | 2015 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Canu | Anthony | < 1956 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Caparella | Alan E. | 1966 | P | Boston, MA |
Caparelli | Robert N. | 1964 | P | Scranton, PA |
Capato | Justin J. | 1980 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Capellupo | Frank J. | 1975 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Capparelli | John M. | 1980 ? | P | Newark, NJ |
Capparelli | Robert | 1964 | P | Scranton, PA |
Capua | Nicholas J. | 1956 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Carelli | Richard J. | 1953 | P | Worcester, MA |
Carew | Michael John | 1946 | P | Boston, MA |
Carey | Cleve W. | 1960 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Carey | Dennis G. | 1998 | P | Norwich, CT |
Carey | James A. | 1936 | P | Newark, NJ |
Carignan | Wilfred Laurent | S | Denver, CO | |
Carley | Edward B. | 1948 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Carman | Albert | 1945 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Carne | Joseph D. | 1971 | P | Marquette, MI |
Carney | John J. | 1963 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Carney | Marvin A., Jr. | D | Louisville, KY | |
Carney | Michael L. | P | Worcester, MA | |
Caron | Anthony R. | 1935 | P | Norwich, CT |
Caron | Antonin R. (Tony) | 1969 | P | Portland, ME |
Carpentier | Robert A. | 1967 | P | Providence, RI |
Carr | Charles T. | 1980 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Carr | Cornelius | 1951 | P | New York, NY |
Carr | Michael T. | B | Chicago, IL | |
Carr | William | 1941 | P | Wheeling-Charleston, WV |
Carrera | Francisco | P | Miami, FL | |
Carrico | Joseph E. | 1967 | P | Louisville, KY |
Carrier | Herve G. | 1947 | P | Portland, ME |
Carrier | Paul | 1977 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Carriere | (Laurian) David | 1963 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Carriere | Henry G. | 1946 | P | Crookston, MN |
Carrigan | Frederick A. | 1961 | P | Portland, ME |
Carroll | Douglas | 1973 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Carroll | Francis C. | B | Chicago, IL | |
Carroll | John P. | 1953 | P | Boston, MA |
Carroll | Thomas M. | 1971 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Carroll (in Calif.) | Michael J. | 1967 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Carroll (in New York) | Michael A. | 1985 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Carroll (in Wisconsin) | Michael R. | 1970 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Carson | David L. | 1984 | P | New York, NY |
Carsten | Brian | 1970 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Carter | Daniel E. | 1979 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Cartier, Jr. | Frederick J. | 1963 | P | Boston, MA |
Carvajal Hernandez | Raul | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Casale | Albert | B | Seattle, WA | |
Casey | Edward J. | 1960 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Casey | John J. | 1984 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Casey | John Joseph | 1932 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Casey | Liam | 1962 | P | Albany, NY |
Casey | Michael Joseph | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Casey | William Claude | 1969 | P | Knoxville, TN |
Casey, Jr. | Daniel W. | 1975 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Cashman | Joseph C. | 1960 | P | Winona, MN |
Cashman | Michael J. | 1975 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Casimano (Casamino) | Santino | 1975 | P | Orange, CA |
Caskey | John Lloyd | 1982 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Cason | Albert H. | 1962 | P | Rochester, NY |
Casper | Bernard | 1955 | P | Rochester, NY |
Casper | Thomas P. | 1956 | P | Louisville, KY |
Cassetta | Charles | < 1970 | P | Miami, FL |
Cassidy | Terry | 1984 | P | Peoria, IL |
Cassidy | Walter Edward | 1942 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Cassity | Kenneth Joseph | n/a | S | Atlanta, GA |
Castaldo | John J. | 1987 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Castano | Juan Carlos | 1988 ? | P | Charleston, SC |
Castellani | Paul A. | 1996 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Castellanos | Ricardo | 1970 | P | Miami, FL |
Castelucci | Robert J. | 1964 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Caster | William Patrick | 1954 | P | Louisville, KY |
Castillo | Alejandro Jose /Alex | 1981 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Castillo | Alexander Q. | 2011 | P | Oakland, CA |
Castillo | Richard "Rick" | 1983 | P | Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL |
Castillo | Rolando | 1994 | P | Miami, FL |
Castro | Willebaldo | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Casula | John | B | St. Petersburg, FL | |
Catullo | Pasquale R. | 1963 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Cautela | Mauro J. | 1974 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Cavalli | Vincent V. | 1948 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Cavell | Lawrence A. | 1989 | P | Houma-Thibodaux, LA |
Caverzan | Guido | 1950 | P | Boston, MA |
Cawley | Thomas F. | 1957 | P | Kansas City, KS |
Cawley | William M. | 1973 | P | Great Falls-Billings, MT |
Cawlings | Neil | < 1980 | P | Albany, NY |
Cecelia (Cecilia) | Mother | N | Helena, MT | |
Ceglar | Stanislaus | ? | P | New Orleans, LA |
Celeste | Charles R. | 1980 | P | Albany, NY |
Ceniza | Hermy Dave O. | P | Fresno, CA | |
Cepeda | Raymond F. | 1979 | P | none |
Cernich | Joseph D. | 1983 | P | Springfield, IL |
Chabak | Robert H. | 1972 | P | Newark, NJ |
Chaisson | John C. | 1966 | P | Boston, MA |
Chalifour | Gerard (Gerald) F. | 1952 | P | Manchester, NH |
Chambers | Gerard W. | 1934 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Chambers | Leonard R. | 1965 | P | Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO |
Champagne | Dennis | 1971 | P | Seattle, WA |
Chaney | John B. | B | Newark, NJ | |
Chapman | Francis | B | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Chapman | Michael A. | 1982 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Chappell | Arthur B. | 1969 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Charest | Edmund P. | 1960 | P | Boston, MA |
Charland | Michael | 1971 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Charland | Peter | 1972 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Charles | Sister | N | Louisville, KY | |
Charlton | Jeffrey James | 1983 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Charron | Charles J. | P | Santa Fe, NM | |
Charvet | Louis | 1945 | P | Portland, OR |
Chase | Geoffrey | 1959 | P | Providence, RI |
Chase | Terrence R. | 1984 | P | Gary, IN |
Chasse | Gerard J. (Jerry) | 1971 ? | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Chateauvert | Victor Lucien | 1973 | P | Duluth, MN |
Chatt | Charles J. | 1964 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Chavarin | Jose | P | San Diego, CA | |
Chavez | Albert | 1947 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Chavez | Johnny Lee | 1976 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Chavez | Ronaldo Mitchell | D | Brownsville, TX | |
Chavira | Marcos Capistran | B | Monterey, CA | |
Cheplic | Peter A. | 1972 | P | Newark, NJ |
Cherry | Athanasius C. | 1968 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Cherup, Jr. | Michael A. | 1981 | P | Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL |
Chetock | James Joseph | 1993 | P | none |
Chleboski, Jr. | Thomas C. | 1987 | P | Washington, DC |
Chlopecki | Robert | 1974 | P | Belleville, IL |
Chludzinski | Dennis C. | 1976 | P | Erie, PA |
Chmura | Thomas M. | 1982 | B | Chicago, IL |
Cholewa | Gregory | 1976 | P | Sioux Falls, SD |
Chong | Damien (Patrick) | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Christensen | William Anthony | 1973 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Christian | Norman H. | 1961 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Chu Cong | Joseph | 1948 | P | Worcester, MA |
Chumik | Gerald | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Chung | Richard | 1982 | P | Pueblo, CO |
Ciangetti | Paul P. | 1942 | P | Covington, KY |
Cichanowicz | Charles | 1980 | P | Gallup, NM |
Ciganovich | Mark | 1966 | P | Evansville, IN |
Cigrand | Nicholas | < 1960 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Cikovic | Charles Michael | 1986 | P | Venice, FL |
Cimmarrusti | Mario | 1956 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Cinel | Dino | 1966 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Cinesi | Joseph | 1980 | P | Miami, FL |
Cingle | Martin A | 1973 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Cipolla/Cipola | Anthony J. | 1972 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Ciufoli | Bonaventure M. | < 1951 | P | Erie, PA |
Claire | (unknown) | N | Burlington, VT | |
Clapsaddle | Harlan B. | 1977 | P | Rockford, IL |
Clarahan | Eugene F. | 1952 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Clark | Daniel C. | 1980 | P | Louisville, KY |
Clark | David J. | 1954 | P | Gallup, NM |
Clark | Emanuel W. | 1961 | P | Portland, OR |
Clark | Henry A | 1931 ? | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Clark | James A. | 1947 | P | Oakland, CA |
Clark | James W. | 1984 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Clark | Joseph M. | B | New York, NY | |
Clark | Robert | 1984 | P | New Ulm, MN |
Clark | Thomas R. | 1962 | P | Louisville, KY |
Clarke | Hugh | 1950 | P | Corpus Christi, TX |
Clauder | J. (Joseph) Gibbs | 1973 | P | Madison, WI |
Claudine | Marie | N | New Orleans, LA | |
Clauss | Joseph L. | 1956 | P | Evansville, IN |
Clavell | Didacus (Didachus) | B | Stockton, CA | |
Claver | Peter | B | Providence, RI | |
Clay | Christopher R. | 1998 | P | Scranton, PA |
Cleary | Donald M. | 1971 | P | Omaha, NE |
Cleary | Edward James | 1940 | P | Nashville, TN |
Clementi | Innocente | 1949 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
Clements | Gerald P. | 1970 | P | Camden, NJ |
Clemons | Delma | 1966 | P | Owensboro, KY |
Clerx | Theophilus "Theo" | 1957 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Click | Patrick R. | 1971 | S | New Orleans, LA |
Clogan | Paul | 1999 | P | Austin, TX |
Clohessy | Kevin | 1985 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Cloonan | Paul I. | 1954 | P | Rochester, NY |
Close | John A. | 1969 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Cloutier | Edmond G. | 1946 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Cloutier | William J. | 1975 | P | Chicago, IL |
Coakley | Robert "Br. Edmund" | B | Newark, NJ | |
Cobb | Alan S. | B | Chicago, IL | |
Cochrane | Richard J. | 1972 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Cocio | Carlos | 1981 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Cocozza | Dennis E. | 1975 | P | Newark, NJ |
Cody | J. George | P | Peoria, IL | |
Cody | Michael J | 1958 | P | Seattle, WA |
Coen | Charles P. | 1968 | P | New York, NY |
Cofenas | Robert G. | 1973 | P | Allentown, PA |
Coffield | John V. | 1941 | P | Orange, CA |
Coggiola-Mower | Octavio A. | P | Santa Fe, NM | |
Colbert | Richard | 1969 | P | Omaha, NE |
Cole | Kevin | 1952 | P | Louisville, KY |
Cole | Raymond L. | 1972 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Colella | David L. | 1957 | P | Victoria, TX |
Coleman | Christopher Lee | 1994 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Coleman | Dennis E. | 1970 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Coleman | Joseph K. | 1981 | P | Boston, MA |
Coleman | Walter Phillip | 1959 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Colleary | Patrick J. | 1974 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Collery | James | 1948 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Colletti | Joseph A. | 1971 | P | Lafayette, IN |
Collins | Daniel J. | 1958 | P | Chicago, IL |
Collins | Donal | < | P | none |
Collins | Donald Cecil | B | Chicago, IL | |
Collins | Edwin | 1954 | P | Palm Beach, FL |
Collins | James J. | 1964 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Collins | James P. | 1979 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Collins | Jeremiah J. | 1939 | P | Boston, MA |
Collins | Jude | B | Jefferson City, MO | |
Collins (in Fresno) | James | 1939 ? | P | Fresno, CA |
Collova | S. Joseph | 1976 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Colosimo | Eugene J. | 1943 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Colosimo | Felix R. | 1965 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Colston | Leonard | 1980 | P | Duluth, MN |
Colucci | Bennett | 1957 | P | Denver, CO |
Comtois | Roger M. | 1955 | P | Norwich, CT |
Condon | Eugene L. | 1956 | P | Charleston, SC |
Condon | Eugene Laurence | B | Chicago, IL | |
Condon | Louis | 1948 | P | Peoria, IL |
Condon | Thomas | 1942 | P | Monterey, CA |
Condron | Patrick Anthony | 1976 | P | Wheeling-Charleston, WV |
Congro | Basil Peter | 1978 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Conlin | Robert P. | 1956 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Conlon | Timothy C. | 1979 | P | Fargo, ND |
Conmy | Anthony P. | 1953 | P | Scranton, PA |
Conn | Paul Joseph | 1985 | P | Seattle, WA |
Connell | David | 1969 | P | Allentown, PA |
Connell | John K. | 1965 | P | Boston, MA |
Connelly | James E. | 1943 | P | Boston, MA |
Connelly | Norman T. | 1965 | P | Camden, NJ |
Connelly (Connolly) | Berard | B | Spokane, WA | |
Connolly | Finian | 1941 | P | Gallup, NM |
Connolly | Isaac | B | St. Cloud, MN | |
Connolly | John F. | 1964 | P | Albany, NY |
Connolly | Paul | 1956 | P | Fall River, MA |
Connolly | Thomas E. | 1963 | P | Portland, OR |
Connor | Charles Leonard | B | San Jose, CA | |
Connor | John P. | 1962 | P | Camden, NJ |
Connors | Richard | 1969 | P | Manchester, NH |
Conrad | John F. | 1963 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Conrad | Sylvester A. | 1952 | P | Davenport, IA |
Conroy | J. Peter | 1971 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Conroy | Michael F. | D | Philadelphia, PA | |
Considine | Thomas | 1966 | P | Rockford, IL |
Constant | Alfred | < 1945 | P | Manchester, NH |
Conte | Denis A. | 1975 | P | Boston, MA |
Conti | Joseph | 1967 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Conti (Helinski) | Anthony (Tony) J. | 1976 | P | Detroit, MI |
Convert | Jules | 1940 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Conway | Neil P. | 1963 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Conway | Patrick J | 1934 | P | Seattle, WA |
Conway | Thomas A. | 1957 | P | Superior, WI |
Cook | Louis G. | 1958 | P | Winona, MN |
Cook | Ozias Bailey | < 1940 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Cooke | Kevin | 1978 | P | Birmingham, AL |
Cooley | George | 1976 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Coonan | James J. | 1965 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Coonan | Joseph A. | 1989 | P | Worcester, MA |
Cooney | Arthur | 1976 | P | Detroit, MI |
Cooper | Damian Lawrence | 1986 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Cooper | Donald J. | 1963 | P | Erie, PA |
Cooper | Ronald C. | 1983 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Cooper | Thomas T. | 1955 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Coppinger | John W. | 1972 | P | New York, NY |
Coppola | Paul R. | 1951 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Corbeil | Ralph | 1935 | P | Portland, ME |
Corbesero | Eugene D. | 1962 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Corbett | Thomas | 1965 | P | Rochester, NY |
Corbin | Andre Anthony | 1961 | P | Raleigh, NC |
Corbino | Thomas A. | 1972 | P | Joliet, IL |
Cordova Hernandez | Jorge Washington | 1981 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Coria Gonzales | Hector | 2011 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Corica | Eugene S. | 1960 | P | none |
Corkery | Paul F | 1923 | P | Spokane, WA |
Cornelius | John | 1975 | P | Seattle, WA |
Cornely | Francis P. | 1949 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Corpuz | Leon Q. | 1965 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Corral | Andres S. | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Correnti | Joseph | 1972 | P | Little Rock, AR |
Corrigal | Robert F. | 1959 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Corrigan | Edmund | B | Chicago, IL | |
Corriveau | Ronald E. | 1971 | P | Manchester, NH |
Corry | John | 1952 | P | Rapid City, SD |
Cortes | Antonio | 1996 | P | Monterey, CA |
Cortez | Augusto | 2003 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Cosgrove | John V. | 1955 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Cossette | Raymond | 1955 | P | Duluth, MN |
Costa | Eugene E. | 1976 | P | Springfield, IL |
Costello | Bernard B. | 1963 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Costello | John M. | 1984 | P | Rochester, NY |
Costigan | George A. | 1974 | B | Philadelphia, PA |
Cote | Aaron Joseph | 1986 | P | Washington, DC |
Cote | Joseph A. | P | Manchester, NH | |
Cote | Roland P. | 1971 | P | Manchester, NH |
Cotter | James H | 1950 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Cotter | John M. | 1960 | P | Boston, MA |
Cotter | Patrick J. | 1957 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Coughlin | John A. | 1934 | P | Spokane, WA |
Coughlin | Kenneth (Ken) F. | 1990 | P | Lansing, MI |
Coughlin | Paul E. | 1966 | P | Portland, ME |
Coughlin | Richard T. | 1953 | P | Boston, MA |
Courcy | Leo | 1962 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Courtney | Edward C. (Chris) | B | Seattle, WA | |
Coury | Philip J. | 1971 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Cousineau | R. David | 1972 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Coutinho (Continuho) | Absalom | 1972 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Coutu | Joseph | 1981 | P | Gallup, NM |
Covarrubias | Raul R. | 1983 | P | Boise, ID |
Covas | Peter | 1957 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Coveney | James B. | 1964 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Cowley | Leonard P | 1938 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Cox | Brian M. | 1968 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Cox | Harold T. | < 1956 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Coyle | Charles G. (Charley) | 1965 | P | Boston, MA |
Coyle | Finbarr (Barry) | 1958 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Coyle | James M. | 1983 | P | Orlando, FL |
Coyle | Jerome | 1959 | P | Sioux City, IA |
Coyne | Joseph B. | 1945 | P | Washington, DC |
Craig | Richard T. | 1988 | P | Marquette, MI |
Craig | Robert | 1974 | P | Chicago, IL |
Craig | Walter G J | 1923 | P | Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO |
Cramer | Donald W. | 2001 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Cramer | William N. | 1977 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Crandall | Thomas Anthony | 1981 | P | Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL |
Cray | Kevin E. | 1949 | P | Erie, PA |
Creager | Robert J. | 1954 | P | Peoria, IL |
Creagh | Thomas P. | 1967 | P | Louisville, KY |
Creason | Hubert (Hugh) E. | 1958 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Creed | C. Patrick | 1951 | P | Louisville, KY |
Creel | James | D | Portland, OR | |
Creighton | Gerard E. | 1951 | P | Boston, MA |
Cremins | Daniel J. | < 1965 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Crespin | George E. | 1962 | P | Oakland, CA |
Crespo | Arturo | 1994 | P | Newark, NJ |
Crete | Marcel | B | Portland, ME | |
Crews | Edward | ? | P | Monterey, CA |
Crews | John S. | 1971 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Crisp | Robert R. | 1975 | P | Dallas, TX |
Cristancho | Fernando | 1985 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Cristancho | Jorge | 1978 | P | Atlanta, GA |
Croke | Bro. Patrick | B | Seattle, WA | |
Croke | Edmund W. | 1928 | P | Boston, MA |
Cronin | James Patrick | N | Louisville, KY | |
Cronin | John P. | 1957 | P | Fall River, MA |
Cronin | Michael | 1964 | P | Albany, NY |
Cronin | Sean | 1973 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Cronin | Thomas | 1969 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Crook | David G. | 1981 | P | Belleville, IL |
Crosby | Donald J. | 1963 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Crosby | Sr. Dolores | N | Seattle, WA | |
Crosby | Thomas Carroll | 1948 | P | Chicago, IL |
Cross | Charles V. | 1960 | P | Birmingham, AL |
Crouse | William S. | 1959 | P | Newark, NJ |
Crowe | Thomas | P | Manchester, NH | |
Crowley | John David | 1954 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Crowley | Stephen | 1955 | P | Hartford, CT |
Crowley | Timothy M. | 1976 | P | Lansing, MI |
Crowley, Jr. | Joseph I. | 1980 | D | Boston, MA |
Crozier | John | 1949 | P | Portland, ME |
Cruces | Angel | 1961 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Crum | Thomas J. | 1975 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Crynes | J. Peter | 1967 | P | Scranton, PA |
Csaszar | James | 1999 | P | Columbus, OH |
Csik | Paul | ? | P | New Orleans, LA |
Cude | Stephen D. | 1969 | P | Oklahoma City, OK |
Cudemo | Nicholas V. | 1963 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Cuello | Gustavo DeJesus | P | Tyler, TX | |
Cuevas | Jose Luis | 1974 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Cullen | Robert B. | 1958 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Cullen | Thomas J. | 1952 | P | Mobile, AL |
Cullen | William J. | 1965 | P | Boston, MA |
Cumerlato | Eugenio (Eugene) | B | Boston, MA | |
Cummings | William J. | 1968 | P | Boston, MA |
Cunha | Arthur Manuel | 1984 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Cunningham | Christopher | 1989 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Cunningham | John P. | 1954 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Curran | Anthony | 1972 | P | Albany, NY |
Curran | Gerald X. | 1947 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Curran | John J. | 1927 | P | Portland, ME |
Curran | John William | 1957 | P | Chicago, IL |
Curran | Thomas M. | 1970 | P | Boston, MA |
Curry | James | 1949 | P | Norwich, CT |
Curry | Samuel Thomas | 1970 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Curtis | George | B | Lafayette, LA | |
Curtis | William D. | 1947 | P | Winona, MN |
Cusano | Linda | N | Hartford, CT | |
Custodio | Narcisco Marquez | D | Dallas, TX | |
Custodio | Sidney J. | P | Oakland, CA | |
Cutanda | Fernando | B | Manchester, NH | |
Cuthbert | Brother | B | Boston, MA | |
Cyr | Armand | < 1949 | P | Portland, ME |
Cyr | Leon | B | Manchester, NH | |
Czajka | Norman J. | 1961 | P | Chicago, IL |
Czarniewicz | Gloria | N | Rockville Centre, NY | |
D'Allesandro | Patrick | 1980 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
D'Amico | Michael H. | 1964 | P | Camden, NJ |
D'Amora | Edito | 1980 | P | San Diego, CA |
D'Andrea | Edward R. | 1973 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
D'Angelo | Joseph | 1979 ? | P | Providence, RI |
D'Angelo | Patrick J. | 1983 | P | Detroit, MI |
D'Angelo | Rocco Charles | 1956 | P | Miami, FL |
D'Argenio | Herbert | 1959 | P | New York, NY |
da Silva | Owen | < 1936 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Dabbene | Bernard | 1966 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Dacal | Rosendo F. | D | Pittsburgh, PA | |
Dagwell | John H. | B | Newark, NJ | |
Dagwell | Robert | 1954 | P | Little Rock, AR |
Dahlheimer | Cosmas (Cosmos) | 1936 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Dahmen | Vernon | ? | P | Mobile, AL |
Daleo | Paul | 1977 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Daley | Wallace J. | 1955 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Dalton | Frank Luke | B | Detroit, MI | |
Daly | G. Matthew | 1955 | P | Erie, PA |
Daly | John Joseph | 1951 | P | San Diego, CA |
Daly | Manus | 1965 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Daly | Michael J. | 1975 | P | Detroit, MI |
Daly | Patrick | ? | P | Monterey, CA |
Daly | Robert F. | 1967 | P | Boston, MA |
Damasco | Nelson | P | San Diego, CA | |
Damiani | Joseph | D | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN | |
Daniels | Sister Agnes | N | Boston, MA | |
Danielson | Harold | 1966 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Danilak | John | 1961 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Danko | Vincent | 1959 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Danks | Arthur J. | 1943 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Danner | Brian J. | 1995 | P | Sioux City, IA |
Daschbach | Richard | 1964 | P | Chicago, IL |
Daubert | Francis J. | 1938 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Davich | George F. | 1962 | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Davidowich | Glenn Michael | 1989 | P | none |
Davidson | Carl | 1964 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Davies | Joseph A. | 19433 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Davila | Johnny | 1984 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Davis | Charles J. | 1962 | P | Camden, NJ |
Davis | Unknown | P | Portland, OR | |
Davis | William Floyd | 1956 | P | Nashville, TN |
Dawber | Stephen F. | 1969 | P | Boston, MA |
Dawson | John H. | 1967 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Dawson | William F. | 1954 | P | Davenport, IA |
Daylor | Ann | N | Indianapolis, IN | |
de Alba Campos | Luis Javier | 1983 | P | Detroit, MI |
De Domenico | Dominic | 1966 | P | Anchorage, AK |
De Dominicis | Daniel | < 1951 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
De Francisco | Luis Eugene | P | San Diego, CA | |
De Lazzer | Dorino | 1959 | P | Denver, CO |
de Otero | Roberto A. | 1977 | P | Honolulu, HI |
de Paul Galatine | Madeline | N | Louisville, KY | |
Deady | John P. | 1939 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Deakin | Richard | 1985 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Dean | Alfred A. | 1989 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Dean | Joseph | 1945 | P | Savannah, GA |
DeAngelis | Anthony A. | 1935 | P | Providence, RI |
DeAngelis | John B. | 1944 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Dearing | Charles F. | 1955 | P | Louisville, KY |
DeBerardinis | Fidelis (Francis) | B | Boston, MA | |
DeChant | Ron | D | Tucson, AZ | |
DeChico | Philip | 1974 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
DeCock | Robert | 1996 | P | Madison, WI |
DeCosta | George | 1964 | P | Honolulu, HI |
DeCoursey | Orville | 1931 | P | Davenport, IA |
Dedera | Phillip J. | 1972 | P | Joliet, IL |
Dee | Garrett Neal | 1964 | P | Springfield, IL |
Deery | Albert Vincent | 1921 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
DeFore | Donald | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Defrias | Hadmels R. | 1999 | P | Newark, NJ |
Degen/Degan | Joseph A. | 1956 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Degnan | John F. | 1951 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
DeGraff | Jean Marie | 2004 ? | P | Bridgeport, CT |
DeGrand | Robert | 1980 | P | Springfield, IL |
DeGuire | Charles M. | 1934 | P | St. Louis, MO |
DeJonghe | Harold J. | 1957 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Delahunty | Richard | 1965 | P | Orange, CA |
Delamere | Frank P. | B | Seattle, WA | |
DeLand | Robert, Jr. | 1973 | P | Saginaw, MI |
Delane | John | 1919 | P | Helena, MT |
Delaney | Dan | 1960s ? | P | Austin, TX |
Delaney | Herman | P | Portland, ME | |
Delaney | Unknown | P | Helena, MT | |
Delgado | Alexander (Alejandro) | S | Fall River, MA | |
Delgado | Rodolfo | 1982 | P | Sacramento, CA |
DeLisle | Harold F. | < 1967 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Dellamalva | Dennis | 1975 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Delli Carpini | John J. | 1976 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
DeLorenzo | Vincent | 1965 | P | Lansing, MI |
DeLuca | Francis G. | 1958 | P | Wilmington, DE |
DeLuca | Stephen J | 1965 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
DeMatteis | Stephen | B | Norwich, CT | |
Demblowski | Charles | 1943 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
DeMello | Arthur T. | 1962 | P | Fall River, MA |
Demers | Normand J. | 1958 | P | Providence, RI |
Dempsey | Michael J. | 1958 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Dempsey | Thomas F. | 1955 | P | La Crosse, WI |
Dempster | Douglas W. | 1962 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Demsher | Ferdinand B. | 1946 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Dennehy | Francis X. | 1950 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Dennehy | Thomas | 1958 | P | Miami, FL |
Dennerlein | Arno | 1969 | P | Joliet, IL |
Dennis | Brother | B | Manchester, NH | |
Densmore | Robert J. | 1961 | P | Manchester, NH |
DePaoli | Edward M. | 1970 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Depp | Harold Charles | 1959 | P | Detroit, MI |
Deragowski | Eugene | 1948 | P | Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO |
DeRea | Philip | 1968 | P | Washington, DC |
Dericks | John Henry | 1941 | P | Paterson, NJ |
DeRoeck | Walter George | 1971 | P | Chicago, IL |
DeShan | Joseph Michael | 1987 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Desilets | Donald A. | 1952 | P | Springfield, MA |
Desilets | Paul M. | 1963 | P | Boston, MA |
Desrosiers | Alfred R. | 1961 | P | Providence, RI |
DesRosiers | N. Wilfred | 1955 | P | Lafayette, LA |
DeSutter | Gilbert J. | 1954 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Detwiler | Russel William | D | Fort Worth, TX | |
Devaney | James | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
DeVenney | Timothy | 1993 | P | Dubuque, IA |
DeVenster | Cornelius | 1933 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Dever | Gerard V. | 1971 | P | Boston, MA |
Deviney | Raymond L. | 1959 | P | Scranton, PA |
DeVita | Thomas F. | 1978 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Devlin | Chester J. | 1971 | P | Worcester, MA |
Devlin | Michael H. | 1968 | P | Springfield, MA |
Devlin | Raymond A. | 1955 | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Dewey | Charles F. | 1939 | P | Boston, MA |
Dewey | Denman | 1956 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Dewire | John J. | 1946 | P | Boston, MA |
Deyo | Paul A. | 1976 | P | Davenport, IA |
Dezurick | Gerald | P | Portland, OR | |
Di Pasquale | Ralph | 1956 | P | Albany, NY |
Di Peri | Joseph B. | 1956 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Diamond | Martin J. | 1930 | P | Davenport, IA |
Diamond | Wilfred J. | 1938 | P | Las Cruces, NM |
Diamond | William L. | 1942 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Diaz Jimenez | Enrique | 1977 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Dicerbo | Almerico | 1946 | P | Albany, NY |
Dickerson | Donald J. | 1980 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Dickman | Ronald W. | 1971 | P | Nashville, TN |
Diederich | Dominic Aloysius | 1917 | P | Chicago, IL |
Diesta | Arwyn N. | 1978 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
DiGregorio | Joseph L. | 1966 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Dilla | Francis Emil | 1953 | P | Chicago, IL |
Dillard | Russell L. | 1978 | P | Washington, DC |
DiMaggio | Joseph F. | 1955 | P | Albany, NY |
Dimier | M.A. (Augustine) | < 1930 | P | Helena, MT |
Dimitroff | Donald | B | Baltimore, MD | |
Dimmerling | Harold Joseph | 1940 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Dimmick | Unknown | P | Helena, MT | |
Dinan | Paul F. | 1937 | P | Joliet, IL |
Dinya | Patrick Joseph | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN | |
Diogo | Louis M. | 1946 | P | Providence, RI |
Dion | Frederick G. | 1953 | P | Springfield, MA |
DiPeri | Joseph | 1956 | P | Newark, NJ |
Diskin | Myles Eric | 1975 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Ditta | Angelo J. | 1986 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Dittmar | Frederick | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Doan | Michael Son Trong | 2000 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Dobbins | Dan | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Dober | Edward J. | 1976 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Dobrowolski | David V. | 1969 | P | Erie, PA |
Dodd | Robert | 1964 | P | Springfield, IL |
Doe | Jane | < 1951 | N | Burlington, VT |
Doe | John | P | La Crosse, WI | |
Doerger | Stanley D. | 1958 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Doheny | Bernard L. | P | Springfield, MA | |
Doherty | Mark C. | D | Boston, MA | |
Doherty | Martin | < 1960 | P | Portland, OR |
Doherty | Neil | 1969 | P | Miami, FL |
Doherty | Paul J. | 1995 | P | Worcester, MA |
Doherty | Roger | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Doherty | Roger | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Doherty (Dougherty) | John B. | 1939 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Dolak | Mark | 1979 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Dolan | James E. | 1925 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Dolan | Jason R. | P | Pittsburgh, PA | |
Dolan | Richard D. | P | Philadelphia, PA | |
Dolan | Sean | 1966 | P | Yakima, WA |
Dolan | Timothy | 1983 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Dollinger | Robert J. | 1954 | P | Louisville, KY |
Dombrowski | Ronald J. | 1972 | P | Saginaw, MI |
Dominguez | Jesus | 1983 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Dominic | Francis | B | Louisville, KY | |
Dominic | Yusaf | 1974 | P | Newark, NJ |
Donahue | Mary Camilla | N | Louisville, KY | |
Donahue | William | B | Seattle, WA | |
Donat | Robert J. | 1966 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Dondero | Joseph | 1946 | P | San Jose, CA |
Donelan | Edward Francis | 1956 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Dongor | Lowe B. | 2010 | P | Worcester, MA |
Donnelly | George | B | Boston, MA | |
Donnelly | Martin M. | P | Portland, OR | |
Donnelly | Thomas D. | 1961 | P | Boston, MA |
Donofrio | Michael J. | 1976 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Donohue | John J. | 1973 | P | Newark, NJ |
Donohue | Norman E. | 1939 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Donovan | John H. | 1927 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Donovan | John T. | 1944 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Donovan | Pearse P. | 1945 ? | P | Oakland, CA |
Donovan | William D. | 1961 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Dooley | Jerome | 1956 | P | Seattle, WA |
Dooley | Joseph C. | 1941 | P | Portland, ME |
Dooley | R. Joseph | 1960 | P | Washington, DC |
Doran | John P. | 1945 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Dority | John Francis | 1967 | P | Boston, MA |
Dorn | Louis E. | 1972 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Dorsch | Richard J. | 1970 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Dorsey | Donald J. | 1955 | P | Scranton, PA |
Dorsey | Rene | B | Lafayette, LA | |
Dorsey | Ronald | 1956 | P | Boston, MA |
Doucette | Michael L. | 1975 | P | Portland, ME |
Dougherty | John C. | 1945 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Dougherty | Raymond E. | 1944 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Dougherty | Stephen Tarleton | 2003 | P | Corpus Christi, TX |
Dougherty | William J. | 1969 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Douglas | Louis E. | 1958 | P | Albany, NY |
Dove | Thomas J. | 1961 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Dowd | Francis | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Dowd | Karl E. | 1960 | P | Manchester, NH |
Dowd | William J. | 1967 | P | Newark, NJ |
Dowdy | James H. | 1969 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Dowling | Philip J. | 1956 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Downey | Alvin T. | 1970 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Downey | Denis P. | 1936 | P | Manchester, NH |
Downey | Kevin J. | 1982 | P | Springfield, IL |
Downs | James | 1970 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Doxie | Donald F. | 1952 | P | San Diego, CA |
Doyle | Brendan | 1963 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Doyle | Dominic W. | 1950 | P | Spokane, WA |
Doyle | Michael | < 1950 | P | Toledo, OH |
Doyle | Patrick A. | 1975 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Doyle | Robert Walter | < 1951 | P | Hartford, CT |
Doyle | Thomas J. | 1974 | P | Norwich, CT |
Doyle, III | Andrew P. | 1976 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Doyon | Dominique | 1933 | P | Portland, ME |
Drake | Roy A. | 1963 | P | New York, NY |
Drake, Jr. | Carl E. | 1964 | P | Military Services, US |
Dranka | Eugene | < 1960 | P | Springfield, MA |
Drelich | Robert | B | Wilmington, DE | |
Dreyer | Henry J. | 1930 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Drinan | Daniel Michael | 1977 | P | Austin, TX |
Driscoll | Michael | 1941 | P | Springfield, IL |
Driscoll, C.SS.R. | Joseph H. | 1922 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Druggan | Dennis | P | Great Falls-Billings, MT | |
Duane | Thomas E. | 1938 | P | Winona, MN |
Dube | Donald V. | 1961 | P | Springfield, MA |
Dubreuil | Patrick | P | Manchester, NH | |
Ducote | Jerome | 1954 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Ducote | Jerome | 1954 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Dudley (Bp.) | Paul V. | 1951 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Dudzinski, Jr. | Edward F. | 1978 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Duenas | Jaime (James) | 1950 | P | New York, NY |
Duesdieker | Robert W. | 1980 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Duesterhaus | Michael R. | 1991 | P | Arlington, VA |
Duffin | Thomas | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Duffy | Francis | 1943 | P | Portland, OR |
Duffy | Patrick | B | Seattle, WA | |
Duffy | Philip | 1945 | P | Seattle, WA |
Duffy | Thomas F. | 1933 | P | Newark, NJ |
Duffy | William J. | 1931 | P | Boston, MA |
Duford | Robert O. | 1906 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
DuFour | Donald J. | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Dugal, III | William | 1976 | P | Joliet, IL |
Duggan | Albert Joseph | 1932 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Duggan | Dennis D. | 1980 | P | Detroit, MI |
Duggan | Jeremiah C. | 1955 | P | Chicago, IL |
Duggan | John H. | 1957 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Duggan | Kevin P. | 1987 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Duggan | Thomas | 1947 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Duhe | Thomas P. | 1978 | P | Baton Rouge, LA |
Dukart | Norman J. | 1967 | P | Bismarck, ND |
Duke | Frederick H. | 1942 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Dummer | Donald | 1964 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Dumont | Gregoire | P | Manchester, NH | |
DuMouchel | Raymond | 1956 | P | Charleston, SC |
Dunkel | Henry N. | 1945 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Dunn | James | P | Burlington, VT | |
Dunn | James Claver | B | Chicago, IL | |
Dunn | John A. | 1960 | P | Boston, MA |
Dunn | Louis Ward | 1947 | P | Providence, RI |
Dunne | Gerald M. | 1977 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Dunne | Joseph | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Dunne | Kevin | B | San Bernardino, CA | |
Dunne | Peter J. | 1954 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Duplessius | Donald | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Dupont | Guy Bernard | 1968 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Dupre (Bp.) | Thomas L. | 1959 | P | Springfield, MA |
Dupree | Daniel T. | 1984 | P | Memphis, TN |
Duran | Juan Carlos | 1996 | P | Memphis, TN |
Durand | Donald A. | 1958 | P | Portland, OR |
Durante | Ernest A. | P | Philadelphia, PA | |
Durkin | Charles | 1955 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Durkin | Thomas J. | 1964 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Durr | Edmund J. | 1965 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Dusold | August | 1905 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Dussault | Joseph H. | P | Burlington, VT | |
Dutel | Gilbert | 1970 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Duval | Edouard J. | 1946 | P | Manchester, NH |
Duvelsdorf | Peter L. | 1958 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Dux | James M. | 1948 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Dvorak | Franklin | 1970 | P | Omaha, NE |
Dvorak | Gerald | 1979 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Dwyer | George | B | Seattle, WA | |
Dwyer | Leo V. | 1932 | P | Boston, MA |
Dwyer | Vincent | 1961 | P | Monterey, CA |
Dyke | George M | 1946 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Dzermejko | David F. | 1974 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Dzurko | John J. | 1932 | P | Scranton, PA |
Eagear | Robert | 1928 | P | Springfield, IL |
Eagear | Robert | 1928 | P | Springfield, IL |
Eagen | I. Brent | 1956 | P | San Diego, CA |
Eagleson | Donald W. | 1985 | P | Oakland, CA |
Eberhardy | William | 1977 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Eccleston | John W. | 1955 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Eckermann | Charles H. | 1956 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Eckroth | Richard | 1952 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Edelin | Richard A. | 1979 | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Eder | Donald | 1960 | P | Lafayette, IN |
Edwards | John Douglas | 1961 | P | Atlanta, GA |
Edwards | Lawrence A. | 1939 | P | Detroit, MI |
Effinger | William J. | 1960 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Eggerling | Milton | 1954 | P | Austin, TX |
Eggleton | Christopher T. | 1988 | P | Miami, FL |
Ehrman | William J. | 1922 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Eichenberger | Tom | 1976 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Eichhoff | Paul | 1970 | P | Tulsa, OK |
Eidenschink | John | 1941 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Eilert | Edward J. | 1964 | P | Newark, NJ |
Elanjimannil | Sebastian C. | 1983 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Elder | John | 1941 | P | Louisville, KY |
Eliscard | Jean-Level | 1990 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Elizondo | Virgilio | 1963 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Ellifritz | Michael | 1967 | P | Columbus, OH |
Ellinghausen | Jude T. | 1958 | P | Detroit, MI |
Ellis | Hal | B | San Francisco, CA | |
Emala | Walter | P | Memphis, TN | |
Embrich (Emrich) | Daniel K. | B | Davenport, IA | |
Emerine | Daniel | 1941 | P | Louisville, KY |
Emerson | Richard A. | 1978 | P | Orlando, FL |
Emmert | Roger | 1962 | P | Columbus, OH |
Emo | Eugene G. | 1961 | P | Rochester, NY |
Emon | Neil J. | 1967 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Emrich | Jack F. | 1998 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Encinas | Andrew Gabriel | 1990 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Endal | George S. | 1932 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Engbers | John Anthony Mary | 1949 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Engbers | Thomas J. | 1967 | P | Miami, FL |
Engel | Ronald | 1977 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Engelhardt | Charles F. | 1977 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Engels | Francis (Frank) | 1962 | P | Peoria, IL |
Englert | Wilfred "Fred" L. | 1986 | P | Evansville, IN |
English | Thomas Patrick | 1927 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Ennis | James E. | 1950 | P | La Crosse, WI |
Ensey | Eric | 1995 | P | Scranton, PA |
Eordogh | Andrew (Andras) M. | 1958 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Epperson | Mark | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Eremito | Anthony Joseph | 1967 | P | New York, NY |
Ericksen | Thomas Edward | 1973 | P | Superior, WI |
Erickson | Ryan | 2000 | P | Superior, WI |
Ermlich | Ferdinand | 1962 | P | Albany, NY |
Ernsdorff | Harold H | 1943 | P | Baker, OR |
Ernst | David A. | 1954 | P | Newark, NJ |
Escala | Rafael | 1957 | P | Miami, FL |
Escalante | Ronald S. | 1995 | P | Arlington, VA |
Escobedo | Armando | 1964 | P | Brownsville, TX |
Espitia | David | 1994 | P | San Angelo, TX |
Esposito | Anthony | 1959 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Esposito | Anthony Michael | 1956 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Esposito | Luigi | 1964 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Esposito | Ralph J. | 1967 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Esquibel | John L | 1966 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Esquivel | Juan Carlos | S | Monterey, CA | |
Esquivel | Miguel | 1982 | P | San Angelo, TX |
Esser | Gilbert F., c.pp.s. | 1924 | P | Lafayette, IN |
Estadt | Harry | 1932 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Estrada | Domingo Gonzales | 1972 | P | San Angelo, TX |
Estrada Arango | Jose Joaquin | 1997 | P | Baker, OR |
Ethier | Raymond J. | 1985 | P | Albany, NY |
Etienne | Clifton Raymond | 1979 | B | San Bernardino, CA |
Etzel | George A. | 1942 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Eucharistica | Mary | N | Portland, OR | |
Evans | Timothy | 1994 | P | Mobile, AL |
Evans (in Colo) | Timothy Joseph | 1993 | P | Denver, CO |
Evans (in Mobile, AL) | Timothy Wayne | 1994 | P | Mobile, AL |
Evatt | Thomas A. | 1976 | P | Charleston, SC |
Evelyn | Sister | N | Fairbanks, AK | |
Evrard | Donald J. | 1956 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Evrit/Evritt | Richard C. | 1973 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Ewing | Bruce O. | 1974 | P | Louisville, KY |
Fabbri | Mario | 1931 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Fafinski | Donald S | 1966 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Fagan | Joseph P. | 1937 | P | Newark, NJ |
Fagione (Faggioni) | Ernest | 1947 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Fahy | Murty M. | 1958 | P | Stockton, CA |
Failla | Anthony J. | 1956 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Fairbairn | Frank E. | 1969 | P | Boston, MA |
Faler | Justin | 1945 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Faletti | Stephen L. | 1983 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Faller | George | 1918 | P | Springfield, IL |
Fallert | Francis | 1952 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Fallon | John J. | 1955 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Falvey | Arthur A. | < 1930 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Falvey | Mark A. | 1928 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Falvey | Sinon F. | 1945 | P | Orange, CA |
Farabaugh | Clint | 1955 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Farabaugh | Kenneth | 1963 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Faraci | Douglas F | 1969 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Farchette | Ronald J. | 1969 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Faria | Carl | 1988 | P | Monterey, CA |
Farino | Michael | 1969 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Farland | David M. | 1974 | P | Springfield, MA |
Farmer | Donald G. | 1963 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Farrell | George A. | 1996 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Farrell | Nolan | B | Boston, MA | |
Farrell | William J. | 1947 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Farrell | William Patrick | 1965 | P | Chicago, IL |
Farrington | William C. | B | San Jose, CA | |
Farris | Daniel L. | 1967 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Farris | John V. | 1949 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Farry | James F. | 1946 | P | Scranton, PA |
Farwell | Richard B. | 1981 | P | Charlotte, NC |
Fassbinder | Richard Wayne | 1953 | P | Chicago, IL |
Fatooh | Charles George | 1985 | B | Los Angeles, CA |
Faucher | W. Thomas | 1971 | P | Boise, ID |
Faue | Gerald | 1951 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Favreau | Bruce T. | 1980 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Fay | Robert D. | 1967 | P | Boston, MA |
Fedders | William J. | 1968 | P | Lexington, KY |
Federici | Martin J. | 1966 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Fedor | James F. | 1973 | P | Scranton, PA |
Feehan | Vincent | 1977 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Feely | Theodore | 1958 | P | Rockford, IL |
Feeney | John Patrick | 1952 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Feeney | Leonard | 1941 | P | Seattle, WA |
Feeney | Thomas J. | 1937 | P | Davenport, IA |
Feeser | William "Bill" | 1977 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Feiten | John Richard | 1948 | P | Winona, MN |
Feldhaus | Thomas F. | 1976 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Feldkamp | Angelo J. | 1968 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Feltman | Philip S. | 1966 | P | Toledo, OH |
Feltman | Thomas | 2001 | P | Fargo, ND |
Feltz | Joseph F. | 1979 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Feminelli | John J. | 1987 | P | Corpus Christi, TX |
Femminineo | Joseph P. | 1958 | P | Detroit, MI |
Fendin | Charles | P | New Orleans, LA | |
Fenerty | Martin | B | El Paso, TX | |
Fennessy | Keith | 1984 | P | New York, NY |
Feret | Francis S. | 1962 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Ferguson | Alphonsus | < 1941 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Ferguson | George | 1956 | P | Helena, MT |
Ferguson | Ivan | 1970 | P | Hartford, CT |
Fernandes | Mark E. | 2004 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Fernandes | Stephen A. | 1976 | P | Fall River, MA |
Fernandez | Federico | P | San Antonio, TX | |
Fernandez | Manuel | 1952 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Fernandez | Miguel A. | 1950 | P | Miami, FL |
Fernando | Arthur (Arturo) N. | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Fernando | Walter | 1973 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Ferone | John | 1983 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Ferraldo | Ralph N. | 1970 | P | Scranton, PA |
Ferrante | Leonard A. | 1964 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Ferrara (Ferrar) | Philip (Angelus) | 1990 | P | Scranton, PA |
Ferrario (Bp) | Joseph | 1951 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Ferraro | Romano J. | 1960 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Ferreira | Joseph A. | 1959 | P | Oakland, CA |
Ferreti (Ferretti) | A. J. (Fr. Freddy) | 1942 | P | Boise, ID |
Ferro | Robert A. | 1973 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Ferro | Salvatore A. | B | Chicago, IL | |
Ferry | John F. | 1957 | P | Providence, RI |
Fertal | Joseph (Joe) | 1959 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Fessard | Gerald B. | 1972 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Fete | Joseph N. | 1974 | P | Columbus, OH |
Fiala | John M. | 1984 | P | Omaha, NE |
Fichtner | Robert C. | 1955 | P | Boston, MA |
Figurelle | Elwood F. | 1963 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Filbin | Ambrose R. | 1939 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Finan | James Aubrey | 1959 | P | Washington, DC |
Finch | Joseph | 1958 | P | Omaha, NE |
Finegan | Paul J. | 1970 | P | Boston, MA |
Finger | William E. | 1962 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Fingerle | Fred G | 1963 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Fink | Felix C. | 1919 | P | Allentown, PA |
Finnerty | William A. | 1955 | P | Kansas City, KS |
Finochietto | Arnold | 1936 | P | El Paso, TX |
Fischer | John H. | 1964 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Fischer | Lowell E. | 1954 | P | Joliet, IL |
Fischer, Jr. | Charles | 1990 | P | Fargo, ND |
Fiset | Louis Philippe | P | Portland, ME | |
Fisette | Kevin R. | 1981 | P | Providence, RI |
Fisher | Paul | 1995 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Fisher | Robert J. | 1980 | P | Toledo, OH |
Fisher (Fischer) | Judith R. | N | St. Louis, MO | |
Fitz-Henry | Edward | 1985 | P | Monterey, CA |
Fitzgerald | Alfred J. | 1966 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Fitzgerald | Howard E. | 1978 | P | Des Moines, IA |
Fitzgerald | J. Vincent | 1950 | P | Sioux Falls, SD |
Fitzgerald | John D. | 1933 | P | Chicago, IL |
Fitzgerald | John P. (Jack) | 1974 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Fitzgerald | Matthew | 1968 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Fitzgerald | Michael C. | 1978 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Fitzharris | Joseph L. | 1962 | P | Chicago, IL |
Fitzmaurice | Terence | 1963 | P | Chicago, IL |
Fitzpatrick | James J. | 1954 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Fitzpatrick | John F. | 1964 | P | Albany, NY |
Fitzpatrick | Robert | 1973 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Fitzpatrick | Thomas Q. | 1976 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Fitzsimmons | Eugene | B | San Antonio, TX | |
Flaherty | Robert "Bob" | n/a | B | Baltimore, MD |
Flanagan | Austin E. | 1966 | P | Scranton, PA |
Flanagan | Bernard A. | 1982 | P | Allentown, PA |
Flanagan | John | 1941 | P | Newark, NJ |
Flanagan | Michael T. | 1961 | P | Dallas, TX |
Flannery | Joseph D. | 1953 | P | Scranton, PA |
Flannery | Patrick | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Flavin | Malachy | B | Paterson, NJ | |
Fleck | David | 1975 | P | Evansville, IN |
Fleckenstein | David | < 1977 | P | Seattle, WA |
Fleming | Mark | P | Manchester, NH | |
Fleming | Martin J. | 1898 | P | Scranton, PA |
Flemming | Francis J. | 1961 | P | Camden, NJ |
Flemming | James | 1986 | P | Miami, FL |
Flemming | Neil (brother of James) | 1958 | P | Venice, FL |
Fletcher | William J. | 1944 ? | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Flickinger | Don D. | 1964 | P | San Jose, CA |
Flohr | Gregory | 1963 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Flood | J. Michael | 1968 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Flood | Joseph E. | 1949 | P | Springfield, MA |
Flores | Alejandro (Alex) | 2009 | P | Joliet, IL |
Flores | Miguel | 1994 | P | Fresno, CA |
Florez (Flores) | Laurence (Lawrence) | 1959 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Flosi | James Vincent | 1971 | P | Chicago, IL |
Flynn | Frank | 1967 | P | Palm Beach, FL |
Flynn | Herman Francis | 1929 | P | San Diego, CA |
Flynn | John A. | 1952 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Flynn | Vincent Stephen | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Flynn, Jr. | John H. | 1955 | P | Boston, MA |
Flynt | James M. | 1985 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Foisy | Leonard R. | 1957 | P | Detroit, MI |
Foley | George | 1963 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Foley | Gerald K. (Jerry) | 1961 | P | Crookston, MN |
Foley | J. Patrick | 1973 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Foley | James D. | 1960 | P | Boston, MA |
Foley | James J. | 1978 | P | Boston, MA |
Foley | Robert | ? | P | Orange, CA |
Foley | Stephen C. | 1967 | P | Hartford, CT |
Fondriest | James M. | 1972 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Fontenot | Bryan | 1981 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Fontenot | Ronald Lane | < 1970 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Forand | Joseph Clarence W. | 1945 | P | Springfield, MA |
Forcelle | Joseph Thomas | 1980 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Ford | Francis (John) | 1951 | P | Portland, OR |
Ford | James H. | 1973 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Ford | James Michael | 1966 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Ford | Richard J. | 1960 | P | Allentown, PA |
Ford | Thomas Cuthbert | B | Newark, NJ | |
Forish | Stephen T | 1972 | P | Allentown, PA |
Forman | Bruce | 1974 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Formichelli | Ernest | D | Youngstown, OH | |
Formusa | Salvatore | 1935 | P | Joliet, IL |
Forrester | John C. (Fidelis) | 1954 | P | Davenport, IA |
Forry | Thomas P. | 1966 | P | Boston, MA |
Forster | Albert J. | 1926 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Forsythe | James A. | 1983 | P | Kansas City, KS |
Fortier | Roger Armand | 1980 | P | Manchester, NH |
Fortner | Douglas F. | 1970 | P | Covington, KY |
Foster | Michael Smith | 1980 | P | Boston, MA |
Foster | Robert L. | D | Oklahoma City, OK | |
Fountain | Dennis | 1981 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Fournier | Roger E. | 1970 | P | Manchester, NH |
Fowler | John | B | Boston, MA | |
Fox | Donal | 1966 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Fox | Francis | B | Fairbanks, AK | |
Fox | Frederick | 1952 | P | Duluth, MN |
Fox | John P. | 1927 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Foxhoven | Christopher | 2004 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Foyle | Dermot | < 1952 | P | Seattle, WA |
Fraga | Bento R. | 1956 | P | Fall River, MA |
France-Kelly | Kenneth | 1981 | P | Columbus, OH |
Francis | George J. | 1937 | P | Oakland, CA |
Francisco | Alexander | 1979 | P | Houma-Thibodaux, LA |
Franco | Paul | ? | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Frank | Clement | 1934 | P | Portland, OR |
Frank | Father | P | Bismarck, ND | |
Franklin | Edward L. | 1962 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Franklin | Jonathan W. | 1956 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Franzen | Ray | 1940 | P | Springfield, IL |
Fraser | Michael B. | 1975 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Fratic | Joseph P. | 1964 | P | Boston, MA |
Frazier | Michael | D | Rockford, IL | |
Frazier | Richard | 1996 | P | Covington, KY |
Freddrick | Mary | N | Portland, OR | |
Frederick | James | 1959 | P | Joliet, IL |
Fredette | Joseph A. | 1957 | P | Worcester, MA |
Freeman | Michael R | 1972 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Freitas | Robert E. | 1972 | P | Oakland, CA |
French | Michael | 1964 | P | San Diego, CA |
Frey | Paul | B | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Frey | Ross S. | 1974 | P | Boston, MA |
Freymuth | Michael A. | 1979 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Friedman | Daniel L. | 1972 | P | Belleville, IL |
Friel | Joseph P | 1957 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Friel | Mark M | 1963 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Friese | Robert D. | 1978 | P | Chicago, IL |
Frigault | Edward Francis | 1949 | P | Norwich, CT |
Frigo | Camillus | 1955 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Fritsch | Edward J. | 1965 | P | Covington, KY |
Frobas | Victor | 1965 | P | Wheeling-Charleston, WV |
Froehlich | Mark J. | 1969 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Frolick | Jeanne Clare | N | Portland, OR | |
Fromholzer | Francis (Frank) J. | 1958 | P | Allentown, PA |
Fronczak | Dennis A. | 1975 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Frost | Edmund | B | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN | |
Frost | James I. J. | 1976 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Frost | Peter J. | 1970 | P | Boston, MA |
Fugee | Michael C. | 1994 | P | Newark, NJ |
Fugolo | Joseph | 1967 | P | Boston, MA |
Fuhrmann | Nicholas | 1954 | P | Little Rock, AR |
Funcheon | Gerald | 1965 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Funke | James A. | 1974 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Furches | Stephen | B | El Paso, TX | |
Furdek | John M. | 1984 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Furfaro | Francis J. | 1941 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Furjanic | Gregory P. | ? | P | Erie, PA |
Furmanski | Leonard A. | 1959 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Furtado | Stephen R. | 1973 | P | Fall River, MA |
Fusco | Albin D. | 1961 | P | New York, NY |
Fushek | Dale J. | 1978 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Fusoni | Joseph A. | 1960 | P | Boston, MA |
Gaborek | Joseph | 1971 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Gabriel | Benjamin | P | Fresno, CA | |
Gabrini | Sister | N | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Gadek | Lawrence | 1955 | P | Newark, NJ |
Gaeta | David R. | 1980 | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Gaffney | James F. | 1985 | P | Allentown, PA |
Gaffney | Thomas J. | 1950 | P | New York, NY |
Gage | Philip S. | 1969 | P | Atlanta, GA |
Gaghan | Robert W. | 1954 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Gagne | J. Delphine | P | Manchester, NH | |
Gagnon | Jean-Paul | 1982 | P | Worcester, MA |
Gagnon | Laurence | D | Providence, RI | |
Gaioni | Dominic T. | 1967 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Gaiter | Chester E. | 1976 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Galdon | Richard | 1959 | P | Newark, NJ |
Gale | Robert V. | 1968 | P | Boston, MA |
Galganski | Joseph | 1942 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Galindo | Rudolph | 1954 | P | San Diego, CA |
Galipeau | Denis | 1961 | P | Norwich, CT |
Galko | Joseph D. | 1980 | P | Allentown, PA |
Gall | Adolphe J. | 1921 | P | Savannah, GA |
Gall | Sylvester L. | 1938 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Gallagher | Brian | 1952 | P | Boston, MA |
Gallagher | Edward F. | 1946 | P | Scranton, PA |
Gallagher | Francis J. | 1973 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Gallagher | George Michael | 1928 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Gallagher | Henry | 1941 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Gallagher | John Donald | < 1950 | P | Louisville, KY |
Gallagher | John J. | 1945 | P | Boston, MA |
Gallagher | John P. | < 1945 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Gallagher | Joseph J. | 1963 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Gallagher | Joseph P. | 1973 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Gallagher | Luke V. | 1915 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Gallagher | Roger P. | 1954 | P | Washington, DC |
Gallagher (in Baltimore) | Joseph | 1955 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Gallant | Alfred F. | 1962 | P | New York, NY |
Gallant | John P. | 1960 | P | New York, NY |
Gallant | Rene | B | Helena, MT | |
Gallatin | Joseph G. | 1997 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Gallegos | Joseph Anthony | 1963 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Gallen | John J. | 1963 | P | Toledo, OH |
Gallenstein | Stephen | 1976 | P | Lexington, KY |
Galli | Robert W. | < 1948 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Galligan | Damian | B | New York, NY | |
Gallo | Vincent | 1960 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Gallo Espinoza | Manuel | 1998 | P | Newark, NJ |
Galvan | Lucas A. | 1980 | P | Pueblo, CO |
Gamel | Robert | 1990 | P | Fresno, CA |
Gamez-Alfonso | Rigoberto | 1995 | P | Chicago, IL |
Gana | Stanley M. | 1970 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Ganahl | James A. | 1956 | P | San Diego, CA |
Gandara | Robert | B | New Orleans, LA | |
Gandrau | James H. | 1958 | P | Seattle, WA |
Ganley | Thomas P. | 1985 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Gansmann | Kenneth John | 1935 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Ganster | Edward G. | 1971 | P | Allentown, PA |
Ganter | Joseph M. | 1922 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Garand | Frederick | P | Toledo, OH | |
Garay | Jesus | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Garcia | Angel | 2000 | D | Albany, NY |
Garcia | Armand D. | 2005 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Garcia | Christobal | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Garcia | Emilio | 1957 | P | Orlando, FL |
Garcia | Francisco Javier | P | Sacramento, CA | |
Garcia | Hector | D | Santa Fe, NM | |
Garcia | Jesus Hernando | 1984 | P | Corpus Christi, TX |
Garcia | Lorenzo | 1997 | P | Savannah, GA |
Garcia | Louis Aloysius | 1963 | P | Fresno, CA |
Garcia | Luis | S | Monterey, CA | |
Garcia | Otto L. | 1973 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Garcia | Peter E. | 1966 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Garcia | Ramon | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Garcia | Richard Francis | 1958 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Garcia | Rolando G. | 1986 | P | Miami, FL |
Garcia | Ruben Idalio | 1972 | P | Boise, ID |
Garcia | Samuel | 1967 | P | Las Cruces, NM |
Garcia | Sergio E. | 1994 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Garcia-Rubio | Ernesto | 1963 | P | Miami, FL |
Gardiner | Richard F. | 1968 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Garding | William Nicholas | 1982 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Gardipee | Thomas J. | B | Milwaukee, WI | |
Gardner | Stephen Justin | B | Chicago, IL | |
Garduno | Anthony Martinez | 1990 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Garrity | Stephen M. | 1970 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Garry | Michael M. | < 1939 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Garstka | Bernard A. | 1948 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Garthwaite | Thomas | 1955 | P | La Crosse, WI |
Garza | Jesus P. | 1979 | P | Chicago, IL |
Gaspar | Mark S. | 1998 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Gates | James | B | Spokane, WA | |
Gatineau | Oscar | P | Springfield, MA | |
Gaudin | Rene | 1957 | P | Fall River, MA |
Gaudio | Robert | 1974 | P | Rochester, NY |
Gaudreau | James E. | 1969 | P | Boston, MA |
Gaughan | James M. | 1974 | P | Omaha, NE |
Gausch | Joseph P. | 1945 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Gauthe | Gilbert | 1972 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Gauthier | Lawrence | B | Springfield, MA | |
Gauthier | Mark | 1969 | P | Manchester, NH |
Gauthier | Raoul | 1933 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Gauvin | Paul L. | B | Portland, ME | |
Gavigan | Eugene A. | ? | P | Savannah, GA |
Gavin | John L. | 1948 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Gawronski | Chester J. | 1976 | P | Erie, PA |
Gaynor | James | 1960 | P | Rockford, IL |
Gaynor | Lawrence | 1941 | P | El Paso, TX |
Geerts | Theodore Anthony | 1946 ? | P | Davenport, IA |
Geiger | John A. | 1957 | P | Columbus, OH |
Geiger | William | 1954 | P | Toledo, OH |
Geimer | Bernard | 1950 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Geimer | Richard | B | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO | |
Geis | Louis J. | 1939 | P | Helena, MT |
Gelineau (BP) | Louis E. | 1953 | P | Burlington, VT |
Genereux | Marcel | 1939 | P | Manchester, NH |
Genevive | Frank M. | 1983 | P | Albany, NY |
Genizer | John A. | 1967 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Gentile | Gennaro | 1971 | P | New York, NY |
Genuario | William A. | 1956 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Geoghan | John J | 1962 | P | Boston, MA |
George | Thomas | 1979 | P | Albany, NY |
Gerg | Joseph | 1965 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Gertrude Marie | Sister | N | New Orleans, LA | |
Ghastin | Kenneth | B | Boston, MA | |
Ghilardi | Massimo | P | Portland, OR | |
Ghio | John J. | 1980 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Giandelone | John Maurice | 1978 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Giannini | Norma | N | Milwaukee, WI | |
Gibbney | Michael L. | 1975 | P | Joliet, IL |
Gibbs | Lawrence (Larry) M. | 1973 | P | Joliet, IL |
Gibeault | Leonard | B | Milwaukee, WI | |
Giblin | William | 1959 | P | Newark, NJ |
Gibney | Robert G. | 1954 | P | Newark, NJ |
Gibson | Robert J | 1958 | P | Scranton, PA |
Giella | Augustine | 1950 | P | Newark, NJ |
Gielow | Charles | P | Phoenix, AZ | |
Gieranowski | William | 1949 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Giesler | Linus T. | 1941 | P | Louisville, KY |
Gil | Rudi | 1978 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Gilardi | Ronald Sam | 1988 | P | Salina, KS |
Gilbert | Aldeo | 1943 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Gilbert | Leo | P | Manchester, NH | |
Gildea | James J | 1957 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Gilgallon | Joseph G. | 1959 | P | Scranton, PA |
Giliberti | Francis A. | 1970 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Gill | Edward Bryan | 1941 | P | Omaha, NE |
Gill | Joseph C. | 1959 | P | Rapid City, SD |
Gill | Joseph C. (Mobile) | ? | P | Mobile, AL |
Gill | Paul | 1966 | P | San Diego, CA |
Gillen | A. M .D. | 1926 | P | Helena, MT |
Gillespie | Francis T. | 1959 | P | Allentown, PA |
Gillespie | Jerome F. | 1982 | P | Boston, MA |
Gillespie | John E. | 1953 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Gillespie | Thomas | 1964 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Gillespie | Thomas M. | 1968 | P | Boston, MA |
Gillette | Randal (James R.) | 1971 | P | Boston, MA |
Gillette | Theodore M. | 1978 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Gillig | John | 1957 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Gilmour | Edward | 1945 | P | Albany, NY |
Gilpin | Joseph | S | Boston, MA | |
Gilsdorf | Daniel C. | 1960 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Ginder | Charles Richard | 1940 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Ginn | Charles, Jr. | D | Philadelphia, PA | |
Ginty | Denis | 1927 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Giordano | John C. | 1967 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Girard | Steven P. | 1975 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Girardin | Antonio M. | 1937 | P | Portland, ME |
Gish | Jean | N | Louisville, KY | |
Giuliani/Guiliani | Richard J | 1968 | P | Allentown, PA |
Giuliano | Anthony J. | 1984 | P | New York, NY |
Givey | David W. | 1971 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Glapion | Lloyd | D | New Orleans, LA | |
Glasgow | Thomas Gaspard | 1969 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Glatts | Joseph M. | 1966 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Gleason | John L. | 1946 | P | New Ulm, MN |
Gleeson | Patrick | 1943 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Gleissner | Leopold | 1952 | P | Detroit, MI |
Glennon | Thomas | 1979 | P | Omaha, NE |
Gloekler | Herbert G. | 1949 | P | Erie, PA |
Gluch | Robert A. | 1964 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Glynn | Thomas | 1938 | P | Hartford, CT |
Godin | James M. | 1979 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Goeke | John ""Jack"" | 1959 | P | Covington, KY |
Golobich | John | 1948 | P | Duluth, MN |
Goltz | William A. | 1950 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Gomez | Francisco | 1950 | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Gomez Macouzet | Maximiliano | 1946 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Gomez Santos | Gustavo | 2002 | P | Yakima, WA |
Gondek | Albert J. | 1966 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Goniea | Ralph | 1963 | P | Duluth, MN |
Gonsalves | James Ronald | D | Honolulu, HI | |
Gonzales | Anthony Hernandez | 1957 | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Gonzalez | Ronald | 1987 ? | D | Dallas, TX |
Gonzalez Rios | Juan Jose | S | Portland, OR | |
Gonzalez-Abreu | Hector | 1979 | P | Miami, FL |
Goodman | Norman D. | 1960 | P | Peoria, IL |
Goodman, Jr. | Julian B. | 1966 | P | Richmond, VA |
Goodrich | John Maloy | 1943 | P | Portland, OR |
Goodwin | Justin L. | 1942 | P | Charleston, SC |
Gopaul | Paul A. | 1952 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Gordon | Lawrence | B | New York, NY | |
Gorecki/Gorecky | Joseph | 1959 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Gorham | Peter Paul | 1953 | P | Portland, ME |
Gorman | Bede | 1944 | P | Providence, RI |
Gorman | Donald L. | 1954 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Gorman | Richard | 1982 | P | New York, NY |
Gormley | John | 1959 | P | Rochester, NY |
Gormly | Charles J. | 1935 | P | Crookston, MN |
Gorton | Timothy J. | 1982 | P | Providence, RI |
Goryczka | Stanislaus | 1923 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Goschke | Harold J. | 1948 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Gotta | Paul | 2006 | P | Hartford, CT |
Gottschalk | Matthew | 1953 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Gould | James C. | 1974 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Gould | William R. | 1965 | P | Boise, ID |
Gourley | Marshall | 1982 | P | Denver, CO |
Govoni | Louis J. | 1972 | P | Boston, MA |
Graaff | Joseph A. | 1955 | P | Yakima, WA |
Grabowski | Robert | ? | P | Mobile, AL |
Grady | James Patrick | 1977 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Grady | Richard J. | 1947 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Graehler | Kenneth | 1963 | P | Evansville, IN |
Graf | Gary | 1984 | P | Chicago, IL |
Graf | Harold P. | 1968 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Graff | Donald | < 1964 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Graff | Edward R. | 1955 | P | Allentown, PA |
Graff | Peter M. | 1941 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Graham | Daniel M. | 1970 | P | Boston, MA |
Graham | James G. | 1966 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Graham | John | ? | P | Hartford, CT |
Graham | Thomas | 1960 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Graham | William C | 1976 | P | Duluth, MN |
Gramkee | David N. | 1966 | P | Rochester, NY |
Grammond | Maurice R. | 1950 | P | Portland, OR |
Granadino | David F. | 1981 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Grandpre | Louis E. | 1961 | P | Detroit, MI |
Granstrand | Charles P. | 1966 | P | Newark, NJ |
Grant | Richard N. | 1968 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Grant | Robert J. | 1993 ? | P | Hartford, CT |
Grass | Donald C. | 1961 | P | Gary, IN |
Grattan | Bernard V. | 1975 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Graves | Alfred C. | 1967 | P | Springfield, MA |
Gray | Dennis | P | Toledo, OH | |
Gray | Robert A. | 1988 | P | San Jose, CA |
Gray | Robert B. | 1957 | P | Louisville, KY |
Gray | Sherman W. | 1970 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Grear | James | 1970 | P | Lafayette, IN |
Green | Gerard Leo | 1956 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Green | William S. | P | Oakland, CA | |
Greene | Donal | ? | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Greene | William T. | P | New York, NY | |
Greensburg Priest | #1 | ? | P | Greensburg, PA |
Greenwell | George R. | 1942 | P | Louisville, KY |
Greenwell | James M. | ? | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Greenwell | Paul J | 1928 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Greg | Brother | B | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN | |
Gregoire | Paul L. | 1955 | P | Manchester, NH |
Gregory | Jeffrey | B | Lansing, MI | |
Gregovich | Lawrence E. | 1972 | P | Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO |
Greif | Harold J. | 1940 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Gresock | Thomas G | 1985 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Griego | Sabine | 1964 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Grieman | Gerald | 1979 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Griffin | Gus (August?) | P | Miami, FL | |
Griffin | Joseph A. | 1927 | P | Scranton, PA |
Griffith | James | B | Louisville, KY | |
Grill | Philip L. | 1943 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Grimes | James | 1942 ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Groleau | Paul E. | 1969 | P | Manchester, NH |
Gromala | Roman S. | 1950 | P | Norwich, CT |
Gronowski | Ronald V. | 1969 | P | Gaylord, MI |
Groover | Henry B. | 1992 | P | Savannah, GA |
Gross | Richard | 1962 | P | New Ulm, MN |
Grosser | Clarence (Rudolph) | 1935 | P | Detroit, MI |
Groves | William | 1980 | P | Pueblo, CO |
Gruber | Mark F. X. | 1982 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Grumm | Thomas J. | 1975 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Grundhaus | Roger | 1966 | P | Crookston, MN |
Guarin-Sosa | Julio Cesar | P | Stockton, CA | |
Gubser | Paul L. | 1967 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Guerra | Charles | P | Galveston-Houston, TX | |
Guerrero | Gabriel | P | St. Cloud, MN | |
Guerrero | Jessie or Jesse | D | Amarillo, TX | |
Guerrero | Joaquin | < 1960 | P | Miami, FL |
Guerrero | Matteo (Mateo) | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Guerrini | Roderic M. | 1963 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Guetter | Michael | 1941 | P | New Ulm, MN |
Guglielmo | Alan | 1968 | P | Newark, NJ |
Gugliotta | Kevin A. | 1996 | P | Newark, NJ |
Guichard | Alvaro | 1969 | P | Miami, FL |
Guidry | Dale Anthony | 1982 | P | Amarillo, TX |
Guidry | Michael S. | 1971 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Guillen | Juan | 1974 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Guillory | Kerry | n/a | B | El Paso, TX |
Guimaraes | Elias Francisco | 1993 | P | Palm Beach, FL |
Guiney | John E. | 1947 | P | Boston, MA |
Guli | Gerard J. | 1956 | P | Rochester, NY |
Gulley | Anthony David | 1956 | P | Albany, NY |
Gummersbach | James L. | 1954 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Gunst | George A. | 1950 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Gustafson | Gilbert J. | 1977 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Guth | Charles B. | 1924 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Guthrie | Frederick L. | 1962 | P | Manchester, NH |
Guthrie | Milton J. | 1957 | P | Memphis, TN |
Gutierrez | Javier R. | 1983 | P | Juneau, AK |
Gutierrez-Cervantes | Joseph (Jesse) | B | Oakland, CA | |
Guyder | Thomas F. | 1940 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Guzielek | Ladislaus | 1924 | P | Albany, NY |
Guzman | Carlos | D | Paterson, NJ | |
Guzman | Fernando Noe | ? | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Guzman | Vincente | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Guzman-Chavez | Erasto | 1979 ? | P | Portland, OR |
Gyan | Eric | 1986 | P | Baton Rouge, LA |
Haas | Joseph | 1959 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Haas | Paul Frederick | 1959 | P | Nashville, TN |
Haberthier | John | 1948 | P | Dodge City, KS |
Hackett | John Joseph | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Hackett | Thomas E. | 1943 | P | Davenport, IA |
Hackman | Donald | D | Harrisburg, PA | |
Haddican | Bernard | 1960 | P | Jackson, MS |
Haegelin | William M. | 1976 | P | Kansas City, KS |
Haen | Edmund H. | 1940 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Haener | Robert W. | 1957 | P | Detroit, MI |
Hagan | Alvin Marie (Sister) | N | New Orleans, LA | |
Hagan | Arthur J. | 1933 | P | Boston, MA |
Hagan | David I. | 1966 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Hagan | James Craig | 1974 | P | Chicago, IL |
Hagan | James E. | 1956 | P | Louisville, KY |
Hageman | Clement A. | 1930 | P | Corpus Christi, TX |
Hagenbach | Clinton Vincent | 1961 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Hager | Joseph | 1934 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Hahn | Jude Clarence Francis | 1958 | P | Madison, WI |
Haight | Mark | 1976 | P | Albany, NY |
Hajduk | John P | 1976 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Hallee | Renald C. | P | Portland, ME | |
Haller | James W. | 1962 | P | Manchester, NH |
Halsey | Lawrence M. | B | Portland, OR | |
Hambrock | Eugene | B | St. Cloud, MN | |
Hamilton | Kenneth | 1982 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Hamilton | William | P | Portland, OR | |
Hammer | John E. | 1979 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Hammond | Joseph T. | 1931 | P | Scranton, PA |
Hammond | Robert W. | 1967 | P | Rochester, NY |
Hands | Michael R. | 1993 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Hanel | Charles T. | 1983 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Haney | Thomas Ronald | 1958 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Hanley | Bernard Brian | 1958 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Hanley | James T. | 1962 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Hanlon | James Bernard | 1981 | P | Fort Worth, TX |
Hanlon | John R. | 1955 | P | Boston, MA |
Hannan | Rogers | B | Wheeling-Charleston, WV | |
Hanney | James V. | B | Albany, NY | |
Hannon | Patrick A. | 1949 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Hannon | Robert E. | 1954 | P | Erie, PA |
Hanrahan | Michael F. | 1971 | P | Columbus, OH |
Hansen | Unknown | P | Portland, OR | |
Hanser | David J. | 1958 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Haran | Michael Joseph | 1945 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Harbert | William | 1962 | P | Peoria, IL |
Hardin | Roy T. | 1964 | P | Camden, NJ |
Hardman | John | ? | P | Mobile, AL |
Hardy | Paschal | 1956 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Hargadon | James E. | 1955 | P | Louisville, KY |
Hargreaves | Henry G. | 1947 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Harkins | Thomas M. | 1971 | P | Camden, NJ |
Harman/Harmon | Charles | 1954 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Harness | H. Robert | 1982 | P | Davenport, IA |
Harney | Peter P. | 1953 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Harnish | Lionel A. | 1954 | P | Gaylord, MI |
Harold | Brother | B | New Orleans, LA | |
Harold | James | ? | P | Savannah, GA |
Harrington | Daniel B. | 1932 | P | Helena, MT |
Harrington | John | 1945 | P | New York, NY |
Harrington | John | 1948 | P | Portland, OR |
Harrington | Michael J | 1942 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Harrington (Bp) | Timothy J. | 1946 | P | Worcester, MA |
Harris | Bernard A. | P | Helena, MT | |
Harris | Brennan | 1969 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Harris | James M. | 1948 | P | Portland, OR |
Harris | John E. | 1984 | P | Portland, ME |
Harris | Kenneth L. | < 1943 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Harris | L. Yates | 1977 | P | Miami, FL |
Harris | Michael A. | 1972 | P | Orange, CA |
Harris | Steven | 1980 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Harris | Wallace A. | 1972 | P | New York, NY |
Harrison | Arthur | 1956 | P | San Jose, CA |
Harrison | Robert | 1964 | P | New York, NY |
Harrold | John F. | 1973 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Harsham | Ellis N. | 1968 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Hart (Bp) | Joseph | 1956 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Harte | Al F. | 1964 | P | Rockford, IL |
Hartel | Edward T. | 1962 | P | Washington, DC |
Hartig | Julian | 1926 | P | Gallup, NM |
Hartling | Charles W. | 1979 | P | Newark, NJ |
Hartman | Bernard Joseph | B | Pittsburgh, PA | |
Hartman | Donald | 1950 | P | Marquette, MI |
Hartman | Richard A. | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Hartman | Robert J. | 1947 | P | Helena, MT |
Hartwig | Lawrence | 1967 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
Hartz | Gerald | 1959 | P | Sioux City, IA |
Harvey | John X. | 1957 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Hasenberg | Aloysius J. | 1949 | P | Marquette, MI |
Haskins | Edward | ? | P | Monterey, CA |
Hasselbach | Kenneth C. | 1966 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Hatch | Richard H. | 1954 | P | Winona, MN |
Hatrel | Thomas | P | Fairbanks, AK | |
Hatrick | Brian M. | 1979 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Hattala | Ferdinand A. | 1934 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Hau | Phan Huu | < 1978 | P | Seattle, WA |
Hausfeld | Bruce | 1962 | P | Las Cruces, NM |
Havel | Thomas E. | 1963 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Havens | James A. | 1979 | P | Mobile, AL |
Havey | Joseph | 1971 | P | Springfield, IL |
Haviland | William T. | 1962 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Hawkes | Benjamin | 1950 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Hay | James B. | P | El Paso, TX | |
Hayden | Robert E. "Paul" | B | Columbus, OH | |
Hayes | J. Ernest/Ernest J. | 1961 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Hayes | James C. | 1965 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Hayes | James P | 1929 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Hayes | Joseph B. | 1946 | P | Baker, OR |
Haynes | Mark J. | 1985 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Hays | Michael | 1976 | P | Seattle, WA |
Hazel | Robert L. | 1966 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Hazen | David | 1956 | P | Baker, OR |
Hazzouri | Alex J | 1957 | P | Scranton, PA |
Healy | Patrick J. | 1986 | P | Erie, PA |
Healy | Terrence | ? | P | Lansing, MI |
Heaney | John P. | 1953 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Heather | Gerald | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Heathwood | John Laurence | B | Rochester, NY | |
Hebert | Donald J. | 1981 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Hebert | Lloyd P. | 1957 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Hebert | Raymond P. | 1952 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Hebert, Jr. | Paul L. | 1959 | P | Norwich, CT |
Hechenberger | Gerald | 1996 | P | Belleville, IL |
Heck | Donald Henry | 1963 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Heckel | John F. | 1944 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Hecker | Lawrence | 1958 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Hederman | Kevin F. | 1975 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Hefferan | John Edward | 1956 | P | Chicago, IL |
Heid | Charles W. | 1936 | P | Scranton, PA |
Heil | Norman L. | 1963 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Heim | William J. | < 1968 | P | Albany, NY |
Heimann | David | 1958 | P | Columbus, OH |
Heines | Timothy J. | 1994 | P | Dallas, TX |
Heitzer | Louis J. (Joseph) | 1942 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Heizman | Leo J. | 1969 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Hellmer | Michael D. | 1970 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Helowicz | Marion Francis | 1974 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Hemmerle | Raymond Joseph | 1967 | P | Louisville, KY |
Hemstreet | John | 1964 | P | Toledo, OH |
Henao | Luis E. | 1974 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Henderson | Thomas | P | Portland, ME | |
Hendricks | Kenneth Bernard | 1986? | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Hendricks | Louis J | 1963 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Henn | Joseph John | 1978 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Hennessey | James | ? | P | Youngstown, OH |
Hennessy | Linus | < 1949 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Hennessy | Paul Kevin | B | New York, NY | |
Hennessy | William A | B | Boston, MA | |
Henrich | Rudolph M. | 1933 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Henrietta | Mother | N | Helena, MT | |
Henriques | Edward | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Henry | Brother | B | Manchester, NH | |
Henry | James T. | 1964 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Henry | Joseph | ? | P | Omaha, NE |
Henry | Joseph M /J Michael | 1933 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Henry | Patrick | 1981 | P | Omaha, NE |
Henry | Richard Allen | 1972 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Hensley | Gilbert Leroy | 1962 | B | Chicago, IL |
Henson | Jerome M. | 1977 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Herber, C.PP.S. | John | 1968 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Herberger | Roy | 1968 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Herbst | Harold | 1941 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Herdegen | Anthony G. | 1946 | P | Fresno, CA |
Herek | Daniel P. | 1971 | P | Omaha, NE |
Heretick | Joseph S. | 1947 | P | Great Falls-Billings, MT |
Hermanns | Mel W. | 1964 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Hermley | Harold | 1957 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Hermley | Robert J. | 1955 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Hermsen | Ralph | 1954 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Hernandez | Alfred | 1955 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Hernandez | Gabriel | 2008 | D | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Hernandez | Larry | 1978 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Hernandez | Ramon | 1959 ? | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
Hernandez | Stephen C. | 1982 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Hernandez-Tovar | Francisco | 1980 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Herp | Joseph T. | 1973 | P | Louisville, KY |
Herpin | L. Michael | 1966 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Herrera | Henry | 1942 | P | Fort Worth, TX |
Herrera | Hernando | 1998 | P | Fall River, MA |
Herrera | Rosendo | 1996 | P | Amarillo, TX |
Hesch | John | 1982 | P | Richmond, VA |
Hess | Edward | P | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Hess | John P. | 1983 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Heustis | Jerome "Jerry" | B | Newark, NJ | |
Hewitt | Andrew | B | Newark, NJ | |
Hewitt | Gregory | D | Seattle, WA | |
Heydens | Donald J. | 1970 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
Heymen | Richard | 1956 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Heyndricks | Eugene P. | 1981 | P | Newark, NJ |
Hickey | Gerald J. | 1963 | P | Boston, MA |
Hidding | Thomas J. | 1986 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
Higgins | J Grant | 1956 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Higgins | Michael | 1964 | P | San Diego, CA |
Higgins | Phillip | P | Fall River, MA | |
Hightower | Paul | ? | P | Boston, MA |
Hiland | George H. | 1958 | P | Peoria, IL |
Hilary | Antony Muthu | 1970 | P | Manchester, NH |
Hildebrand | William Charles | B | Pittsburgh, PA | |
Hill | Ernest Justin | 1951 | P | Portland, ME |
Hill | Patrick J. | 1968 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Hill | Robert E. | 1957 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Hillen | Daniel B. | 1969 | P | Helena, MT |
Hines | Joseph P. | 1945 | P | Davenport, IA |
Hinojosa | Juan Francisco | D | Chicago, IL | |
Ho | Joseph Hiepvan | 1975 | P | Omaha, NE |
Hobt | Phillip | 1992 | P | Des Moines, IA |
Hoder | James Allen | 1975 | P | Chicago, IL |
Hodik | Rudolph J. | 1924 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Hoefgen | Francis F. | 1979 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Hoefgen | Raymond J. | 1963 | P | Marquette, MI |
Hoehl | John | 1963 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Hoffman | Gerard J. | 1973 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Hoffman | Louis E. | 1943 | P | Columbus, OH |
Hoffmann | Emmett | 1953 | P | Great Falls-Billings, MT |
Hoffmann | Philip A. | 1964 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Hogan | Francis T | 1946 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Hogan | G. Stuart | 1924 | P | Rochester, NY |
Hogan | Leroy Jerome | 1957 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Hogan | Michael J. | 1984 | P | Chicago, IL |
Hogan | Michael P. | 1956 | P | Chicago, IL |
Hohmann | Othmar (Leo) | 1931 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Holbel | Sylvester J. | 1928 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Hold | William B. | 1977 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Holdren | John C. | 1971 | P | Rockford, IL |
Holihan | Daniel Mark | 1957 | P | Chicago, IL |
Holihan | Edgar M. | 1943 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Holley | David A. | 1958 | P | Worcester, MA |
Hollinger | William | 1946 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Holmes | Edward Anthony | B | Boston, MA | |
Holmes | John "Jack" | 1969 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Holsenbach | James Barron | B | Boston, MA | |
Holtey | Gary Michael | 1984 | P | San Diego, CA |
Holtz | James A. | 1974 | P | Gaylord, MI |
Holtz | Louis J. | 1958 | P | Covington, KY |
Homer | P. Lawrence | 1959 | P | Scranton, PA |
Honc | Kathleen Francis | N | Orlando, FL | |
Honhart/Honart | Mark A. | 1980 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Hoover | William Reece | 1955 | P | Fort Worth, TX |
Hopf | George S. | 1949 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Hopkins | James Francis | 1968 | P | Camden, NJ |
Hopkins | James P. or F. | 1900 | P | Erie, PA |
Hopkins | Robert F. | 1948 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Hopp | Thomas R. | 1966 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Hoppe | Sylvester J. | 1946 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Hopwood | Frederick J. | 1951 | P | Charleston, SC |
Horan | Raymond | 1968 | P | Atlanta, GA |
Horn | Stephen R. | 1973 | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Horne | Thomas Barry | < 1939 | P | Chicago, IL |
Hornick | J. Michael | 1969 | P | Anchorage, AK |
Horvath | Bertrand W. | 1970 | P | Orange, CA |
Host | Richard | 1974 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
Hotard | Howard | 1955 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Houck | Richard L. | 1965 | P | San Diego, CA |
Hough | William F. | 1963 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Houle | Wilfred | 1975 | P | Manchester, NH |
Houlihan | James Alvarez | B | Chicago, IL | |
Houseknecht | Leo J. | 1968 | P | Allentown, PA |
Houston | Joseph F. | 1964 | P | Scranton, PA |
Hovanec | George T. | 1929 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Howard | Frances | N | Louisville, KY | |
Howard | Richard L. | 1977 | D | Saginaw, MI |
Howell | Gerard "Jerry" | 1964 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Howell | Robert (Rapelyea) | D | Boise, ID | |
Howell | Rodney | 1965 | P | Amarillo, TX |
Hower | Philip A. | S | Harrisburg, PA | |
Howitz | Regis | B | Philadelphia, PA | |
Howlett | John | 1947 | P | Fort Worth, TX |
Howlin | Carroll | 1961 | P | Joliet, IL |
Hoy | Daniel J. | 1948 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Hrdlicka | Robert C. | 1977 | P | Lincoln, NE |
Hubbard (Bp). | Howard J. | 1963 | P | Albany, NY |
Huber | John J. | 1968 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Huck | Joseph | 1969 | P | Miami, FL |
Huckemeyer | Edward | D | Brooklyn, NY | |
Hudak | Francis | 1955 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Hudock | Barry M. | 1996 | P | Erie, PA |
Hudson | Charles | 1962 | P | Newark, NJ |
Hudson | Francis "Frank" X. | 1974 | P | Camden, NJ |
Huels | John | 1976 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Huerres | Agusti | P | San Angelo, TX | |
Huerta | Orestes M. | P | Dodge City, KS | |
Huff | Dennis | B | Santa Fe, NM | |
Huff | Edward G. | 1973 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Hughes | Patrick J. | 1953 | P | San Diego, CA |
Hughes | William J. | 1982 | P | Dallas, TX |
Hulko | Joseph D. | 1967 | P | Allentown, PA |
Huller | Ernest Karl | 1954 | P | Springfield, MA |
Hummell | John F. | 1965 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Humphrey | Edgar P. | 1935 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Huneke | Robert D. | 1969 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Hunt | John | 1969 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Hunt | Michael A. | 1939 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Hunt | Robert | 1954 | P | Columbus, OH |
Huppenbauer | Walter Edward | 1957 | P | Chicago, IL |
Hurley | James P. | 1940 | P | Portland, OR |
Hurley | John F. | 1945 | P | Spokane, WA |
Hurley | John J. | 1928 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Hurley | Michael F. | 1943 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Hurley | Paul William | 1970 | P | Boston, MA |
Hurley | Richard | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Hurtado | Jose | P | Phoenix, AZ | |
Huske | Leonard | 1956 | P | Chicago, IL |
Hutchinson | James | P | Boston, MA | |
Hutson | James | 1982 | D | Columbus, OH |
Hutzler | James | 1980 | P | Amarillo, TX |
Hyder | Raymond L. | 1929 | P | Boston, MA |
Hyland | Raymond A. | 1947 | P | New York, NY |
Iannarella | James M. | 1996 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Idziak | Stanley Dominic | 1962 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Igle | Edward A. | 1974 | P | Camden, NJ |
Iguabita-Rodriguez | Kelvin E | 1999 | P | Boston, MA |
Imming | David "Dave" | 1965 | P | Oklahoma City, OK |
Ingalls | Fred D | 1974 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Ingels | Gregory G. | 1974 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Inghilterra | Vincent | 1972 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Inman | Leonard | 1961 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Inzeo | Lawrence C. | 1978 | P | New York, NY |
Inzerillo | Peter J. | 1970 | P | Worcester, MA |
Ipolito | Pascal D. | 1970 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Irwin | Charles B. | B | Chicago, IL | |
Irwin | William E. | 1964 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Isaias | Theodore | 1961 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Ischay | Matthew A. | 1975 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Isgro | Salvatore "Sam" | 1962 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Ishak | Hurmiz Risko | D | Detroit, MI | |
Izquierdo | William | 1958 | P | Hartford, CT |
Jablonowski | Anthony | 1970 | P | Cheyenne, WY |
Jablonowski | James N. | 1968 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Jablonski | Joseph | 1976 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Jacklin | Richard E. | 1984 | P | Joliet, IL |
Jackson | James A. | 1948 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Jacobs | Gary A. | 1971 | P | Marquette, MI |
Jacobs | Philip J. | 1974 | P | Columbus, OH |
Jacobson | Gary | 1965 | P | Portland, OR |
Jacobson | James E. | 1959 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Jacoby | John O. | 1953 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Jacques | Kenneth | 1967 | P | Portland, OR |
Jacques | Raymond | 1948 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Jaeger | David Peter | 1969 | P | Seattle, WA |
Jaime | Jose | P | Portland, OR | |
Jakes | Ignatius J. | B | Fairbanks, AK | |
Jalbert | Norman R. | 1963 | P | Worcester, MA |
James | Joseph | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
James | Melvin P. | 1975 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Janak | Hubert Joseph | 1941 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Jangam | John | P | Tulsa, OK | |
Jannetta | Alfred L. | 1967 | P | Manchester, NH |
Janowski | Stanley | 1966 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Jansonis | Alphonse B. (Mike) | 1945 | P | Boston, MA |
Janssen | James M. | 1948 | P | Davenport, IA |
Jaramillo | Luis | 1976 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Jasinski | Florian A | 1957 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Jasinski | Gerald C | 1968 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Jayawardene | Pantaleone | ? | P | Seattle, WA |
Jayawardene | Tilak A. | 1972 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Jean | Raymond J. | 1957 | P | Norwich, CT |
Jeffers | Robert A. | 1954 | P | New York, NY |
Jendrysik | Mark | 1985 | P | Joliet, IL |
Jenik | John Joseph | 1970 | P | New York, NY |
Jenness | Joseph Roy | 1956 | P | Springfield, MA |
Jensen | Larry | 1988 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Jercha | Julian | 1950 | P | Gary, IN |
Jerge | Joseph W. | 1951 | P | Erie, PA |
Jerome | Vincent | B | Newark, NJ | |
Jeselnick | Stephen E. | 1977 | P | Erie, PA |
Jesselli | Kenneth A. | 1984 | P | New York, NY |
Jette | Donat M. | 1918 | P | Norwich, CT |
Jeub | Richard H. | 1966 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Jeyapaul | Joseph Palanivel | 1982 | P | Crookston, MN |
Jeziorski | Louis | 1931 | P | Gary, IN |
Jiang | Xiu Hui (Joseph) | 2010 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Jimenez | Edgardo Arrunataegui | 1983 | P | Orange, CA |
Jimenez | Manuel | S | Monterey, CA | |
Jimenez | Manuel | S | Monterey, CA | |
Jimenez-Pelayo | Emmanuel | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Joan | Sister | N | Helena, MT | |
Joan Marie | Sister | N | Miami, FL | |
Job | Thomas | 1970 | P | Chicago, IL |
Jochem | Harold | 1930 | P | Joliet, IL |
Joffe | William I. | 1957 | P | Rockford, IL |
John | Brother | B | Boston, MA | |
John | Sister | N | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Johnson | David (Dave) E. | 1984 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Johnson | Earl | B | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO | |
Johnson | Harold J. | 1949 | P | Boston, MA |
Johnson | Richard E. | 1960 | P | Dallas, TX |
Johnson | Richard G. | 1947 | P | Boston, MA |
Johnson | Walter E. | 1953 | P | Rockford, IL |
Johnston | James | 1954 ? | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Johnston | Robert F. | 1962 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Johnston | Thomas | 1986 | P | Detroit, MI |
Jones | Augustine K. | 1953 | P | Chicago, IL |
Jones | Edward T. | 2003 | P | Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL |
Jones | Richard | 1973 | P | Albany, NY |
Jones | Richard G. | 1963 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Jones | William E. | 1960 | P | Allentown, PA |
Jordan | John E. | 1935 | P | Chicago, IL |
Joseph | Jean Ronald | 1993 | P | Venice, FL |
Joseph | William T. | 1966 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Jost | Dennis Raymond | S | San Bernardino, CA | |
Jove | Pedro | P | Miami, FL | |
Joyal | Gerald F. | P | Manchester, NH | |
Joyce | Donald J. | 1958 | P | Boston, MA |
Joyce | Edward | 1940 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Juarez | Anthony | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Juarez | Martin | 1981 | P | Kansas City, KS |
Juarez | Robert Jesus | 1980 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Judd | Richard | 1964 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Judd | Richard P | 1964 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Jungquist | Edward W. | 1980 | P | Erie, PA |
Jupin | Alan D. | 1962 | P | Albany, NY |
Juran | Michael P. | 1976 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Justi | Marvin | 1958 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Jutton | David J. | 1966 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Kabat | Paul | 1958 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Kaczmarczyk | Bernard J. | 1957 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Kain | Stephen | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Kaiser | Ferdinand L. | 1937 | P | Winona, MN |
Kallal | Scott J. | 2011 | P | Kansas City, KS |
Kalter | Raymond C. | 1930 | P | Davenport, IA |
Kammerer | Richard | 1980 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Kampa | Dennis C. | 1968 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Kanchong | Peter S | 1968 | P | Boston, MA |
Kane | Charles R. | 1954 | P | Boston, MA |
Kane | Francis J. | 1953 | P | Portland, ME |
Kane | James J. | 1944 | P | Scranton, PA |
Kane | Thomas A. | 1969 | P | Worcester, MA |
Kantner | William R. | 1975 | P | Memphis, TN |
Kapoun | Robert | 1964 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Karabin | Joseph D. | 1974 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Karath | William "Bill" | 1971 | P | Portland, OR |
Kardas | Thaddeus (Ted) J. | 1970 | P | Worcester, MA |
Kareta | Gregory | 1956 | P | Monterey, CA |
Karey | Arthur M. | 1943 | P | Detroit, MI |
Karow | Dominic "John Walter" | B | Boston, MA | |
Kastner | Edwin | 1951 | P | Belleville, IL |
Kaszynski | Robert S. | 1960 | P | Fall River, MA |
Katarskis | Walter (Vaclovas) | 1942 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Katherine | Sister | N | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Kaucheck | Kenneth | 1976 | P | Detroit, MI |
Kavanagh | Charles M. | 1963 | P | New York, NY |
Kavanaugh | Philip | 1973 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Kavungal | George | < 1978 | P | Gary, IN |
Kayda | Kevin L. | 2013 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Kealy | G.A. Gerard Aloysius | B | Seattle, WA | |
Kealy | Robert Louis | 1972 | P | Chicago, IL |
Kean | Joseph H. | 1964 | P | Allentown, PA |
Keane | John F. | 1969 | P | Boston, MA |
Keane | Patrick | 1973 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Keane | Timothy | 1950 | P | Columbus, OH |
Kearney | Christopher | 1968 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Keating | Michael Jerome | 2002 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Keating | Thomas F. | 1966 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Keefe | Dennis A. | 1989 | P | Boston, MA |
Keegan | Austin Peter | 1962 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Keegan | John | n/a | B | Pittsburgh, PA |
Keehan | John James | 1967 | P | Chicago, IL |
Keeling | Paul M. | 1975 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Keenan | Bernard J. | 1948 | P | Boston, MA |
Keenan | Donald J. | 1943 | P | Boston, MA |
Keeney | John | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Keil | Anthony A. | ? | P | Mobile, AL |
Keith | John Charles | 1956 | P | San Diego, CA |
Kelleher | Cornelius | 1956 | P | Duluth, MN |
Kelleher | Michael Joseph | 1953 | P | Charlotte, NC |
Keller | Brian | 1973 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Keller | Dominic (Joseph) | 1931 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Keller | John T. | 1974 | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Kelley | Arnold E. | 1956 | P | Boston, MA |
Kelley | David J. | 1974 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Kelley | Edward T. | 1968 | P | Boston, MA |
Kelley | Michael (Micheal) H. | 1985 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Kelley | Robert E | 1968 | P | Worcester, MA |
Kelley | Thomas C. | 1967 | P | Erie, PA |
Kelley | Timothy J | 1978 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Kelly | James | 1942 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Kelly | James E. | 1957 | P | Albany, NY |
Kelly | John | B | St. Cloud, MN | |
Kelly | John P. | 1962 | P | Camden, NJ |
Kelly | Matthew H. | 1942 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Kelly | Michael E. | 1973 | P | Stockton, CA |
Kelly | Michael Emmet | 1971 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Kelly | Michael J. | 1953 | P | Omaha, NE |
Kelly | Patrick M. | 1950 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Kelly | Robert J. | 1974 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Kelly | Thomas F. (Y) | 1947 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Kelly | Thomas Francis | 1962 | P | Chicago, IL |
Kelly | Timothy | 1961 | P | New York, NY |
Kelly | Vernon | P | Springfield, MA | |
Kelly, Jr. | C. Richard | 1970 | P | Detroit, MI |
Kelly, Jr. | Eugene Walter | P | Richmond, VA | |
Kelty | Leo A. | 1960 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Kemp | Dennis W. | 1973 | P | Seattle, WA |
Kemp | Thomas | D | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN | |
Kemp | Thomas L | 1952 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Kemper | James A. | 1942 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Kenkel | Leonard A. | 1960 | P | Des Moines, IA |
Kennedy | Edward M. | 1959 | P | Springfield, MA |
Kennedy | Edwin A. | 1951 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Kennedy | John M. | 1935 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Kennedy | John T. | 1936 | P | Davenport, IA |
Kenney | Daniel J. | 1963 | P | Omaha, NE |
Kenney | John M. | 1975 ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Kenney | Joseph F. (W?) | 1931 | P | Boston, MA |
Kennington | Jack | 1959 | P | New York, NY |
Kenny | Michael Christopher | 1973 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Kenshol | Joseph W. | 1973 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
Kent | Benen | N | Chicago, IL | |
Keohan | Edward M. | 1959 | P | Boston, MA |
Keohane | Bartholomew | 1929 | P | Savannah, GA |
Keohane | Daniel C. | 1952 | P | Oklahoma City, OK |
Keohane | Daniel T. | 1978 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Keough | John J. | 1952 | P | Chicago, IL |
Keppel | Timothy F. | 1977 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Keppeler | Richard J | 1954 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Kerestus | Thomas J. | 1969 | P | Allentown, PA |
Kerins | Sean P. | 2017 | P | Erie, PA |
Kern | Jerome (Jerry) C. | 1966 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Kernan | Joseph C | B | Chicago, IL | |
Kerr | Christopher | 1979 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Kerressey | Ricardo (Richard) | B | Boston, MA | |
Kerrigan | John P | 1954 | P | Helena, MT |
Kerrigan | William J. | 1941 | P | Davenport, IA |
Kershner | Joseph J. | 1964 | P | Miami, FL |
Kertz | Louis | 1948 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Ketcham | Gary L. | 1977 | P | Erie, PA |
Keyes | Phillip C. | 1958 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Keyrouze | Joseph | 1950 | P | Albany, NY |
Keys | Gordon L. | 1955 | P | Portland, OR |
Kiarie | Peter | 1993 | P | New York, NY |
Kickel | Edward | 1922 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Kiefer | George | 1932 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Kiefer | William | B | Pittsburgh, PA | |
Kieffer | Placidus | 1932 | P | Davenport, IA |
Kieley | Edward X. | 1925 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Kiernan | Patrick | 1952 | P | Portland, OR |
Kiernan | William | 1921 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Kiesle | Stephen | 1972 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Kiffmeyer | James G. | 1985 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Kihm | Peter J. | 1981 | P | New York, NY |
Kilcline | Frank | 1981 | P | Lafayette, IN |
Kilgour | James | 1982 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Killeen | John F. | 1950 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Killeen | Sister Mary Joseph | N | Los Angeles, CA | |
Killian | William N. | 1935 ? | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Killion | Dennis | 1980 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Kimball | Donald Wren | 1969 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Kinane | Gerard P. | 1973 | P | Houma-Thibodaux, LA |
King | Anthony S. "Skip" | 1959 | P | Yakima, WA |
King | David G. | 1949 | P | Yakima, WA |
King | Thomas F. | 1964 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Kinlough | William | 1943 | P | Corpus Christi, TX |
Kirchen | Paul | 1929 | P | Helena, MT |
Kircher | James | 1963 | P | Jackson, MS |
Kirchmeyer | Robert W. | 1952 | P | Boston, MA |
Kirsch | Robert J. | 1957 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Kissane | Joseph Patrick | 1969 | P | Chicago, IL |
Kita | August | 1960 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Klaers | Marvin J. | 1950 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Klein | George W. | 1959 | P | Chicago, IL |
Klein | Robert P. | 1953 | P | Covington, KY |
Klein | Robert William | 1956 | P | Duluth, MN |
Kleman | James E. | 1955 | P | Covington, KY |
Klikunas | Bruce J. | 1972 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Klimek | Valentine | 1944 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Kline | James | B | Pittsburgh, PA | |
Kline | John | 1949 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Klister | Irving Frederick | 1944 | P | Superior, WI |
Kloppenborg | Thomas | 1991 | S | Colorado Springs, CO |
Kloster | Robert J. | 1965 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Klubertanz | Kenneth | 1968 ? | P | Madison, WI |
Kmak | Leonard Paul | 1959 | P | Chicago, IL |
Knapp | Paul | 1975 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Knapp | Robert J. | 1965 | P | Boston, MA |
Knecht | Joseph | 1925 | P | Spokane, WA |
Knelleken | James | 1951 | P | Seattle, WA |
Knighton | Marvin T. | 1975 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Knoernschild | John | 1970 | P | Orange, CA |
Knotek | John T. | 1938 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Knoth | Bernard | 1977 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Knox | Thomas | 1942 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Kocian | Theodore | ? | P | Buffalo, NY |
Koerner | Jerome | 1960 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Koerner | Robert S. | 1937 | P | San Diego, CA |
Koharchik | George D. | 1974 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Kohlbeck | Frank | S | Los Angeles, CA | |
Kohler | Peter D. | 1968 | P | Rockford, IL |
Kohler | Thomas M. | 1968 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Kohlman | Leonard A. | 1953 | P | Portland, OR |
Kohne | Ambrose | 1929 | P | Lafayette, IN |
Kohnen | Henry J. | 1935 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Kohnke | John | 1937 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Kokocinski | Bernard | 1966 | P | Toledo, OH |
Kolar | Michael G. | 1969 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Kolenkiewicz | Louis J. | 1993 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Kolodziej | Michael | 1970 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Koltzenberg/Koltzenburg | Otto | 1981 | P | Spokane, WA |
Komar | John E. | 1964 | P | Newark, NJ |
Konat | Edward J. | 1975 | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Kondzielski | Thaddeus T. | 1967 | P | Erie, PA |
Koonz | John A. | 1963 | P | Springfield, MA |
Kopczewski | Linus E. | 1965 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Kopec | Bronislaus J. | 1929 | P | Allentown, PA |
Koppala | Leo Charles | 1994 | P | Winona, MN |
Koprowski | John | 1965 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Kornacki | Matthew J. | 1973 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Kortina | Kevin | 1970 | P | Newark, NJ |
Kos | Joseph Stanley | 1966 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Kos | Rudolph (Rudy) | 1981 | P | Dallas, TX |
Kosak | Michael | S | Spokane, WA | |
Kossak | Michael J. | 1987 | P | Boston, MA |
Kostelnick | Albert T. | 1954 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Kovach | William | 1955 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Kowalczyk | Adalbert (Albert) J. | 1938 | P | San Diego, CA |
Kowalski | Theodore | S | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Kownacki | Raymond F. | 1960 | P | Belleville, IL |
Koychick | George J. | 1949 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Koziol | Stanley N. | 1958 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Kozon | John A. | 1949 | P | Norwich, CT |
Krafcik | Andrew W. | 1959 | P | Richmond, VA |
Kraft | William Armstrong | 1951 | P | San Diego, CA |
Krakovsky (Krakowski) | Reginald M. | 1952 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Kramek | Roman | P | Hartford, CT | |
Kramer | John Stanley | 1944 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Kranch | Peter | 1951 | P | Albany, NY |
Krantz | Robert "Bob" | 1978 | P | Sioux Falls, SD |
Krason | Edward | 1958 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Krautkremer | Lee D. | 1966 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Krawczyk | Henry R. | 1978 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Krebs | Gerard/Gerald | 1963 | P | Erie, PA |
Kreher | Albert E. "Gene" | 1965 | P | Belleville, IL |
Kreis | William | 1904 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Kreiser | Thomas L. | 1994 | P | New York, NY |
Krejci | Michael J. | 1978 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Kremer | Joseph C. | 1969 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Kreuzer | Eugene T. | 1952 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Krol | Michael Francis | 1945 | P | Austin, TX |
Kromenaker | George | 1947 | P | Springfield, IL |
Krough | Jack L. | 1975 | P | Winona, MN |
Krouse, IV | William Earl | 1973 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Krumm | Gustave R. (Gus) | 1982 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Kruse | Jay L. | 1991 | P | Omaha, NE |
Kruse | Joseph | 1983 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Krusing | Oswald G. | 1926 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Kryston | Edward L. | 1974 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Kucan/Kucon | Jerome | 1951 | P | Erie, PA |
Kuchar | Bryan | 1993 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Kuczynski | Edward P. | 1977 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Kuder | William J. | 1936 | P | Charlotte, NC |
Kuffner | Patrick J. | 2002 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Kuhl | Morgan J. | 1993 | P | New York, NY |
Kuhl | Richard | B | Rockford, IL | |
Kuhl | Thom | D | Baltimore, MD | |
Kuhn | Michael | 1997 | P | Arlington, VA |
Kuhn | Thomas A. | 1967 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Kuisle | Michael J. | 1940 | P | Winona, MN |
Kujawa | Patrick R. | 1995 | P | Houma-Thibodaux, LA |
Kujawa | Richard | 1950 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Kujovsky | Thomas J. | 1957 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Kulig | Francis G. | 1974 | P | Scranton, PA |
Kumar | Anujit | 2002 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Kuntz | James F. | 1977 | P | Newark, NJ |
Kuntz | Lawrence | < 1928 | P | Louisville, KY |
Kunz | Germain | 1957? | P | New Ulm, MN |
Kuper | Raymond L. | 1964 | P | Evansville, IN |
Kurcz | Donald/John Baptist | 1953 | P | Detroit, MI |
Kurilec | Robert | 1968 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Kurlandski | Lawrence | 1942 | P | San Diego, CA |
Kurtz | Richard James | 1977 | P | Denver, CO |
Kuruthukulaugara | Jose Ignatius | P | Trenton, NJ | |
Kurutz | George | 1944 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Kurz | Michael | 1975 | P | Pueblo, CO |
Kurzak | John | 1975 | P | Sioux City, IA |
Kurzendoerfer | Mark | 1981 | P | Evansville, IN |
Kuzmann | Robert J. | 1985 | P | Allentown, PA |
La Rosa-Lopez | Manuel | 1996 | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Labaky | Mansour | ? | P | Baton Rouge, LA |
Labbe | Joseph P. | 1975 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Labbe | Leo | B | Boston, MA | |
LaBelle | Ralph W. | 1978 | P | New York, NY |
Labreche | Laurier A. | 1959 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Labuda | Kevin | S | Harrisburg, PA | |
Lacar | Sylvio | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
LaCerra | Gerard T. "Gerry" | 1969 | P | Miami, FL |
Lackie | J.B. (John B.) | P | Seattle, WA | |
LaCosse | Norbert Paul | 1952 | P | Marquette, MI |
Ladamus | Robert G. | 1970 | P | Hartford, CT |
Ladenburger | Louis Wayne | 1963 | P | Spokane, WA |
Ladet | Sister | N | New Orleans, LA | |
Laesch | Dennis | 1996 | P | Detroit, MI |
Laferrera | John J. | 1973 | P | Newark, NJ |
Laferriere | Raymond H. | 1960 | P | Manchester, NH |
LaFlamme | Albert | B | Manchester, NH | |
LaForest | Conrad V. | 1972 | P | Manchester, NH |
LaGasse | Ronald J. | 1969 | P | Oakland, CA |
Lagenda | Sister | N | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Lahr | Melvin | 1972 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Lake, Sr. | Joseph | D | Fairbanks, AK | |
Lally | George | 1968 | P | San Diego, CA |
LaLonde | Emile G. | 1941 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Lalor | Michael | 1930 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Lam | Sung | ? | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Lambert | William | 1955 | P | Rapid City, SD |
Lamm | Timothy J. | 1954 | P | Seattle, WA |
Lammers | Herman J. | 1932 | P | Louisville, KY |
Lamothe | Francis | 1933 | P | Manchester, NH |
Lamothe | Harvey | 1947 | P | Manchester, NH |
LaMountain | Michael V. | 1976 | P | Providence, RI |
Lanctot | Dexter A. | 1976 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Landry | Clint | 2011 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Landry | David J. | 1987 | P | Fall River, MA |
Landry | Leo P. | 1958 | P | Boston, MA |
Landry | Wesley Michael | 1948 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Landwermeyer | Francis | 1966 | P | Dallas, TX |
Lane | Bernard J. | 1960 | P | Boston, MA |
Lane | C. Vincent | 1961 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Lane | James H. | 1962 | P | Boston, MA |
Lane | John J. | 1925 | P | Boston, MA |
Lane | Timothy R. | 1995 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Lang | Cordell J. | 1979 | P | Mobile, AL |
Lang | Hugh J. | 1956 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Lang | Joseph J. | 1965 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Langan | Xavier | B | Baltimore, MD | |
Langenfeld | Nicholas John | 1926 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Langenstein | Richard J. | B | New Orleans, LA | |
Langille | Justin | 1980 | P | San Diego, CA |
Lannon | James V. | 1931 | P | Washington, DC |
Lanser | Jerome E. | 1958 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Lanuevo | Tarcisio D. | 1956 | P | Oakland, CA |
LaPan | Kenneth | 1952 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
LaPenta | Charles | 1954 | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Laperle | Louis | B | Worcester, MA | |
LaPierre | David | 1969 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Laplante | Laurent | 1957 | P | Portland, ME |
Lapoint | Alfred | ? | P | Manchester, NH |
LaPorta | Ross A. | 1951 | P | Baltimore, MD |
LaPrad | Stephen Charles | 1995 | P | Knoxville, TN |
Lara | James C. | 1957 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
Lara | James/Jaime | 1973 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Larche | James M. | 1991 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
LaReau | James "Armand" | 1961 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Largente | Laurent | 1959 | P | San Jose, CA |
Larger | Raymond E. | 1977 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Larkin | Alexander C. | 1967 | P | San Jose, CA |
Larkin | John | 1931 | P | Portland, OR |
Larrabee | Joseph E. | 1980 | P | Rochester, NY |
Larriviere | Marshall R. | 1963 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Larson | Robert K. | 1958 | P | Wichita, KS |
Lasik | Ronald Justin | B | Chicago, IL | |
Lau | William A. | 1979 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
Laudwein | James R. | 1962 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Laughlin | Thomas B. | 1948 | P | Portland, OR |
Lauinger | Richard | 1956 | P | Detroit, MI |
Laurano | Anthony J. | 1950 | P | Boston, MA |
Laurdette | Sister | N | New Orleans, LA | |
Lause | Richard L. | 1977 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Lauzon | Raymond J. | 1955 | P | Portland, ME |
LaVan | Kenneth | 1958 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Lavelle | Francis P. | 1970 | P | Springfield, MA |
Lavelle | Raymond E. | 1957 | P | Columbus, OH |
Lavigne | Richard R. | 1966 | P | Springfield, MA |
Lavin | Paul E. | 1969 | P | Washington, DC |
LaVoie | Victor C. | 1971 | P | Boston, MA |
Lavoy | Marvin | 1955 | P | Spokane, WA |
Lawbaugh | James | 1966 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Lawler | Thomas F. | 1955 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Lawless | Fergus | 1933 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Lawlor | David T. | 1971 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Lawlor | Edward J. | 1940 | P | Mobile, AL |
Lawrence | James T. | 1961 | P | Davenport, IA |
Lawrence | Michael S. | 1973 | P | Allentown, PA |
Lawrence | Ralph | 1916 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Lawrence | Sister | N | Helena, MT | |
Lazar | Fidelis G. | 1963 | P | Erie, PA |
Leach | Jerome | 1976 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Leary | Edward A. | 1953 | P | Mobile, AL |
Leary | John P. | 1951 | P | Spokane, WA |
Leary | Timothy J. | 1936 | P | Springfield, MA |
Lebel | Maurice T. | 1967 | P | Fall River, MA |
LeBlanc | David E. | 1961 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
LeBlanc | Etienne | 1971 | P | Houma-Thibodaux, LA |
LeBlanc | Francis William | 1959 ? | P | New Orleans, LA |
LeBlanc | Kenneth A. | 1976 | P | Boston, MA |
LeBourgeois | Louis | 1961 | P | New Orleans, LA |
LeBrun | Paul Francis | 1983 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Lechner | Thomas M. | ? | P | Erie, PA |
LeClaire | Karl | 1986 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Leclerc | Maurice | P | Manchester, NH | |
Leclercq | M. Duane | 1964 | P | Peoria, IL |
Lederer | Brian M. | 2012 | P | Duluth, MN |
Ledoux | Michael | < 1986 | P | Manchester, NH |
Ledwith | Miceal aka Michael | < 1994 | P | Seattle, WA |
Lee | John Thomas Matthew | 1993 | P | Military Services, US |
Lee | Patrick J. | 1976 | P | Chicago, IL |
Lee | Thomas B. | P | Baltimore, MD | |
Lee | Thomas M. | 1953 | P | Portland, ME |
Leech | George T. | 1956 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Leech | Paul Henry | 1980 | P | Providence, RI |
Leehan | Cornelius Patrick | 1948 | P | Oakland, CA |
Lefevre | Francis J. | 1971 | P | Baltimore, MD |
LeFevre | Robert J. | 1966 | P | Albany, NY |
Lehman | Mark Allen | 1988 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Lehmkuhl | Gerhardt B. | 1974 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Leifeld | Gale | 1954 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Leimbach | William | B | Jackson, MS | |
Leipert | Jack J. | 1975 | P | Saginaw, MI |
Leising | Frederick D. | 1971 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Leitermann | Clarence | 1934 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Lelonis | Richard M. | 1971 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Lemanski | William E. | 1974 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Lemire | Edmund | P | Manchester, NH | |
Lemmon | Thomas M. | D | Altoona-Johnstown, PA | |
Lemoine | Daniel | 1979 | P | Baton Rouge, LA |
Lenczycki | Frederick A. | 1972 | P | Joliet, IL |
Lendacky | Joseph | 1945 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Leneweaver | Raymond O. | 1962 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Lenihan | John Peter | 1969 | P | Orange, CA |
Lennon | James W. | 1965 | P | Winona, MN |
Lennon | John W. | 1955 | P | New York, NY |
Lent | James Walter | B | Spokane, WA | |
Lentz | Robert F. | 1964 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Lenz | Frank M. | 1969 | P | Marquette, MI |
Leon | Modesto | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Leonard | Albert | 1980 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Leonard | John E. | P | Richmond, VA | |
Leonard | Patrick | 1996 | P | Charlotte, NC |
LePine | Clement J. | 1946 | P | Marquette, MI |
Lepire | Roland M. | 1975 | P | Providence, RI |
Leroux | Edward N. | 1956 | P | Albany, NY |
Leroy | Brother | B | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Lesniak | Francis M. | 1943 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Lesniewski | Eldred B. | 1953 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Lessard | Joseph Marcel | 1980 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Lessard | Joseph P. | 1952 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Lettic | Edward P. | 1973 | P | Worcester, MA |
Leu | James E. | 1971 | P | Davenport, IA |
Lewandowski | Casimir F. | 1945 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Lewandowski | John D | 1954 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Lewandowski | Michael M. | 1975 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Lewis | Kenneth | 1991 | P | Tulsa, OK |
Lewkiewicz | Richard | 1968 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Lezuchowski | Walter J. | 1959 | P | Detroit, MI |
Liberatore, Jr. | Albert M. | 1989 | P | Scranton, PA |
Liberty | James L. | 1957 | P | Norwich, CT |
Lieberth | Joseph J. | 1968 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Liggio | John R. | 1975 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Liguori (Ligouri) | James A. | B | New York, NY | |
Liles | Ronan C. | 1969 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Lilly | Stephen | B | St. Cloud, MN | |
Lima | Jose Afonso | P | Bridgeport, CT | |
Limoges | Robert Marcel | 1979 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Linam | Jesse S. | 1961 | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Lind | Thomas | 1960 ? | P | Sioux Falls, SD |
Lind, Jr. | John A. (Alfred J.) | 1960 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Lindenmeyer | James | 1948 | P | Gallup, NM |
Lindner | Jerold W. | 1976 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Linehan | David Anthony | 1956 | P | Seattle, WA |
Linnemann | Eugene G. | 1980 | P | Belleville, IL |
Linssen | Paul H. | 1950 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Lipinski | Vincent A. | 1987 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Lippert | Alexander P. | 1956 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Lippold | John L. | 1957 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Lirette | Albert | 1945 ? | P | Manchester, NH |
Liston | Richard | < 1978 | P | Toledo, OH |
Little | Anthony M. | 1982 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Littleton | Gregory J. | 1990 | P | Metuchen, NJ |
Litz, Jr. | Steven J. | 1965 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Llanos | Theodore | 1974 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Llorente | Segundo | 1934 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Lockwood | James | D | New Orleans, LA | |
Loeffler | Charles M. | 1941 | P | Boston, MA |
Loerke | Lawrence | 1923 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Loftus | Robert | 1963 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Logan | William R. | 1969 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Logrip | Joseph L. | 1972 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Logue | Robert | D | Harrisburg, PA | |
Lombard | Samuel J. | 1946 | P | Boston, MA |
Lombardi | Thomas C. | 1975 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Lomme | Hubert C | 1934 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Lonergan | Kevin | 2014 | P | Allentown, PA |
Long | Arthur J. | 1955 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Long | John | 1961 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Long | Patricia A. | N | Manchester, NH | |
Longley | Alfred | 1939 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Loofborough | Charles | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Loomis | Richard A. | 1976 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Lopez | Jorge Ortiz | B | Phoenix, AZ | |
Lopez | Joseph | < 1963 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Lopez | Leonidas | 1985 | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Lopez | Rosario | P | Las Cruces, NM | |
Lopez Durango | Jose | 2011 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Lopez Lopez | Fernando | 2000 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Lord | John "Jack" W. | 1983 | P | Orange, CA |
Lorei | Louis H. | 1947 | P | Erie, PA |
Lorento | Anthony | 1972 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Lorenz | William A. | 1961 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Lorenzoni | Larry | 1951 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Loskarn | George B. | 1965 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Lott | Richard E./Edward | B | Paterson, NJ | |
Lott | Robert V. | 1965 | P | New York, NY |
Lott | Roger R. | 1954 | B | Nashville, TN |
Louis | Martin J. | 1966 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Lovell | Lawrence Joseph (LJ) | 1951 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Low | Lawrence | 1955 | P | Seattle, WA |
Lower | Richard T. | 1971 | P | Manchester, NH |
Lowney | Emmett F | 1949 | P | Helena, MT |
Loyd | Frederick A. | 1970 | P | Columbus, OH |
Loyola | Mother | N | Helena, MT | |
Lozano | Carlos | 1993 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Lucas | C. Neil | 1967 | P | Toledo, OH |
Lucas | Eric | B | Jefferson City, MO | |
Lucas | Theodore | 1984 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Luce | Ramon | 1995 | P | Houma-Thibodaux, LA |
Luchi | Robert | 1957 | P | Columbus, OH |
Lucio | Justin Joseph | 1972 | P | Dallas, TX |
Luck | David H. | 1987 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Luckay | Thomas J. | 1965 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Lucy Marie | Sister | N | Sioux Falls, SD | |
Luczak | Ralph | 1958 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Luddy | Francis E. | 1967 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Ludwig | Augustine | B | Spokane, WA | |
Lugowski | John | 1976 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Luiz | Gary M. | 1977 | P | Oakland, CA |
Luka | Ronald John | 1963 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
Lukac | Raymond | 1954 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Lukasik | John | P | Pittsburgh, PA | |
Luke | Mary | N | Portland, OR | |
Lukes (Lucas) | Duane W. | 1957 | P | Omaha, NE |
Lum | William D. | 1969 | P | Rochester, NY |
Luna | Miguel | 1982 | P | El Paso, TX |
Lundowski | Joseph C. | D | Fairbanks, AK | |
Lupo | William L. | 1965 | P | Chicago, IL |
Luque | Peter H. | 1962 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Lutgen | Henry M | 1947 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Lutz | Frederick J. | 1973 | P | Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO |
Luzzi | Salvatore P. | 1962 | P | Erie, PA |
Lynch | Bernard | < 1971 | P | New York, NY |
Lynch | Damion Jacques | 1991 | P | Charlotte, NC |
Lynch | Laurence Michael | 1960 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Lynch | Patrick J. | 1959 | P | Dallas, TX |
Lynch | Richard D. | 1963 | P | Erie, PA |
Lynch | Richard P. | 1941 | P | Las Cruces, NM |
Lynch | William J. | 1934 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Lynn | Clive | 1969 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Lyons | Denis | 1958 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Lyons | Frederick J. | 1952 | P | Alexandria, LA |
Lyons | John F. | 1946 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Lyons | John P. | 1955 | P | Boston, MA |
Lyons | Thomas W. | 1948 | P | Washington, DC |
Mabon | Thomas K. | 1957 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Macanga | Joseph E. | 1986 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
MacArthur | Bruce Duncan | 1953 | P | Sioux Falls, SD |
MacGuinness | James L. | 1912 | P | Boston, MA |
Mach | Bernard M (Corky) | 1964 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Macias | Juan | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Mackan | Patrick | 1958 | P | Louisville, KY |
Mackiewicz | Leonard J. | 1957 | P | Wilmington, DE |
MacNaughton | John | 1946 ? | P | Portland, OR |
MacPherson | David M. | 1967 ? | P | Covington, KY |
MacPherson | Walter E. | 1955 | P | Belleville, IL |
MacRae | Gordon J. | 1982 | P | Manchester, NH |
MacSweeney | Eugene | 1927 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
MacSweeney | Patrick J. | ? | P | Wheeling-Charleston, WV |
Madaj | John A. | 1939 | P | Scranton, PA |
Maday | Norbert J. | 1964 | P | Chicago, IL |
Madden | Michael K. | 1970 | P | Burlington, VT |
Madden | Paul | 1970 | P | Jackson, MS |
Madigan | Gregory | B | St. Cloud, MN | |
Madore | Edward C. "Ted" | 1973 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Madrid | Alfonso | 1950 | P | El Paso, TX |
Madrid | Saul | 1985 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Madrid (also Madred?) | Jaime | 1968 | P | El Paso, TX |
Maffei | Joseph | 1958 | P | New York, NY |
Magaldi | Philip A. | 1960 | P | Providence, RI |
Magee | Finian (Robert) | B | Rockville Centre, NY | |
Magee | Patrick Francis | 1970 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Magel | John E. | 1960 | P | Louisville, KY |
Magnus | E. Neil | 1963 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Maguire | Felix H. | 1950 | P | Hartford, CT |
Maguire | Joseph | < 1955 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Maguire | Joseph T. | 1973 | P | Manchester, NH |
Maguire | Thomas H. | 1976 | P | Boston, MA |
Mahan | Paul J. | 1968 | P | Boston, MA |
Maher | Daniel J. | 1962 | P | Albany, NY |
Maher | Robert J. | 1937 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Mahon | Gerald | 1971 | P | Winona, MN |
Mahoney | Daniel Joseph | 1952 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Mahoney | John E | 1964 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Mahoney | Robert | 1967 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Mahony (Bp) | Roger | 1962 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Maiers | Brennan | 1963 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Maio | Daniel C. | 1966 | P | Pueblo, CO |
Maio | Eugene A. | 1960 ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Maione | Francis T. | 1965 | P | Newark, NJ |
Majerus | Harry | 1942 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Mako | Louis | 1962 | P | Scranton, PA |
Makowski | Mark J. | 1987 | P | Duluth, MN |
Malawy | Michael D. | 1981 | P | Detroit, MI |
Malboeuf | Ronald | 1965 | P | Springfield, MA |
Malee | Kevin J. | 1978 | P | Great Falls-Billings, MT |
Malicki | Jan | 1973 | P | Miami, FL |
Mallman | Egon | 1929 | P | Portland, OR |
Malloy | Joseph J. | 1970 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Malloy | Robert Patrick | 1983 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Malone | Donald T. | 1960 | P | New York, NY |
Malone | Emmet | 1947 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Maloney | Edward J. | 1955 | P | Chicago, IL |
Maloney | Francis F. | 1959 | P | Palm Beach, FL |
Maloney | John P. | 1964 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Maloney | Thomas W. | 1967 | P | Peoria, IL |
Maloney | William F. | 1959 ? | P | Boston, MA |
Malsch | David J. | 1967 | P | Superior, WI |
Malzone | John D. | 1955 | P | Joliet, IL |
Mancuso | Joseph A. | 1970 | P | Albany, NY |
Mandeville | Lucien | 1935 | P | Portland, ME |
Mangen (Mangan) | Daniel J. | 1980 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Mangini | Charles M. | 1968 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Mann | Hubert | P | Manchester, NH | |
Mannetta | Andrew | 1983 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Manning | (Thomas) Gregory | 1944 | P | Duluth, MN |
Manning | C. (Charles) Robert | 1997 | P | Colorado Springs, CO |
Manning | Paul F. | 1967 | P | Boston, MA |
Manspeaker | Terry | D | Hartford, CT | |
Manuppella | Anthony J. | 1976 | P | Camden, NJ |
Manville | Alexander | 1953 ? | P | Orange, CA |
Many | Charles S. | 1974 | P | Norwich, CT |
Manzione | Arthur | D | New York, NY | |
Manzo | Fernando L. | 1983 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Manzo | Francis J. | 1962 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Maramba | Manuel Perez | ? | P | El Paso, TX |
Marcantonio | Robert A. | 1967 | P | Providence, RI |
Marcinek | Henry J. | 1956 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Marciulionis | Benedict J. | 1943 | P | Gaylord, MI |
Marcotte | David J. | 2014 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Mardaga | Ronald | 1980 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Marfori | Antonio F | 1978 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Margand | Paul | 1985 | P | Lincoln, NE |
Mariano | Angel Crisostomo | 1992 | P | San Jose, CA |
Marie | Eva | N | Louisville, KY | |
Marie | Genevieve | N | Portland, OR | |
Marier | Edward | 1988 | P | Spokane, WA |
Marin | Miguel | 1978 | P | El Paso, TX |
Marino | Vincent | 1983 | P | Norwich, CT |
Marinucci | Steven J. | 1974 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Marion | Sister | N | Helena, MT | |
Marion Jude | Sister | N | Fairbanks, AK | |
Mark | (unknown) | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Markey | Francis Xavier | 1952 | P | New Ulm, MN |
Marks | William Joseph | 1936 | P | New Ulm, MN |
Marmo | Theodore | 1965 | P | Seattle, WA |
Marotta | Robert | 1963 | P | Newark, NJ |
Marrer | Robert F. | 1950 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Marrokal | Donald P. | 1958 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Marron | Michael Victor | 1930 | P | San Diego, CA |
Marron | Peter Joseph | 1936 | P | San Diego, CA |
Marsh | John | 1958 | P | Seattle, WA |
Marshall | Thomas R. | 1959 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Marshall | William Hodgson (Hod | 1951 | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Marsicek | Robert (Bob) | 1968 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Marsico | Guy D. | 1973 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Martell | Dennis L. | 1976 | P | Detroit, MI |
Martin | Austin | ? | P | Savannah, GA |
Martin | Daniel J | 1943 | P | Erie, PA |
Martin | James Aloysius | < 1934 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Martin | John | 1918 | P | Lansing, MI |
Martin | John F. | P | Pueblo, CO | |
Martin | Jon C. | 1965 | P | Boston, MA |
Martin | Kenneth J. | 1989 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Martin | Kenneth L. | 1977 | P | Newark, NJ |
Martin | Patrick H. | 1937 | P | New York, NY |
Martin | Roger M. | 1951 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Martin Marie | Sister | N | New Orleans, LA | |
Martin, M.I.C.M. | Joseph M. | B | Worcester, MA | |
Martin/Peralta | Philip | 1979 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Martinez | Armando | 1961 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Martinez | Charles | 1980 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Martinez | Ernest | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Martinez | Luis (Louis) | P | Santa Fe, NM | |
Martinez | Robert Lee | 1979 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Martinez | Roger L. | 1976 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Martinez | Ruben D. | 1968 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Martinez | Samuel F. | B | New Orleans, LA | |
Martinez, Jr. | Frank R. | 1982 | P | Davenport, IA |
Martini | Richard M. | 1980 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Martinkosky | Joseph A. | 1957 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Martins | Nilo C. | P | Philadelphia, PA | |
Martlock | Loville N | 1963 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Martone | James A. | D | Springfield, MA | |
Mary Andrew | Sister | N | New York, NY | |
Mary Anne | Patricia | N | Portland, OR | |
Mary Asia | Sister | N | Fairbanks, AK | |
Mary Claudine | Sister | N | Providence, RI | |
Mary Jane | Sister | N | Peoria, IL | |
Mary Jane (in Louisville) | Sister | N | Louisville, KY | |
Mary Joanne | Sister | N | Fairbanks, AK | |
Mary Mark | Sister | N | Boston, MA | |
Mary Omer | Sister | N | New Orleans, LA | |
Mary Rosalia | Sister | N | Fairbanks, AK | |
Maryanski | Fabian | 1971 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Mascardo | Editho | 1983 | P | Stockton, CA |
Maskell | A. Joseph | 1965 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Maslar | William J. | 1956 | P | Allentown, PA |
Mason | James E. | 1967 | P | La Crosse, WI |
Massarella | Francis (Frank) A. | 1941 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Massaro | Gabriel | 1966 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Massie | Daniel J. | 1980 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Masters | Andrew | ? | P | New Orleans, LA |
Mataconis | Richard (Philip?) | 1965 | P | Albany, NY |
Mateo | Leonardo | 1959 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Mateos | Francisco | 1958 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Mathews | Abraham | P | Tyler, TX | |
Mathews | Philip A. | 1967 | P | Camden, NJ |
Mathis | Joseph L. | 1922 | P | Allentown, PA |
Matson | Mark N. | 1976 | P | Denver, CO |
Matte | Richard O. | 1964 | P | Boston, MA |
Mattice | George F. | 1964 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Mattingly | Julius Martin | B | Boston, MA | |
Matusak | Michael W. | 1975 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Maung | John S. | 1963 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Maurer | Arthur R. | 1947 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Maurer | Edward L. | 1969 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Maurizio | Joseph D | 1987 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Mawn | Benedict | 1945 | P | Boston, MA |
Maxwell | Bruce C. | 1975 | P | Detroit, MI |
May | Julius F. | B | Pittsburgh, PA | |
Mayer | Charles Patrick | 1996 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Mayer | Robert E. | 1964 | P | Chicago, IL |
Mayhew | Leonard Francis | 1955 | P | Atlanta, GA |
Maynard | Rene | ? | P | Buffalo, NY |
Mazon | Diego | 1960 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Mazza | Albert J. | 1996 | D | New York, NY |
Mazzotta | George J. | 1966 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
McAlinden | Terence O. | 1967 | P | Trenton, NJ |
McAndrews | John Kevin | 1949 | P | Boston, MA |
McAulay | John R. | 1975 | D | Newark, NJ |
McAuliffe | James M. | 1942 | P | Scranton, PA |
McAvoy | Mary | N | Boston, MA | |
McBride | Daniel R. | 1951 | P | Cleveland, OH |
McBrien | Kevin Michael | 1970 | P | Joliet, IL |
McCaa | Francis | 1948 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
McCabe | George V. | 1940 | P | Boston, MA |
McCabe | Patrick Joseph | 1961 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
McCabe | Vincent | 1946 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
McCafferty | Joseph F. | 1961 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
McCaffrey | Richard L. | 1973 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
McCaffrey | Vincent | 1978 | P | Chicago, IL |
McCallister | Charles E. | 1971 | P | Wheeling-Charleston, WV |
McCamley | Martin D. | 1962 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
McCann | William | 1925 | P | Newark, NJ |
McCarrick (Cardinal) | Theodore | 1958 | P | New York, NY |
McCarthy | Bernard J | 1947 | P | Helena, MT |
McCarthy | Charles J. | < 1940 | P | Rochester, NY |
McCarthy | Donald P. | 1959 | P | Alexandria, LA |
McCarthy | James | P | Portland, OR | |
McCarthy | John A. | 1933 | P | Syracuse, NY |
McCarthy | Michael J. | 1965 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
McCarthy | Raymond W. | 1945 | P | Fall River, MA |
McCarthy | Scott | 1974 | P | Monterey, CA |
McCarthy | Thomas | 1951 | P | Springfield, MA |
McCarthy | Thomas Bertrand | ? | P | Youngstown, OH |
McCarthy | Thomas J | 1980 | P | Buffalo, NY |
McCarthy | Timothy | 1973 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
McCarthy | William | 1963 | P | Paterson, NJ |
McCartney | Christopher J. | B | Chicago, IL | |
McCashin | William J. | P | Pittsburgh, PA | |
McClory | Bernard J. | 1953 | P | Columbus, OH |
McCloskey | Francis A. | P | Camden, NJ | |
McCloud | Henry J. | < 1964 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
McCole | John F. | 1958 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
McColgan | Charles P. | 1964 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
McComiskey | Joseph C. | 1970 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
McConaghy | R. Thomas | 1981 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
McConnell | Thomas C. | D | Knoxville, TN | |
McConnell | Tom | B | Santa Fe, NM | |
McConnin | Robert J. | 1973 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
McCool | J. William | 1973 | P | Cleveland, OH |
McCormack | Daniel J. | 1994 | P | Chicago, IL |
McCormick | Andrew D. | 1982 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
McCormick | James W | 1924 | P | Helena, MT |
McCormick | Peter | 1970 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
McCormick | Richard J. | 1970 | P | New York, NY |
McCray | Gerald | ? | P | Portland, OR |
McCreanor | David | 1975 | P | Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL |
McCrillis | Philip E. | 1961 | P | San Francisco, CA |
McCullen | John | 1944 | P | Toledo, OH |
McCutcheon | Peter M. | 1979 | P | Washington, DC |
McDaniel | John | 1955 | P | Little Rock, AR |
McDermott | James | 1981 | P | Albany, NY |
McDevitt | James J. | 1997 | P | Albany, NY |
McDevitt | John M. | 1966 | P | Wilmington, DE |
McDonagh | Charles | 1963 | P | New York, NY |
McDonald | Angus R. | 1965 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
McDonald | Finian | 1962 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
McDonald | Forrest | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
McDonald | James T. | 1953 | P | Boston, MA |
McDonald | John W, | 1943 | P | Spokane, WA |
McDonald | Michael | 1958 | P | Monterey, CA |
McDonald | Paul E. | 1964 | P | Boston, MA |
McDonald | Robert Joseph | 1973 | P | Chicago, IL |
McDonough | Daniel | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
McDonough | Howard | B | Cleveland, OH | |
McDonough | John Roger | < 1965 | P | St. Louis, MO |
McDowell | Archibald M. | 1933 | P | Portland, OR |
McElhatton | Thomas | < 1943 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
McElliott | Patrick | 1936 | P | Dubuque, IA |
McElroy | Herbert J. | 1934 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
McElroy, Jr. | John J. | 1985 | P | Camden, NJ |
McEnany | Shawn | B | Portland, ME | |
McFadden | George B. | 1952 | P | Sioux City, IA |
McGann | John R. (Bishop) | 1950 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
McGann | Richard P. | 1970 | P | Hartford, CT |
McGarry | Ralph | B | none | |
McGarvey | Joseph | 1950 | P | Camden, NJ |
McGee | Dominic E. | 1967 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
McGee, Jr. | H. Desmond | 1971 | P | Erie, PA |
McGeever | John J. | 1968 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
McGill | Henry | P | Dallas, TX | |
McGinley | Anthony J. | 1945 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
McGinn | Malachy M. | 1961 | P | San Diego, CA |
McGinnis III | James J. | 1978 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
McGinnity | Ambrose | 1945 | P | Gary, IN |
McGlade | K. Paul | B | Norwich, CT | |
McGloin | James | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
McGlynn | Francis E. | 1954 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
McGoldrick | Albert | 1978 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
McGovern | Harold J. | 1970 | P | Wilmington, DE |
McGovern | Joseph A. | 1979 | P | Wilmington, DE |
McGovern | Robert B. | B | New York, NY | |
McGowan | Joseph R. (J.R.) | 1920 | P | Portland, ME |
McGrath | Edward P. | 1969 | P | Norwich, CT |
McGrath | Francis | 1978 | P | Baltimore, MD |
McGrath | Gerald | 1958 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
McGrath | John E. | 1957 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
McGrath | Michael S. | 1975 | P | St. Louis, MO |
McGrath | Richard J. | 1973 | P | Joliet, IL |
McGrath | Sean John | 1954 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
McGreal | James | 1948 | P | Seattle, WA |
McGuire | Donald J. | 1961 | P | Chicago, IL |
McGuire | James E. | < 1970 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
McGurrin | Donald J. | 1944 | P | Boston, MA |
McHale | James J. | 1960 | P | Allentown, PA |
McHugh | Joseph | 1973 | P | Trenton, NJ |
McHugh | Patrick | 1943 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
McHugh | Paul | 1970 | P | Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO |
McInerney | Maurice | 1959 | P | Denver, CO |
McInnis | Joseph | 1941 | P | Boston, MA |
McIntyre | James P. | 1971 | P | Camden, NJ |
McIntyre | Robert J. | 1963 | P | Providence, RI |
McIntyre | William | 1943 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
McKay | Anthony | 1960 | P | Little Rock, AR |
McKean | Louis | 1947 | P | Portland, OR |
McKenna | Francis | 1927 | P | Buffalo, NY |
McKenna | Michael | 1973 | P | Grand Rapids, MI |
McKenna | Thomas | 1972 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
McKenzie | Joseph M. | 1951 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
McKeon | Brian A. | 1977 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
McKeon | James T. | 1928 | P | Boston, MA |
McKeon | Martin | 1952 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
McKeone | Lucien | 1959 | P | Portland, ME |
McKeown | Edward Joseph | 1970 | P | Nashville, TN |
McLaughlin | John E. | 1961 | P | Boston, MA |
McLaughlin | Michael P. | 1977 | P | Toledo, OH |
McLaughlin | Neil P. | 1959 | P | Scranton, PA |
McLaughlin | Paul J. | 1955 | P | Boston, MA |
McLaughlin | Thomas L. | 1956 | P | Columbus, OH |
McLaughlin | William G. | 1959 | P | Dubuque, IA |
McLeod | J. William | < 1938 | P | Portland, OR |
Mcllvane | Donald W. | 1952 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
McLoughlin | Edward | 1978 | P | Venice, FL |
McLoughlin | John G. | 1963 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
McLoughlin | Nicholas | 1966 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
McLoughlin | Richard J. | 1969 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
McLoughlin (Brother)) | John | B | Brooklyn, NY | |
McMahon | Albert | 1960 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
McMahon | Aloysius J. | 1953 | P | Omaha, NE |
McMahon | Gerard T. | 1961 | P | Boston, MA |
McMahon | Patrick Desmond | 1960 | P | Seattle, WA |
McMahon | Sean | 1962 | P | Albany, NY |
McMahon, Jr. | Benjamin J. | 1968 | P | Boston, MA |
McManus | Francis J. | 1973 | P | Boston, MA |
McManus | John P. | 1940 | P | Seattle, WA |
McMeel | Bernard Francis | 1954 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
McMenamin | Neil | B | Salt Lake City, UT | |
McMuldren | John | B | Anchorage, AK | |
McMullen | Francis | 1951 | P | Manchester, NH |
McMyler | Patrick | 1964 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
McNally | James P. | 1980 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
McNamara | John D. | 1948 | P | Springfield, MA |
McNamara | Patrick Carl | 1980 | P | San Diego, CA |
McNamara | Patrick H. | 1962 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
McNamara | Peter John | 1970 | P | Chicago, IL |
McNamara | Thomas | P | St. Augustine, FL | |
McNeely | Maurice G. | 1958 | P | Bismarck, ND |
McNeill | Douglas A. | 1970 | P | Gallup, NM |
McNelis | Francis Joseph | 1965 | P | Allentown, PA |
McNerney | James R. | 1982 | P | Albany, NY |
McNicholas | Edward J. | 1954 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
McNulty | J. Brendan | 1974 | P | Cleveland, OH |
McNulty | Patrick | < 1974 | P | San Antonio, TX |
McPartland | Paul G. | 1957 | P | Boston, MA |
McQuade | Richard E. | 1957 | P | Boston, MA |
McQuire (McGuire) | Joseph | P | Fall River, MA | |
McShane | James J. | 1966 | P | Burlington, VT |
McSheffery | Daniel C. | 1956 | P | Hartford, CT |
McSorley | James P. | 1946 | P | Portland, OR |
McSweeney | James E. | 1950 | P | Raleigh, NC |
Mea | John | P | Albany, NY | |
Mead | Brian E. | 1969 | P | Burlington, VT |
Meany | Thomas L. | 1955 | P | Corpus Christi, TX |
Medaer | Mark/Marc A. | 1950 | P | San Diego, CA |
Medeiros | Humberto S. | 1946 | P | Boston, MA |
Meder | Francis | n/a | B | Pittsburgh, PA |
Medina | Horacio Daniel | 1998 | P | Newark, NJ |
Medina-Cruz | Jamie | 1999 | P | Alexandria, LA |
Medvit | John Paul | B | Honolulu, HI | |
Meehan | Andrew | 1993 | P | Manchester, NH |
Meehan | Barry | 1978 | P | Providence, RI |
Meehan | John T. | 1964 | P | New York, NY |
Meehan | Richard F. | 1969 | P | Springfield, MA |
Meenan | John A. | 1965 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Meffan | Robert V. | 1953 | P | Boston, MA |
Meglio | Richard L. | 1972 | P | Providence, RI |
Meighan | Joseph F. | 1968 | P | Scranton, PA |
Meinberg | Carl H. | 1914 | P | Davenport, IA |
Meinhardt | Louis | B | St. Louis, MO | |
Meiring | Thomas | 1968 | P | Toledo, OH |
Meis | Finian | 1964 | P | Kansas City, KS |
Meis | J. Anthony | 1972 | P | Joliet, IL |
Meisinger | Joseph F. | < 1940 | P | Erie, PA |
Meisner | Theodore | 1957 | P | Louisville, KY |
Mejia | Ricardo | 1977 | P | San Diego, CA |
Mejia Gonzales | Jose | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Melancon | Robert L. | 1962 | P | Houma-Thibodaux, LA |
Melancon | Ron | B | St. Cloud, MN | |
Melendez | Carlos | ? | P | Houma-Thibodaux, LA |
Melfe | Francis P. | 1954 | P | Albany, NY |
Melia | Fenton J. | B | Spokane, WA | |
Melody | Owen John | 1962 | P | Military Services, US |
Melton | Edward L. | 1954 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Melville | Raymond P. | 1985 | P | Portland, ME |
Melzer | Howard | 1958 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Memolo | Rocco C. | 1976 | P | Manchester, NH |
Mena | Jose | 1961 | P | St. Augustine, FL |
Menager | Gabriel M. | < 1927 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Menapace | James L | 1963 | P | Marquette, MI |
Menard | Roland V. | 1964 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Mendez | Jose J. | 1983 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Mendicoa | John M. (Juan) | 1967 | P | Boston, MA |
Menge | James P. | 1962 | P | Springfield, MA |
Mengon | Albert (Alberto) | 1966 | P | Monterey, CA |
Menna | F. Dominic | 1958 | P | Boston, MA |
Mepingajira | Joseph | P | Spokane, WA | |
Mercado | Ibarra C. | ? | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Mercieca | Anthony | 1962 | P | Miami, FL |
Mercure | Gary J. | 1974 | P | Albany, NY |
Meredith | John R. | 1980 | P | Owensboro, KY |
Merkel | Mark K. | 1992 | P | Omaha, NE |
Merrell | Arthur R. | 1970 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Mertens | Arthur C. | 1949 | P | Spokane, WA |
Messenger | William P. | 1977 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Messier | Donald E. | 1968 | P | Fall River, MA |
Messier | Raymond P. | 1968 | P | Worcester, MA |
Messier | Rene D | 1945 | P | Gallup, NM |
Metzinger | Agnesina | N | Wichita, KS | |
Meunier | Lucien J | 1939 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Meyer | David | D | Covington, KY | |
Meyer | Gilbert | 1942 | P | Monterey, CA |
Meyer | Louis L. | < 1968 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Meyer | Thomas Gregory | 1970 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Meyers | John F. | 1983 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Miani | Titian Jim (Athos?) | 1955 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Micarelli | Edmund C. | 1959 | P | Providence, RI |
Michael | Edward | B | Boston, MA | |
Michael | Sister Joseph | N | Louisville, KY | |
Michaud | Lawrence Joseph | 1936 | P | Boston, MA |
Michaud | Leo James | 1977 | P | Portland, ME |
Michaud | Ronald N. | 1973 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Michele | Robert | 1955 | P | Portland, OR |
Michell | George J. | 1964 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Mickey | Richard L. | 1988 | P | Memphis, TN |
Mickus | James J. | 1972 | P | Oklahoma City, OK |
Middlecamp | Eric | 1952 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Mieliwocki | Richard J. | 1972 | P | Newark, NJ |
Mierzwa | Ronald | 1976 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Migan | Matthew (Anthony) | B | Detroit, MI | |
Migliazzo | Felix | 1949 | P | Monterey, CA |
Mihalak | James J. | 1976 | P | Allentown, PA |
Mika | Joseph F. | 1951 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Mike, Jr. | John Joseph | 1975 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Mikulich | Joseph | 1922 ? | P | Great Falls-Billings, MT |
Milanese | John | 1974 | P | Burlington, VT |
Milbauer | Florian | 1950 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Miles | Matthew | B | Washington, DC | |
Milewski | Richard | 1983 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Millar | Andrew L. | 1958 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Millard | Daniel F. M. | P | Camden, NJ | |
Miller | (unknown) | P | Toledo, OH | |
Miller | Alfred J. | 1964 | P | Detroit, MI |
Miller | Charles H. | 1964 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Miller | Elden Joseph | 1954 | P | Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN |
Miller | Francis | 1949 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Miller | Gary M. | 1972 | P | Chicago, IL |
Miller | George Michael | 1963 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Miller | James C. | 1983 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Miller | Louis E. | 1941 | P | Louisville, KY |
Miller | Michael | 2001 | P | Hartford, CT |
Miller | Michael J. | 1987 | P | Albany, NY |
Miller | Thomas R. | 1979 | P | Peoria, IL |
Miller | William | 1922 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Mills | Donald J. | 1982 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Mills | Henry | 1988 | P | New York, NY |
Miltz | Karl Joseph | 1974 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Minh | Vincent | 1968 | P | Portland, OR |
Minogue | Michael | 1981 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Miraglia | Salvatore J. | 1975 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Miranda | Ray | D | Tucson, AZ | |
Misercola | Chester A. | 1964 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Mitchel | Bede | 1925 | P | Fort Worth, TX |
Mitchell | Darell | P | Yakima, WA | |
Mitchell | James | 1973 ? | P | Seattle, WA |
Mitchell | John D. | 1938 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Mitchell | Peter G. | 1951 | P | Hartford, CT |
Miyares | Gustavo J. | 1973 | P | Miami, FL |
Modica | John B. | 1945 | P | Lexington, KY |
Modicowitz (Modicourtz) | Edwin | 1933 ? | P | Boston, MA |
Moeglein | James | 1970 | P | Detroit, MI |
Moffat | Gerald | 1956 | P | Seattle, WA |
Mohan | James J. | 1959 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Mohan | Thomas Joseph | 1935 | P | Orange, CA |
Mohm | James A. | P | St. Cloud, MN | |
Mohs | Wendell | B | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN | |
Molling | Mark L. | 1980 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Molloy | Joseph W. | P | Paterson, NJ | |
Moloney | Thomas | 1943 | P | San Diego, CA |
Molthen | Vincent | 1951 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Monaghan | James T. | 1946 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Monaghan | Nicholas Francis | 1907 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Monahan | Hugh F. | 1968 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Monahan | Joseph R. | 1962 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Monahan | Paul A. | 1960 | P | Des Moines, IA |
Moniz | John Rodrigues | B | San Jose, CA | |
Monroe | Haorld | 1974 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Montagna | Paolino | ? | P | San Diego, CA |
Monte | Alfred J. | 1940 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Montero | Francisco (Fredy) | 1996 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Montgomery | Michael | B | Cincinnati, OH | |
Montoya | Leonardo | S | Bridgeport, CT | |
Moody | Michael Andre | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Mooney | Edward | 1949 | P | Little Rock, AR |
Mooney | Vincent | 1956 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Moore | Charles L. | 1964 | P | Monterey, CA |
Moore | Joseph P. | 1971 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Moorse | Dunstan | 1978 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Morales | Raymond D. | 1981 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Morales Jordan | Emilio | D | Omaha, NE | |
Morales Vazquez | Jose | 2008 | P | Biloxi, MS |
Moran | Edward M. | 1976 | P | Hartford, CT |
Moran | Robert E. | 1969 | P | Lafayette, IN |
Moreau | Clarence | B | Great Falls-Billings, MT | |
Morel | Albert J. | B | Manchester, NH | |
Morel | John J. | 1969 | P | Camden, NJ |
Morel | Robert | 1969 | P | Newark, NJ |
Moreno | Jorge | 1970 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Morgan | Arthur C. | 1959 | P | Las Cruces, NM |
Morgan | Harry R. | 1953 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Morgan | William H. | 1950 | P | Boston, MA |
Moriarty | John | B | San Francisco, CA | |
Moriarty | Paul J. | 1948 | P | Boston, MA |
Morin | Gerald/Gerard | 1942 | P | Seattle, WA |
Morris | William J. | 1914 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Morrissette | Robert H. | 1975 | P | Boston, MA |
Morrissey | Robert P. | 1976 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Morrow | Thomas O. | 1971 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Morse | John J. | 1961 | P | Spokane, WA |
Morse | John J. "Jack" | 1957 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Morvant | Kenneth | 1961 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Moslener | Robert | 1976 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Moss | George | < 1943 | P | San Jose, CA |
Moss | Robert D. | 1969 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Motherway | Thomas F. | 1969 | P | Boston, MA |
Motsay | Russell E. | 1972 | P | Scranton, PA |
Mott | John D. | 1956 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Mountain | Harold B | 1942 | P | Winona, MN |
Mountain | Joseph | 1952 | P | Winona, MN |
Mouser | J. Irvin | 1965 | P | Louisville, KY |
Mousley | Thomas | 1976 | D | Newark, NJ |
Mowat | Anton | P | Atlanta, GA | |
Mravintz | Ralph | B | Pittsburgh, PA | |
Mraz | John Stephen | 1975 | P | Allentown, PA |
Muehe | Dennis F. | 1954 | P | Seattle, WA |
Mueller | John J. | 1959 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Mueller | Joseph | 1983 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Mueller | William C. | B | Pueblo, CO | |
Muench | Joseph N. | 1981 | P | Covington, KY |
Mueth | Edward V. | 1924 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Muha | Edward J. | 1945 | P | Hartford, CT |
Mulhall | Francis X. | 1947 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Mulholland | John H. | 1965 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Mulica | F. James | 1967 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Mullen | Frank | D | Detroit, MI | |
Mullen | Timothy F. | 1973 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Mullin | Doug | 2007 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Mullin | Jay Michael | 1969 | P | Boston, MA |
Mullins | Lawrence (Larry) | 1977 | P | Joliet, IL |
Mulokozi | Deusdedit | 2003 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Mulryan | Thomas | B | St. Petersburg, FL | |
Mulsoff | Donald John | 1969 | P | Chicago, IL |
Mulvihill | Daniel B. | 1953 | P | Wichita, KS |
Mundy | Joseph T. | 1981 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Munie | Orville Lawrence | 1931 ? | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Munoz | Antonio | P | Stockton, CA | |
Munoz Capetillo | Octavio | 2004 | P | Chicago, IL |
Murasso | Jeremiah | 1979 | P | Hartford, CT |
Murguia | Ralph | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Murnig | Guy Anthony | 1970 ? | P | San Francisco, CA |
Muroski | Leon T. | 1960 | P | Erie, PA |
Murphy | Alfred M. | 1956 | P | Boston, MA |
Murphy | Charles J. | 1959 | P | Boston, MA |
Murphy | Clement Adan | B | Chicago, IL | |
Murphy | Cornelius K. | 1945 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Murphy | David C. | 1963 | P | Boston, MA |
Murphy | Dennis P. | 1974 | P | Richmond, VA |
Murphy | Edmundus | B | Erie, PA | |
Murphy | Francis (Frank) A. | 1957 | P | Anchorage, AK |
Murphy | Francis J. | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Murphy | Howard | B | Rockville Centre, NY | |
Murphy | James E. | 1963 | P | Fall River, MA |
Murphy | James Robert | 1977 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Murphy | James William | 1948 | P | Memphis, TN |
Murphy | John Daniel | 1968 | P | Chicago, IL |
Murphy | John E | B | Chicago, IL | |
Murphy | John M. | 1951 | P | New Ulm, MN |
Murphy | Joseph L. | 1936 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Murphy | Joseph P. | 1988 | P | Norwich, CT |
Murphy | Kenneth B. | 1946 | P | Boston, MA |
Murphy | Lawrence C. | 1950 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Murphy | Neil J. | 1957 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Murphy | Peter B | 1955 | P | Sioux City, IA |
Murphy | Robert | B | Savannah, GA | |
Murphy | Thomas Ignatius | B | Chicago, IL | |
Murphy | Timothy | 1967 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Murray | Daniel J. | 1973 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Murray | Donald | P | Rapid City, SD | |
Murray | Edward Francis | 1950 | P | Lexington, KY |
Murray | James Glenn /J-Glenn | 1979 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Murray | Jerome C | 1949 | P | Lincoln, NE |
Murray | John | 1960 | P | Cheyenne, WY |
Murray | John J. | 1947 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Murray | John L. | 1947 | P | Erie, PA |
Murray | S.John | 1956 | P | Savannah, GA |
Murray | Timothy J. | 1977 | P | Detroit, MI |
Murtha | Michael G. | 1993 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Musholt | Silas | 1951 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Musinski | Donald T. | 1962 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Muth | Stephen J. | 1982 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Muzic | Anthony J. | 1963 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Myers | Regis | 1954 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Myers | William S. | 1988 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Nadal | J. Bart | 1947 | P | Denver, CO |
Nadzam | John B. | 1950 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Namie | James B | 1954 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Nanko | Alexander (Al) | 1961 | P | none |
Nash | John C. | 1975 | P | Norwich, CT |
Nash | Michael Patrick | 1980 | P | Juneau, AK |
Nash | William T. | 1915 | P | Portland, OR |
Naughton | Thomas J. | 1965 | P | Dallas, TX |
Nave | Francis | 1992 | P | Allentown, PA |
Navit | Zachary | 1994 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Nawn | Francis X. | 1951 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Nawn | Henry "Harry" J. | 1955 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Nawrocki | Lawrence | P | Detroit, MI | |
Nealen | Giles L. | 1951 | P | Erie, PA |
Nealon | Daniel J. | 1981 | P | Cleveland, OH |
Neary | Thomas | ? | P | Monterey, CA |
Neary | Thomas E. | 1954 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Ned | Father | P | Scranton, PA | |
Nee | Kenneth T. | 1953 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Neeson | Joseph | 1890 | P | Louisville, KY |
Neetz | Christian | B | Altoona-Johnstown, PA | |
Neighbor | Russell J. | P | Manchester, NH | |
Neiman | William P. | P | Manchester, NH | |
Nelson | Francis X. | 1989 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Netter | Edmund W. | 1951 | P | New York, NY |
Neuberger | Michael T. | 1962 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Neuroth | William J. | 1963 | P | Sioux Falls, SD |
Neville | Francis E. | 1973 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Newell | Jeffrey | 1990 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Newman | Charles | 1985 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Newman | Louis I. | 1958 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Newman | Robert Victor | 1981 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Newton | John Ambrose | 1932 | P | Gallup, NM |
Nguyen | Dac | 1988 | P | Houma-Thibodaux, LA |
Nguyen | Dominc | 1995 | P | Orange, CA |
Nguyen | Joseph aka Edward | P | Memphis, TN | |
Nguyen | Paul | 1980 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Nguyen | Vincent The Quang | 1975 | P | Biloxi, MS |
Ngwumohaike | Anthony | 1969 | P | Boston, MA |
Nhi | Tran Dinh | 1971 | P | Arlington, VA |
Nicewicz | Edward | 1962 | P | Worcester, MA |
Nichols | Richard W. | 1958 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Nichols | Stephen J. | 1986 | P | Burlington, VT |
Nicholson | John | 1948 | P | Duluth, MN |
Nicholson | Patrick J. L. | 1969 | P | Mobile, AL |
Nickas | John P. | 1966 | P | Newark, NJ |
Nickel | James R. | 1970 | P | Fall River, MA |
Nickerson | David J. | B | Milwaukee, WI | |
Nickse | Jose Pablo | 1973 | P | Miami, FL |
Niebrugge | Richard | P | Springfield, IL | |
Nienaber | Leonard B. | 1934 | P | Lexington, KY |
Nienstedt | John C. | 1974 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Nigli | Francis A. | 1997 | P | Omaha, NE |
Nikliborc | Robert Daniel. | 1955 | P | San Diego, CA |
Niland | Jack | 1976 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Nixon | Dominic | B | Jefferson City, MO | |
Nocinski | Rudolph Stefan | B | Green Bay, WI | |
Nocita | Michael Stephen | 1977 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Noel | James E. | 1954 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Noia | Leonel C. | 1973 | P | San Jose, CA |
Nolan | James F. | 1929 | P | Scranton, PA |
Nolan | William A. | 1985 | P | Madison, WI |
Nolin | John W. | 1960 | P | Manchester, NH |
Norris | Francis L. | 1956 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Nouwen | Robert L. | D | Mobile, AL | |
Novak | James M. | 1957 | P | Lansing, MI |
Nowak | James A. | 1967 | P | Joliet, IL |
Nowak | Michael E. | 1997 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Nowak | Randolph | 1952 | P | New York, NY |
Nowery | C. Richard | 1968 | P | Austin, TX |
Nuedling | George A. | 1948 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Nugent | Francis "Frank" E. | 1956 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Nunan | Jeremiah | 1963 | P | Albany, NY |
Nunez | Joseph R. | 1922 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Nurek | Marcin | 2017 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Nwankwo | Cyril | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Nwaogu | Emeh ""Anthony"" | 1977 | P | Dallas, TX |
Nwoga | Laserian | P | Camden, NJ | |
Nyhan | W. James | 1973 | P | Boston, MA |
Nys | Loren | 1967 | P | Green Bay, WI |
O'Brien | Arthur J. | 1983 | P | Washington, DC |
O'Brien | Eugene J | 1956 | P | New York, NY |
O'Brien | John | B | Spokane, WA | |
O'Brien | John A. | 1964 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
O'Brien | John Francis | B | New York, NY | |
O'Brien | John Francis | 1962 | P | Wilmington, DE |
O'Brien | John/Br. Fermilian | 1975 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
O'Brien | Joseph C. | 1942 | P | Springfield, IL |
O'Brien | Kevin | P | Miami, FL | |
O'Brien | Lawrence | B | Oakland, CA | |
O'Brien | Michael C. | 1965 | P | Seattle, WA |
O'Brien | Michael J. | 1963 | P | Newark, NJ |
O'Brien | Michael P | 1970 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
O'Brien | Thomas | 1974 | P | Detroit, MI |
O'Brien | Thomas J. (Bishop) | 1961 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
O'Brien | Thomas J., Msgr | 1950 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
O'Brien | William | < 1951 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
O'Brien | William | 1925 | P | Seattle, WA |
O'Brien | William John | 1973 | P | Chicago, IL |
O'Byrne | John F. | 1961 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
O'Carroll | Charles W. | 1922 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
O'Connell | Kenneth F. | 1956 | P | New York, NY |
O'Connell | Lawrence | 1930 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
O'Connell | Michael W. | 1983 | P | Chicago, IL |
O'Connell | Vincent A. | ? | P | Fresno, CA |
O'Connell | William C. | 1950 | P | Providence, RI |
O'Connell (Bp) | Anthony J. | 1963 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
O'Connor | Colman | 1954 | P | Monterey, CA |
O'Connor | Cornelius F. | 1946 | P | Sacramento, CA |
O'Connor | Donal P. | 1955 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
O'Connor | Donald | 1964 | P | Joliet, IL |
O'Connor | Gavin | 1977 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
O'Connor | James | 1969 | P | Austin, TX |
O'Connor | John | 1916 | P | Albany, NY |
O'Connor | John J. | 1960 | P | San Francisco, CA |
O'Connor | John Justin | B | New York, NY | |
O'Connor | Patrick J. | 1985 | P | Cleveland, OH |
O'Connor | Paul Cornelius | 1929 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
O'Connor | Richard | P | Yakima, WA | |
O'Connor | Thomas J. | P | Springfield, MA | |
O'Dea | Loren | 1993 | P | Detroit, MI |
O'Dea | Thomas E. | 1960 | P | Fall River, MA |
O'Dell | Jack | B | Chicago, IL | |
O'Doherty | Aloysius A | 1940 | P | Portland, OR |
O'Doherty | Liam | 1965 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
O'Donahue | unknown | P | Seattle, WA | |
O'Donnell | Henry B. | 1949 | P | Steubenville, OH |
O'Donnell | Patrick G. | 1971 | P | Spokane, WA |
O'Donnell | Robert J | 1966 | P | Helena, MT |
O'Donnell | Terence (Terry) | 1970 | P | St. Petersburg, FL |
O'Donnell | Thomas M. | 1960 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
O'Donoghue | Brendan W. | 1950 | P | Worcester, MA |
O'Donoghue | Charles | P | Trenton, NJ | |
O'Donovan | Rickard J. | 1949 | P | Boston, MA |
O'Dowd | Eamon | 1959 | P | Orlando, FL |
O'Dwyer | Patrick | 1924 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
O'Farrill | Juan Ramon | 1945 | P | Miami, FL |
O'Flaherty | John G. | 1942 | P | Pueblo, CO |
O'Flynn | Patrick | P | Portland, OR | |
O'Friel | Daniel F. | 1961 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
O'Gorman | Thomas | 1977 | P | Chicago, IL |
O'Grady | James F. | 1954 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
O'Grady | Oliver Francis | 1971 | P | Stockton, CA |
O'Grady | Peter P. | 1933 | P | Spokane, WA |
O'Hara | Frank J. | 1941 | P | Springfield, IL |
O'Hearn | Richard | P | Springfield, MA | |
O'Herlihy | Michael D. | 1961 | P | New York, NY |
O'Keefe | John | 1972 | P | New York, NY |
O'Keeffe | Patrick J. | 1959 | P | San Diego, CA |
O'Leary | Arthur P. | 1975 | P | Boston, MA |
O'Leary | Mark | 1985 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
O'Leary | Patrick | P | Chicago, IL | |
O'Liddy | Patrick Henry | 1990 | P | Denver, CO |
O'Loghlen | Martin | 1961 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
O'Malley | James J. | 1946 | P | Spokane, WA |
O'Malley | Thomas F. | 1930 | P | Springfield, MA |
O'Malley | William P. III | 1970 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
O'Neil | Leo J. | 1956 | P | Worcester, MA |
O'Neill | James W. | 1967 | P | Wilmington, DE |
O'Neill | John A. | 1918 | P | Scranton, PA |
O'Neill | Patrick G. | 1953 | P | Seattle, WA |
O'Neill | Robert F. | 1962 | P | Rochester, NY |
O'Neill | Thomas P. | 1957 | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
O'Neill | Vincent | 1972 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
O'Neill | William V. | 1931 | P | Boston, MA |
O'Reilly | Ben | B | Brooklyn, NY | |
O'Reilly | Patrick | 1906 | P | Portland, OR |
O'Reilly | Unknown | P | Great Falls-Billings, MT | |
O'Rourke | Thomas E. | 1943 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
O'Rourke | Thomas J. | 1963 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
O'Shaughnessy | Donald J. | 1955 | P | Chicago, IL |
O'Shea | Patrick J. | 1958 | P | San Francisco, CA |
O'Sullivan | Arthur | P | El Paso, TX | |
O'Sullivan | Brother | B | Seattle, WA | |
O'Sullivan | Eugene M. | 1960 | P | Boston, MA |
O'Sullivan | John J. | 1950 | P | Camden, NJ |
O'Sullivan | Michael J. | 1955 | P | San Antonio, TX |
O'Sullivan | Timothy Joseph | B | Newark, NJ | |
O'Sullivan | Vincent | B | Seattle, WA | |
O'Toole | Henry | 1944 | P | Baltimore, MD |
O'Toole | Paul L. | 1967 | P | Chicago, IL |
Obersinner | Joseph | 1957 | P | Helena, MT |
Ocana | Manuel C | < 1998 | P | Seattle, WA |
Ochoa | Francisco Xavier | 1969 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Ochoa | Javier | ? | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Ochoa | Unknown | P | El Paso, TX | |
Ochs | Glen | 1948 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Ocloo | Anthony | P | Brooklyn, NY | |
Ohazulume | Christian | 1996 | P | Boston, MA |
Ohlemacher | Richard N. | 1955 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Ojeda | Uriel | 2007 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Okon | Eugene Jack | 1970 | P | Indianapolis, IN |
Okorn | Dusan Anthony | 1947 | P | Helena, MT |
Olarte (Olartez) | Mario Arbelaez | 1994 | P | Salt Lake City, UT |
Olinger | Julius | 1931 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Olivas | Jose Alfredo | 1981 | P | El Paso, TX |
Oliver | John A. | 1952 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Olivier | Robert | 1957 | P | Jackson, MS |
Olkowski | Brian Keith | S | Baltimore, MD | |
Olowin | Jan C. | 1968 | P | Erie, PA |
Olschaysken/Olschausken | Leo | ? | P | Gaylord, MI |
Olschowski | Fridolin | 1949 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Olszewski | Edward Theodore | 1960 | P | Detroit, MI |
Omarini | Contardo Angelo | 1936 | P | Newark, NJ |
Omemaga | Emmanuel O. | 1983 | P | San Diego, CA |
Onderko | John M. | 1962 | P | Peoria, IL |
Onyia | Basil Chukwuma | ? | P | Brownsville, TX |
Oosterman | Bernard "Benno" | 1956 | P | Spokane, WA |
Opat | Kenneth M. | 1969 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Ophals | Donald J. | 1961 | P | Albany, NY |
Orellana Mendoza | Samuel | 1968 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Oris | Fabian G. | 1942 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Orlando | Richard J. | 1947 | P | Rochester, NY |
Orlando | Vincent A. | 1974 | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Ormechea | John Baptist "J.B." | 1965 | P | Chicago, IL |
Ormsby | Basil A | 1942 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Ornowski | Gerald J. | 1962 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Orr | Garrett | 1983 | P | Washington, DC |
Orsini | Joseph | 1964 | P | Camden, NJ |
Orso-Manzonetta | Aldo Carlo | 1950 | P | Portland, OR |
Orsolits | Norbert F | 1965 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Orteneau | Eugene F. | 1982 | P | Norwich, CT |
Ortiz-Dietz | Xavier | 1977 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Ory | Claude | n/a | B | New Orleans, LA |
Osborne | Robert R. | 1966 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Oser | Donald J. | 1953 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Osgood | Donald Matthew | 1955 | P | Manchester, NH |
Osinski | Peter J. | 1969 | P | Camden, NJ |
Oswald | Ted | 1984 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Otero | Cornelius T. (Neil) | 1949 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Ouellette | Lionel P. | 1957 | P | Boston, MA |
Ouellette | Rosario E. | < 1930s | P | Portland, ME |
Ouimet | J. Lawrence | 1974 | P | Norwich, CT |
Ours | Robert A. | 1980 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Owens | John | 1960 | P | Bismarck, ND |
Owens | Joseph | 1965 | P | Chicago, IL |
Owens | Joseph | 1971 | P | Norwich, CT |
Owens-Howard | J. (James) Robert | 1974 | P | Charleston, SC |
Owino | Felix C. | 1992 | P | Wheeling-Charleston, WV |
Ozog | Thaddeus | 1956 | P | Detroit, MI |
Pace | Joseph A. | 1988 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Pacheco | Dan (Danilo) | B | San Francisco, CA | |
Pacheco | Gary | 1974 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Pacheco | Joseph | 1957 | P | Monterey, CA |
Pacheco | Mario | 1976 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Padilla | Ruben Mark | B | none | |
Paduch | Frank | 1989 | B | Chicago, IL |
Pagacz | Julian S. | 1973 ? | P | Boston, MA |
Page | Raymond J. | 1946 | P | Worcester, MA |
Pagni, III | Thomas James | 1977 | P | Orlando, FL |
Pairon | Ralph W | 1953 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Paiz | William | 1979 | P | Fort Worth, TX |
Palathingal | Simon | 1972 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Palimattom | Jose | ? | P | Palm Beach, FL |
Palko | John J. | 1967 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Pallathuparambil | Xavier | 1952 | P | Santa Rosa, CA |
Pallikunnen | Emmanuel | 1952 | P | Chicago, IL |
Palmese | Anthony D. | 1976 | P | Omaha, NE |
Palmitessa | Paul | 1956 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Palys | Daniel J. | 1969 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Panepinto | Vincent | 1967 | P | Rochester, NY |
Pankowski | Joseph | ? | P | New Orleans, LA |
Pansza | Gilbert Albert | 2000 | P | Fort Worth, TX |
Pantoja | Eusebio | 1969 | P | Chicago, IL |
Paone | Ernest C. | 1957 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Papile | Joseph A. | 1988 | D | Boston, MA |
Paquet | Michael | 1978 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Paquette, Jr. | Edward O. | 1957 | P | Burlington, VT |
Paquin | Ronald H. | 1973 | P | Boston, MA |
Paramo | Thomas | 1956 | P | Chicago, IL |
Paraniuk | Michael | 1981 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Paredes | Edmundo | 1985 | P | Dallas, TX |
Parenti | Robert J. | 1972 | P | Trenton, NJ |
Parillo | John R. | 1970 | P | Youngstown, OH |
Parisi | Frank J. | 1985 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Park | Austin N, | 1955 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Parker | Kenneth R. | 1965 | P | Raleigh, NC |
Parks | Steven | ? | P | Lafayette, LA |
Parlangeli | Anthony | B | Miami, FL | |
Parme | George J. | 1948 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Parrakow | Edmond A. | 1968 | P | New York, NY |
Parrott | Thomas | 1950 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Parry | Bede | 1983 | P | Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO |
Pascal | Sister | N | Fairbanks, AK | |
Pascale | Anthony | 1958 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Paschal | Thomas | ? | B | Norwich, CT |
Patejko | Gregory (Zbigniew) | 1953 | P | Fargo, ND |
Pater | Daniel | 1979 | P | Cincinnati, OH |
Patil | Gabriel M. | 1972 | P | Allentown, PA |
Patino-Arango | Juan Carlos | S | Galveston-Houston, TX | |
Patnode | Joseph I. (not John) | 1918 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Patrick | Michael T. | 1983 | P | Portland, OR |
Patterson | Charles H. | 1951 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Paturzo | Louis S. | 1973 | P | Hartford, CT |
Paul | Henry A. | 1941 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Paul | John P. | 1972 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Paul | Raymond | 1955 | P | Hartford, CT |
Paulantonio | Joseph | 1945 | P | Atlanta, GA |
Paulin | George A. | 1970 | P | Burlington, VT |
Paulish | W (William) Jeffrey | 1988 | P | Scranton, PA |
Pausch | George W. | 1931 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Pauson | Richard | 1957 | P | Portland, OR |
Pavlicek | Edward | 1983 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Pavlik | James J. | 1963 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Pavlock | Martin L | 1966 | P | Buffalo, NY |
Pawlaczyk | Andrew W. | 1962 | P | Erie, PA |
Pcolka | Raymond | 1965 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Pearce | J. Donald | 1959 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Pease | Joseph M. | 1961 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Pecharich | Michael P. | 1973 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Pechulis | Justin Paul | 1958 | P | Charlotte, NC |
Peck | Daniel P. | 1965 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Pecklers | Keith F. | 1984 ? | P | Newark, NJ |
Pecore | Dennis A. | 1982 | P | Baltimore, MD |
Pedraza-Arias | Alfredo | ? | P | Rockford, IL |
Peebles, Jr. | Robert R. | 1977 | P | Dallas, TX |
Peguero | Lawrence | 1947 | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Peguero | Robert H. | 1975 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Pelaez | Oscar (Oskar) | 1994 ? | P | Stockton, CA |
Pelkington | Robert P. (Leo) | 1968 | P | Hartford, CT |
Pellerin | Albert | B | Portland, ME | |
Pelletier | Eugene | 1953 | P | Manchester, NH |
Pelletier | Leonard E. | 1969 | P | Boston, MA |
Pellettieri (Pelletieri) | Joseph F. | 1965 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Pelton | Maxwell "Ron" | D | Phoenix, AZ | |
Peltz | Carl Anthony | 1977 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Pena | Amado | S | Los Angeles, CA | |
Pender | John A. | 1962 | P | Scranton, PA |
Penna | Sylvester | 1948 | P | Portland, OR |
Peralta | Carlos | 1990 | P | Chicago, IL |
Perdue | John | 1985 | P | Sioux City, IA |
Pereira | Anthony Louise | N | Louisville, KY | |
Pereppadan | Varghese | P | Boston, MA | |
Perez | Angel Armando | 2002 | P | Portland, OR |
Perez | Francisco Javier | 1973 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Perez | Henry | 1973 | P | Phoenix, AZ |
Perez Torrez | Eduardo | ? | P | Stockton, CA |
Peris | John B | P | Santa Fe, NM | |
Peris | Vincente | P | Santa Fe, NM | |
Perone | Rocco | 1949 | P | Portland, OR |
Perrault | Arthur J | 1964 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Perreault | Louis G. | 1962 | P | San Bernardino, CA |
Perretta | Andrew T. | 1975 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Perron | Toussaint J. | 1959 | P | Peoria, IL |
Perry | Francis "Drew" A. | 1998 | P | Raleigh, NC |
Person | James | 1979 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Perzan | Stephen B. | 1973 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Peschel | Roland A. | 1960 | P | Omaha, NE |
Petekiewicz | Robert | P | Las Vegas, NV | |
Peters | Donald R. (A.?) | 1950 | P | Milwaukee, WI |
Peters | John | 1944 | P | Dubuque, IA |
Peterson | Dennis L. | 1973 | P | Galveston-Houston, TX |
Peterson | Leonard | 1967 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Peterson | Louis P. | 1974 | P | Belleville, IL |
Petit | Philip A. | 1980 | P | Manchester, NH |
Petracca | Anthony J. | 1985 | P | Altoona-Johnstown, PA |
Petraitis | Donald | 1964 | P | Norwich, CT |
Petrella | Robert Joseph | 1964 | P | Washington, DC |
Petrocelli | John N. | 1971 | P | Providence, RI |
Petroski | Ronald P. | P | Brooklyn, NY | |
Petrusic | Anthony | 1957 | P | Omaha, NE |
Pezzotti | Mario | 1959 | P | Boston, MA |
Pfalzer | Roman | 1947 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Pham | Joseph Thang Xuan | 1985 | P | Richmond, VA |
Phan | Kevin | S | Chicago, IL | |
Phelan | Victor | 1971 | P | Newark, NJ |
Philipsen | Martin H. | 1942 | P | Helena, MT |
Phillips | James | vows 1970 | B | St. Cloud, MN |
Phillips | John | 1953 | P | Albany, NY |
Physician | Thomas R. | 1958 | P | Detroit, MI |
Piatkowski | John A. | < 1935 | P | Erie, PA |
Picardi, Jr. | John M. | 1983 | P | Boston, MA |
Pichette | David A. | 1967 | P | Wheeling-Charleston, WV |
Pick | Louis V. | 1939 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Pickett | Robert | D | Omaha, NE | |
Pierce | George R. | 1959 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Pierre | Eugene E. | 1914 | P | Portland, OR |
Pierson | John | 1972 | P | Monterey, CA |
Pilarski | Peter R. | 1959 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Pilarski | Raymond J. | 1955 | P | Gaylord, MI |
Pilger | Joseph J. | 1955 | P | Owensboro, KY |
Pillon | Gordon John | 1979 | P | Orange, CA |
Pilon | Jerome | 1989 | P | Peoria, IL |
Pimple | Alfred | 1938 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Pina | Joseph D. | 1972 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Pinal Contellanos | Jose Anthony | 1980 | P | Sacramento, CA |
Pinard | Paul A. | 1959 | P | Norwich, CT |
Pindel | Paul E. | 1951 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Pineau | Joseph | 1932 | P | Spokane, WA |
Pinkosh | Joseph | 1969 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Pinkowski | Terrance | 1949 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Pinkston | Nickolas Eugene | S | St. Louis, MO | |
Pintado Herrera | Jorge Patricio | P | New York, NY | |
Pinter | Alexander | < 1946 | P | Toledo, OH |
Pipala | Edward | 1966 | P | New York, NY |
Pirrung | George | 1954 | P | Tucson, AZ |
Pisaneschi | Clare | N | Scranton, PA | |
Pisarcik | John G. | 1970 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Pisik | Timothy E. | 1974 | P | Camden, NJ |
Piskula | Louis Francis | 1975 | P | Owensboro, KY |
Pistone | Tony | 1953 | B | Fort Worth, TX |
Pitcavage | William | 1976 | P | Sioux Falls, SD |
Pitsch | Thomas | 1941 | P | Seattle, WA |
Pizzutti | Lawrence | P | Albany, NY | |
Placa | Alan J. | 1970 | P | Rockville Centre, NY |
Placa | Stephen | 1995 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Plakut | Casimir | 1938 | P | Crookston, MN |
Plamondon | James W. | 1951 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Plante | Albert R. | 1948 | P | Ogdensburg, NY |
Plaushin | Mark | 1989 | P | Scranton, PA |
Pleimann (Plieman) | Bernard Thomas | B | Los Angeles, CA | |
Plesetz | Gerald John | 1970 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Pliauplis | Christopher | 1987 | P | New York, NY |
Plimmer | Walter | 1934 | P | Steubenville, OH |
Plocinski | Leonard E. | 1954 | P | Portland, OR |
Plock | Charles | 1973 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Plourde | Michael L. | 1976 | P | Portland, ME |
Plourde | Raymond C. | 1958 | P | Boston, MA |
Plunkett | Gregory J. | 1988 | P | Peoria, IL |
Poandl | Robert | 1968 | P | Wheeling-Charleston, WV |
Poche | Daniel | 1978 | P | Houma-Thibodaux, LA |
Pock | Donald P. | 1958 | P | Joliet, IL |
Podson | Ted (Theodore) | 1976 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Poepperling | William C. | < 1953 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Poff | Edward | 1958 | P | Joliet, IL |
Pohl | Stephen A. | 1985 | P | Louisville, KY |
Pohlen | John | < 1923 | P | Sioux Falls, SD |
Poirier | John R. | 1971 | P | Manchester, NH |
Poitras | Steven W. | 1993 | P | Boston, MA |
Polcha | Michael G. | 1933 | P | Scranton, PA |
Policetti | Sleeva Raju | 1987 | P | Chicago, IL |
Polizzi | Daniel | 1969 | P | San Diego, CA |
Pollard | Leo E. | 1947 | P | Boston, MA |
Pommier | James W. | 1954 | P | Bismarck, ND |
Ponciroli | Robert | 1969 | P | Oakland, CA |
Pool | Gary W. | 1982 | P | Jefferson City, MO |
Poole | James E. | 1953 | P | Fairbanks, AK |
Poole | William G. | 1963 | P | Lexington, KY |
Poon | Stanislaus | 1962 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Porte | Cheryl | N | Lafayette, LA | |
Porter | James R | 1960 | P | Fall River, MA |
Porter | Thomas A. | 1965 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Poser | Gregory H. | 1975 | P | St. Cloud, MN |
Posey | Thaddeus | 1971 | P | St. Louis, MO |
Post | Robert | 1982 | P | New York, NY |
Poster | Richard J. | 1992 | P | Davenport, IA |
Potocki | Charles | 1970 | P | St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN |
Poulson | David | 1979 | P | Erie, PA |
Pousson | Donald Raymond | 1966 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Povish | Robert | 1990 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Powderly | James J. | 1958 | P | Washington, DC |
Powell | John J. | 1956 | P | Chicago, IL |
Powell | Thomas M. | 1973 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Power | Edmund P. | < 1962 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Power | James F. | 1962 | P | Boston, MA |
Power | Walter D. | 1952 | P | Wilmington, DE |
Powers | Mary Ann | N | Louisville, KY | |
Powers | Richard M. | 1959 | P | Owensboro, KY |
Powers | Richard T. | 1963 | P | Philadelphia, PA |
Prado | Alfredo | 1957 | P | San Antonio, TX |
Pratt | Edward C. | 1972 | P | Albany, NY |
Pratt | James F.X. | 1986 | P | Bridgeport, CT |
Praveen | John | 2009 | P | Rapid City, SD |
Prefontaine | Louis | < 1952 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Premoshis | Gregory F. | 1968 | P | Greensburg, PA |
Presenti | Richard P. | 1968 | P | San Francisco, CA |
Presley | William F. | 1956 | P | Erie, PA |
Price | Dolores | N | Portland, OR | |
Priest G | Priest G | P | Rockville Centre, NY | |
Priest K | Priest K | P | Rockville Centre, NY | |
Priest L | Priest L | P | Rockville Centre, NY | |
Priest N | Priest N | P | Rockville Centre, NY | |
Priest Q | Priest Q | P | Rockville Centre, NY | |
Priest R | Priest R | P | Rockville Centre, NY | |
Priest S | Priest S | P | Rockville Centre, NY | |
Priest U | Priest U | P | Rockville Centre, NY | |
Primavera | Bruno | 1973 | P | Norwich, CT |
Primeaux | David | 1976 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Prindeville | James E. | P | Oakland, CA | |
Prinz | Gerald | 1968 | P | Houma-Thibodaux, LA |
Pritchard | Edward B. | 1974 | P | Washington, DC |
Pritchard | Joseph T. | 1948 | P | San Jose, CA |
Pritzl | Peter P. | 1929 | P | Helena, MT |
Prochaski | Adam | 1968 | P | Brooklyn, NY |
Prochnow | Joseph | P | Los Angeles, CA | |
Procopio | Charles | 1956 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Proud | Albert J. | 1968 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Provost | Ronald D. | 1970 | P | Worcester, MA |
Prybis | Raymond A. | 1967 | P | Boston, MA |
Przybylo | Chester J./Czeslaw | 1976 | P | Chicago, IL |
Przybylo | William P. | 1968 | P | Hartford, CT |
Przybylski | Konstanty | 1975 | P | Chicago, IL |
Pucar | August (Augie) | 1963 | P | Beaumont, TX |
Pucci | Francis | 1957 | P | Pittsburgh, PA |
Pucci | Joseph | 1941 | P | Toledo, OH |
Pudei | Casilda | < 1957 | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Puello | George | B | Albany, NY | |
Puertas | Cristobal de Jesus | P | Miami, FL | |
Puhl | Dennis | 1974 | P | Duluth, MN |
Pulicare | Michael J. | 1971 | P | Scranton, PA |
Pullman | Valerie | 1965 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Punnoor | Samuel | 1996 | P | Toledo, OH |
Purcell | Patrick | < 1950 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Purcell | Robert H. | 1974 | P | Albany, NY |
Purcell | Thomas Patrick | P | Tucson, AZ | |
Purnell | Tom | D | Omaha, NE | |
Pusateri | Samuel D. | 1979 | P | Peoria, IL |
Putnam | Gorham Joseph | 1955 | P | New Orleans, LA |
Putti | Anthony | P | Kansas City, KS | |
Puza | Paul G. | 1975 | P | Allentown, PA |
Pypers | Theophilus | P | Spokane, WA | |
Quaid | Edward George | 1911 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Quane | Ralph | 1978 | P | Detroit, MI |
Quatannens | John C. | 1936 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Queenan | William J. | 1960 | P | Honolulu, HI |
Quick | Harry | 1962 | P | Lafayette, LA |
Quick | William | 1934 | P | Seattle, WA |
Quigg | Harold (Harry) F | 1960 | P | Seattle, WA |
Quigley | Dominic | B | New York, NY | |
Quigley | Patrick W. | 1981 | P | New York, NY |
Quillen | Bro. Mark/Fr. Andrew | B | Davenport, IA | |
Quinlan | Celestine | 1957 | P | Los Angeles, CA |
Quinlan | Nicholas | 1932 | P | Savannah, GA |
Quinn | James A. | 1967 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Quinn | James F. | 1958 | P | Syracuse, NY |
Quinn | John | ? | P | Santa Fe, NM |
Quinn | Lawrence J. | 1971 | P | New York, NY |
Quiroz Reyes | Guido Miguel | 1944 | P | Harrisburg, PA |
Rabideau | John Steven | 1990 | P | Detroit, MI |
Racine | Leo | 1979 | P | Seattle, WA |
Radetski | Paul J. | 1982 | P | Green Bay, WI |
Raeihle | Dennis | B | Boston, MA | |
Raimondo | Michael | ? | P | New York, NY |
Rainforth | Thomas G | 1973 | P | Paterson, NJ |
Raleigh | Edmund | P | Portland, OR | |
Raleigh | Michael J. | 1936 | P | Portland, OR |
Ramaekers | Timothy | 1982 | P | Orange, CA |
Ramirez | Aaron | D | Yakima, WA | |
Ramirez | Hilario | P | Yakima, WA | |
Ra |